cover of episode Olympics, Olympics, Olympics!: Monday, July 29th, 2024

Olympics, Olympics, Olympics!: Monday, July 29th, 2024

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The Toast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Claudia Oshry
Jackie Oshry
Jackie Oshry: 奥运会开幕式改变了她对夏季计划的看法,让她变得更加慵懒。她还详细描述了她无法控制自己不去挤痘痘的经历,以及这给她带来的焦虑和情绪波动。她认为自己对痘痘的执着反映了她生活中的一种模式,即无法放任任何事情不管。 Claudia Oshry: 她分享了她周末的阅读体验,并讨论了合著小说作者署名的问题以及合著过程中可能遇到的挑战。她认为合著作者署名方式会影响读者的阅读兴趣,并对合著过程中如何处理性感内容进行了探讨。她还推荐了Christina Lauren的新书《The Paradise Problem》。 Claudia Oshry: 她与Jackie Oshry讨论了Ballerini Farm发布的视频以及人们对网红隐私的期望。她们认为网红也有权保持隐私,不应该被要求分享生活的每一个细节。她们认为人们应该对网络内容保持批判性思维,不要盲目跟风。她们还讨论了Ballerini Farm对负面新闻的回应方式,以及这对她来说是正确的商业策略。她们认为网红也应该被视为从事特定职业的人,不应该对其有超出职业范围的期望。 Jackie Oshry: 她对2024年巴黎奥运会开幕式表达了褒贬不一的看法。她认为开幕式的组织混乱,对运动员关注不足,但同时肯定了塞琳·迪翁的表演。她批评了NBC的转播方式,认为其过度商业化,并对一些细节提出了批评。她还分享了她对Simone Biles纪录片的看法,以及对Simone Biles及其家庭背景的了解。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony, praising Celine Dion's performance while criticizing the overall production, particularly the lack of focus on athletes and the rain-soaked boat parade.
  • The opening ceremony took place on the Seine River.
  • The ceremony was criticized for its length, lack of focus on athletes, and technical issues due to rain.
  • Celine Dion's performance was a highlight of the ceremony.
  • The hosts express excitement for the upcoming Olympics in Los Angeles.

Shownotes Transcript


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It is. It's giving twisters. We are storm chasers in the eye of the storm. It's not a storm. It's just raining. I heard some thunder. I did hear thunder, too. No, it's just giving cozy vibes. We're wearing our sweats. We're curled up with Bruno. Bruno's feeling extra cuddly. It's an indoor day. I want to say it's a chilly day, but we just had chili. No, it's definitely an indoor day, which...

It's completely fine by me. I know I said this was like my swirly summer. I'm getting out. I'm getting tan. I'm getting being staying active since the Olympics have come on. Like I your couch potato. My philosophy on summer has completely changed. Yeah. Watching everyone be athletic has turned you into a lazy person. One of these days you guys are going to come into the living room and I just will be a part of the couch. Like I'm just sort of slowly sinking in. Swirly summer officially started on Friday. The Olympics opening ceremony. We talked so much about it on Friday. Turns out it was at one o'clock.

But like I watch like a normal person on primetime. And we're going to talk about the Olympics at Lane today. And I will talk about the issue I am having with the primetime programming. Our first story is Olympics everything including a recap of the opening ceremony. So let's, if we can, I know it's hard because it took up our entire weekend. Let's table that. Okay. So some other things happened to me this weekend besides the Olympics. One is I sort of experienced probably the craziest.

Probably the craziest pimple on the planet. And I know it's so silly, like your weekend revolved around a pimple. It did. And why did it revolve around a pimple? Well, because I have sort of a chemical imbalance, if you will, where I am unable to just leave something alone. And that's, you know, a pimple or, you know, a conversation. Like it just applies to all sort of factors of my life. And on Friday, I just, I think I was sitting in the car and I felt like a little bump on my chin. I'm like, oh, what is this?

bump on my chin. Cut to, I have the biggest bruise on my chin. I covered it up. I did a good job, right? Yeah, because what you eventually wound up doing was like a wound, but it was no longer three-dimensional. It was just like dark and painful, but nothing can't conceal or can't fix. Flat Stanley, like very flat. Also to say, this pimple never got a chance to come to a head because I so went after it with every tool in my kit. So much so I just left like a big wounded bruise, but I never even got the satisfying feeling

You know? One of my best qualities as a person is that I do not touch my pimples. Like they come and they go on their own. You leave well enough alone. I leave well enough alone. I have no itch to mess with them. No. I don't know what it is, but it's so great. Like,

It's amazing. It's as it should be. No, no. I am sick. Like, I really have some sort of disease. So much so that, like, it was bothering me all weekend. I felt, like, kind of tense. Like, because I hadn't had this explosion of pus, if you will. That I actually said to Ben, listen, come over here. I need to get that pimple on your forehead. Just to feel something. That is so great. That gives me the willies. Does anybody feel like this? Like, I feel...

Like I feel emotional about this pimple, not in the sense that I'm sad, in the sense that like it predicates my moods. If I felt on edge at all, it was because like I seriously was waiting for this explosion that ever came. That's really crazy. No, no. And now I've been doing a good job of hiding it on social media. Like you would die if you saw what the underbelly of my chin looks like. Show me. I covered it up really good today. It doesn't look like a former pimple. Like it looks like you harmed yourself. It looks like I fell on my chin. Yeah. I didn't.

I fell on my head, obviously, as a child. Will there be a lesson learned? No. I will never learn. And you would think, okay, we have a big week coming up. This is the type of week where sometimes like...

You know, you have big things coming up in your life and you know not to squeeze the pimple. Just let it go away on its own. I was so sick. I wasn't even able to not squeeze the pimple knowing full well we have two shows at the Beacon Theater this week. And if you just waited, like eventually the pimple will be so ready for you, you won't even have to ask. No, and it would have been a really good one if I had waited. Like I would have just been able to pop it and then it would have been gone in like three hours. Great. No.

But I don't even have regrets. Like, yeah, I wish I didn't. We all know there's no world in which I wasn't going to touch a pimple, you know? I think that we can make the world that like we can make the changes that we want to see in the world. And I think that you could get there. I think perhaps, yeah, if I took some sort of medication, I could become a person who doesn't pop her pimples. It's literally impossible, especially like when you're in the car. There's something about popping a pimple in one of those flip down mirrors from the front seat that hits different. If you know, you know.

I don't know and I'm a little nauseated at all the pimple popping talk okay fine I'll drop it but just know like that's kind of what was going on in my weekend like I was literally getting up from the couch using that mirror in the living room to like squeeze more going back to sit down on the couch and watch the Olympics go to the couch to squeeze more it was just kind of this endless cycle of of nothing actually because I got nothing out of this pimple I'm sorry I'm

But you played yourself like there's no one to blame. No, I know. I mean, I guess in a sort of disturbed way, like I could find a way to blame Ben, but that would be wrong. That would be wrong today. Totally. Totally.

Well, I'm sorry for that. I had a big reading weekend. We're recording the Redheads today and we read A Snitch's Choice, which I'm so glad for because it was so the vibe. It's so swirly summer. We read The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren. It's their new book. And no, they're not they, thems. They are two women. To me, it's too...

She, he, hers? She, hers. Two girls. They combine their names. One of them is Christina, one of them is Lauren. And they go by this author duo named Christina Lauren. And people years into their reading journey find out that it's actually two girls writing together. I'm sorry. When I'm referring to them, it's going to be she. Like,

Your name is Christina Lauren. You're a girl. Like, you're one person. Bye. Yeah, and I think that's how they wanted it to be. They wouldn't have given themselves, like, a first name, last name. They would have put both their names on the cover. This is, like, their pen name. So we'll have to talk about that on The Redheads, how we're going to talk about the authors. And do you feel this call? Like, something about putting both names on the cover, it's like, oh, I'm not reading that. Do you know what I mean? Oh, well, now... I think it's bad for business. This new thing happens where, like, popular authors...

will collab with each other. Yeah. Like existing popular authors. Yeah, so it could be like Beatrice Williams who's like historical fiction and Kristen Hanna or it was like James Patterson and Dolly Parton. Okay. I just want to say like I did read both of those books that I'm talking about but maybe I'm only talking about them because I read them. It doesn't make me want to read a book more and also I feel kind of like

It must be weird to write with a friend, especially if the book was really sexy. Like, does one person take the sexy part? I was going to say, there's definitely one person in the duo who's like the sexy person. The other is like the more of like the narration girl, like each of their strengths. Honestly, that would make sense and make it okay. I also think when you write so much sexy text, you become desensitized. It's literally not weird. It's just like your work, you know? I guess. I guess so. Should we collab on a sexy novella?

And you would do the sexy and then I would do the... No, you would do the sexy for sure. But... That's so you. That's literally so you. No, Jax would have to do the sexy. And then I would do like the... Comment below. Would you rather read a sexy book written by me or Jax? Oh, that's a different question. I would definitely rather read a book... Those are two separate books. Oh, that's true. Would you rather read a book, a collab book where Jackie writes the sex parts or I write the sex parts? Sound off in the comments. And then you have to...

the other person writes like the actual fucking story. Right. Making the plot move along. Right, right. Oh, speaking of plot, we were talking about this. Also, this was the first Christina Lauren book I've ever read, which is crazy. What? Because we're always talking about her then. You never read Love and Other Words? No, I didn't read On Honeymooners. Don't. All of these books like I've had on my TBR, but I've never actually read. And as a first one, I feel like usually like the new book of a hot author that comes out is not that great. But I really liked it and I would totally read more.

You should read Love and Other Words. I will maybe. I just made Shannon read it. She loved it. That's the sort of books I need to be reading right now because I'm not really going to read anything more than that. Yeah. But I want to be reading. It's a fun thing to do. It's certainly very swirly summer. Girls got to read, you know?

Or not. I've only read Redheads books this year. That's okay. Yeah. No, but I'm glad for the Redheads that I read a book this weekend. I'm excited to talk about it with the Swirleys. And if you're looking to read something, The Paradise Problem, you should read it. It's a very you book. A lot of people told me to read it along with the Redheads. And when I finish this book that I'm currently reading, I will.

We were talking about this offline briefly, and I don't know if you made it a story. She didn't like formally respond, but Ballerini Farm like has released a piece of content. The first since the Times article. It's not a story, but I'm happy to talk about it. Well, she put out this reel was, you know, very aesthetic. Her, the husband and the baby who, you know, according to the author, never leaves her chest.

And it was basically explaining they were doing like a dairy date night. They have this like new dairy at their home. Oh, I watched it without sound. So to me, it was just like a beautiful moving image of them in the field. Well, she also did a voiceover. Yeah, I didn't listen to it. No offense. The overall message was like, I'm dairying and I'm dating, you know, me and my husband. It was very much like standing by her farm and standing by her man. Yes. Stand by your man.

And I think it was, I think the essence of it was like, this is the life I'm choosing to lead. TTYL. I saw in my algorithm that,

A thread like they were trying to get me to go to thread. So what I want, I don't know how to call it up. I don't know how to call what I saw, but I saw like, I guess a thread, but I'm not on thread. So sometimes you scroll through Instagram and your feed will be like, this is a thread you might like and you feel compelled to read it. You tap it and it takes you to the app store. So concisely, I saw a take someone's take about ballerini farm. And I didn't read the whole thing because I would have had to click out. But I think what the person was saying was like, this piece on ballerini was really important.

because like it's important to see that like the content creators that we follow that they're only showing us what we want to see and like that we should see like the rest of them and get the full picture of these people that we're following.

And I just, I disagree so vehemently with that. Like if you're an internet user and you don't know yet, like this is the highlight reel, like these are the best moments, get off the internet. Like how did you, what do you think is going on here? Also, you don't even have to be so savvy to know that. Like you post two minutes of content a day, your day is 24 hours. Other things happened that day. Correct. Simple math. No. And the underlying like theme of that is,

thread is that someone who chooses to do content creation for a living is not entitled to any sort of privacy and is like you know it's incumbent on them to share every part of their life I don't agree with that either no and like if I follow a content creator because I like her life or her family life or whatever that I also I must know like the dirty details of her marriage or the things that they fight about every couple has like their core issues so I need to I don't need to know that no I I don't agree that's a bad take like

horrible take. Yeah. Especially someone like ballerina, like people follow her. It's very aesthetic. It's very aspirational. I don't think there are a lot of people who follow her because she's relatable. Like her husband's an heir.

Yeah. But also I think that maybe they follow her because there are parts of her life that they're inspired by, which I do think she's very inspiring. But I don't think that we're entitled to now know everything about her just because we like certain things. I don't think that way about anyone. And I think that's a really bad way of thinking, a very entitled way of thinking. I feel entitled to people when like they're just giving

giving you something, you can take it or you can leave it. - Not only that, people don't look enough at like influencing and content creation as a job. And so the expectations you put on someone whose job is content creating, you would never put that expectation on someone who works in an office, you know? Like it's their job. - And you wanna be good at your job. - That's how I always feel like when something happens in the world and people are like, I can't believe an influencer's posting at a time like this. It's like, well, you went to work. No, like it really, I think it's really important. I think it actually will help a lot of people. If you start looking at influencers,

Because people make these grand statements about influencers and they're often projecting onto influencers what's going on in their own life. And I think if you start looking at influencers and people just on the internet, more so as people just doing their jobs and less as like these things that should like mean so much to you. It's not healthy to see yourself so heavily in somebody on the internet. Like Jackie said, it's two minutes of the day out of 24. Like, of course, it's going to be different than yours. And of course, it's not real. And of course, it's not the whole picture. How could it possibly?

But then at the end of the day, it just comes back to what I was saying on Friday. It's all about media literacy. It is about that. And I think we have a big media literacy issue in this country. But I also think that the media has a really hard time understanding that the people of this country are literate. Right. You know what I mean? That we can watch Ballerina Farm and we're not like, I want to be like ballerina. I will do as she does. And like that every, like we know what we're seeing. Thank you very much. Yeah. Thanks, Teach.

That's why like. We got it. Like, you know, thinking like seeing things and not just like seeing someone else's take and being like, yeah, that's my take. No, why don't you like think critically? Or sometimes it's hard to have like your own hot take. Sometimes I like to listen to a lot of different takes, maybe 10. Before you come up with your own. I know. And then maybe there's one that like really resonates with you. But like, don't just hear one and regurgitate it.

Unless it's ours. Unless it's ours. Because we've done the hard work. That's the point. So Ballerini, in her own way, has responded. I think that's probably the end of the saga. I don't think she's really ever going to formally speak on it. Right. And I do think she should be posting now more than ever because she's so visible. Like, this is good for business. It's a business. Right. And I think the people who didn't like her are happy to see her coming down. I think the people who like and support her, like... Are going to lift her up. Are going to lift her up and, like, feel like she was wronged and...

I don't think anyone's mind was really changed. No, me neither. I agree. Per usual. So that was just like a mini story before the stories. Yeah, the stories today. Well, Olympics is literally going to be...

three hour long recap because of opening ceremony and then also the Olympics and the sporting. So much has happened since the ceremony. Right. But also like just the France, like everything, the infrastructure. We need to talk about everything that they're doing. And then like stories coming out of the Olympics. Like, I don't know if you saw, they say that Lady Gaga is engaged. Yes. That is a subsequent story. So we'll talk about that. As part of the four ancillary stories that are like celebrity nothingness. However, there's one story in the four that,

that like I'm desperate to get to. You're going to love it. Well, the last thing I wanted to say before we officially talk about nothing but the Olympics is that I saw Chris Humphries this weekend. I totally forgot to tell you that. You are always seeing Chris Humphries. It's not like a me thing. Chris Humphries is like always out and about at thirsty events. You don't think it's the universe trying to tell you that you and him should be friends? I think it's that we're both like extremely thirsty.

Yeah. He was at Surf Lodge this weekend. You have like common goals, common interests. Yeah. It's so true. Actually, I actually have a lot in common with Chris Humphries. You do? A love of Kim. I completely agree. And I saw him. He looked very handsome. Okay. He was looking good. That's really all. Okay. Yeah. So you guys are annual checking on Chris Humphries. He's doing okay. Check. Check.

Kind of how like I have to talk about Tariq El Moussa at least once a week. I have to see Chris Humphries at least once a year in order for like the world to keep going on as it should. Yeah. No, there are a lot of things we have on our checklist. Correct. But it is Monday. So if you just want to check off like Tariq's hike, go ahead. You know, one of my favorite things to talk about is Tariq El Moussa. And actually so many people tagged me in this TikTok he made. He was dancing the apple. Him and Heather. I couldn't stop watching it. It was a compelling piece of content. I'll give him that. And it just reminded me of that one time he took a gun on a hike. There. Check. Check.

Check. Was he always this jacked? No, he definitely looks like he's righted up for sure. It was, I couldn't stop watching them dancing. Like, it's so funny. I remember, and this doesn't happen with everyone, but certain people in my mind are like frozen in time. Like I only see them. And I see him like when he, when I, when he first came into my life, like him,

and um christina on that show they were like the so wannabe chip and joe they like had no chemistry with one another the ugliest style on the planet when it came to interior decor and he was very skinny and like lanky to me he will always be that tarik oh that's sad for him because he's like doing the jeff bezos yeah he's got like botox he definitely looks like smooth yeah he's like la tarik yeah lorik la tarik and la turd la tarik and la turd

That's a cute duo. Name a more iconic duo. You literally can't. No, you can't. Not in this universe. But try. Try. Okay. I think without further ado, we need to get into the Fast Five stories that you need to know. And the Fast Five stories that you need to know are brought to you by Work-life balance doesn't feel realistic when you're working through lunches or staying late to catch up. So free up the time consumed by tedious mailing and shipping tasks with They streamline your postage needs, making your business more efficient and putting more life into your work-life balance.

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Thank you, T-U-R-T. You're welcome, J-A-C-K-L-I-E-N-E. No, that's not how you spell. You know. You know what I meant. Our first story, Olympics 2024, Paris. So much has happened since we last saw you guys kicking off with the opening ceremony, which as Turdi stated, yeah, I don't know why I couldn't just like use my brain for two seconds to remember that like France is ahead of us. So if it was going to be on before us, it wouldn't have been 1 a.m. in the evening. It would have been 1 p.m.

in the afternoon before I get to my thoughts I just want to say how annoyed I am like I know that that's how the world works like France it's a different time but the fact that like their Olympic day starts at 3 a.m our time that by the time most of us are up and able to like turn on the TV we've missed half the day I find it so frustrating and I know that NBC they've

try. Like they're like, okay, they repackage everything for prime. They say, we'll air it live. But when everybody gets home from work at 7 PM, we're going to replay it as if it's live, which I like, except a, you miss it all. I mean, you spoil it all because of social media. Like if Simone were to do something, we would have seen it already on Twitter. It's just annoying. And two, it's,

No shade to NBC, but seriously, you guys are click-baity as fuck. They get everyone to tune in at 7 p.m., and they're like, we're all here to see Simone, obviously. Last night it was Simone. And they're like, Simone Biles, after the break. Then they come to break, and they go to swimming. They really use her to bait us into watching for three hours. We literally need to watch 25 seconds. We just came for Simone.

It's so annoying. There's so many commercials. They have you sat. It's a Sunday night. You want 25 seconds. You're going to wait three hours. There are so many commercials, like seriously, so fucking frustrating over and over again. And some of them are a little weird. Okay. I really, I can't deal with that Gemini AI commercial. And I do want to say, I actually have really been enjoying the fruits of Gemini. So a Google has their own AI. Now it's called Gemini. And actually, if you Google a question, instead of getting a bunch of links,

AI gives you the answer. They put together an answer for you. Thank you. I've actually noticed it. I find it so helpful. No, but it's getting weird because like, of course you made a big commercial and you're going to play it during the Olympics and there's a lot of commercials. So we're going to see it a thousand times, but like we're seeing it too much. And like, I don't expect a new commercial. And I guess for some people, it's the first time they're seeing it, but like,

It's weird to watch the same commercials over and over again. Do you know what commercial I saw only once? And I need to see it again because I need you to see it. Simone Biles for Manjaro. I saw it. You were like, you couldn't get over it. Simone Manjaro? Well, it was Simone and her mom. I think her mom might have diabetes. And I forget that Manjaro is a...

diabetes drug in addition to being a weight loss drug and so I think they were they weren't talking about weight loss in the commercial they were just really talking about like diabetes I was just like what on earth yeah you were but I think if her mom unfortunately if that she does have diabetes then that's a really great partnership of course I know maybe Manjaro's changed her life we love yeah um oh and speaking of because I need to get to this too I watched

first two episodes of Simone Biles documentary on Netflix, which I had been seeing, but I hadn't had time to watch. And before the Olympic opening ceremonies, I was like trying to get myself juice. You were getting in the game. It was amazing. Like an athlete. And at first I was like, I'm not really interested in watching a documentary about like the time where she was struggling. Like she's the goat. I want to see the goatee is the good times. However, I will say, I think it really was helpful, uh,

They kind of like painted with a broad brush. They were like, oh, Simone Biles' mental health, Simone Biles' mental health. But at the end of the day, it was like so much more than that. Yeah. And it's like this chronic condition that gymnasts experience called the twisties, which I don't like the name of it because it sounds like deeply unserious and it actually is really dangerous. And that's why she like had to full blown stop because if she did it with the twisties, she could have broken her neck. Yeah. Yeah.

It was amazing. I'm obsessed with her. And I also didn't know about her family background. She kind of has a crazy story. She was in foster care, and she calls her parents mom and dad, but they're actually her grandparents biologically. And it's actually her dad's daughter,

had four children, Simone being one of them. Her grandpa's daughter. Excuse me, yeah, her grandpa's, yeah. She's her dad's daughter. Her grandpa had a daughter who had four kids, Simone being one of them. She was not able to take care of them. They ended up in foster care and then the grandparents ended up taking Simone and her sister and then two of the other siblings ended up moving to Cleveland with another family member, an aunt. So it,

was like a situation that probably could have turned out way worse had her grandparents not stepped in. And I didn't know that about her. Yeah. Just like fun fact. And there's a lot of discourse in the culture about her marriage. Right. Because of, you know, that thing he said one time. Right. And I just want to say no one was clowning on it more than me. Right. I have moved on. Like the documentary, they have a really nice life. And I actually think like having such a stable force in her life was a key to her getting back on the mat. Like I actually love them. Hmm.

And yeah, he's like a little cringe in some of the things that he says. And it must be hard to like not only have a wife who's like, you know, the goateeist goat, but you're also in the same field. You're also an athlete. Yeah. He's navigating those waters. And you know what? He's going to say some weird things. Okay. And I actually think. And you're going to give him grace. I think he's really good for her. Like I think he helps her a lot. And I think like the stability, they were like building a house, having this like stable, you know, home life.

allows you to be creative and violent in your work. Exactly. So you know what? Personally, everybody jokes like, and still she can't do anything on social media without the comments being like, oh, is that Mrs. Owens? Like they joke like that he didn't know who she was. I do have questions about like him not knowing who she was, but all that to say, I'm moving on.

having a boring, what was it? Ordinary. Ordinary home life. Ordinary life so that you can be creative and violent in your work like Simone Biles. And yeah. And so, so a part of her, you know, rehabilitation was therapy because they say twisties has a lot to do with like what's going on in your life. And there's usually something bigger going on. And I do, I think that especially given her childhood that we were just talking about,

I think having this really stable force at home was a huge catalyst in her recovery. I really do. That's beautiful. So you're not going to catch me making jokes about it anymore. It all comes back to Flo Burt. You're watching me move on. And if Claudia can, like all of you can. If Claudia can, because you know I let go of nothing. So before we got into the opening sermons, I just want to say all that. NBC, do better. Simone, queen. I highly recommend the documentary. I haven't even finished it yet.

Great. Well, thank you for that. Now for the Olympics recap that we've been teasing. So the opening ceremonies did happen at 1 p.m. our time. Now NBC did their thing and they repackaged it at 7. And honestly, I found the Olympic ceremony when I watch it at 7 to be so long and so boring. I cannot. And ours was edited. They like took stuff out. There was probably like time downtime. We I think all in all, it was three or four hours. And that was the edited version of

So not necessary. I think it was four hours because it was like right after seven and I think we finished like right after 11. Very long, but it's always long. There are a lot of countries. There are a lot of teams sending delegations and they deserve their shine. Well, they didn't get any shine. Like that was my biggest critique. 30 seconds waving on a boat. The boats, the whole set. We have to talk about the ceremony, the content that we received. So I...

applaud the country of Paris, excuse me, France, for like trying to do, be different. You know, everybody does it in their arena. Every opening ceremony is like always in this big old arena. And they were like, well, we, what's the greatest thing about Paris? It's Paris. Like it's this historic, beautiful country. They're really using the city. Right. So we're going to do the Seine and Grand Palais and the Eiffel Tower. And we're not going to be like everybody else. And then you start to understand why everybody else does it in an arena. Because it really,

can't be done in the way that it was. And there were moments that I thought were really sick. Like when that amazing singer sang the national anthem on top of the grand ballet, like that was really sick. But other than that, it was not only raining, which isn't their fault, but like, that's why you do it in arena. It's weatherproof. People don't like, it's boring, but it works and it works for a reason. And they have these like huge moments in the middle of like, whatever this monument. And there were just like people lying around and like, it was just not,

There was no focus. Yeah. There was no like attention on what was going on.

And at the end of the day, my biggest critique is that like, why are we all watching the Olympics for the Olympians? I saw three Olympians. Like NBC did a good job. They had that girl on the boat and she was interviewing. She was doing the most that she could. For the Teen USA. Yeah. But like, I don't know. I felt like there was no focus on the actual Olympians. And like, cool, the scent, everyone's in a boat. They were crammed. You couldn't see anyone except for the person who was like holding the flag. And I don't know. It just felt like we're going to leave these athletes whose health is of the utmost importance out in the freezing rain for hours. 85 boats. Yeah. Yeah.

why so we can say we did it on the sen i don't know i just and then you know people you have to compare to like previous ones and then they were just showing clips of like london and beijing and like athens when they did it you saw the the sculptures yes the live art like if we're gonna compare it was a flop it was a flop on every level i think on like multiple levels first the athletes which are the most important part and like the highlight that's the point of the evening and

on boats in the rain. Like they're going to get it, catch a cold. It looked so dreadful. These Olympians are like so excited. I'm sure they still like had a good time, but it genuinely looked miserable to be on. It looked miserable. It was miserable to watch. And I feel like, and I'm annoyed at the Olympics because I feel like people always are like, you guys are such haters. Like when I sit down on a Friday night at seven o'clock after a week of working incredibly hard to put on a piece of content for four hours, trust me,

I don't want to hate it. Yeah, no, I want to be odd and enjoy. And it's like a global moment. And you heard how excited we were on Friday. I know we're not two haters. No, we're not haters when it comes to the Olympics. Like it takes a lot for me to let me tell you, I hated the opening ceremony. I thought it was horrible. I thought everything about it was horrible. I thought it was so unpolished. I thought it was all over the place, all over those can can dancers who couldn't lift a leg in the air. Where's Kelly and Judy? Wait,

The can-can dancers. I thought it was going to be a parody. You know how sometimes, like, I feel like this was in that movie, the ballet movie. Center Stage. Center Stage, where, like, an instructor comes over and, like, fixes the person. Yeah. Because they were being so messy, so I thought it was going to be, like, a little skit like that. No, they were just really terrible dancers.

It was shocking. Like where are the great French dancers? No, the can-can. I'm glad you brought that up. That was a real low. And I love a can-can. And it should have been a high. It was like they're on the banks of the Seine. They're wearing these amazing outfits. They're doing an iconic French dance. And they couldn't even pull it off. It was so messy. The camera work was so messy. There was rain on all the lenses. They were like. Oh my God. They were rain on all. And I understand that it was raining. So like I give you a little bit of grace. But like. Wipe the lens and go to a different cameraman. My ADD. It was like the pimple.

thing like it was pissing me off wipe the fucking lens when there was it wasn't even a that I could stand most of it you were complaining about it more than me but there was giving me a headache like frames that were just so blurry we couldn't even see what we were looking at it was just so messy it was not well orchestrated it was not well done and then the man in the pre-recorded clips like who kept running with the torch and he was like had his face covered I was like if I

If I never for the rest of my life found out who that man was and where he ran, I would have been completely fine. Oh my God, it was pissing me off so much. They were trying to make like such a thing of it. No, it was, it really was unenjoyable and it was so boring. And I can only imagine if I had watched it live, which was probably longer, I would have been seriously pulling my hair out. Yeah. I think for a lot of people also, a lot of the vignettes were incredibly offensive to their religion. There's like a lot of backlash within the Christian community, like the fake religion

Last Supper, like just really all the, and there was a lot of things and a lot of symbolism that was, I found disturbing, not as a Christian woman, like Maria, all the beheaded women singing in the windows. What the,

fuck was that? Yeah, that was like more of a kids watch this. I thought that was so inappropriate. I thought it was really grotesque. And like, what, what is this? No, like, I really felt like, what am I watching? Also, just want to say, like, our critiques, which will go on are not reflective of Celine Dion. I just know that's a two separate things. Not at all. I want to say that Celine Dion was the absolute high. She was incredible in any ceremony like

good or bad. Blown away. I was blown away. But they brought us to such a low right before her. The lighting of the torch, which to me was the culmination of everything that was horrible. So slow. That was horrible about this. Like why have to be like this big helium balloon floating over France? It looks like Chernobyl. It was not beautiful. It was so silly. Like it's just an Olympic torch. Let's just light it. Every French Olympian who's ever walked the earth carrying it together, like they just couldn't stop. They couldn't.

end it. It wasn't even good. It was not good. Lady Gaga's performance, which was, they were, they were two performances that really like bookend and it was Lady Gaga and Celine Dion. I had read that Lady Gaga's was pre-recorded, which is just an interesting to note, not a reflection on her. I'm sure it wasn't her idea. And I was, I was underwhelmed by it. I was underwhelmed by it, but in the context of the rest of the thing, it was one of the highlights. But when I watched it, it, it was okay. I thought it was,

it was good. It was good. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. It was okay. Yeah. But underwhelming. I agree. Celine Dion was so sick. The first of all, imagery of like being inside the Eiffel tower is so iconic. The backstory of what she's been through, like as a layer of emotion too, and this being her first live performance in so long adds a layer of emotion to the whole thing. She was 1000% singing live. She sounded incredible. She looked gorgeous. Yeah.

about it was chilling. It was emotional. It was beautiful. It was stunning. And it was enough to almost make you forget everything else that you just watched for three and a half hours, but not entirely, but as close as one could be. Yeah. It was, it was amazing. It also kept making me think about, you know, the next Olympics is going to be in LA. LA is, I mean, America is like, we're so showy. We are so showy. And LA is the cornerstone of like glitz, glam, Hollywood, all the different

things and think about how many american celebrities were lady gaga was there like oh also another highlight beyonce doing the package for usa but that wasn't that had nothing to do with paris but i'm i was nbc the things that i enjoyed and also that was fun because people didn't see it at one o'clock and then we all got to watch it together at seven o'clock and we didn't know beyonce was gonna be there it was so cute hey girls hey beyonce like beyonce showing up

I wasn't expecting everything. The outfit, the boots, obsessed. She looked amazing. The song. The song, perfect. The Olympians in her content. It was just like such a great send off to Team USA. And like, it was perfect. It was perfect. And I felt like it was a little bit, you know,

what we're going to see in LA. Like that's what we bring. Yeah. That's what we bring. We bring Beyonce. What do you bring? No. Do we filled rivers? In the span of four hours, I saw everything that the French have accomplished in their centuries long history. Everything. Even Louis Vuitton was there and that was fun. That was a highlight.

That was a highlight. That was a cute moment. But like then it's like, okay, where's Hermes and Chanel? And they should have done more of the fashion stuff. No, when you think about what they have and they didn't use like. They have a lot. They showed us everything down to French undies. Like every. Craftsmanship. A crumb on the floor. We saw everything possible that the French can take credit for. We got the gist.

- Great, cool. - Yeah, it's very interesting how on a global scale when it comes to, not like celebrities, but like the big guy who started and ended, I guess they have this big soccer player, that bald guy, he's very handsome. - But he didn't even end it because then he gave it to Tony, he gave it to this person. Like, just end it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, but he sort of, he book-ended it. It started and ended with him. I haven't heard of him. And then there are performers who obviously you wanna prop up like your biggest stars. I hadn't heard of them. - They had a pop star, French pop star that they were excited about. I thought she gave nothing.

Oh, I kind of liked her. I liked her because it was like a song and a dance. And I thought the visuals were actually really cool because she was wearing gold and she was in front of a palace. And like, you know, just if I was looking at it, it looked really nice. But I didn't see a lot of giving of much. It was just, in my opinion, not my favorite. It was a disaster, in my opinion. It was chaos. Like when you were just like at a glance looking at different installations on the riverbanks and no one was even paying attention. And then that...

And then the rain, like it was just everything. And at the end of the day, it didn't give a moment to the athletes, which really pissed me off, especially when they had like five countries crammed on one boat, like give less of a shit. Okay. And I don't care if you have one. It was like so funny and interesting, like which countries got their own boat, which countries could like stand to be together. How, like who had the biggest delegations? It was really interesting. It was, especially when we got to the eyes, you know, Israel, Iran, like the political landscape. And I actually thought that,

guy, I think his name is Mike, the bald-headed guy who literally never sleeps. He's on Peacock 24-7. He did a good job of explaining. They had to move some people around at certain points in the geopolitical landscape of it all. Who was it that couldn't be on the same boat? Well, Iran, IR, and then Israel. And then Iraq. They had to put Iran and Iraq on different boats. So yes, I agree with that. There was that meme when...

Portugal was in between North Korea and Qatar. Was it? Yeah. And QR. Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. And it was like a funny meme. It was so there are so many sort of beefs in the also not. You know what I learned during the Olympic ceremony? Like how few flags I recognize. I literally know like America. I know Britain. I'm not even gonna lie. Like Italy and France, like with the three different colors. It really they're the same layout, but different colors.

They do confuse me. I know Australia. That's like a classic one. No, Japan. They're so unique. You know, Canada. I know Canada. I know China. But beyond that, like I really do get confused. You know Germany probably. There are so many countries also, like Loki I never heard of. I need to do more on like my geography. I'm like flopping in that department. It was just interesting to see like how few flags I recognized. Also, and this is a question for the class. Maybe you know the answer to this. Why are there so many countries whose colors are red, white, and blue?

Great Britain, France, America, Australia. It's a kind of a popular trio. I want to say that maybe like Great Britain and US are similar because like we're an offshoot of Great Britain. Right. So like we took the flag and then we changed it. And I think same for Australia because they were part of the Commonwealth. Okay. But I also think you can make that argument about anything and everything.

Let me ask you another question. There are some colors that I think like just are better for flags. I was going to say, what do you think is the most popular color in flags? Red. Yeah. It's a strong, bold color. It is. It is. I think like primary, like red, blue and yellow, because those are the primary colors. And there's not a lot of purple out there. White too. Also in black. Yeah. Yeah.

man. I mean, flags are fascinating. They are. And I just feel like we saw none like and I don't know, even though if you know, Belize has one person like he deserves his moment just as much. He's scrammed between two other delegations like he got nothing. Perhaps on like Belize cock. They had a big package for him. Belize cock. But I just mean to

just mean in terms of visuals. Like when it's in an arena, everybody, they call it out and everybody goes, no matter how big or small, like you get one moment. Yeah. Also what country is it that has that flag bearer who's like so iconic? Cause he's always has his shirt off. Um, he's like gone viral the last few years. I have no idea. Oh yes, I do. I saw it on Twitter, but I don't know. I can't remember which country he was, but then this year he was like walking during the day, not on a boat. He like didn't get his classic moment. It was flop.

It was flop. It was flop. It was. And you saw also the Sens having drama. They can't swim. Oh, my God. Wait, what sport is supposed to be in there? I know like triathlon or something like. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And what's the tea? There's duty in there. It didn't like pass the test for health of swimming. No, because they were like so busy getting everybody on the Sen for the opening ceremony when they could have just had it in an arena like everybody else. It would have been sick. Yeah.

I, it was just, they could have, I, their precious son, they wanted the athletes on boats and it didn't, it was really sad for them that it rained. That's not their fault. No, I feel like it still could have been done in a better way with all the other things happening, but there was just too much happening and it wasn't well coordinated enough. And I thought that the content was really, really nutty. Yeah. I didn't enjoy. And you know, like they could have delivered a fart on a plate and I would have enjoyed it. Like my bar is so low when it comes to the Olympics. Yeah.

I just, I felt myself getting frustrated too. Cause I'm like, first of all, get to it. Like you're dragging this out. And to like, show us the Olympians, like tell us their stories, something that was just, it was so not about the Olympians. No, but the opening ceremony is not about the Olympians as much as it's about the country and the city that's hosting and the history of the Olympics. So,

Because every country that's broadcasting it is going to show you their Olympians. Like, you know, you don't really want to hear about every Olympian from every country. You don't. That's true. That's true. No, I don't. I don't. But I would have appreciated... But the Olympians should get a better experience. Definitely. And that, like, seriously, how many of them have a cold? Like, Serena Williams was going to vomit. Oh, my God. Justice for Serena Williams. The footage of her on that boat, like, seriously, was giving...

It was so... She looked like she was fleeing. She was seriously, like, about to vomit over the side of this rinky-dink little boat. It was choppy. It was rainy. Like, it was too much. Oh, no. And then, like, some athletes who were on, like, smaller boats were seriously having a hard time with the wind and the rain. Like, choppy. Oh, I'm sure they were all vomiting. The big barge with the 500, almost 600 Americans, like, they were fine. They weren't feeling it. But seriously, I hope they were handing out Dramamine or something because those little boats, those little speed boats for the countries that had, like, 11 delegates, justice for them. It was a wild ride. Yeah.

It was a wild ride. And it never ended. It never ended. I was getting so annoyed. And then finally Celine put us out of our misery. Oh my God. She was incredible. And I'm so glad the response. But I wanted another song. Just one more. Me too. It wasn't enough. I'm so glad the response was as overwhelming as it was because it must have been like a big deal for her to not only do this particular, like if you book this gig at any stage, it's huge. It's huge.

But given everything that she's been through, I'm so glad people are loving it as much as they are because it was so incredible. Oh, and then to just piggyback off something I said on Friday, because I had said that I had heard Taylor Swift, like we're passing the baton at the end of the opening ceremony to America who's hosting next. I think that...

While that obviously didn't happen, I think it could happen at the closing ceremony. That was my misunderstanding. Apparently they hand the baton off to the next country, which would make sense at the closing ceremony. No, that makes a ton of sense. So we're still holding out hope this 50s. And she's still, you know, she was in Germany. She's a hop, skip and a jump away. Yeah.

So since then, I've been consuming all the Olympics content and I'm really enjoying it. They couldn't deter me. So much going on from swimming to, of course, girly gymnastics. This morning I was watching tennis, Nadal versus Djokovic. They already played each other? Yes. So one of them's out? Yeah. Who do you think? Nadal is out. One or the last. Yeah. But he's also like at the end, I think he might even be retired. Like, don't quote me on that. Oh, he was in the ceremony too, right? Yes, yes, yes.

But he's Spanish. Right. That's how you knew like they really needed. They started tapping on other countries. They said, Nadal, get over here. I can sympathize that they didn't have like the biggest names in every category. Not everyone can be America. Especially because their history. They have some of the biggest names in history. So like congrats to you. You can't have it all. Congrats, grads. But nobody was asking for so many people.

We weren't just asking for Celine. We could have had one person carry the torch. The entire time. To the end. They were screaming on the bottom of the barrel, like, we didn't need a barrel of people. No, we needed a barrel of laughs and a barrel of love. And we got neither of those. We just needed, like, one guy you didn't have to go to Spain to. Yeah.

It was a lot. It was a lot. But there are a lot of famous athletes who aren't like Olympians by trade there this year. Coco Gauff, Nadal, Djokovic, a lot in tennis, of course, a lot in USA basketball. And to follow up on a conversation, I've been doing so much research. USA basketball is not staying in the Olympic village. And they haven't for like 30 years. But that's because, you know, you don't have to stay in the Olympic village, but a lot of these teams are like underfunded. So a very strange, fun fact, because a lot of people are like, why is Flavor Flav here?

at the Olympics he sponsors the women's water polo team so he helps them with a lot of their expenses which is disgraceful that that they're so underfunded did you see now that the women's rugby team has collaborated with Jason Kelsey to be their flavor flave I don't know if he's paying them but he's like giving them good vibes I did see Jason Kelsey just sort of doing the most in a beret um love like is he in France yeah he was like sitting in the stands wearing a beret

Like that's the type of partnership you'd love to see from, you know, Americans. That's Americans doing their American thing. But when it comes to Olympic Village, Coco Gauff had responded to a TikTok about it. She said it's up to each like delegation based on really finances. I think it's free to stay in the Olympic Village. USA Tennis, Coco Gauff's team...

gets hotels but she said she's staying in the Olympic Village she's like wants to experience it it's like a whole thing and most of her teammates are at a hotel I think if you've done it once it's like probably more than enough I'm set um I'm all set but for a first timer like Coco she's roughing it with the rest of them that's good to know and good to know that LeBron James is not sleeping in that bed he couldn't no he literally couldn't he would fall apart um so that's that on that I think I might have some more thoughts throughout the episode but

Oh, you know, I watched that girl from Brazil. They say there's an Olympian on the Brazilian gymnastics team who's kind of giving Simone a run for her money. Well, she like shined in Tokyo, correct? Right, right. But it's easy to shine when Simone's not there. But even if she was like first and second, she would have been second and third. Like she was really up there. So the Brazilian team went last night. They've got something. They've got, you know, I think they're going to give Team America a run for their money. I do think Team America is kind of untouchable when it comes to gymnastics, but you never know. You never know. I don't want to jinx it.

Okay, are you ready for our next story? Am I done talking about the Olympics? I guess for now, yeah. Well, the thing is we'll be talking about them for the next 14 days. It's already two days gone. Not every day will be like a huge story like this, but when there's major news. Yeah. Mostly probably will be like recap in the beginning, but there was a lot that happened in the last 72 hours. Correct. At Olympics HQ. Olympics HQ. Yeah.

Our next story is some new couple news that I couldn't have written any better. One of our favorite single swirlies, Victoria Fuller, is now dating Titans quarterback Will Levis after her breakup with Greg Grippo. Help. I don't get it. Victoria Fuller. Who's Will Levis? He's a major quarterback. I don't know him. What team? I feel like your husband's always talking about him. The Titans. Yeah.

I feel like nobody's ever, no offense, talking about the Tennessee Titans. I know, but why do I know the name Will Levis? Like, I feel like when he was drafted, he has a story. Okay, I'm not familiar. But anyways, Victoria's moving on up is the headline. Well, that's so important. Because I think a lot of people were very upset at her last breakup in the sense that they had a lot of hope for these two. They were sort of reality TV royalty. And I was surprised when they broke up, I'm not going to lie. You thought I'd be more in tune with my twin. Yeah.

She's literally so insanely gorgeous. Like you can't keep a girl like this down. No. This is just the beginning. I don't know if this is the end all be all for her, but like she is going to end up dating Tom Brady or something like you when you're that beautiful, like it just kind of happens. Yeah. But she also has like pizzazz. I think what the kids call Riz. She does. Because a lot of girls are beautiful. Yep. But like she is Riz.

You gotta, you know, have combo, have banter, as they say on Love Island. Yeah, and she also like has personality and beauty, brains, the whole lot. Style, grace, all of it. Elegance, some would say. So love that for her. I feel like you and your husband are always talking about Will Levis. Can you ask him?

Just be like, do you know Will Levis? Let me look him up first, see if it jogs anything. Oh no, I don't want to install update. Leave me alone. Will. Because also I was kind of upset when she broke, when her and Greg broke up because I thought they were really well matched, even though I don't know him. Okay, I've never seen this person in my life. I think you're, I think you're thinking of someone else. I know who you're thinking of. I know who you're thinking of. I think his name is Will Lutz.

And he is a kicker for the New Orleans Saints. And he like came to one of my shows once because his wife was a toaster. And I was like freaking out. Okay, maybe. But you know what? I'm just going to text the husbands quickly just to like find out if this is like a great player. If this should be like the last stop for her or, you know. I think she can do better. You think so? I'm kidding. I mean, I just don't. I think the Titans are like kind of a loser-y team, not to be so mean. But they're like never making waves. Okay, but it means that she doesn't have to leave Nashville? No.

Oh, I forgot about the Nashville of it all. She lives in Nashville? She lives in Nashville. Oh, it's giving Nashville royalty. Right. That's pretty good. Let's see what the husbands say about him. But I hate to break it to you. I fear you must be thinking of someone else because people don't talk about this man. They are now, but thanks to Victoria. You think so. What do you think his contract is? He's 6'4". Oh, I'm sure we could find it. 25 years old.

He was in the second draft of the 2023 NFL draft. Oh, so he's like kind of new. Yeah, he's young. Well, he's got a four year, nine and a half million dollar contract with the Tennessee Titans, including a four year signing, a $4 million signing bonus and 8.7 guaranteed. So that's something. He's bringing in about two and a half million dollars a year. That's pretty good. That is pretty good. That's something to scoff at, if you will. No. So anyways, I'm happy for her. So am I. I think this is a tough loss for a lot of people who were hoping for her and Greg to get back together. Yeah.

No, I was, I'm not hoping for them to get back together as long as like she's doing great things. And it appears as though she is. Right, which is why I was happy to see the news this morning. Is this a story you said at the beginning of the show you were like so excited to talk about? I was. Okay, is that because you thought there was more to the Will Levis? I just thought like you would be more impressed. I'm extremely impressed. Don't mistake my confusion for like a lack of impression. It's just, I'm sorry to this man. You don't know him yet, but you're ready to get to know him. Correct. I think he's cute.

extremely cute. I think anybody who makes that kind of money is cute.

Okay, well, good luck to the new couple. Good luck to them. May you end up like our next couple because rumors are that Lady Gaga is engaged to her normie mans, Michael Polanski. I forgot her and her normans were still together. Right, so the singer confirmed the news by introducing the entrepreneur as her fiance to the French prime minister at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. Lady Gaga is engaged to her longtime boyfriend, entrepreneur and tech investor, Michael Polanski. I thought it was like an audio engineer. Am I making that up or is that a different guy? Yeah.

No, isn't that Hilary Duff's man? No, no. He's like a producer. Matthew Koma. Well, whichever one. Maybe they can come here and help us with our podcast. Please, help us. So in a TikTok posted on Sunday, she can be heard introducing him as her fiance as the trio spectated a swimming event together. This is just a really crazy way for us to find out. It's so bizarre. And I don't think it was a secret necessarily. And I don't know if she had plans to announce in her own way. But...

Seeing as how in this day and age, like celebrities have not one lick of privacy. Like the fact that she can't introduce someone to someone without like her whole spot being blown up is really crazy. I'm happy for her. Although I do feel like Lady Gaga loves being engaged. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. I feel like... That's not like a huge step for her. I don't think... It's a step she takes unabashedly. Yeah. I think she is serious about marriage. Like she's never been married. She's had a lot of serious relationships, but she's never been married. I feel like she treats... Yeah. Getting engaged. Like she just loves jewelry. I...

understand that. No, I love that. And to love love also. It's a culmination. Like getting engaged is really fun. She was engaged to Taylor Kinney. Yeah. She was engaged to that agent, right? She was. So I love that for her. I just, I don't want anyone to get too excited about the pending nuptials of Miss Gaga. I do feel like this is sort of just like kind of her thing, which I love. Oh, so you don't see it necessarily as more...

I think it'll be a really big deal when the day comes that Lady Gaga gets married. I don't know. Her getting engaged to me isn't a sort of security that she's going to get married to this man. Yeah. I didn't think of it that way, but now I am. You know, I'm a critical thinker like that. No, you are. That's what they say about me. You are. And not to, you know, always bring up five foot two. But.

But maybe I'm just so influenced by her documentary and it wasn't meant to be that. Because you're five foot one. Right. It wasn't meant to be that influential. I feel like her story ends with Taylor Kinney. Even though I think he just had a baby with someone. Like I feel as though, and they say this, she says this, it's really right person, wrong time. They couldn't work it out. Like it just, I don't know. I'm holding out. I'm holding a candle for these two. I really am.

And I think I'm the only one. I'm good with this relationship. If this is the one, I'm good with that. How do you feel about like someone of Lady Gaga stature dating a normie? I feel good about it because I really don't think that like two stars, I think it's very rare that two stars, even if they're in like one's a singer, one's an actor, I think it's really hard for them to make it work. That's why it's so impressive when it does. So I do feel like someone like Lady Gaga needs the balance of a regular person. Yeah.

Yeah, I mean, I thought that with Taylor Kinney, even though he is also a star, like they're so different. A, they're in different fields. And B, like he's really just like a working actor and she's... It can be done. We see it all the time, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. But they're on the same level. That's why it's impressive. Lady Gaga is not on the same level as Taylor Kinney. And that's why it was perfect. He's just kind of this like... No, I think... He's on Chicago PD. He's like a soap actor now. Like it's perfect. No, but I think that's when it gets sticky. When like two people are pursuing, let's just say fame. No, but...

it's different. It's different parts of fame. Fame for your art. No. And I also thought the agent was a good match. Yeah. I think there is a lot to be said for marrying somebody in the business, but who's in a completely different part of it and a part that's behind the scenes. Right. So, but then it's like, you have to think about the fact that these two people, they have to, their jobs have to sort of compliment each other, but not clash. And then they also have to like, like each other and get along and be able to, then there's the personality aspect. It's not just like,

So yes, an agent would be a good match, but maybe they just didn't like each other enough. Right. Like personality. Right. Just like relationship things. Yeah. I don't know. I don't see this as the end, but I'm so often so wrong about things. Like I said,

Literally thought Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey had never even met. And lo and behold, they've been dating for a few months. So why anyone would listen to me is beyond my level of expertise. Also, I think what's critical here is he's an entrepreneur and tech investor, which could mean so many different things. It could mean... No, Mark Cuban is an entrepreneur and tech investor. And so is like a homeless person. Like it really, it's a wide array of peeps. So like is he a really successful businessman? Because then he falls into businessman bow. And that's a big check from the Toasty community.

Did you feel that thunder? I did. Thunder. Are you feeling scared? Like you maybe want to cuddle? Come here. I'll keep you safe. I'm scared of you more than the thunder. The turdy storm. Do you want to cuddle?

no actually i joke that wouldn't be a great audio experience not only that like you don't give no offense a good cuddle vibes you just feel like you would be rigid and be like get off of me yeah even if you were giving your all i would know your heart isn't in it and i don't want to cuddle with someone who doesn't want to cuddle with me that's like seriously like creepy yeah well you could always grab brewie he loves a cuddle he does my big boy but now he's cozy on the cords

Are you ready for our next story? No. No. Are you? No, because I need to let you know that today's episode is brought to you by ByHeart. Today's episode of The Toast is brought to you by ByHeart. ByHeart is an infant nutrition company built from the ground up to deliver real innovation on behalf of babies and parents. Their mission is simple. Make the best formula in the world. This is ByHeart.

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Thank you. You're welcome. Our next story, a lot of couple news today. Chris Pratt shares a sweet pic of his pregnant wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger. So they are expecting another baby. Is this news? The news that she's pregnant is what's news. This is their second? This is baby number three.

And four for him. And four for him, yes. Baby number three of them together. Sorry, like, please don't cancel me. No, no, there is, like, so much lore around how many kids. These two are seriously, like, a landmine. Yeah, they are. For, like, they're polarizing. And also, like, for anyone who says anything glowing about them as a couple, you're shading Anna Faris. You're not.

No, you're not. I love Anna Faris. She's like one of the all-time greatest actresses and podcasters. I know it's like so annoying the way we can't talk about these two without talking about Anna Faris and we are going to get to these two. Congrats. By the way, we're like being the toxic ones because...

We're doing it. We're doing it. But also I feel like we've been pushed into this corner. But I would love a documentary on Anna Faris. I feel like there's something there in terms of like how you go from starring in like the biggest movie. There was like a couple of years where a movie wasn't made without Anna Faris. And if it was like it was an automatic hit. And then the podcast really blew up and she was very ahead of her time. She's very quiet now. She lives a very private life. The podcast is sort of on the fritz.

I would love to know what went down. And I do feel like it has to do with the dissolution of her marriage. Like the timing is curious. Perhaps. Or perhaps not. I don't know enough. But yes, of course, like she was here and now she's not. Right. And she was here in such a major way. Yeah.

So it makes you wonder. Don't you worry, Anna Faris. I hope wherever she is that she's doing really well. Yeah. Now back to these two. Happy for them. Mazel Tov. Mazel Tov. Very, very happy. They're so low key. Oh, speaking of girl families, for Catherine's words, of course, Chris Pratt has a son. Yeah.

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds gender of their fourth child was revealed and it's a boy. So they actually have three girls and a boy now. Okay. I didn't know that like they were withholding that information. We did because I said we had the name and then you were like to be of the gender. And I was like, I don't know. I thought they had four girls, but I don't remember. And the name was kind of ambiguous when it came to gender. It turns out it's a boy. Got it. Got it. Okay. And Anna Faris just, did they say what she's pregnant with currently? Katherine Schwarzenegger. Yeah. Yeah.

No, they did not. But I'm getting like girl vibes just because she's wearing pink. But it was like her other daughter's birthday. So you never know. You never know. Well, I feel like these two like don't know peace. Like they're always getting in trouble for something. So happy that they could have this moment like for real. Yeah. I hope that these two like really do stay off of the Internet because once you shut your phone off, like there's peace. Yeah. Because everything, all the hate that comes their way is just on their devices. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It just sort of exists in a vacuum, if you will. So like I hope they just don't go on their phones much like Ballerina Farm. Like she might not know. She knows.

She might not know. Sometimes, oh yeah, like when Chris Pratt bought that house and they were going to demolish it and people were like, wait, like somebody made it, like let's clean it up. Like I think backlash like that is just whatever. With Ballerina Farms, like the way it was like such...

a topic of conversation and culture for like a multitude of days. That's the sort of feedback, if you will, that you kind of can't ignore. I could see her putting her phone in a drawer and then going out to the farm and it doesn't exist on the farm. Like that's the thing. That's what's beautiful. Like I feel like if all of your tension and stress is like coming from your phone and you could just like set it down. And if it doesn't exist outside of your phone, like you're free.

It sounds nice in theory. Oh, thunder. Feel the thunder. But some people have to get back on their phone. So like a ballerina farm, actually, she goes and milks the cows like she's on a working farm. She can go back on her phone whenever she feels like it. Chris Pat and Katherine Schwarzenegger, she's a bit of an influencer, so she kind of has to get on her phone. But she'll be a luxury. But she'll be okay if she doesn't. If she doesn't. Exactly. Exactly. And same for him. Yeah. He'll just, you know, go get another movie. Correct. Correct.

Are you ready for our fifth and final story? More couple news. It's kind of a romantic day. One of your favorite actresses. Just kidding. Oh. I don't know how you feel about this person. I'll tell you. Swarse Ronan. Okay, her name is Saoirse. Swarse Ronan. No, it's Saoirse Ronan. No.

It's Saoirse. Saoirse Ronan marries Jack Loden in a secret ceremony in Scotland. So Saoirse is a married lady now. They said their I do's in Edinburgh. I'll tell you how I feel. Okay. So I have an extremely special place in my heart for Saoirse Ronan because of that movie, The Lovely Bones. Oh my God. I just saw in my algorithm that,

about that movie that Stanley Tucci, he plays the predator in the movie and he was so disturbed by the role that he actually tried to get out of it. Oh, but he couldn't. It's a very, it's based off of a book. It was a very popular book and a very popular movie. And it's just so underrated. Like, cause Saoirse is a star now and I don't think people attribute that movie with like her rise or,

But it definitely put her on the map, at least for me. And that movie really. It's really disturbing. And it like left a mark on me as a kid. Stanley Tucci. And it's just a fun fact that like Stanley Tucci, he's so dynamic, like how you could play like that sassy gay from Devil Wears Prada and then this psychotic serial killer. Like, it's so crazy. Yeah. But that's called range. And that's why Stanley Tucci is the Tucci. I'll say that.

But then Saoirse Ronan, she kind of lost me because when she got so famous, it was for that movie Lady Bird, which I did end up seeing years later. But I didn't see in the moment. There was so much fanfare and it was Timothy and Greta Gerwig. And that's just like a part of culture I don't like simp for. So I was like, I kind of felt distant from her for a little bit. But also she got really big for the movie Brooklyn. Did you watch that movie? Of course not.

- I watched it. - Did you like it? - She was great. I just didn't think it was like a really compelling story. It was like about like a girl who she was from Ireland. She like emigrated here to New York, the classic tale. - Yeah, Ellis Island. - But I just thought it was so crazy. Like at one point in the movie, she like goes back to Ireland, I think like, 'cause someone passes away. And I just, when I think of the people who like emigrated to this country, like they read for their lives

No, no. And they never turned back. There was no going back and visiting. But I think Saoirse is kind of like an icon in the Irish community. One, because she's like arguably one of the most famous Irish people. And like her big role, like you said, was telling the story of this great Irish immigrant. So...

I think that there are pockets of people who like seriously would take a bullet for Saoirse Ronan. I'm not one of them, but I see her. And you don't stand in their way and you're not the one firing the bullet. No, no. And I do feel like my life was changed when I did learn how to properly pronounce her name. Cause for so many years, like I, I felt like we were talking about her and then somebody was like, and it's, I don't even remember where I learned her name. I think,

I think maybe she explained it when she hosted SNL and she was like, just S-U-R. She was like, imagine it's Saoirse. And every time I see her name, I'm like, okay, S-U-R. The way she explained it to me, like actually, I'll never pronounce her name wrong now. She did a really good job. So Saoirse Ronan. Thanks, Saoirse. And you know, she's,

I just feel like she's also Little Women, right? Yeah. She's Greta's girl. And she also keeps passing us by. She's doing these huge things and it just happens to not be the thing that's huge for us. Even though the fact that we haven't read or seen Little Women. Disgraceful. Being a family of girls is so weird. It's disgraceful. But all that to say is the reason I feel like her success was sort of a blind spot in my pool of interests.

is because I'm not like I think some people like seriously like wait to see what Greta Gerwig is going to do and then like it's there are Greta girlies and I think they're a little bit younger than me she's kind of Gen Z I'm not a Greta girlie so I don't like follow Greta and be like oh great and I think Greta is sort of um instrumental in the rise of Saoirse Ronan yeah and that's just for me like sort of like a a blind spot you can't dance at every wedding you can't see every movie and not every thing is going to be your beat

No, but I have so many things. Right now my thing is the Olympics. Like do not try and get me into anything else. Yeah. Oh, did you see? No. Oh, I saw Saoirse. I've seen a lot of Saoirse. I saw Saoirse in Mary Queen of Scots. That's so her. And Margot Robbie was in it. And Jo Alwyn. Oh, yeah.

And like, I didn't love that movie either. But it told like an important story about an important part of history, like Queen Elizabeth I, Mary Queen of Squats and like their beef. I can say proudly I have never seen anything with Joe Alwyn, except actually that's not true. When he was in that Hulu show, I gave it a chance. It was bad, but he had a sex scene and I was like, okay, this is weird.

Because him and Taylor were still dating at the time. And I was like, this is inappropriate. This is someone's husband. That is. You need to talk to that guy from Desperate Housewives. Correct. It felt weird. I was just like, this feels like I shouldn't be watching. And that's when I turned it off. Well, Mazel Tov to Saoirse. Mazel Tov to Saoirse. I feel like Saoirse has a really good work-life balance. She has a nice level of fame. She's definitely really rich. But she can totally go to Target. Nobody cares. Totally. She just blends.

She blends. She's a chameleon. And she was able to get married and have a normal. This is great. I think that's a nice level of fame. Yeah. Manageable. So cute. But she also gets to go to the Oscars. No, and she was at Glastonbury, probably VIP, VIP. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But she could also be in the crowd if she wanted. She goes to the Met Gala. She kind of has it all. Yeah. She's a fashion girly, too. So she's really elite. Yeah, I think she's the face of Louis Vuitton. Not to be a jealous bunch, but who isn't? You know? Yeah.

Sorry. It's like everyone's one of them. They have like a thousand faces. It's like not special anymore. Yeah. That's why I think Zendaya left. Like she was like one of the big faces and it's like everyone. So now she's like Bulgari. I don't know. Something to be said. So all that to say, Louis, I cannot work with you. She's declined. Stop asking. All right. Those are good.

are good stories. Those are the fast five stories. Lots of love in the air. I guess it's the summers. Does that make people more inclined to like get married? No, I feel like summer is like single season. Totally, and it's cuffing in the fall. But it is wedding season. People love to, if you're already in a relationship, you love to get married because you have outdoor weddings, beautiful weather. And I feel like it's a good time to get engaged if you're already in a relationship. Like a

picturesque engagement. Yeah, but I don't think like single people feel like they want to be in a relationship this time of year. If anything, it's like party season, encouraging like singleness. And then the winter rolls around and that loneliness starts to set in. You're like, damn, maybe I should find a nice chubby boyfriend to cuddle with. Totally. Except I feel like for Victoria Fuller, she's played it right because he's about to go into training camp and like he's not looking for a girlfriend. But if she can like be there for him, cook him like meals and

And really be like a steady force like Jonathan Owens. Yeah, not to make everything about Victoria Fuller. By the time the season ends, like they'll be in an eight month relationship. Correct. Where's her ring? Just saying. Yeah.

I would say wears his ring, but we all know he's not going to win the Super Bowl. Not to be mean. Maybe with Victoria by his side. Maybe that's just what the Tennessee Titans needed. That's kind of, it works for a lot of people. It's a tale as old as time. Look at Travis Kelsey doing big things with a strong woman by his side. Don't talk about the big things he did before her. Yeah, okay, okay. That's irrelevant. Yeah, okay. It doesn't work for your argument. Yeah, no, no, no. Like Christian McCaffrey wasn't doing anything before he met Olivia. No, for sure, for sure. For sure. Yeah.

So those are the stories. Hope you enjoyed. We can't wait to see you tomorrow. Thank you. Oh, just a quick announcement is that the presale for our Atlantic City show has begun. So if you're a Patreon member, make sure to head over to Patreon, get that code and get your tickets before everybody else.

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