cover of episode Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025

Social Causes, Ibuprofen & Shawty: Monday, February 24th, 2025

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The Toast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Claudia Oshry
Jackie Oshry

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss their return to their separate studios after a trip to Miami. Jackie shares her need for her own bed and personal comfort items, while Claudia reveals how a pair of sunglasses helped her feel brave and speak her mind.
  • Return to separate studios after Miami trip
  • Jackie's need for her own bed and comfort items
  • Claudia's use of sunglasses to feel brave
  • Sunglasses are from Orium Collective

Shownotes Transcript


Good morning, millennials. Welcome back to The Toast and happy Monday that has, you know, really giving Monday energy because we're separated. Families have been torn apart. We haven't been in this setup since like,

Almost two weeks because we were in Miami, trick, and we did a remote the day before. So we are back with our frames. Nature is healing. Yes, the wind's coating is coating. How's being home? I really miss you. I really miss our Pargy studio. I miss being near the beach, but it's been so nice to be in my own bed. I can't lie. Like,

You could take me to the most magical of places, like a free trip where I have a butler. Like it could be the best trip in the world, but that trip doesn't have my bed. And at some point I'm going to want to go home, you know? Yeah. How was the hotel bed? Sometimes hotel beds are like the best bed you've ever been in. But a lot of times it's like scratchy. Well, when your needs are as specific as a pregnant woman, it's hard to just like flop around in another person's bed. Do you know what I mean? You have your things. Mm hmm.

Like at home, I have a lot of different necessities, especially on the nightstand, on the actual bed. It's kind of an orchestra. Okay. So now you have your necessities. But in an attempt to feel a little bit more, in an attempt to feel a little bit closer to you, I've decided to do something a little dramatic. Okay. Wow. Now, if you're watching on YouTube, you'll see I put on my three blind mice sunglasses. Now, I want to say something. I don't. I'm going to take them off. I'm going to take them off.

But, but I am actually going to, and maybe I'll buy another pair because I love these sunglasses, but I am going to leave them here in the studio on the table next to my microphone. Because while we had so much fun, and of course you can't wear sunglasses forever. It's not, it's not feasible. I do feel like these sunglasses gave me, um,

like a sense of bravery I haven't had in a really long time. Just kind of speaking my truth and saying things that I might not normally say, like Bonnie Blue is a whore, you know? And I feel like it was due to like the shield these gave me, kind of like blocking out the haters. So if there's ever a time I need to say something a little brave, I can put on these glasses and find the courage. Oh, I love that. Like your invisibility cloak. Yeah.

Exactly. So I'm not going to wear them the entire time, but I'm just letting you know. First of all, everybody wants to know where they're from. They're Orium Collective. Yeah, we support influencer-founded brands here and toaster-founded brands. I'm going to leave them here.

And also my face is getting like a little big for them. They're like, they're my sunglasses I wear when I'm skinny. So that'll be in a few months time. So I don't really need these right now. Just there. I can leave them in the studio. Okay, good. Because I was going to say like, I do need to be able to see as much of your face as possible since our presences and our auras are not physically together. So I was going-

to be on the side. I know. Which is the side I never wanted to be on. I'm not going to be wearing them full time. And also people don't realize kind of the challenges that come with wearing sunglasses indoors for like 75 minutes. It kind of gives you a migraine, especially when you're wearing a slick back bun and headphones. Like it's just a lot of pressure on your temples. So I did what I had to do to feel. Your body is a temple. To feel my best. Now that obviously the scars from my facelift have healed, I can, you know, remove the sunglasses and not feel shame.

Great. I'm so happy for you and your sunglasses and the bravery. It's a brave new world. And, you know, we're obviously different because you don't need a pair of sunglasses to say brave things, but I do. So it's just there are two different types of swirlies in this world, you know? It's true. It's like a blankie.

- Correct. - Some people need their blankie. - Now we have like a big show today 'cause it's Monday, which means just like verbal diarrhea, lots to talk about. - Yes, a lot to catch up on since we haven't been together in three days.

But also yesterday was White Lotus episode two, which we both watched. And I'm fully caught up on Love is Blind. I don't know where you're at, but like I'm loving spoiling it for you. So you're just going to have to deal with it. You're fine to spoil it for me. I tried my best to watch stuff. And I got- It's so hard to get through. I maybe cumulatively got through another whole episode, but it just takes forever. The episodes are so long. And I had the busiest weekend. So I like-

All my spare time that I could devote to it, I did. But then last night I had to watch White Lotus and then that was that on that for me. So...

I probably made like very little headway, but I just know like I spent all my time watching it. I just didn't have a lot of time. So White Lotus is Blind recap will be at the end of today's show. So if you're looking for like a full, I'm fully caught up on Love is Blind and I'm gonna do my best to stay on top of it. But I hear you. It is so fucking dreadful. I watched so much, Claudia, and I watched nothing. And five minutes went by. Yeah, it's thick. It's dense. Like it's dreadful. I'm enjoying it, but it's dreadful. And I'm only watching things that like you've already told me about. So I'm so behind. Well,

Well, Jackie, just wait, because like now TikTok has entered the chat. Like there's a TikTok that goes viral in real time about one of the castmates and like they talk about it. Wait, I'm obsessed. I'll get there. So it's a good season. Do you take back what you said? No, no, it's not a good season. And this is what it really boils down to. This isn't spoiling anything. But you're allowed to spoil.

No, I'm saying, but I'll save all the spoilers. So like, it'll be in the timestamp. So I'm not spoiling anything right now, but at the end of the day, this season, they can do what they want. You know, they can try as they may.

But it is inherently bad because this is an extremely uncool, uninteresting group of people. And that's really like you can only do so much with editing or whatever with just a group of really, really regular people. Like there's nothing – honestly, Joey is a character. Like he's special. I've never met anyone like him. Other than that, like they're all – it's like put them in a lineup. I couldn't – they look alike. They act alike. They're just very regular. Yeah. Yeah.

And there's only so far we can go. Okay. Well, we will recap that at the end of the show. Not right now. Yes. No, no, not right now. We would never do that right now. I wanted to talk about something I actually meant to get your opinion on because I, of course, remember you talking about this when you were at my stage of life and I wasn't listening. Okay. But my lease is up. On your car? Yeah, in like two, three months. Oh, my God. You need a Jerry. I fear I must. Do you have a Jerry? No.

No, I fear I must transition to somewhat of like a mom car, you know? Your car is not a mom car. My car's an SUV, which makes me think it's like a mom car. And I like to think I'm the type of mom who's going to drive a Range Rover, but let's be real. I need a mom car. Yeah. Also, the car's too high up. Yes. Especially if you have a Duna. Oh my gosh. You would have to be Tyson Fury to pick that thing up. It was the perfect car for this very cool phase of my life, you know? Yeah.

But I'm becoming different. Now, I'm struggling because, like, this is a car, like, obviously, like, you know, I'm going to transport my family and it has to be safe. It has to be efficient. But I'm still me, you know? I'm still going to pull up to the club in this car, you know? So I can't go full mom car. Mm-hmm.

And I'm looking for suggestions. So people love the Volvo. That was like what I almost got before I was put on to Tesla. I was probably going to get the Volvo mom car. And you're saying it like Volvo. What is it? But it's V-O. So Volvo. Volvo. You're saying Volvo. But you know, the car mom is a toaster. And she will be your Jerry. No, she'll hear this. And she gave me like a really long...

So the car mom is like this influencer who does like really in-depth reviews of every different car, like for different moms, like here's helpful things that'll, but she doesn't cover like the, like I need also the cool factor. Like I'm still me. She reviews like the cyber truck and evaluates it from a mom's perspective. Like she will give you like whatever car you want. I'm trying to think, I guess like a,

guess like a real like the coolest mom cars are like you know the Escalade so I was thinking I also saw a while ago Rach Parcell talking about her mom car which was like Navigator it was like this brand new Lincoln Navigator it looked like like a limo like it was so sick on the inside and that stuck with me too but like are Lincoln safe I don't know yeah you'll have to look into that but also like an Escalade take a bit much for one child

Yeah, but it's also me and Ben. And me, Ben, and child while we're technically... And Ben's golf clubs. Oh, by the way. Yeah, yeah. So that's four human beings. And we really take up a space of like six. So you're right. Maybe an Escalade is exactly what we need. But what happens if, you know, God willing, we have a second child? Like we wouldn't fit in the Escalade. What about...

and then parking like that's gonna be a bitch yeah so in New York City the bigger your car like it can it can double your parking like costs per month so it's a lot of things to consider like some people would do like a Porsche Cayenne okay so I would love to be a Porsche Cayenne kind of mother I can't lie um

It's just like a little expensive, you know? How much is it? Dollars and cents. I don't know. It's a Porsche. It's a Porsche. I know, but I feel like the Porsche Cayenne, like it looks like a BMW X5 or whatever. And it's like, that's just how bad you want to be driving a Porsche. Like it looks like all the other mom cars. You just like couldn't concede. If I were to just like throw caution to the wind and get like a car that's like not a mom car, but it's just like a big ass car. Like I would get that Hummer. The electric one?

Electric or not electric. You know I don't care about the environment. But do they make a – I don't know if they make non-electric Hummer these days. Yeah, because like the OG Hummer was such a gas guzzler. They were forced out of the market. Yeah. So that's – What about a Yukon? You know? I think there's a lot of good options out there. The GMC? I'm closing this chapter of my life, like me and my sexy, cool Range Rover Sport, you know? Yeah, yeah.

Bon Voyage Range Rover. I like that car is so hard to get into. It is so tall. Yeah, especially for girls like us. Oh my gosh. And when we did a mukbang and I was literally nine months pregnant trying to get it. I'm glad that you're actually getting rid of the car like ASAP because you're not gonna be able to get in it for much longer. It's so true. And then also my seat is even higher because I have my coccidinia pillow on it. Of course. Yeah.

So there's just been a myriad of challenges and I'm looking forward to this next chapter. I'm looking forward to that too for you. And it's also very exciting. You have a really good mom car, like Zach's car. Oh my gosh. I don't like it. No.

So when you guys told me you were getting the Kia Tilly, right? I'm like, ew. And let me tell you, nobody drives that car more than me. I think it's the most amazing car. I think it is the most amazing car. And the inside, you would never know it's a Kia. It looks like a Uber X, like it's not X, excuse me, Uber Black.

It's so gorgeous. It drives so amazing. But you know, you got to be driving a Kia. Yeah. And that's something I personally, like that's a boundary I can never cross. I know. You're very much like a car snob. I'm that, I'm really shallow when it comes, and me, have you ever met Ben? You guys are such car snobs, which is so funny because like I'm not a car snob. And I'm not saying I'm not like snobby about other stuff. I'm just like weirdly not a car snob. Yeah, I would say you're snobby about other stuff. And now that I drive like a Tesla, I feel like I'm not even in the conversation. Like I don't even know where Tesla ranks in the car.

It's just like on another planet. It's true. It's true. You're not a part of like the OG convo with like all the different dealerships. But I do think I once saw like a list of like cars, like, I don't know, luxury cars, whatever. I do think Tesla falls under luxury. I would say yes. Yeah. No, I don't. Like I'm snobby and like I want something fabulous. Sorry. I do. I'm a fabulous person. Ben is more car snobby than you. I forgot about that. Oh my God. I could never like recommend. You should hear how.

No, no. When Ben heard you guys were getting a Kia, like he wasn't okay. Well, the Kia's time is almost up. I will be devastated. And can I tell you, because I remember when you did this whole car mom conversation, which one should I get? And you and Zach were like really like all the options, like the best one was a Kia Tele, right? I was floored. I'm like, you guys, you're too cool for a Kia. Yeah.

And I was wrong. I was wrong. It's fabulous. When we got the Kia, I didn't even have my license yet. So I really let Zach take the reins on the decision making and that he didn't like the Kia had been, the Telluride had been having a moment in that moment when we were looking for a car and he got totally swept up in the car of the moment. And like, I, now he would admit like that. And he got a three year lease. Like we can't get rid of this thing. He would admit that like, it wasn't everything that was promised to him.

So we're really looking forward to moving on. But what's so funny is like now that I have my license, like now that I drive a lot, when I drive with Zach now, like now I notice, I used to think he was like the best driver in the world. She's a little critical. But now I'm like noticing stuff. Like he's kind of like on the fence about using his turn signals. I'm like, you've got a signal for everything, my friend. So I agree. I'm with you because I'm like a seasoned driver and I don't give up on signaling. Like even the smallest thing, lane changing and signaling, fine.

It has definitely become optional in certain parts of the country. It's so crazy to me. I will never be one of those drivers. I noticed all the stuff. He's also like always so late to like get into the right lane for the correct lane for his turn. Well, that's like you being like new driver neurotic. No, like we were literally at the light in the right lane, but we were going left and he's like literally driving perpendicular to get into his lane. I'm like, yeah.

What are you doing? Yeah, yeah. No, it's easy to become critical. Yeah. So I'm sure like you ruse the day. I used to not know this. That's a project I'm taking on.

Very, very exciting. I should be getting my new car soon, which is exciting for me. Also, we were like, we had one of those weekends where we lived out of my car. Like we were just out all day, like diaper changes in the trunk, like change of clothes everywhere. Like it was literally our mobile home. Nomadic. So I'm getting another Model Y. I love it. Highly recommend. But I won't even go there with you. I'm sure in a few years you'll be like, I'm thinking about a Tesla. The thing is, I'm sure it's a great car.

The charging, it's not for me, but mostly it's not for Ben. And Ben's the one in charge of like keeping our car guzzling gas or, you know, having battery. And the couple of times like we rented electric cars, we used your Tesla. He hates it. Yeah. Well, you have to like have a charger wherever you live. I've never gone to a- And Ben does a lot of long distance drives. Like he's driving to Massachusetts tomorrow. Yeah. It's not for that. It's not for us. It's not for that. Yeah. Sorry. Okay. Well, keep us posted. Shh.

Should we dive in? Like we do have a lot. It feels short. No, and it feels like transitioning to talking about something that's not us is like not something I'm dying to do. And like the stories are like meh. Like I'm not like itching. Like it just doesn't feel right. I feel like we talked about one thing and that was like cars. That's not enough for Pre-Fast Five Banter. I also know there are people out there who like only listen to the show for the Pre-Fast Five Banter. So that would mean they were leaving us. It's too soon. All right, I'll share a story.

I didn't even tell you this. And if you watch my Instagram story without sound, which I'm sure you did because you never listen to my stories with sound, you missed this. Because you don't have captions on your stories. They are not accessible stories. I am ableist. I am ableist. Cool. I am ableist. Because honestly, when I do that caption thing on Instagram, I talk so fast and I don't use English words like Parchee that I have to like edit it so much. Don't edit it. It becomes another job. Don't even edit it. Just give us the captions. We can decipher Parchee.

Okay, so I had a kind of a busy day yesterday. Ben, in the middle of February, thought it would be good to golf.

And I allowed it. You know, I've become very strict about when Ben can leave the house. But I figured like if I gave this one, I would I would get some leeway to say no. I hadn't said yes in a while. So I had to busy myself. I got a manicure. I went to the kosher grocer and I ended up walking. Yeah, that's right. Like 10 blocks. And that's not something I've done. And I'm walking. I know. And I didn't have my headphones or anything. So I'm just enjoying the parchiness of the city.

And I do what normal people do. I'm like eavesdropping. There's three girls behind me. They're so swirly. You know, they're just like girls. They're wearing hokas, leggings, like big socks. Like they were just I knew they listened to the toast. And I'm walking in front of them and I'm listening to their conversation. They're gossiping about a wedding. And then they're like, by the way, I did not like the toast. And I was like, what the fuck? They don't know I'm right in front of them. And the other girl goes, no, I agree. It was really burnt. And I was like, oh, oh, I thought you meant the toast that like the groom made at the wedding.

Oh, oh, I thought she meant the podcast. Well, first, of course. But then I'm like, wait, no, they're talking about a wedding. There was a toast. No, no, by the way, it wasn't back to back. So she was talking about a wedding. They were talking about a bunch of things. And then it was like silence. Was it a Moroccan wedding? She was like, I didn't like the toast. Maybe they were coming from a meal or something. Maybe. And the other girl was like, yeah, I was really burnt. And at first, I like, my heart stopped. I'm like, oh my God, am I about to like notice people talking shit about me in real life? That's really crazy. Because, you know, sometimes you hear things that are not meant for your ears. Yeah. Yeah.

And I'm like, oh my God, what are they going to say? Yeah, that chubby one is so annoying. Like, I didn't know what they were going to say. And I actually wanted to cross, I wanted to cross the street. Like,

And then I realized they probably don't listen to the podcast and not everything is about me. And the word toast like does exist in other universes besides my own. So they were just complaining about burnt toast? Yeah, I think they just came from brunch. It was like a Sunday at one. Okay. So maybe they were like recapping the meal. But they still like this show, hopefully. Well, I don't even know if they listened to it, but, and I looked so ugly. But not to make everything about us. Well, it's hard not to when things like that happen. Okay. And something I've noticed, um,

is I definitely like have given up a little bit on like my my forward-facing looks when it comes to just like random things you know like I don't have so much energy these days so I'll get dressed for the toast and that's pretty much it like me and Ben go out to lunch like I can't gotta let the skin breathe 100% it's the biggest organ like me when I leave my house like shit you gotta let the skin breathe wow Trini you look terrible I'm letting my skin breathe skin's breathing

And the last couple of times I've like run into toasters, they're like, oh my God, I didn't recognize you. I recognize Ben. And like, they meant it very harmlessly. They're like, oh, oh my God. I'm like, I saw BSC and I knew it was you guys. I'm like, oh, oh, so you're a fucking bitch. What not to say.

Oh, so you're a fucking bitch. Yeah. Yeah. What not to say. And like a couple of girls said it and I was like, wait, do I look different? Yes, I do. I'm like not trying. And my hair isn't done. Like I'm really, I'm really phoning it in unless I'm on camera these days. Whereas I used to like have, you know, so much fun. Let's go to lunch and like blow out my hair. No. Recognize you. I saw BSC. Rude. BSC. So done with him.

Yeah, no, I had a Saturday like that, like yucky. Well, my skin was breathing and that was good. Okay. And I was going, I went out Saturday night. I didn't even tell you I went out Saturday night. Do you know that? You went out? You didn't even post anything. I know because like I didn't have my like my files in order, but I might post it like tonight. Saturday night and we in the spot. Where'd you go? Don't believe me. Just watch. I went to a charity event. My friend Erica invited me.

Okay that's not like going out I thought you like went to a club Oh my gosh Or like a bar No no no I went to an event I was out there Did you have a cocktail? No You didn't go out Because I was driving us home I said Zach you could drink I'll drive Oh okay And I'll turn I'll use my signals Did Zach get wasted? I'll use my signals Did Zach get wasted? No he didn't He actually wound up driving us home

Oh, that's really funny. I maybe twice in my lifetime have I seen your husband like truly wasted. Yeah. One time, maybe three times, actually. One time was your wedding where he like got up and wrapped. Amazing. One other time was at stagecoach where he took like a lobster roll to the face.

And the other time was like somebody's birthday party, like early on when we all met. It's only been three times. And it was so much fun all three times. Yeah. It is fun. I would love to see that again. Maybe one day. Let's roofie Zach. We're kind of in the same boat now. You and Zach? Yeah. You know, we got shit to do. I know. Up early with the kids. Like, who needs that? Can't be doing that. So anyways, that's why I went free of Fotch on Saturday because I know I was getting ready Saturday night because I went out.

Yeah so the next time like you're feeling ugly not only can you say you're letting your skin breathe you're also like repairing that heat damage to your hair. Right. I have a hair mask in like you just it's somebody's business. No it's really not. Without further ado I guess. I guess. Well I'm really excited about our lead sponsor. Actually there's something that there's a couple things we need to talk about. So without further ado it is time for the fast dive stories that you that do need to know.

And you do need to know about the new Netflix show that you and I were just talking about that is today's lead sponsor. I'm so excited. So Running Point is Netflix's new comedy series from hitmaker and, you know, personal role model Mindy Kaling starring Queen Kate Hudson. So Running Point is an edgy, bold and hilarious twist on the underdog comedy that features Isla Gordon's rise to the top of one of the most iconic professional basketball franchises and her dysfunctional dysfunctional yet lovable family trying to block her slot, her shot.


So she's ambitious and often overlooked. She will have to prove to her skeptical brothers, the board and the larger sports community that she was the right choice for this job, especially in the unpredictable male dominated world of sports. She may not have been part of the original playbook, but as the skeptics will soon learn, she's calling the shots now, like it or not. It's really fun. Easy to binge. I have to say like you could like certain shows that have my automatic stamp of approval created by Mindy Kaling. We're good.

Oh, starring Kate Hudson, our queen. Like I just know it's going to be good. Like I'm so excited before they were even a sponsor. I was like seeing commercials and trailers for it. And I was really excited. So Kate Hudson, so funny. She's such an underrated comedy actress. She really does it all. A lot of people don't know. She also sings. She and I have that in common. Um,

So I'm really excited. It's called Running Point, obviously from Mindy Kaling, who has, you know, kind of been the genius behind some of my favorite shows. Never have I ever. Mindy Project. It will be streaming on Netflix on February 27th. So Running Point is the show. It's on Netflix. And I cannot wait to see it.

Today's episode is also brought to you by Wild Grain, the first baked from frozen subscription box for artisanal breads, pastries and pastas. So Wild Grain's boxes are fully customizable to your tastes and dietary restrictions in addition to their classic variety box. They recently launched a gluten free box and a plant based box that's 100% vegan.

Best of all, they take the hassle out of baking since all of their items bake from frozen in 25 minutes or less with no mess or clean up. This is a company made for me. I discovered it from Olivia Oshry when she like first started getting into sourdough. She used to like, you know, not make it from scratch and it was so good because she was baking from frozen from wild grain.

Also, I recently entered the baking space. A lot of people don't know that. I made a muffin. Yeah. And it was like one of the hardest things I've ever done. And there were so many dishes and I needed so many ingredients and it was just really hard. So the concept of buying like fresh baked wares that you also bake yourself, it's genius. I love it. It's so smart. And I feel like we were talking about it because it's a great entry for a lot of people into sourdough, like if you want to be a part of that lifestyle, but you don't necessarily

really have the time or the resources because it is a full-time job as Jackie can tell you um wild grain is such a great resource for anybody who's like you know starting to sniff around maybe they're they're sourdough curious if you're ready to bring your favorite carbs right to your doorstep be sure to check out wild grain so you can begin building your own box of artisanal breads pastas and pastries so obviously when it comes to baking I'm like much more of a pastries girl but their pastas are really good too Ben's been making such good meatballs with them yeah pasta yeah

For a limited time, Wild Grain is offering our listeners $30 off their first box plus free croissants in every box when you go to slash toast to start your subscription. So you heard us. That's free croissant in every box and $30 off your first box when you go to slash toast. That's slash toast. You can also use our code toast, T-O-A-S-T at checkout. Wild Grain spelled the normal way, slash toast.

Thank you, Turt Grain. What can I say? Our first story, some legal news. Diddy's lawyer has quit his defense team. He said, under no circumstances can I continue. And that's like never a good sign, but it's also really not a good sign when that lawyer like once represented Osama bin Laden, you know? Yeah. So one of the- And that's not a euphemism. I'm sorry. He represented the late, great Osama. And from what I understand, like-

lawyers don't really turn down high profile cases like this, like eat, win or lose. It's how you play the game. No. And of course, like ethically, it's like a dilemma, but a job is a job. And that's sort of like a thing lawyers just have made peace with, you know? Yeah. But I think that's also like part of being a lawyer. I don't know what kind of oath they take, but it's like, even if everybody has a right sin, I will defend you. Well, think about everyone who's ever been on trial.

Yeah. No, but that's also the crazy thing. I was watching this documentary client privilege. So like the attorney could even know if you did it and they still have to defend you like you didn't. I was just watching this documentary and I didn't finish it because it wasn't very good, but it was about like how in the seventies, this guy was like living in Cleveland as like an, he worked at like a factory or whatever. Turns out he was like this enormous Nazi. And when they brought, what were those trials called in Israel? Uh,

The Nuremberg trials? Nuremberg trials, yes. So a lot of people don't know this, but like many years after the war when Israel became like the Jewish homeland and they, you know, created their own government and stuff, they hosted the Nuremberg trials because there were like all these low-key Nazis who after the war like went on to like live lives and have jobs without going to jail for, you know, killing. So they would like, you know, very famous ones, Adolf Eichmann, right? He did a Nuremberg trial. He had to sit in a glass box because somebody was like totally going to shoot him. So this guy living in Cleveland was,

was like this huge, like famous Nazi. They ended up figuring it out. He gets extradited to Israel. And the crazy thing about that is like, even those Nazis had lawyers. Yeah. That was the point of the story. Excuse me. I got a little off track.

to bring it back to Diddy, they could get lawyers and you can't? Yeah. I'm suspicious. No, so it's not like something that a lawyer's ever going to shy away from a case just because you're guilty as sin. So this is... And the more high profile it is, even if it's like so guilty... That makes your career. Yeah. Those are the types of cases where...

careers are made yeah so anthony rico did not provide a reason for his request in which he wrote under no circumstances can i continue to effectively serve as counsel for sean combs according to an affidavit obtained by people a judge will need to grant rico's motion before he is officially removed from the case combs would still have five other attorneys defending him in his federal sex trafficking case including lead counsel mark agnifilio so it's not his lead counsel but one of six

Now, I feel like we all jumped the gun when we heard this. It's like, oh my God, he knows all the terrible things and he doesn't want to be a part of it anymore. Whereas it's probably something a little bit more –

like administrative than that. Like a lot of times like a lawyer will have to recuse themselves because of like a conflict of interest with another client. Like, I don't know. I feel like it's more something like that than a big scandal. Yeah. As we said, like even Nazis got lawyers. I don't think it's someone who like saw too much and is like, or even I think people are now starting to feel like

Did he couldn't possibly win this? Like, I think a lot of stuff is going to come out. Yeah, but he still would have to pay his lawyers even if he. Yeah, I don't think that stops you. And again, it's like one of six. So I agree with you that it's probably something more inside baseball. Or maybe this man like attended a party or something, you know? Maybe. And they just realized like maybe he's innocent. But one time he went to a party.

And it turned out to be a ditty party with a client. Or maybe he just found God and was like, I don't want to. But I'm sure there are godly lawyers who defend the guilty. Well, I think a really godly person would say even the guiltiest of criminals deserve a defense. A fair trial. Innocent until proven guilty, they might say. Yeah, this isn't giving godliness. No, no. I think that...

Honestly, if I had to guess, it's just something like a little, what's the word I'm looking for? Not administrative, clerical? Yeah, I understand what you're saying. There's a lot of drama around who can represent who. Maybe he's beefing with one of the five. Think about that. Oh, perhaps there's an internal conflict. So his lady. Perhaps it could be a classic case of an intercommunication issue. Yeah, beefing.

Or he doesn't want to defend, you know, a freaky ass. No, no, no, because he already wanted to defend a freaky ass. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think there's drama. Yeah, I think it's more paperwork, you know, pushing papers around a desk sort of thing. I think they went out to team drinks and it was the classic deer toasters. Someone's man flirting with someone's lady. I'll have to check our email to see if we got any submissions. If we got a submission from Anthony Rico. Literally. He probably wrote under a pseudonym.

Fantanifico. Oh my goodness. Are you ready for our next story? Which I really tried to not choose, but then just all the thoughts inside of me were bursting to the top. Okay. I would love to know what you're referring to. Meghan Markle's latest set of Instagram stories.

Okay. I did watch them without sound. And I will say the content is starting to lose its luster for me. Like at first I was like, gimme, gimme, gimme. And now I'm like, okay, you're in a field. Like who hasn't been there? You know? There are so many things here. She posted a set of stories, maybe like six stories each.

Each ranging five to ten seconds. So like very little snippets. And the first story said, small break from work to soak in the weekend. Sunshine emoji. So it's different videos like around her estate of the flowers and then the grass and the dog running in the grass. And it didn't matter that you didn't listen to sound. It was just the sounds of nature. And then there's one selfie of her that's like three seconds. You can see that she's wearing a Northwestern sweatshirt, which like, you know, Princess Diana famously wore.

And like, it's just a three second selfie video. Nothing happens, but Megan is laughing. Classic Megan. So unbelievably classic. Now I have no issue with this except for one tiny thing. Okay. When people say like taking a break from work and it's like a Sunday, right? That's when she posted it or a Saturday. It's giving that TikTok sound. I just finished work and it's 519. Try being an influencer for a day.

Like we get it. You work hard. We all do. Like when people have to like post on social media, like to prove that they're working hard. Yeah, like been in meetings all day. Finally have a minute to chat to you guys. We don't give a fuck, you know? Sure. I find that like in a lot of, and mostly I find this in like other, when I'm watching like other content creators or influencers being like a day in my life. I'm like, well, you definitely chose a busy day and you are being dramatic. Of course. Sometimes I'll have the busiest day and I'm like, I should record a day in the life. Yeah, of course.

Of course. People wouldn't believe what I do. Not every day is like that. And like the truth is, is that like most content creators, like people who don't have really any structure in their drives, like they don't even set an alarm, you know? Yeah. Now I think Megan does set an alarm. Obviously she has kids. I think she naturally wakes up early. She seems like an early riser. All's that to say, the little caption on the video was giving, you know, meetings, meetings, meetings, try being an influencer for a day. But,

But also, this is her work, actually. Like when you say, what does Megan even do? Like if you had to actually nail down what she does, like it's being a lifestyle content influencer now. So you're not even taking a break from the work. It's more work. And this is the work. You're creating and publishing content. Yeah. So it's not really a break. But she's soaking in the weekend. She's wearing the Northwestern shirt. She's making a little chuckle to herself. There's literally nothing. What do you think she was laughing at?

What is anyone ever laughing at when they're running through the backyard filming themselves? Like, nothing. It's... Yeah, yeah. Totally. I need her to stop. Do you know what I mean? No, it's... Like, just stop until the show comes. Because then you can post, like, show clips. There is seriously zero substance here. And, like, every time we say there's no substance and she puts out something with even less substance. And it's just... It's...

It's like comical at this point. I didn't even want to talk about it because not every time she posts an Instagram story does it have to be news. But like this was wild, honestly. And some of the videos she was recording, like I think she did cinematic mode. So it was like out of focus on a flower and then it focused in. Like it's giving Britney Spears.

Yes. So the real story here, yes. Now, every time she posted Instagram story, it's not newsworthy, but I tried. I tried. I know because she's been so silent for so long and now we're like forced to look at this like so critically. I also find it so strange. Like I know when you're at that level, like Meghan Markle's launching a company, you get the best social media managers, the best strategy people, like all this content is pre-scheduled pre-published and the content is so bad and it really makes no sense. Um,

And it's not like I think that a lot also about sometimes with Taylor Swift, like when she joined TikTok, it was seriously some of the weirdest content. Everybody was like making jokes that she was like Cheugy Millennial who didn't know how to use TikTok. And you know that like she has a whole team of people whose job it is to like source the footage and the sounds and everything. And it's like, how did we get with this piece of content with how many people who had to look at this? And that's how I feel a little bit about Megan. It's like.

This instead of Instagram stories cost you $100,000, 1000% based on salaries and agencies and contracts. - Oh, no, what I was gonna say is like, she should spend $100,000 to get this right. Like the way it's filmed, like I really think she filmed it. I don't think anyone that's a professional in this would like have put it out this way. Like she should have someone filming her picking the orange. Like we wanna see her, I don't wanna see your hand. It could be anyone's hand picking the orange.

Like there's so many pretty ways to package this because she lives on a beautiful house. Like I love like mindless lifestyle, gardening, nature content, love. Like you literally don't even have to say anything, even though it would be helpful if you did. So we just like know who you are, but it's fine. You don't even have to. But there are ways to make this like more beautiful. It's a naturally beautiful environment. And like, I don't know how this is such a flop. See, I think that it's a flop.

And she had all these people working on it. Like there's no way she launched a huge social media campaign for like after years, like she's finally kind of coming back. There's no way she didn't hire the best of every agency you possibly could when it comes to marketing, social media management, content creators. I can think about all the agencies in LA who would love to like 1000%, 55 people worked on the set of Instagram stories. Yeah.

That's a crying shame. And I still think it's just her like being like, I know how to do this. I've got this guys. Like, I don't think so. Watch the magic. I don't think so. Well, I look forward to what's next. Still looking forward to the show. It's not looking good. Yeah. Even though what what's today's date? We're about 10 days away. Did I write down the new date in my notebook? Oh, the good thing about being back in the studio is having my notebook. Okay.

Yeah, you have to fill in Queenie and Weenie. Even though, like, I kind of was like fine without it, but it's nice to have. Okay. I do miss. Okay, you went from January 15th and moved to March 4th. I do miss a lot of things about my life in Florida. One, I miss sitting behind a desk. I loved the power that gave me and also the flattering angle. Yeah, but these chairs are comfier.

Yes, these chairs are comfier. I do miss my hotel. My hotel was fab. I know I told everyone, like, I stayed at a hotel for the first time ever since Jackie moved to Florida, and I won't be returning. And now that I've left the premises, I can say I stayed at the Boca Beach Club. It was amazing. You should, like, see if they want to do, like, an Eloise sort of partnership with you. Where I live there? Yeah.

Yeah. And be kind of like a character who lives at the hotel. People could come and see you. I really feel like I got my money's worth. You know, when you go to a hotel and like you use every possible amenity that they have to offer. We got your money's worth. We got your money's worth. Even the day she checked out, we're like, hey, yeah, Claudia,

We're going to get splash pad. Room 1101. We're going to get splash pad. Jackie literally showed up every day with her family. It's so family friendly, but also like I use the spa. Yeah. I mean, Ben ate at all the restaurants. Ben used the golf course. Ben took the shuttle to all the different properties. Like we literally were like-

You know, it's like that episode of Friends where Ross really wants to get his money's worth from the hotel. So he takes things from the hotel that like technically aren't illegal. Like he doesn't steal the salt shaker, but he steals all the salt inside. Like that's yours to take. You know, that was me at the Boca Raton. Like seriously, I was taking everything.

Everything. And also what they're so good about is so kid friendly, but they have like very much like cordoned off adult spaces. Like it doesn't feel like we were at the beach club, which is like a little bit more adult, even though they have like a bunch of kids pools. We had a couple like hours. You and I have just like adult time. Like we went to the spa. We had lunch at the pool. We had lunch at the adult pool. Yeah. Where Jackie was gossiping so loud. Like we definitely got in trouble. Was that where I was gossiping? Yes. And I said, like, could you lower your voice? Sorry, we had lunch at another adult pool too.

At the beach. On the lawn chairs where we like. Yeah, yeah. But you weren't. You weren't gossiping there. I didn't feel like. I don't remember saying anything memorable there. You didn't. Anyways, good times. Good times. Are you ready for our next story? Whenever. Number three. Yeah, for sure. Is sad news. Sad or sag?

Oh, it's sad. But speaking of SAG, like, we've made the executive decision to just skip over the SAG-AFTRA Awards. Like, you guys barely care when we talk about the Grammys and the Oscars. Like, we're certainly not talking about SAG-AFTRA Awards. We didn't watch it. And, like, since when are people watching it? Because they streamed it on Netflix. Like, I saw. And I want to say, I think they actually did a good job of, like, trying to get people to watch it. I saw, like, a bunch of clips. Yeah, I'm sure. But I seriously think. Since when are SAG-AFTRA, like, required viewing? I think.

less than 10% of our audience watched the SAG Awards last night. And so. Great. And I'm not a part of that 10%. Right. So we're not going to like do a whole recap of this thing that like, there's plenty awards. We're just skipping over that one. Agreed. But the sad news is that. Sad duh. Sad duh.

Is that Jesus Guerrero, a celebrity hairstylist of Kylie Jenner, Jennifer Lopez, tons of celebrities, has died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 34. So this weekend... His Instagram name is at Jesus Hair. I feel like people probably recognize him from, like, all the girlies. All the girlies. And then this weekend, news of his death...

came out on Instagram from the family announced the news on in a series of Instagram stories on Sunday and then I'm sure you saw everyone's like favorite celebrities posting about him he was just like apparently this great guy talented hairstylist like an amazing person an amazing friend like people are the community's really torn up about it and they're it's very very sad

And it's so sad. But then like there also was some like a very unverified drama about the conditions around his death. Apparently he had like fallen ill while traveling abroad with a celebrity. Yeah. Who these unfounded rumors said was J-Lo.

Just because like a few days ago he was in Dubai with J-Lo. In Dubai with J-Lo. And he got very sick. With pneumonia. And the rumors were that like J-Lo left him behind. And actually it's been cleared up that like, no, they got him back to LA. They got him like-

proper care, but he ended up getting pneumonia. Yeah. So I don't know what the real conditions around his passing are, but there was some drama trying to be made. Then it was quickly cleared up. I'm not entirely sure. Yeah. But I think...

What is somewhat known as that. Yeah, he fell ill and then passed away of pneumonia abroad. Yeah, abroad. But he was able to make it back. And whoever he was with, like did everything they could to get him back. Yeah, to get proper care. But he still passed, which is just so sad. So, so sad. People are saying, obviously, the nicest things about him. But just he seems like someone who's just, you know, larger than life.

Yeah. And who like really was like people kept around like one because he's obviously talented, mostly because like he's just got great energy. Yeah. So just that's really sad. And he's so young. Yeah. Sad passing. Yeah. Are you ready for our next story, which is some happy news? Yes. It's actually some very happy news. I don't know if you've seen this. You probably have.

Did it just happen? Dolores Catania's son, Frankie Jr. Of course I've seen my best friend Frank's son getting married. Frankie Jr. is engaged to his girlfriend, Nicole Perico. Um...

They posted photos of the engagement. They got engaged on February 22nd at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. So there's a lot to note here. They're so Italian. One, like Frankie Jr. is engaged. Like he did not mess around. How old is he? He's still... He's young. He's young, but he is serious. He's 26, which like nowadays, you know, is young. That's young for a guy. They got engaged at St. Patrick's Cathedral. She is so beautiful. I don't need to know... I didn't even know he had a girlfriend. I don't need to know anything more than these pictures to know that like they...

are a match made in heaven. I agree. I was so shocked to see this one because he is relatively young too. He's Frank Catania, senior son, who's like, you know, an endless playboy. So I just thought like maybe that was going to be Frank Jr's life. Um, I loved to see this. Obviously that should be me, but if it can't, I'm so happy. It's this girl. What's her name? Amber Nicole. Same thing. Um, so thrilled. I feel like Dolores is kind of having an amazing year.

With traders, everybody's loving her. She's crushing it. Now, personally, things seem to be going really well for her. I was thrilled to hear this. And it does remind me about the issue at hand of New Jersey. And did you see last week there was like a rumor that came out? That three people have made the cut. And they were Teresa, Melissa, and Dolores? No, I think it wasn't Teresa. And then I saw that Teresa was getting her own show. Getting her own show. So it was Melissa. It was Dolores.

Who was the third? I don't know. I saw two. It was like unverified. Yeah. And Rachel Fuda had her baby. I saw. Yeah. The claims were that Jennifer Aiden, Margaret Joseph's, Rachel Fuda and Danielle Cabral had been fired and that Melissa and Dolores would be moving forward in the new season while Teresa would be giving a spinoff. For sure. There was a third name, though. I'm with you. Yeah, there was. Right. Their name. OK. This reality. Yeah.

But then a spokesperson for Bravo said no decisions have been made for the casting around Ronge. Even though I feel like that's kind of like a legit rumor. I agree. Like maybe the absolute decision hasn't been made, but like this is like what's transpiring. Although I do think, and I'm obviously biased because I'm friends with her, but that Margaret should be on the list of people who stay. Because like say what you want about her, love her or hate her. Like she is a polarizing housewife who like makes shit happen. Yeah, I totally agree. But she wasn't the third name. She was not. Because I remember it being like, oh damn, no Margaret. Right.

Yeah. Yeah. Who the hell was the third name that I'm glad that you saw it too. I'm so happy for Frank Catania. Yeah, me too. I'm so happy for this girl. Hearts are breaking everywhere. Yeah. He's kind of a dreamboat for a lot of young gals. But I love that he's like, you know, in a committed relationship at 26. Like you wouldn't expect that from him. I don't know why. Right. No, just because kids these days, you know, they don't want to settle down. Kids these days.

Like not him getting married before his dad. They want to have their cake and eat it too. It's true. And he's shirking that. I love it. I love it as well. Mazel Tov. Mazel Tov to the Catania family. Is Dolores, wait. Dolores Catania. She has her married name. Yeah. She's so old school like that. The Catania Perico families.

Well, what's her name going to be? Amber Catania. Nicole Catania. Yeah, right. Couple of strong Cs. That's kind of... Yeah, I was going to say, it's kind of consonant heavy. Nicole Catania. No, it's perfect. She was born for it. Oh, you know, me and Ben are watching Desperate Housewives and we're almost done with it. So we were talking last night like, oh my God, we're going to be so sad when it's over. Ben likes it more than me. Like, it is...

And he had seen it before, but you know, not for a few years. And so we were saying what we were going to do next. And I realized upon discussing with Ben, Ben has never seen Friday Night Lights. And I think that's what we'll tackle next. That's good. And I was like, you don't know Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose. He was like, I mean, like I've heard of it, but I don't know what it's like regarding. That's good.

Yeah, I think he'll really like it. Texas forever. He will love it. He will love it. You will love it. Like literally one time Jackie's kid said that. Like if you guys don't know, we've been saying that a lot recently. We forgot to give context. Like one time we heard Harry say, you will love it. And we never were the same again. So you will love it. Ben will love it, by the way. Harry's right. Yeah.

Are you ready for our fifth and final story that'll lead into all the TV recaps? If it's the fifth and final story that will lead into all the TV recaps, it's brought to you by Sono Bello. Sono Bello. Perfect after talking about, you know, the Italians over in the Real Hot Stores in New Jersey. Sono.

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The final story that will lead into the White Lotus recap is that Sam Nivola, who plays the little weird little brother on White Lotus, the Ratliff family, is revealing the surprising muse for his character in White Lotus. So he revealed to People Magazine that Mike White, the creative White Lotus, modeled the Ratliff family in the show after Bravo's Southern Charm. By the way, this is so amazing.

one because I could totally see it. And I had seen somebody saying in a tweet that the dad of that family gives Thomas Ravenel energy. Like I saw that a couple of, like maybe a week ago. And I was like, oh my God, totally. The accent is exactly the same. So this being true is so crazy to the person who tweeted that. But also I feel like this is not the first time where celebrities and actors have admitted like Bravo's influence. Was it Grace Van Patten who was like, yeah, we all watched Vanderpump Rules or I modeled my character off of like Toxic Stassi era. Like,

They are literally the blueprint for culture. Yeah, no, and they're just such like interesting characters that when you're trying to like character develop on a show, it's like all the work is done for you. Just study. Yeah, and I saw Lucius Malfoy, the dad, also talking about his accent because he...

I think it's British. And he has such a really specific, it's not just a Southern accent. They were told to do like North Carolina or something. So I bet they watched some Southern charm. Yeah, well they did. So the little brother told people earlier this month that he prepared to play Lachlan Ratliff before heading to Thailand to film. He says, Mike White told him to watch one of Bravo's popular reality shows as inspiration for the role. He said, Mike told us to go watch Southern charm.

In fact, Jason Isaacs, who plays our dad, kind of modeled his whole accent and character off of that cast. He went on to joke that his onscreen sister got to skip out on the homework because she already had it down. She's from Alabama. She found out through everyone else that they were all told to watch Southern Charms. She felt left out. So when I think of the dad, yes, I definitely see him as a Thomas.

When I think of the mom, she kind of gives Patricia a little bit. And she is by far the best character. She is totally good. If someone's going to be nominated for an Emmy or whatever next season, it'll be her. She's so funny. The kids, I'm trying to think. Honestly, the older son is like a little Shep, which sounds insulting to Shep. A little bit, but then he's also a little Austin because he's younger. But...

Yeah, definitely for the accents. It's really good. The daughter doesn't remind me of anyone. I'm talking more like characters. I actually think Patrick Schwarzenegger does like a really good job of carrying himself in the role where he like just like walks like with his butt out like a preppy guy. Like, yeah, it's more than just accents. Like it's a whole persona. Yes.

Yeah, that must be like the coolest feeling too. Like you're Craig and you open up People Magazine and you see this. Like the biggest show in the world and they're modeling themselves after you. Yeah. And the episode was like fine. The thing is with White Lotus is in order to really like enjoy it, you have to watch the whole season. So like episode by episode, it's not like a fun show to watch week to week. It's true. Or at least it doesn't get fun until the end because like right now we're world building and character development. Yeah, so it's a little bit. And people like,

act like, oh my God, that was an amazing episode. Like, no, it wasn't. It wasn't. Stop. It wasn't. Like I was bored. Like half the time was like scenery and animals and then they are pouring tea. Like it's very slow. Okay. And it's all about like sideways glances. Like actually. Right. And undertones. The only group that's actually having like, you know, fast paced conversation where things are moving forward are the three women.

Okay, we need to talk about the three women. The three women are... Because let me tell you how fucking real that was. At first, when like the two girls, Leslie Bibb and Bridget Moynihan, were talking about the third, I'm like, that's so real. There's always somebody who's like a third. And in the first episode too, they were also like leaving her out. But then it

turns out that it's just like one of those really toxic friend groups where like you're just talking shit about the other person in the room who's ever right and I'm like that's also so real but that girl who we thought was like the initial and don't ask me anybody's name in the show the one who we thought was like the big time loser but then like also ended up being like a little villainy about Bridget Moynihan like I do think she's the toxic one in the friend group even though it's like a toxic friend group period

The one who's staying in the room outside the house? Yes, yes. Oh, yeah. No, but she's definitely, like, losing her mind. Like, and she's also, like, drinking a lot. Yeah. But there's definitely dynamics between all three of them. But she is, like, on the edge for sure. Yeah, and are the other two going to start talking about Leslie Bibb? Or is Leslie Bibb kind of like the... No, they're definitely going to start talking about her because she was also being weird. Like, there's things to say about her.

her yeah and her chicken and her beans no not only that like the Parker Posey thing why would you remember spending the weekend with somebody 10 years ago no Parker Posey was weird for that and why doesn't why was she either rude or doesn't remember no and also Parker Posey's on drugs so that's why she was weird they didn't say 10 years ago yes they did Parker Posey said 10 years ago to her family yeah is that was it not 10 years ago I don't know she might have just said that to her family to explain why she was being rude but like Leslie Bibb didn't say that

So I saw a theory that you maybe don't understand because you didn't watch the second season. But Portia, you know that actress Haley Joel Richardson? Who's Portia? So last season, she played Jennifer Coolidge's personal assistant. I think she gets fired, whatever. She's that actress, Haley Joel Richardson, the one who's obsessed with the Jonas Brothers. You know her. Obsessed with the Jonas Brothers? You do. Just look her up. You know her. Okay, but you can continue with your...

So a lot of people think she looks a lot like the friend and the three the three friend groups who's staying outside. Is that Ellie? You mean the daughter? Yes. And so they're talking about her daughter, who's that kind of troubled. People think that that I saw a theory on TikTok that like that's Portia, the daughter. I don't think so, because they were talking about that girl like she's five years old and she's like. That's what I thought also. Yeah. Because also this girl's not still in school. Yeah.

Right, right, right. There's also like a theory going around that this. That theory doesn't work for me. I just want everyone to know. Okay. That this Thailand episode is like happening at the same time as season two. Like they're in the same exact time period. What about Greg? Well, Greg leaves. When? Halfway through Italy. And Greg's been living there for a year. Oh, yeah, yeah. I guess all these theories don't make sense. Maybe I should stop getting my information from TikTok. And that's the thing. We're just like kind of desperately seeking meaning here. Right, right.

And we didn't even talk about how Mook, who is so gorgeous I'm obsessed with, is from Blackpink. Do you know that? The girl? The gorgeous girl who works at the hotel. No, I didn't know she's from Blackpink. She's a member of Blackpink. What's her name? Her name is Mook, M-O-O-K, in the show. But which... Lisa. Yeah. She's kind of like the biggest one, no? Yeah. Well, Lisa also has her own solo career. She performed at Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. How's she doing all this? She's also a star. And I love...

That boy. And if she doesn't make that boy her husband, I'm going to kill her. Of course. Well, now she's looking at him differently because he had a brush with death. Now, I did see another theory on TikTok that I actually thought was a good theory. Okay.

So when the robbery happens, the gate to the hotel is open because one of the employees, Valentin, comes in as being chatty. And he's in on it. 100%. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I thought I didn't get that on my own, but. And he's like telling the guard, like, I'll get you tickets. So there's not going to be any tickets. And like the guard was just like excited to be included. There is no 5k. Like.

There is no fight. There's no fight. No, the guard is so sweet. Like I love him so much. There are also some theories that say Lisa from Blackpink is like evil and like a villain here too, but I don't see it. No, I don't see it. So then what's the theory about the guy that was at the gate? Like just that he was in. Valentin that he's in. Oh, I didn't realize like that that was obvious that he was in on it.

That was obvious. Yes. Oh, okay. My bad. My bad. What's the theory about the balding with the girl? Another theory is that Greg's girlfriend, like that cool girl who lives up there, was also in on the robbery because she's like conveniently in the dressing room the whole time. I guess so. But if she knew the robbery was happening, why would she say let's go to the store?

Or if she knew the robbery was happening, why would she leave the dressing room? Like it's safe. Yeah. Yeah. They weren't going to hurt her. I don't know what the theory on the Game of Thrones actress and the balding man is, but they are so my least favorite. They're so boring. Yeah. But what's with the balding guy? Like, what does he want? He's obsessed with the owner's husband. I don't know. I don't know.

Who else is there? Like, I just have questions. No answers. Yeah. And they're leaving a lot of questions. Like, so they're going to have a lot to answer for. And then, of course, like, who's the shooter? Now, we didn't talk a lot about this last week, and I meant to. And then this week, they kind of pulled back on it a little bit. The...

the Radcliffe siblings like wanting to fuck one another there's like a weirdness there Patrick Schwarzenegger jerking off in front of the little brother both the older siblings kind of being obsessed with getting the younger sibling like to be their friend they're like giving like they're trying to insinuate something it's not my favorite it's not my favorite everyone is like oh my god the incest vibes oh my god Mike White what yeah

It's not my favorite. Like I'm just like not paying attention to it. Even like when the two freaks are like. Even when he woke up and the tushy was there. When they're on the hammock. Like how could you ask me about my sex life? Like seriously, I'm not paying attention. This is so uninteresting to me. No, not only that. And like I didn't grow up with any brothers. So I don't know like what's appropriate. But I know that like talking to your sister about like her losing her virginity is fucking weird and disgusting. And I was like, can we stop? Yeah. And I just like, even if they are weird and disgusting and like say the three of them have a threesome. Like I seriously don't care. Like I'm, I'm don't care.

But that hammock in the ocean, like that looked amazing. I need the Boca Beach Club to get one of those. Like, yeah, it looked so party. It did look very peaceful until your little brother comes up and is it being annoying? So funny. Me and Ben were talking about like, cause we just got back from a hotel and we were like, oh, Ben was like, that place looks amazing. I'm like, really? It kind of looks horrible. Yeah.

Like it's not really a hotel. It's like this wellness thing, but it also has like a beach. And Ben was like, actually, yeah, I can imagine like having a really nice day there. And that's about it. Like you can't imagine spending a week there. Yeah. Except the wellness. Like you could just like choose massages. Opt out of. Yeah. But like, it's the first time that it's food.

Right. It's the first time that like the show is focused on a property that's like not just like a, you know, a hotel for rich people. It's like a wellness therapy retreat. Who gives a fuck? Yeah. I think it makes it worse. Not my favorite.

Not my favorite. And then I'm sad for the dad that he's like going to. I have such a pit for him. I know. Like, and I don't even know him, but I just like want things to work out for him. Me too. I'm rooting for him. I am rooting. I don't know why I am, but I'm rooting for him. Like he did his friend a favor and his friend like sold him down the river. Yeah. And I don't know if he's like a good guy or a bad guy, but like, I don't know. I just feel bad that when he goes home, he's going to jail. Like that's sad. No, I know. I, that's not even what I feel bad about. Like,

He seems so stressed and he's like the biggest pit. Like that's the worst feeling. Like I feel sad for him that he's feeling that. And when the lady was like, can I take your phone? And on the one hand, like of course no. I have to find out like if I'm going to jail. But maybe like let's find out in seven days. It wouldn't be so bad. It wouldn't be. Like it's happening regardless. Yeah, but then it's like if he is going to jail when he goes home, like should he just disappear? Right. He has the advantage of being out of the country. Yeah.

Now, Love is Blind. Can we transition for a minute into the Love is Blind recap? Oh, yeah. So there are now nine episodes out. We get six pods episodes, one and a half Honduras episodes. And now we're back in where they live, Minnesota, where they've moved into apartments together. They're starting to meet families. Now, so many crazy weird things happened. Let's go couple by couple. Jackie Taylor and Daniel Short King and Christmas Girl. And Instagram. Instagram.

Yeah. So have you seen the Instagram thing play out? I've seen a clip where she says like I saw. So you haven't seen it. You haven't. OK, no. So I'm literally I'm still at ibuprofen. Like, stop. Oh, my God. So they leave the pods and they're clearly like in a holding space. They're at a hotel. We wouldn't have filmed ever at this hotel. They haven't gone to Honduras yet, but they're just like waiting there. And Taylor's like it like came to me like where I know him from. He followed me on Instagram. Yeah.

And so she tells producers and they like set up this filming situation where she like ambushes him and like in this like conference room in a hotel. And she's like, you felt so familiar to me and I couldn't figure it out. But like you followed me on Instagram. And I remember that I looked at your profile and there was a picture of you sitting in front of a Christmas tree with like a drink in your hand. Like I just remember it. And do you have a picture like that on your Instagram? He was like.

Maybe, I don't know. Like I have a picture of me like sitting in front of a fireplace. Like she was like looking for this one specific photo. Then she's like, there was so much about me in my bio that you could have gleaned that I'm a nurse, that I like Taco Bell and that I love Christmas.

It's like, OK, well, that's a lot of information for your bio, but sure. So she was basically implying that like he took these little nuggets about her and made them his whole personality because they're both like obsessed with Christmas. I'm sorry, but if that's what you fell in love over, then your picker was off to begin with. So she just keeps asking him, like, did you ever follow me on Instagram? Maybe you unfollowed me. And do you have this picture of yourself on your Instagram? And it's like, well, if she just had her fucking phone, we could figure this out. 20 minutes later, a producer's like, Taylor, we're willing to give you back your phone. Do you want it or do you want to just believe Daniel?

That face value. She's like, give me my phone. So she gets her phone and she admits, which is so embarrassing that she has like that unfollow app where you can see who unfollowed you because work. Yeah. Because like he obviously doesn't follow her right now, but he probably did. So we sit there and get his phone back.

No, no, but it's possible that he followed and unfollowed her before going into the pods. Why would he? How would he know she's going on the pods? Jackie, the whole thing made no fucking sense. Just wait. Okay. I'm listening. And by the way, he's acting so guilty. Like she's like, if I open my phone and like see you there on that unfollow app, like he's like, well, he might. That's the craziest part of this story that she has. She's like, well, he's like, well, you might. Like, I don't remember. I don't know what you're talking about. He kept saying, I don't remember. I don't remember. Like so guilty. Right. Like, I guess.

- She just follows a lot of random girls and doesn't want to cop to that. - Jackie, they make us watch in silence and she scrolls through all the people who have unfollowed her over the years. And she actually makes a joke being like, damn, I lost a lot of followers. Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, only for her to not find him there. And that's it. That's the whole scandal. I don't know if it comes back, but now I'm at episode nine and it's been buried. - Wait, what? Are they still together? - Yeah, meeting the parents, it's going really well. It wasn't a thing.

Oh my God. She literally made it up? I don't know. But she seems like a little paranoid. Plus she has the unfollow app and she's a little Instagram crazy. This doesn't bode well. Yeah. It was so cringe because I'm like, oh, she's making a big deal out of it. And then it turns out not to be true. But he was acting so guilty. The whole thing. And he was like, well, if you don't want to go to Honduras, it's fine. He wasn't mad at her at all. It was weird. That is so weird. Yeah. Yeah.

So then they end up like actually being a cute couple. His parents are like so in love with her. They love it so much. Her parents hate this whole thing, but still agree to be on camera. The parents actually both sets of parents get together. It ends up like being fine. I actually think like they have a shot in hell. I do.

Next couple I want to talk about is Virginia and ibuprofen. I actually really like them. I think that they had good chemistry and they have a good time in Honduras. But a lot of their storyline is now about money. She's a little bit older. She does pretty well. She has like a house and she's just been talking about a prenup and he doesn't really object to it. She's just like, listen, like, why not?

There's literally no downside. And then when his parents like hear about it, they're definitely like weirded out by it. Cause I hate when people are like, well, why are you quitting this marriage before it even starts? Like, shut up. Like, I just fucking hate that. Like a prenup is like, especially like for a woman of a certain age, who's like built up a life for herself. Like she getting married in this way. Like it's a gamble. It's a gamble.

Of course it is. So they're like quiet. I don't know if they have like the great love of our lives. Like I don't think so. But I could – like there don't give me any red flags. They're just like boring. Yeah. Sometimes it's like we're just trying to make it till the end. Don't notice us. Yeah. Right, right. And then there's Joey and Monica who like are – you can't not notice. They are beaming with personality. All they do is laugh and giggle. The sock bin, the sock bin. She tells this story that –

Like one of the weird it's so funny every family like has their thing right like and like her family's thing is that like growing up like how you know you go into your room you have a drawer for your undies and socks like her family didn't have individual like drawers for socks they had this one laundry basket like full of socks and when you needed socks he would just like go to the sock bin you know he can't get over it he can't get over how weird this is.

He thinks it's the craziest thing ever. They talk about it all the time when he goes to her house to meet her parents. He requires he says, I need to see the sock. But it's seriously so funny. So they're having a lot of fun and like all is good. But there is something weird that goes on with Monica's family. Monica has a sister. So it's Monica's parents, Monica, Monica's sister and Monica's sister's boyfriend. And they share that like Monica's sister's boyfriend and her met because he actually was talking to Monica.

And then Monica was like, I actually think you would like my sister. So they didn't like date or fuck, but like they were, you know, they met romantically. It was, yeah, it actually made Monica look really good. Yeah. Yeah.

But it becomes very clear that there's like a weird relationship between her and her sister. Like the sister feels threatened or – and like Monica would be getting married now before the sister. And Joey actually says – because the sister had a problem with Joey. Like I don't know. I don't think he's good for you or whatever. It's like there's nothing wrong with him. So they're recapping afterwards and Monica is like, yeah, she just like always has problems with people I bring home. Like don't take it personally. Yeah.

And he's like asking more about that. And he just very boldly was like, do you think your sister's jealous of you? And like, she so is like, it was so, he kind of diagnosed this family perfectly and it was very brave. And Monica was like, oh, I don't know. I never thought about it that way. Like maybe because of the weirdness. Can I ask a crazy question? Yeah. Like, what does she look like? Like Monica's prettier than her too. Okay. So Joey just sort of like said something extremely brave. Yeah.

But also 100% correct because it was such a weird vibe. And Monica's so like really very lovely girl, very positive, laughing. There was like a weird vibe with the sister. And we're like, what's going on? And then Joey said it. I'm like, oh yeah, that's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Especially because her boyfriend used to like Monica. It's weird. Yeah. But then in the trailer, it seems like

Joey stops being so into Monica. Like right now they're in a good place, but she just in the trailer, she's like, I feel like I like him more than me. I feel like the trailers are so misleading. Like remember when they had us thinking that Jimmy slept with Jessica after he was with Chelsea and it turned out it was just about his girlfriend from the past, like his friend girl. They're so misleading. She probably was talking to someone just being like, I feel like I like him more than me. I feel like I like him more than just because I like him so much. Yeah. I'll be fine. Fine. Fine. Let me see. Yeah. Because I actually think that they're a good couple.

And they like actually make me and Ben laugh. Like they're, they're really sweet with one another. And they're one of the few couples that had sex. So I'm going to cut to Dave and Lauren next and we'll get into like our whole thing. That's like the arsehole and the nurse. Yeah, the arsehole and the nurse. So when they're in Honduras, they get together one time with the whole group. Dave and Lauren? Yeah, everyone. No, the whole group gets together once. Have we moved on? Yeah, I'm moving on now. Consider us moved on.

So Dave, when they get together, Dave has told us, I hate that they wake up after the first night and they don't just tell us if they had sex or not. Like, I'm sorry. I know it's like invasive, but you should have to tell us. Like, I'm curious. They don't. And me and Ben are like guessing, you know, you can tell a little bit. Dave, when they all get together, goes up to every single person and is like, you fucking? There's always that guy. I really appreciate it. There's always that guy. I was curious. I would never do it. But he wasn't having sex. So I think he wanted to make sure that that was normal. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So what we find out is that the liberal and the Christian, that's, I can't remember anyone's names. Oh, the girl and the guy. Gay sister and Christian. Gay sister and church every week, but I'm not. With his faith. But I barely believe in God. Social causes and church. They had sex, which I found really shocking. Joey and Monica had sex. Okay. And I think that's it. Dave and Lauren did not. Virginia. Virginia did not.

Those are all the couples, right? No. Oh, shorty. They did not. Because they were working through like that weird Instagram thing. Like even though after that she should have just like, you know, to talk about something else. She should have just started fucking so that he would forget that weird thing she did. Shorty. So at first I'm like liking Dave because I feel like maybe he was misunderstood a little bit in the pods because he was being like. An arse. An arse in the pods. And then he was being really sweet with Lauren about like, you know,

Whenever you're ready to have sex, like take your time. Like he was being very patient. But then they get back to Minneapolis and things immediately go wrong because it turns out that like before the trip, excuse me, before the pods, Lauren was like seeing a guy like very casually, like probably just fucking, you know? And I think they hung out like maybe a week before she left for the pods.

And this guy is actually kind of connected to Dave and his friends. So Dave's friends, they're like mutual friends. It's a small town. I love this. Dave's friends tell Dave being like, yo. And I love that for the teacher. Right. Like you don't think the teacher had it in her. So Dave's friends are like, Lauren is like seeing someone. They're really trying to make it nefarious. Yeah.

And so Lauren's like back is up against the wall. She's like kind of being forced to explain this. Like she just was having sex. And she does. She was like, okay. Yeah. Like we hung out like a couple of times. He actually used to date this like girl that we worked with. Like we got ice cream. Like she was just like forced to share like sort of uncomfortable parts of this thing. Like nobody wants to admit that they were just like fucking some guy.

And he is just like so disturbed by it. He can't get over it. And he doesn't believe her. He believes his friends who are saying like she was in a full blown relationship with this grifter before the trip and wanted to become famous. Like, and she's like literally having to defend herself so hard. And it just like doesn't go away. Cause he's like acting weird for like a whole week. And he's like, it's this thing with the guy. I can't. And the guy lives in the building that they just moved into. It's like, it's this huge building and it's a small town. So it's like,

And they're supposed to get their friends and family together, but it gets canceled because they just keep fighting about it. And it's becoming very clear because there's nothing here. She's not like that. You can tell she's – it's so nothing, but he doesn't stop. He's using it as an excuse. Yeah, and he's like, well, my sister knows about it now. And he's been obsessed with his sister the whole fucking time. Even in the pods. My sister likes that music too. Yeah, and my sister and I kiss. Yeah.

I think you really get along with my sister. Yeah, we also use tongue. Like, there's seriously, like, something weird going on with the sister. And then when the sister hears... The sister's already skeptical about this whole process and about Lauren in general, but the sister hears this rumor about... I already knew the sister was skeptical about the process because Dave told me. And once the sister hears about this big scandal, it's, like, setting them back so much. And it's like, Lauren is really well-meaning, and he is not. And it's actually painful to watch her, like...

defend herself so hard and just be like not believed and he's like I don't he literally will say I don't believe you he's like I believe my friends well yeah you have to trust the person that you're with and even if you have nothing to go on like you have to believe them until they give you a reason not to so if he can't do that of course it's not a relationship so they need to break up immediately in this previews Molly comes and you know he sees Molly yeah he sees Molly a lot of theories that like he looked up Molly on Instagram but I don't

think that Lauren and Molly are so different looking that you would look and be like oh I gotta leave Lauren to get to Molly they're both very pretty girls like they're not one more extraordinary than the other yeah but I think it's just someone who's like just wants his cake and eat it too like is always going to be looking at the next thing so unless like the other girl was like much less attractive he was always gonna be like hey what's going on over there that's like the other people oh what's going on with Ben Platt

Oh, you'll have to wait and see. Can I tell you? No, but you haven't even mentioned. Please let me tell you. You haven't even mentioned him. Can I tell you? And his girl. Can I tell you about Ben Platt? Yeah. So Madison breaks up with Mason because like her number one is Ben Platt. And they like have more dreadful conversations. And then he's like, nah. Not proposing. Yeah. Like they get to an inflection point and he's like, I just don't think like we're good for each other.

And she's like, what? I broke up with Mason. And he actually said like the Mason thing had a lot to do with it. Like she just was so high and mighty and like really weird about it. And she didn't like how he treated, how she treated Mason in that moment. Wait, I don't feel like she did that.

Oh, I thought she did. I thought she was being really weird with Mason being like, you played two girls. You don't even like him. Sorry, I haven't gotten to that part yet. But so far, I actually have respect for her that like. No, when she breaks up with Mason, like I saw a totally different side of her. Oh, OK. Because right now I'm like, usually people drag the two till the end because they're just like playing both odds. And I actually like that she broke up with one and like made a strong choice for a band plan. Yeah, but I've never seen I've never seen it that like you make a strong choice and then you don't end up with that guy. Yeah.

Yeah, because that he's saying, no, that's really crazy. Like, I actually liked the fact that she like early on was like, I'm going with Ben. And I guess I guess she did like and throw the other girl under the bus. But I haven't gotten there yet. So they're not in Honduras. They're not a factor anymore, even though they show up to this party next week. Mason and blonde Meg also show up to the party. Oh, well, no, not together. No, no, no. But they'll see each other. They'll see each other. And I actually got from the trailer that they had like connected. Yeah.

I don't think it was the first time. I think that they like are seeing each other. It's just like a vibe. I love when there's a party. So the last couple on the episode kind of ends with this TikTok drama and it's about church man and social causes. And so she's sitting on the couch and like everything, they're probably in the best spot. Like everything's going really well from them. They're having, they're having great sex. He,

you know brings his whole group of friends to meet her and they're like a really diverse group like it was just what she needed you know like no like for real like one of the girls there was lesbian and i think that was like really a relief for like wow one of your best friends who you talk about religion with is gay like it was really going well and i was like you know what maybe these two have a future she's sitting on the couch and she's like scrolling on her phone she goes oh my god and at first i thought it was like gonna be gossip juicy like not about her

And apparently while this was happening in real time, so like a year ago, everyone in Minneapolis was talking about the fact that the Love is Blind people, it's a small town. So like that the cast is, you know, coupled up living in this apartment building and this TikTok goes viral of a girl crying, being like, I'm so sick of Love is Blind casting these terrible men who do terrible things, like kind of using very strong words. She doesn't exactly say who it is or what he did, but just being like, I'm sick of it. Netflix giving a platform to these people.

So very quickly, the investigators start investigating and it's Church Boy. Ben. Is that his name? Yeah. That's not Ben Platt. Yeah. Okay. And then other people start sharing their stories. Now, he hasn't been accused of any great crime. Like she was definitely...

using a lot of euphemisms like she was just being exaggerating but basically he's like a dick you know he like you know dates a lot of girls says he wants a relationship then never hears from you again after you have sex with you like nothing criminal but you know not good guy that you want to bring home to mother behavior and then a lot of girls are like oh my god I dated him too and we went home together like it was kind of giving remember like West Elm Caleb

Yeah. Yeah. Like just like a viral guy in a city who like dates a lot of girls and like promises them the world and then they have sex and you never hear from them again. And Sarah is in this unique spot because she's like her social cause. Like she's like, well, I'm not going to invalidate this woman's experience. You know, she, but you know, there's no proof. I'm not going to also write off my fiance because of this one video where she doesn't really say what you did. Right. And so he was like,

She was like, have you seen this TikTok? And he's like, yeah, he had already seen it. So he must have had like the biggest pit until she saw it. And she's like, do you know this person? He's like, yeah, kind of like we dated four years ago. And she's asking him questions about the relationship. Like, did you ghost her? Did you have sex with her? And he's like, no, I didn't have sex with her. I can't remember if I ghosted her. She's like, you don't remember. And so she's like grilling him. She's really trying to straddle the line between like not invalidating this other woman's experience.

While also holding space for like, it could be a lie. And this is my fiance and I like him, but I also need to do proper digging. And so she said at the end of the episode, right before they cut was like, I believe you, but like, if I hear anything else, so if there's anything else you want to fess up, like, let me know. Cause if I hear something else, like I'm going to be pissed. Yeah. And I do think in future episodes, cause like the TikTok blows up and other girls are coming out. I think it becomes a much bigger thing. Okay. Yeah.

Yeah. Well, I look forward to hopefully getting there one day, maybe next year at the rate I'm going. But if I were you, seriously, like fast forward through the pods. No, when the new episodes come out, like just join me. No, you know what? Maybe I'll just start watching Honduras now. Like, cause I want to see that. That's fun. No, you need to see Taylor scrolling through the unfollow app. That's Honduras. No, it's before Honduras. Okay. I'll skip to the end of the pods, but I do like to see people's reaction when they see each other. Cause I just know like-

Yeah, you do. You do just know. Like was anybody is there a physical like issue between anyone where it's like someone? No, please. Where sometimes like it's so obvious that somebody finds the other person so ugly that like they can't go on. Sometimes it's like so obvious that someone is more attractive than the other person. And it's like even if they're not acting like it, it's like, well, we all know.

A thousand percent. No, there's nothing like that. That's what everyone's very ordinary. And I saw Nicole Byer talking about this on a podcast and I had said it like she said it in a much funnier way. But she's like, throw some ugly fatties in there. Like, it's really you're like, is love blind and everybody looks the same? Well, we don't know. Yeah. Like, it's really it's only really interesting when it comes like the blind love experiment when there are people of varying degrees of sexiness. Like, I'm sorry. Yeah.

Yeah. Everybody on this cast is equally good looking. Yeah. This isn't a question of like, is love blind? I mean, the show never actually sets out to answer that question because sometimes, yeah, sometimes not like love is not blind. And when you're in a pod, like you're really just talking to yourself. Yeah.

Like it's actually like, yeah, some people have found relationships like coincidentally, but it's not because like love is so blind. Like, cause then you can have the same conversation with someone in person. And just like the way that people speak, it's not even about what they look like, how they move their hands, how they, you know, squat over like, who am I? How they squat over like they're a table. You're blind. You're love. No, I'm love. You are love being blind.

So new episodes come out in four days. You have four days to catch up. Oh my gosh. Well, why? It comes out on Friday? The 28th, I think. Wouldn't I also get the weekend then? It's a freaking weekend. Okay, that's good. Yeah, they do it on Friday and I literally forgot. I have to read a 600 page book for the Redheads. So like, it's not the freaking weekend, okay? And it's only Monday. Okay, well, on that note, thanks. Yeah. Should we wrap up? Yeah, we should so I can start reading.

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Wickedly talented we are. Love you. Goodbye. I have given up on hard hands now that I couldn't even do it with a monitor. Now that you see that you're the problem, right? I couldn't even do it with a monitor in front of you. We have video proof and I'm so glad everybody was able to see it. They said, yes, Jackie is the problem. Something that's just as important as never giving up on your dreams is also giving up on your dreams when you realize they're out of your reach. They're not realistic. Yeah, I love that. So goodbye. On that note. On that note, love ya. We could both go like this.

Love ya, bye. Love ya, bye.