cover of episode Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

Lex vs. Lix: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

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The Toast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Claudia Oshry
Jackie Oshry
@Jackie Oshry : 我对新歌的反响感到很意外,因为我原本以为大家会不喜欢。新歌发布后,我几乎没看到任何负面评论,这让我很惊喜。我很高兴大家喜欢我们的新歌,并且想讨论一下歌曲中引起争议的歌词修改。我将歌曲中的名字改为“Jackson Claude”是为了让歌曲更具有包容性,适合所有听众。我在演唱主题曲时,会即兴添加一些新的乐句。我希望我们的主题曲能被收录到Spotify,这样我的孩子们也能听到。我询问听众是否想要一个带有脏话的版本。我们会根据听众的需求来决定是否发布歌曲的完整版。听众建议将歌曲“Right where you left me”添加到播放列表中。我感觉身体状况很好,并且为错过了昨天的“Dear Toasters”环节而道歉。我正在努力追赶《Love is Blind》的剧集,以便下周能进行《比佛利山庄的真实主妇》的回顾。我们将讨论Alex Earle的播客节目被Alex Cooper的Unwell Network取消的事件。我试图了解Alex Earle播客节目被取消的内幕,但信息有限。怀孕让我最近记忆力变差了。我昨晚看了一场喜剧表演,并且吃了一个煎锅里的曲奇。我昨晚看喜剧表演时身体不适,而Shannon Ford的状态却很好,这让我感到沮丧。我不应该将自己与Shannon Ford比较,因为我会感到自卑。我丈夫昨晚打篮球时脸部受伤了。现在是时候分享五个你需要知道的重要新闻了。 @Claudia Oshry : 我很高兴大家喜欢我们的新歌,并且想讨论一下歌曲中引起争议的歌词修改。我们将歌曲中“Jackson Turdy”的歌词改成了“Jackson Claude”,因为后者更经久耐用。Unwell Network取消Alex Earle的节目“Hot Mess”是一个有争议的决定,因为它让这个节目看起来并不成功。Alex Earle的节目成功与否是相对的,因为她的YouTube视频观看量很高,但音频版收听量可能较低。我认为Alex Earle不应该做播客,因为她的受众群体更喜欢观看视频内容。Alex Earle为播客节目付出了很多努力,但她应该专注于制作vlog。Alex Cooper将“Hot Mess”的知识产权给了Alex Earle,这可能是因为之前“Call Her Daddy”事件的影响。Unwell Network需要维护自己的公众形象,因此将Alex Earle的节目取消。Alex Cooper和Alex Earle之间存在长期矛盾。Alex Earle对她在“Call Her Daddy”节目中被问到的问题以及未被采纳的编辑请求感到不满。Alex Earle和Alex Cooper曾共用一位公关人员,而这位公关人员现在只为Alex Earle工作,这暗示着她们之间存在矛盾。Alex Earle和Alex Cooper的合约可能在今年夏天到期,她们甚至没有为了维护表面关系而继续合作到合约结束。Unwell Network取消Alex Earle的节目,这类似于Barstool Sports取消Josh Peck的节目,这表明她们之间存在矛盾。Dave Portnoy发布的TikTok视频是模仿Alex Cooper,并非真的与Alex Earle联系。Dave Portnoy和Alex Cooper之间可能存在矛盾。Unwell Network需要找到新的明星来代替Alex Earle。我的名字Claudia在拉丁语中意为“跛脚的”。

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss their new intro song, addressing listener feedback and a minor controversy around a lyric change. They also talk about potential future versions and additions to the song.
  • The new intro song is a hit with listeners.
  • There was a minor controversy about a lyric change from "Jackson Turdy" to "Jackson Claude."
  • The hosts discuss the possibility of an extended version and other additions to the song.

Shownotes Transcript


They sound amazing.

millennials and welcome back to the toast day two of having a gargi pargi grammy award-winning intro theme song hey jacks how you doing i'm doing good and it's nice that it's day two of the theme song but it's day three of the week it feels like we're cheating the week a little bit because you would expect it to be a tuesday but then it is a wednesday that's so true so life hack drop a new song on a tuesday we're

We're so glad to see the reception from the song. Like everybody feels the way about it that we do. No, let me tell you how relieved I was. I don't know why, but I was just like, we're going to launch a song and everybody's going to hate it. Like, I feel like we've kind of been like in a hater era recently with the frames and people like, I just feel like every time we do something, they're like,

I can feel like it was like not should have been this way. And I was like, I can't wait for them to say they didn't like the one we chose or that the production was bad. And I didn't even see one negative comment. Like I cannot believe how much people loved it so much. I saw one negative comment and she was aware. She was like, I see that I'm the only one who's thinking this. So I'm probably wrong. A self-aware troll. I kind of love that. She wasn't even trolling. She was like, I don't want to like give voice to what she was saying, but she was very much aware that she was the only one.

Well, I'm so glad that people loved the song as much. You're telling me. Of course it was a she because 98% of our audience is women. Our listeners, 98, like it's literally 99. I'm so glad everybody liked the song as much as we do. And I'm so glad everybody's like excited to be listening to this thing every day before the show. But I did want to address like a little bit of the controversy around the song. Oh, okay. So there is controversy. Do you know this?

Tell me and I'll let you know. You know, eagle-eyed viewers were quick to point out the lyric change. Yes. The original song that Becca, who is the swirly, who won. It's Jackson Turdy, we're your hosts. And when we got in the studio. No, never. When we got in the studio, we decided to change Jackson Turdy to Jackson Claude. Yeah. It's just more timeless.

It's more timeless. Like it is my government name. And I think if you come to this show, you know, you're getting Jackson Claude and then you learn you're actually getting Jackson Turney. It's a little bit inside baseball. It is. And I wanted the song to be for everyone, like new listeners, potential new listeners. And, you know, as much as I think Turney is here to stay, nicknames also do evolve. So to record it and make it like, you know, in the record books. It's Jackson Turtle. Or we just like keep re-recording the song every time you change your name.

It's an expensive venture, but I'm down. Yeah, no, but Jackson Claude are the host of this show. Correct. We can riff off that all day long, but like when you come to this show, like just know we're Jackson Claude and we're your host.

♪ It's your favorite true ♪ Oh, when I sing it to myself, and I was singing it all day yesterday, I get really crazy by the end. ♪ We'll start you the day off swirly ♪ ♪ It's the toast ♪ And then also I've added a couple of riffs. Tell me if you guys have also been doing this. I feel like it's the natural progression of the song. ♪ We'll start you the day off swirly twirly girly ♪ ♪ Shirley nurly pearly nurly ♪ ♪ It's the toast ♪ I could go on literally through the whole alphabet. ♪ It's the toast ♪ Oh.

Where was that idea when we were in the studio? Like every great thing that we do, it will evolve in six months. Like maybe a rerecording. Maybe, of course, people were asking for theme song 10 minute version, which we'll have to work with Becca on that. No, the clink is actually inspired. And I just wanted to know like where that you're so the queen of coming in with like the best idea at the worst time. I know you're still mad about bad blood for the era. I am. I'm still mad about when you gave me an idea for the era store outfits with a group of girls that like the day before I left for Nashville. So.

It's kind of becoming your thing. No, it's like I until it's like pressing and completely top of mind. Like I'm not thinking, but now this is how we do. Like we are just like riffers. That's just how we do. What song is that?

I don't know. Because when the sun set, baby, on the avenue. What song is that? I don't know. I was singing, this is how we do. Yeah. Chillin' straight back there and then we do it like that. This is how we do. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

So yesterday was just like a great day for women in music. Yes. However, we need to get the song on Spotify. Like, and I'm not, we're working on it. This is so important to me because I was playing it on repeat in my house. The kids love it. It's 30 seconds though. So I literally was starting the podcast over, over, over, over. Um, and I know other mamas out there, especially like if they want to bring their kids into like, they want to educate their kids into the world of the toast. Um,

It's a clean song. There's no explicit version. We need it on Spotify so that I can put it on repeat one. Okay. If there was an explicit version though, how would it go? I think it would go like this.

♪ Good morning bitches ♪ ♪ It's the fucking toast ♪ ♪ It's Jackson, Claude and we're your host ♪ ♪ It's your favorite fucking show ♪ ♪ The best five fucking things you need to fucking know ♪ ♪ We'll start your fucking day off swirly ♪ ♪ It's the fucking toast ♪ - Let me tell you, I'm so glad that that's not a thing. - Sound off in the comments, do you want me to release an explicit version for the adults?

No, thank you. Listen, we do what the audience wants, so. Yeah, to a degree, but we have to be true to ourselves. Just sound off in the comments. We have to be true to ourselves. Actually, the commenters popped off yesterday being really helpful for Toast Playlist. So I just, of course, right where you left me. Right where you left me.

So I need to just add that. What else did they say? There was like one other song that was like so obvious. Yeah. Was it also tailored? Probably. Let me look. Hold on. Probably. And then of course there are songs like the climb, but that's not what we don't like sing the, I mean, except for Gizmo, but we don't like work lyrics of the climb into everyday life.

Oh, no. I'm looking for what people said. Yeah, it was right where you left me. Like, obvious. I'm having his baby. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. It could be on like the extended playlist. You should wear this hat to the party tonight. Oh, Dancing Through Life original. Oh, the Max and Ruby theme song. Of course.

You should wear this hat to the party tonight. Oh, and the AI song. Oh, I'm so glad my Travi. I'm so glad my Travi made it to the big game. One step closer to turdy being my last name.

So today's show is like so popping off for so many reasons. One, I'm feeling really good about the state of my bowels. I don't want to jinx it, but like I hated having to run off yesterday's episode. I hate when my body and my brain aren't in sync. Like it's not the time for a poo. It's Dear Toasters. Sorry to the DTQ, the Dear Toasters community that we didn't get that extra Dear Toasters. They got fed. But I owe you one. I owe you one. I own that. So that's exciting.

Two, it's Wednesday, which just means it's hump day. Vibes are aplenty. And we have the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills recap, which we did miss last week because of Love is Blind. Because we decided to watch, what was it? Love is Blind. Oh, by the way, I've been doing my homework a little bit every night. Makes a big difference. And I am out of Honduras and I am in the big city.

City, the Twin Cities, Minneapolis, St. Paul. So by Monday, when they release, I think like two new episodes on this Friday, keep going and then we should all be caught up on Monday. We should all be caught up. So that's very exciting. Progress has been made and I watched the last two Rehob and there's a lot to recap actually. I also watched the last two Rehob. So we have Beverly Hills recap and then we have

major news in the podcasting space and I feel like we were just talking about this on the toast and I'm so glad we did because now our listeners have like a lot of context and we kind of clued them into like an underground story before it launched. And like turned out where there was smoke there was a big blazing fire. Somebody call 911.

Unjotted fire burning on the dance floor. So the big Alex Earl podcast drama is going to be a story today. And I just want to let you guys know, like for my own curiosity, because this is news that like I find so interesting, but also I know that like people want to know, I was like making calls yesterday, like really trying to find out what happened. Like I called a bunch of people, like industry people, like I was really trying to get the tea. And let me say like, there's limited tea there. So a lot of the stuff that you're seeing on social media, like from just random people,

don't believe because I feel like I have good insight and I'll tell you everything I found out. But like, these are two people who are extraordinarily private. Yes. But also at this point, I can't remember what I know from like social media, from like, you know, public channels and what I know from private channels, which is good for everyone. Cause I'm just going to share what I know. Yeah. Yeah. And I have some stuff to share. Um,

But I would be conscious about it because I saw so much stuff on TikTok. Our conjecture as well. Just being ladies in the industry. Exactly. Women in the know. Women with a network.

Yes, we are. Because you don't just drop your biggest show. We're going to talk about it. Is that our lead story? Did anything else happen yesterday? Of course it's our lead story. It's really like everyone's really talking about it. Usually like some podcast news, like we're more jazzed over than the people. But the people want to know the status of Licks vs. Lexx.

Oh, and so we also need to talk about how we're going to talk about these two without getting confused. And I think we just go Earl Cooper. Like we have to use last names. Can I go Licks Lex? Like, no, because we actually need to be like, like clear. But Licks would be Alex with an I. Alex. Alex. No, we get it. Like, but it's a little too. We'll see how it goes. And hold on. I just have to send an important text message. I'm on a fact finding mission about this particular story. Okay. Who are you texting? Alex.

I can't say a source. Am I in the chat? I can't say that either. But wait, I had one more thing I wanted to say. Lex, Lex, Lex, Lex. And the other thing I wanted to say, I can't remember. It'll come back to me. My brain has been really bad recently. Like it's so, it's one of my least favorite things about pregnancy. Not that I have any favorites. Not that I have any favorites. The toast is brain camp. So get to work.

The toast is brain camp. We said that like two weeks ago. Yeah, I actually do remember that. I'm not that dumb. Yeah. That would be really crazy. Yeah, I know. I remember. And then I also, I had the most amazing night last night. One, because I saw Shannon Ford's comedy show and it was fabulous. But two, the place where she held her comedy show, like served food, and I got a cookie in a skillet. Yummo. Yeah. And it was so good.

And the thing is, I just looked at the menu and I saw like cookie skillet. I didn't see what type of ice cream. I just said, like, yeah, I'll have that. And it was dark in there because it was a comedy club. I hate not being able to see my food. I know. And now I hate it because I can't even tell you what I ate. I know it was a chocolate chip cookie. Like you can't replicate it at home. But there was something different in the ice cream. I feel like it was cookies and cream ice cream with like bits of Oreo. It was at City Winery. Okay, let's look up the City Winery menu. Okay.

You guys, and let me tell you not to sound like so fat. It was so small. Like it was so small. And Margo and Ben like kept taking bites. And I'm like, can you scram the fuck out of here? It was so good. A cookie. I've never actually had a bad cookie in a skillet. Obviously some are better than others, but

- Harjie, BJ's brew house has an amazing cookie in a skillet. I feel like it's such a classic chain restaurant dessert menu item. - No, I feel like when you put a cookie in a skillet, like things are gonna go well for you in life. - Yeah, do you own any of the skillets that like you bake a cookie in? - Like a small skillet? - Yeah, it doesn't have to be small. - Like a person, like the size of a cookie. It would be the size of, I'm not gonna put it in my big Dutch oven. - No, they do make ones in restaurants that are like obviously meant to share. So it's like the size of a small pie.

Cute. No, I don't think so. I think I have to go to the, like you say, outlet. You're right. I think you need to get on that for the next time I visit. Oh my God. I would love to make you a cookie in a skillet. Did you find it? No, no, no. But I'm determined now. Hold on. Just view menu. View menu. Okay, everyone. So we can all make it at home. And it's a small dessert menu. And the others looked so good too, but I saw skillet. It's like- Oh, concert dining menu, not restaurant menu, right? Concert, yes. Oh my God. Thank you for City Winery. Okay. I didn't know they had multiple menu items. Okay, I go. Wait, wait, wait.

I gotta go to dessert dark chocolate mousse Jack's skillet cookie Jack's okay house made cookie milk ice cream and port ganache that sounds like alcohol there wasn't oh my god no way but there wasn't ganache that's not what I ate there was like oreo in it port ganache there was like chunks of made from chocolate and cream that sounds like you definitely had port ganache

Maybe there was pork ganache, but there was other stuff in there too. It was like a cookie crumble. Similar question. What the heck is ganache? What the heck is ganache? It's a glazed icing sauce or filling for pastries made from chocolate and cream. You guys, it was so good. Like...

It made my whole night. It was such a fabulous night. So good to see Shannon, like not her being. And by the way, it was like the show started at seven 50. So eight o'clock, like I'm deteriorating in the chair, like breaking down. I bet is rubbing my back. I had to order a cookie skillet and a diet Coke. Like I'm breaking down. Shannon's over here, like still in the throes of she's out of her first trimester, but she's like still like nauseous and really at the thick of it doing a show in heels and a Miu Miu t-shirt. Like I actually wanted to kill her. I'm like up in the balcony. Oh,

I have to call an ambulance. Like, seriously? Taylor Stricker was like, are you okay? And I was like, no. She's like, what's wrong? I'm like, I can't even explain it. Like, I'm just not okay. It was just late for me. And Shannon's up there, like, looking like a model. You would never know she's pregnant. Leather pants, stilettos, a hair and a slicked back pony, really setting an unrealistic standard for women. It's important in life to not compare yourself to Shannon Ford because you will always come up short.

So true. Like waking up at 530 a.m. like on her own. So true. Kicking down her Christmas tree hungover. Like you can't compare yourself to this girl. Okay, it's true. It's really true. So. That's a good way of looking at it. But I love having Shannons in this world to aspire to. No, I actually like I don't aspire to that. Like I'm so tired. I could like even my aspirations are exhausted, you know? Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. So she was great. She's going on like a 25 city tour and it's presented by Spritz. So there were Spritz everywhere. It's a real TNN synergized event. And I highly recommend attending. It was also just like fabulous swirlies around, you know? Yeah. She's coming to Florida. She's doing a couple of shows in the Sunshine State. So check it out. And I'm just like so excited for today's show. I can't explain it. Like, you know, when you're feeling, you know, when you're feeling like,

You know? Yeah, that's the best feeling, to feel good. I only peed one time in the night, so, like, I'm ready. Oh, nothing's holding her back. I actually wanted to tell you something funny because my husband played basketball last night. In his intramural league. As husbands do. And he texted me when it was, like, late. I guess he was on his way home. He's like, I got hit in the face. I'm bleeding. And he came home and he really got hit in the face. He had, like, a scar in his eyebrow, but there was also a lot of blood. So, like, it was unclear, like, where...

I like that he didn't wipe off the blood until he came to the house. Like, so you can see like the real depth. Yeah. Like he's driving with like blood going into his eyeball, but he just wants you to see how hard I played. Now, was it like a contentious? Was it an accident? He started on a fight. I wasn't sensing any beef. Like, I think he just got hit in the face with the ball. I was not hearing, he didn't even like mention anyone. Like, I don't think it went down in a bad way. Like just classic, you know, things happen when you're playing intramural basketball.

Yeah. With your friends. Yeah. It's a dangerous game. Well, we're wishing him a speedy recovery. Like truly. And then this morning he was like, you didn't ask how I'm doing. I was like, oh, I actually thought about how you're doing, but he wasn't in the room when I thought it. That's even more like impactful. Yeah, no, I was like doing my makeup and I'm like,

You're like offering to cover up his big bruise. Does he have like a black eye? How do things look in the light of day? Just like a scar in his eyebrow. Not bad. Oh, that's like so badass. An eyebrow scar. I feel like all the bad boys have like a little bald spot in their eyebrow. From that time they got hit at basketball. Who am I thinking of? Charlie Puth has that. Oh.

Miles Teller? Yeah. Because he was like in an accident growing up. It's a very chic, edgy, bold look. Like your boys will look up and be like, wow, my dad's a fucking badass. He goes hard in the paint. In the paint. I'll have to tell him that. In his Jewish intramural local league. I'll tell him that. Is it a Jewish league or just a league of Jews? League of Jews. Like I don't think you have to be Jewish. You just happen to be Jewish. Got it. Got it. Cool. Cool.

So I guess now without further ado-da-do-da-do, it is time for the Fast Five Stories that you need to know. Oh my God, I'm like doing so many things. I forgot to put my phone on do not disturb this morning because I'm waiting for a particular bit of gossip that I might be able to share on the toast. And so like there's, I'm just, I'm doing a lot of things. So I'm not ready. Can you, can you say that one more time? Oh, okay. So now, now, right now, without further ado-da-do-da-do, it is time for the Fast Five Stories that you need to know.

Best 5 stories that you need to know are brought to you by CoverGirl. Super boost your lashes with new Lash Blast Super Cloud Mascara from CoverGirl. If you're looking for weightless length and light as air lift with the air whipped formula infused with vegan collagen, vitamin B5, and amino acid, then look no further than the new Lash Blast Super Cloud Mascara from CoverGirl. You can experience up to 24 hours of clump-free, smudge-free, flake-free wear. It's gentle on lashes and it's also easy to remove because sometimes you can find a mascara that...

works for you, but then you can't get it off. So it's hard to like cover all your bases. Um, and this is a fabulous mascara cover girl. It's just like, since I'm, since I'm a young woman, well, I am a young woman. Sorry. So that was a little adolescent girl. I feel like my first mascara was cover girl. My last mascara on earth will be cover girl. They really crush it for such a great price point to the dual sided cloud flex brush wraps and extends your lashes.

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Today's episode is also brought to you by Beekeepers Naturals, which is a brand we have worked with before, but I can honestly say I've never felt as emphatic as I do now because I am...

I never want to get sick, but like at this stage of my life, like I can't get sick. You should have seen me at the comedy show last night and I felt fine. Like if I get sick, I won't be okay. So being really preventative and like putting good things in your body is super helpful. And Beekeepers Natural is such a great option. I feel like a lot of my favorite health girlies were talking about Beekeepers Naturals before I got into it. So their mission is to reinvent the medicine cabinet. They merge modern science with natural medicine to create clean, effective products that actually worked. Perfect.

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Our first... You're timeless to me. Our first story. Meghan Markle. LAUGHTER

Good one. Our first story. Yesterday, Variety dropped an exclusive article saying that Alex Earle's Hot Mess podcast has been dropped by Alex Cooper's Unwell Network. So here's the deets from Variety as it dropped. And this feels like more of like a press release. Yes. And they had all the info and then everybody else is like extrapolating from that. So...

Alex Earle's Hot Mess podcast has been dropped by Alex Cooper's Unwell Network. Sources say SiriusXM will also no longer sell ads for the show and that the Unwell Network has renounced all rights to Hot Mess so that Earle can freely explore future opportunities. The move comes amid growing chatter on social media and the toast of a feud between Cooper...


Mm-hmm. In August 2023, as a reminder, Cooper announced that she was launching the Unwell Network and signed Earl to join the fold. So like Unwell and Hot Mess, like that was their first podcast, right? It was, it gave, we knew Alex was going to be launching a network and it was, she was announced with one other girl, but it was, it was huge, Alex Earl at the time. She still is. And so it really kind of, I feel like they built the rest of the network like unwell.

on the initial talent of Madeline and Alex. Yes. Yes. Their initial talent signings included Pretty Lonesome with Madeline Argy, who alongside Cooper and Earl would quote, develop a variety of multi-platform concepts and projects across such silos as pop culture, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle.

So I remember what I was going to say at the beginning of the show, because I saw this all over social media and I was reading comment sections and like literally I could not roll my eyes hard enough at people being like, these are two separate people could have fooled me. Like, shut up. I just I want to say anybody who's saying that, like, I think you're dumb and annoying. OK, so.

Um, but I feel like this article confirms any sort of suspicions anybody had about these two having beef, not because the shows are no longer together. And we'll talk about why that might be, but because of the use of the word dropped, right? Right.

for a network that's very new unwell like trying to make uh you know stand out for you to drop like intentionally separate from your biggest talent your biggest show the most famous recognizable person on your network like that's doesn't make sense right only if there's a reason like a fight a drama a bad blood would you drop someone yeah so for me I was like oh any suspicion I had because

Because there have been theories online being like, listen, this was just like not the right place for Alex Earl. And, you know, Alex Cooper understands that. Like there's not beef. They're just two successful women like doing their best. And I feel like with this headline, it pretty – no, it's not that. Like there's drama. Yeah, this headline is contentious. If they were just going their separate ways, they might have – they could have even done it quietly where she's removed from Unwell and they're not selling her ads. And Earl goes somewhere else. And then we hear later on like Earl is with –

Podcast one or whatever. And that's what you would do if you wanted things to remain peaceful. But considering they're already going their separate ways, I feel like this was, you know,

One more kick in the butt like and your drop because it makes hot mess look unsuccessful which yes I don't think it is there are some like metrics that are public which like her YouTube YouTube very high I think it is the biggest show on the net on the network and that doesn't make sense why you would drop your biggest show.

Well, so yes, now we can talk about the success of the show, but it is relative, right? Because I think if you look at her YouTube numbers, they're pretty strong. I don't think a lot of people listen to the audio only version, but I think that's not a knock at Alex Earl. It's the generation, right? Like young people are really not listening to podcasts. They love like to stream stuff and watch stuff on YouTube. So that's why her YouTube is so successful. And so I feel like, and I remember saying this and I hate it, you know, you hate to be like a hater, but I remember when Alex Earl signed with Unwell, I remember, I think I

said this on the toast, but I know like my personal feelings were like, I feel like this is the wrong move, not because of unwell, but because Alex Earl shouldn't be doing a podcast, right? Like she's of a generation, she's the face of Gen Z and Gen Z is not huge into podcasting. It's definitely like an older medium. I feel like millennials really are the biggest. But also because when you look at the success of it,

YouTube, right? That's where everyone's watching it. I don't see the show on the charts really. It launched and it was like, you know, number one or number two in comedy, but then it sort of disappeared because everybody's watching on YouTube. So that, what does that tell us? Right? People want to watch Alex Earl, whereas like podcasting is a listening medium and, um,

what I see, cause I follow her on all social media. I happen to think she's like so fabulous. And I see her, she goes to the Superbowl. She goes to F1. She goes to Kim film festival. She goes everywhere. And she is checking four huge suitcases of podcast equipment. She's like vlogging. Like this is my podcast. She sets up a little studio in every hotel room. She does to record a podcast episode just so people watch it. Not so they listen to it. So I'm like,

you are working so hard for what? Like start a YouTube channel and vlog. You bring one camera. Like you could literally not check four suitcases if you just, like, I feel like the experiment of her being on Unwell, but just like having a podcast really probably taught her that she should be a vlogger. She is on TikTok, but I mean, like if she wants to do long form content, she should be a YouTube vlogger more than she should be a podcaster. So I think that she should have left Unwell because she should have left the podcasting space. Yeah.

But I do think it's deeper than that. Like, I don't think that's why she left. Maybe she, I don't know if she enjoyed being a podcaster. Well, she might still be a podcaster and she might still lug all that luggage because part of her YouTube channel will still be sitting on the couch talking. But,

but recognizing that people aren't listening to it as much as they're watching it, but still you want to have all that production. So I don't know. She has the IP to her show, which was also interesting. But when I saw that, like, I feel like there's no way Alex Cooper could not have given her the IP after everything that happened with call her dad. That's exactly what,

Alex and Sophia wanted and what Alex ultimately got was like the rights to her show and to her name and everything that she built so if she had withheld that from Alex Earl I think that would just it wouldn't have looked good so bad so small really bad so

She parted ways with her, gave her the show because previously that's what she would have wanted. But also you have to think about like how Unwell needs to look at this. Like everyone's watching, right? Seeing how these two go their separate ways. But Unwell is currently in the...

process of their business where they're growing. They're signing talent. They're signing pre-existing shows. They just got that girl Avery's podcast. They're creating new shows with new talent like Grace. And so you want to be perceived as a network that like isn't good to work with, right? We're trying to get everyone to sign with us. So if you're over here stealing Alex Earle's IP, like, I don't know if that makes you look good to potential podcasters who might sign with you. Yeah, I know. I think that she had to give

Yeah. That, especially with like the call her daddy drama of yore. And so, I mean, there's just so many layers to this. So now like talking about the actual drama between these two, there's a lot of rumors. What I have heard is that there is like definitely rumors

bad blood between them and it has been going on for a really long time and I think that it um when they when they launched like you know the call her daddy episode of Alex Earl and Alex Earl's new show it was like this big media thing it was like good for a couple of months and it really hasn't been good since then and a lot of it had to do with the episode of call her daddy that Alex Earl was on um and Alex Earl not being happy with some of the questions she was asked and actually had it having requested edits be made of things she didn't want to talk about and um

those edits not being honored. And then her dad coming on to manage her and her sister, bringing like another level of protection because I do think a lot of the stuff that Alex, what I had heard, this is all alleged and like potentially untrue. What I had heard was that a lot of the stuff that Alex Earl wanted removed from that initial episode of Call Her Daddy had to do with her family. You know, she has a lot of family drama. Her dad,

had a very famous affair with Ashley Dupree, who was Eliot Spitzer, the governor of New York. She was like this madam. And she had this like black book of clients. And it was like this crazy thing. And the biggest one was the mayor of New York, governor, excuse me, right? Eliot Spitzer. But it turns out one of the other men in the black book of like the wealthy men of the tri-state area was Alex Earle's dad. They actually ended up getting married. So that's Alex Earle's stepmom by now.

Yeah, she has a very interesting family story, but it's like not her story to tell. It's a little traumatic. And so I think that Alex and the family were very unhappy with how the Call Her Daddy episode came out and they had requested some things be taken out. And that wasn't honored. In addition to some of the questions about sex that Alex Ehrlich wasn't comfortable answering, but those were also included against her will. That's what I have heard was that it's kind of been bad from the beginning. Mm hmm.

And then there's like a lot of inter business drama, like behind the scenes, because these two girls for a while shared a publicist. Now the publicist no longer works with Alex Cooper. And I think the publicist gets a lot of credit for bringing Earl to Unwell. These two together. Bringing these two together. Yeah. Yeah. And so that's definitely suspicious. Like now you're only working with Alex Earl. It makes, it begs the question. That she took a side because there was a side to take because there was drama. Yeah.

Right? Like if we're just extrapolating, interpolating. I don't know. Like it's an interesting tidbit that could point to larger issues, but could also just be a coincidence. Like not everyone works together forever. Like either one of them could have moved on. Another reason that like I know that there's something like bad between them is because you were just saying August 2023 is when...

They signed the unwell Alex Earl deal. It is what month is it? February. So that means the contract was probably up August, 2025 was probably a two year deal. It's been a year and a half. It's been a year and a half. So that means that like, they really couldn't even work together for the next four or five months just to save face.

and like end this peacefully, like finish out the terms of your contract. The fact that like they made it a year and a half out of two years, I had heard that the contract was up in the summer. And I think also it makes sense you would sign like a two year, that's how podcast contracts work. I don't know a podcast contract that's really less than a year. It's usually like one year, two year, three year deals. So you couldn't even like finish out the last couple of months. It's so bad. There's something going on. Yeah, of course there's something going on. And then also the use of the word dropped. Like that is one final like-

Middle finger to Alex Earl because it makes her look unsuccessful. But that we know to be not true. So that's why it's even more nefarious. It's similar to like TNN dropping Josh Peck, like your biggest, most recognizable star who's actually doing a good job. Why? Yeah. Unless we have beef with Josh Peck. Right. And then you want to give him the finger on his way out the door. Correct. So...

And a way for them to control the narrative a little bit. And who knows what Alex Earl will do if she'll say anything or if she's just happy to be gone and is going to continue on her merry way. And it's interesting to note that when TikTok was dying, the days leading up to the TikTok ban, Alex Earl launched a YouTube channel. So a separate channel. She has the Hot Mess channel, which has, I think, a pretty decent following. It's really hard to grow a YouTube channel no matter how big your other platforms are, you know?

So she does hot mess with her sister mostly and they like do remote episodes, right? So...

In its second season, which just started a couple of months ago, the cover art changed to both girls. But Alex still does some episodes by herself, like with Braxton and like her college friends. So I had thought that it was being rebranded to like the Earl Girls show, which I think it totally should have been. But now it seems like six days ago. Because I think she'll still do that. I think that's been good for them. So I think she's still going to do. So 265,000 subscribers on the Hot Mess show.

YouTube channel, which is really good. - Yeah, I think she's still gonna do that. - But Jackie, when you think about it, like her episodes, they do really well, right? Like between 100 and 200,000 views on YouTube per video, that's really good. But if you watch like her vlogs on TikTok, like this girl's used to getting like 5 million views every video. - You can't compare a TikTok view to a YouTube video, long form video. - Of course not. But all I'm saying is like, how much more work is this podcast episode for 200,000 views?

As opposed to a vlog on your TikTok that you could also do long form on your YouTube that's cheaper to produce and is going to yield better results. Yeah, but like you have to, if it's a podcast looking at like say 150,000 downloads per episode for a podcast is really strong.

In the podcasting world. In the podcasting world. All's that to say that I think the lesson here, and I have felt this way from the beginning, is Alex Earl never should have, like her next big thing in her career should have not been a podcast. It makes no sense. It's definitely an older thing. It's not very Gen Z. It's

For somebody who got so popular because everybody's obsessed with watching her, like her looks, her fashion, her makeup, her glam, her friends, her parties. Like you really that doesn't translate on a podcast. Podcast is really conversational. And so it was just the wrong thing for her to do. Not that it was wrong to go to Unwell. There is a conversation to be had about like forking over a percentage of your ad sales to a network like Unwell.

Whereas you could go to any other network and you have a better rev share, but like you give up more money of your ad revenue to be supported by Unwell because you like there's so many benefits to that. Yeah. So you could have the conversation about whether she should have gone to Unwell or not. But I think the conversation is like, I don't think she should have had a podcast ever. Yeah. Well, that's like in the hindsight. Hindsight is 2020. You think she'll still continue doing a podcast?

If I were her, I would not. It is too much work for too little reward. Because look, she has now her own personal YouTube channel that she has promoted. I saw it one time, 120,000 subscribers. So that's half the podcast channel does. But she literally launched it a month ago and has promoted it once. And she's done three videos. Like if she just got into the groove of posting about her YouTube channel once a week, doing a vlog, like for life, the parties, Miami, the events, Braxton.

Like she would be a huge YouTuber, like the biggest vlogger. And it's just, it's a lower lift.

especially given how much she travels like to travel with four suitcases of equipment like all right to do it one time for like the super bowl sure every time she goes somewhere she went to meekness on this tiny little plane i kept thinking where's her podcast equipment like it's too much work for a gal on the go yeah what's in my opinion the camera like cameras tripods lights micro no she has like a full-blown setup yeah but that and it looks great that's because of the youtube

Right. But you could also make a really premium YouTube video with like a Canon G7X, which is the size of a coffee and like traveling Bluetooth microphones. Like seriously, something you could keep in a laptop case. You can make really premium content. Yeah. Yeah.

Just saying. Yes. And I think that's more so what people want to see from her and less like conversations. Although there have been episodes of her podcast that people really loved. The one with her dad, people really liked. Obviously the ones with Braxton, people really like. So that just like points to people being interested in you, you know, podcasts are conversational. You interview people like you talk about random things. They just like her. They want to see her, her life, like kind of reality show vibes. Yeah.

Yeah. Well, that could be next for them. I do feel like sometimes her content like is trending that way when she's like, oh, girls, like that's obviously the name of their show. And it's adorable. Yeah. It's I don't know why it hasn't happened yet. That feels like a no brainer. Yeah. But the thing is, is like becoming a reality star these days does not yield even five percent as much money as being one of the world's biggest tick tockers. And it takes up all your time. Like

Alex Earl is making so much money on the things that really take her the least amount of time, which is like short form content on YouTube. I mean, excuse me, on TikTok. So for her to then like, you know, do an hour long weekly podcast like these things, I think reality TV show would be great for her fame wise. It would take up a lot of her time and you don't get paid like that much compared to the money she's making from like brand deal. She's launching a liquor company now. But think of like I'm thinking like D'Amelio's on Hulu. How much do you think they got paid by Hulu?

Like average reality TV amounts like that. I think they did that for to align themselves with Hulu. I think it was a part of a big partnership because they were both on Dancing with the Stars when it streamed on Hulu. And I also think that was like a fame thing because they were very internet. And I think that really gave them like a global like people who like your grandparents might have heard of it because they saw it on Hulu. Yeah. You know? Yeah. So we'll see what happens next. Do you think Alex Earle is going to say something about this and like be like, here's my truth? No.

Because the interesting thing about Alex Earl is that she is –

Had incredible success on social media without really doing like drama content. I think a lot of people like thrive off of views from like scandal and drama and friend breakups. Even that thing with Zandra, she like barely spoke about, she referenced it once in a podcast episode. She never even said Zandra. It could have been anyone like she actually does not do drama. Like she likes to just like live her life and post about it. So it's actually really refreshing. And so I think someone else would like see this as an opportunity to like get views and clicks. I don't think she sees that way. Like she's had success.

Without that. She doesn't need it. Yeah. That's what I think. But again, I'm just talking like out of my ass. Yeah. I think it's like if nothing more happens, then it will stay quiet. But if another. But Alex Earl could be mad. The dropped. The dropped was a knife. Yeah. Yeah. So I think I think she might be able to let that go and just like carry on. Because as you said, she doesn't like drama. But I don't know. I think if more if more happens, this is like what we said about Brianna and Grace. Remember, like if nothing more happens, they could be friends again. Right.

Right, right. Oh, and then of course, speaking of grace, Dave Portnoy chimed in. This was really funny because Dave Portnoy posted a TikTok of a screenshot of him having had a call with Alex Earle's new cell phone number for 22 minutes. And then he was playing Circle of Life in the background and drinking. So people immediately like forgot all the history here and were like, Dave is signing Alex Earle. No, he's not. He actually commented. I didn't even call her. It was a joke because when...

Brianna and Grace broke up and Grace left Barstool. Like five minutes later, Alex Cooper posted a video of a screenshot of her phone call with Grace being like, I'm on it. So he was just copying. He said, but I didn't talk to her. Yeah. And Alex Earl would never go to Barstool. Like that's a, it's a unilateral move. Yeah, no, she wouldn't. But it was just a funny thing that he posted. And then it points to like, is there drama between Dave and Alex Cooper? So that's what I want to talk about because, um,

that's sort of one of the unanswered questions from all this. I feel like after the Grace thing, we never got confirmation because sometimes things have happened between Alex Cooper and Dave. And we're like, are these two still friends? And they're always like, yeah, like we see each other as business people. We're good. But after the Grace thing, I feel like there's actually beef. And then him making this video, it's like, you wouldn't do that to a friend. Yeah. And they usually like, they usually let us know, like we're good, but I feel like they're not. I don't know. It might just be like a business relationship.

Adversary. Yeah, like where it's like we're not going to start up because it's like it's not personal, but it's not like we're best friends and I would trust you. I do think, though, Unwell needs to replace Alex's star. You know, they have this big new deal with Sirius XM. And I think a part of that deal is like hitting these download benchmarks every month that Alex Cooper, excuse me, Alex Earl was probably helping with. So they do need another big, big name there. Yeah. Yeah.

Which I think they're already like in acquisition mode. Yeah, between like scooping up shows that are already successful and that already exist and then like creating new shows with new talent, which is what they did with Alex Earl. So I'll be very interested to watch this saga. It's fascinating. Yeah. And then they also had the other drama recently.

Oh, yes. Do you know about it? The Jesus drama. You told me a little bit about it. And then I saw like a transcript of what was said. So I was just talking about one of the podcasts they acquired was this girl Avery, who's like a big TikToker. She started a podcast and then Unwell acquired it. And so I guess to like promote her new, you know, career on Unwell, she went on another Unwell podcast, Harry Jowsey, our favorite. Harry Jowsey, our fave. And they had a convo that people were really unhappy with. First of all, people were just like,

Avery's thing is that she's like a mom of three. She's married. She just like, she has kind of an ordinary life, but she's made it, you know, extraordinary. And it's like, it's fun. I like it. Funny mom content. Yes, exactly. Like comedic take.

comedic real moms being real you know yeah and funny and so she's having this conversation with harry jowsey and the pushback was twofold the first was that like just the episode was inappropriate like she was just like flirting with harry and she's married being like harry would you fuck me like i uh like don't worry i had three c-sections my pussy's pristine and people really didn't like that like because what are you implying like women who go vaginally don't have pristine pussies like it was it was not good she like pissed off moms which yeah

It's not a group you want to piss off. And then she also pissed off the Christian community because she was saying, and I got her point at first. She was making a point of being like, the people who leave the nastiest comments on my social media always have like a Bible verse in there. Yeah, that's like people have been like, people have said that. So that wasn't what people took umbrage with. That's not like a new thought.

No, and it wasn't what people were offended by. She was basically saying like the hypocrisy of being a troll with a Bible verse in your bio isn't lost on me. But then she took it a little far being like, and please, like if Jesus saw you, like he would bend you over and fuck you raw without a condom or something. And it was like, holy shit. No, it like didn't stop here. I have the quote. Okay, yeah. But then I'm saying it.

I know. And I just said it. And like, don't clip that. I don't believe that. I love my Christian community. Okay. Instead of Jesus, like I'm just gonna say blank so that I can't be taken out. Blank is going to spank you lady. If you keep it up, he's going to bend you over and fuck your ass. Blank is going to go poop pirate on your ass. If you keep up this bullshit, they deserve it with no lube.

With no lube, right? That's what they say. And what is poop pirate? Do I even want to know? I think it's what you think, you know? Actually, I don't even have a thought. I don't know what that is. Urban dictionary? I have a thought. So tell me if I'm right. I'll tell you if it's like an obvious. I feel like it's just the obvious progression of what she's saying. Okay, it's literally not coming up on urban dictionary. Oh, maybe it's an original term. Okay, we found it. No, it says a poop pirate is a person.

Who lurks outside restrooms and waits for you to leave so they can rush in and sniff the toilet seat?

That's not what I was thinking. I don't know if that's what she meant. But anyway, so this is actually a very big controversy. Like I have been seeing it a lot. And I did. She's very much like a TikTok person and I am not. And then she released a video because like it was becoming too big to ignore. And she was like the whole podcast was scripted. She was actually like a really bad. She didn't clear anything up for me. Got it. So they just came out of that one now into this one. Right. But that's on.

on just working with influencers and being on the internet and to be honest like that's the sign of a healthy business in this industry like if you're not being talked about positively or negatively like you're nobody so it's like a tough part of the business but it is like a sign of life yeah so now this we'll see what happens next yeah are you ready for our next story

Travis Kelce is making news in two parts. One, he's saying how he listens to Taylor Swift's music when he's depressed. He said she has something for every mood. So him and Jay's face got a little emo on the pod talking about what kind of music they like to listen to when they're down in the dumps. So,

Travis had said that he listens to Taylor songs when he's depressed because she has something for everything and Jason agreed that no matter what mood you're in you can find some Taylor music to relate to then he said it's true it's a universal truth and then Jason said that he prefers sad country when he's feeling down he said so Jason no matter how bad I'm feeling there's a country guy who was singing about it and feeling way worse for me and that gives me joy

So they're such like girls. I love the way they talk about this. Also, I was on, I'm on like the really like truly ill side of social media where people were freaking out about this episode because he wasn't in his studio, Travis. And like people have been speculating for a couple of weeks at him and Taylor on vacation because they haven't been spotted. And it's like him recording a podcast. It was just like a couch. It was like totally a hotel villa or something kind of confirms like they're on vacation. Like,

So they're on vacation. Like his work just ended. Her work just ended. It's called like when your vacation dates align. Like it wasn't, but like everybody's like, they're on vacation. It's president's week. People have off.

So I guess this confirmed that for them. And then also the Chiefs GM reveals that Travis was battling a pretty big illness ahead of the Super Bowl loss. So he didn't say what it was. He said, we're never going to make excuses and talk about it. But I mean, yeah, he was battling with a pretty big illness there before the Super Bowl. He said it probably like considering the way that the Eagles played, it wouldn't have made a difference how he was feeling. Right.

but that yeah he was sick he didn't share the diagnosis but to me like what comes to mind is like I was sick for the Super Bowl too and I felt really really bad and maybe Travi felt maybe he had the flu COVID long flu as well and I want to say I know he's one of the greats but Michael Jordan like really ruined this excuse for other people because he like famously won the NBA championships with like

the flu and he was like he had like 105 fever he's like vomiting and shitting on the sidelines and he played like the greatest game of his life and it's like one of these famous sports hero stories and like so if Michael Jordan can do it why can't Travis you know even though being sick is like such a valid excuse normalize like not being able to do your best no and like in this

day and age like if you play sick and you're like contagious with other people like you're canceled and I actually think that it's no longer admirable no it's like you seriously could lose everything I actually think Travis probably had COVID and that's why he won't say what it is because for years you super spreader football if you hadn't been exposed to someone who had it so yeah take a positive test and then like go sweat on everybody cancel I love this theory I love this theory he totally the Super Bowl was a super spreader event and

100%. And now he's detoxing in a warm destination because that's like good for his sinuses because he had COVID. And maybe he has long COVID too. The sun is so good for those types of symptoms. Vitamin D. Correct. Because the oceans aren't closed anymore. And also vitamin T. Vitamin Lurd.

Vitamin Lard, which is so good for the sinuses. It is. It's good for the soul. You gotta heal mind, body, and soul. You love to see two grown men who are from the sports world rub some dirt in it talking about music and emotions. It's beautiful. Yeah. Travis said he listens to music that is very telling of his mood. Okay, we need him to go public on Spotify. Sounds like a children's book. Go public on Spotify. Yeah, prove it. Prove it.

And I just want to say, like, Travis, you can listen to music that's not Taylor's. I feel like he does listen to Taylor's music, but he, like, says, like, oh, yeah, I only listen to Taylor. But, like, what else do you listen to? It's okay to, like, listen to a bunch of different things, not only your girlfriend's. I think he really likes LMFAO.

Are you joking? No, I'm serious. That's something that I got from watching Catching Kelsey. He had them at a party and everyone was so excited. Party rock, those were his guys. I think that's his favorite kind of music, party rock anthem. Got it, got it. And that tracks. That's beautiful. But not when he's feeling sad. Do they have any ballads? Sorry for party rocking. So sorry for the rock.

I love it. He also said the only way you can find yourself in the light is to find yourself in the dark first. An unfortunate truth. I'm trying to think about that. I feel like it's easier to find yourself in the light. Well, you're speaking from your own point of privilege. Yes. I'm speaking from like just practically speaking like it's easier to find oneself in the light. Oh, I think he wasn't speaking in a physical sense. I think he was speaking in a spiritual sense.

But yes if I'm looking for something and the light is on it's obviously way more helpful. But I understand what Travis means he probably saw that Michael Phelps commercial too. Yeah no Travis is like reading off a quote card from like But it's like one that was like. Like left on the cutting room floor. No it's just like they like mistyped they typed it wrong. But I understand what you mean Travi.

And I'm so glad he made it to the big game. I'm so glad my Travi made it to the big game, even though he had COVID and he played like arse. He played real lame. Oh, that's good. One of my favorite fun facts is that the name Claudia is actually a Latin translation of the word lame, which feels right. I don't believe you.

Oh, you don't know? I'm Googling it. I've always known that to be true. And actually, one of Ben's parents friends just gave me a gift like the book of 1000 names is really sweet. And of course, you know, the first thing you do is like look up your own name. And the definition is lame. In English, Claudia is a girl's name that means lame or enclosure. It's from the Latin word Claudus, which means lame or crippled.

I told you. And I do feel like lame and enclosure. Like that's me. Like I'm always in some sort of enclosure, whether it's like my bed. That's so funny. That's like those videos of like, here are words that would be beautiful names, except for what they mean. Like mean syphilis. That would be a beautiful name. Yeah. If it didn't mean disease. It's really unfortunate. I don't know if gallbladder would be a beautiful name. I saw one that was like oatmeal. Yeah.

No, that's not good. That's not good. Oh my gosh. Funny. Okay. Lame. It's Jackson. Lemon. We're your host. What is Jackie mean? What story number are we on? Who knows? I know. I'm just done. Claudia, if you have to ask, then you know.

Did you see that? Oh, three. I sent Claudia a funny comment, which is apparently every day she says what's... And some days we move at such crazy pace, I can't believe we're only on the third story and we're already at an hour. Like, do you know what I mean? Are we at an hour? Yeah, and that's why I'm like, you're dilly-dallying so hard. Get to the story. Jackie comes from meaning God is gracious, holder of the heel, and supplanter. That's so wrong. I need to talk to our parents. Like, that is so wrong. Supplanter. Lame.

And holder of the universe. What was it? It's Jackson Holder. Like it's so wrong. Okay, I'll go to the next story. And you know what? I might skip over one story. Okay. Will that make it better? Well, that would be the second day in a row that we only did four stories. And I feel like the show did not suffer. We kind of did like two or three with Unwell because we did like Unwell, then we did Avery, and we did Dave. Grace. It's so true. And Claudia says we're at an hour. But our next story is like some tragically beautiful news, actually. Okay.

So Jesus Guerrero's family is thanking Kylie Jenner for covering the hairstylist's funeral expenses and plan to honor him the best way that they can. So first of all, I want to correct because we were saying his name wrong the other day and it's Jesus, not Jesus. Wait.

No, you literally said it right back to me. I thought you were going to call. Because you said it first. Oh, but then. I assumed that you knew something I didn't know. Oh, okay. But you didn't know it any more than I did. You're the leader. You are like the leader. You're always correcting me. You're always clowning on how I say things. Oh, but I wouldn't dream of it. I wouldn't dream of ever correcting you. Of how I say things. But anyways, not only is she covering his funeral cause, she put out like a really beautiful tribute yesterday. And I think that they were even closer than people expected them to be. Like he's been with her for a very long time. And I think.

one of her closest friends. She shared videos and photos of them traveling and in her home, like not just working together, but just like living together. And she shared how like he was a light who got her through so many dark times. So I think she's really grieving. I also know she wasn't at the SAG Awards with,

Timmy on Sunday. I think because this was all very fresh. Like, I think that's, I think she would have been there otherwise. Yeah, no, because they've been together at most award shows. And like last week, I actually was just looking at pictures. Timothy hosted a Cartier event. It was like a poker party. And Kylie, like I just saw, they had a bunch of like film photos developed. And Kylie's like there at Chateau Marmont, like playing poker with Cartier. So yes, they're like very much supportive of one another, especially when it comes to award seasons. And Kylie's definitely going through it right now. And her paying for the funeral costs is like,

I don't know why people like act surprised. Like she's actually very generous and this is like no skin off her back. I'm sure she's doing more than that. Like setting his family up with stuff. So she's a queen. This is such a sad story. And so many more tributes have been rolling in. Actually was just reading a really beautiful one this morning from Shane Mitchell, um, who has worked with him for many years. And it seems like he was really, um,

Like good with kids too. Cause so many of the things that I've seen is like pictures of him and everybody's kids. Yeah. That's really, it's really sad. It is really sad. Um, but they had to go fund me set up for his funeral costs and then she covered the whole thing. So they said like, um, the other, the money that was raised previously will go towards costs associated with securing his belongings home and other unexpected expenses to settle his assets. So that just like makes this really difficult time a little bit easier for his family, which is very kind. Yeah.

And I did see the GoFundMe and like, I wanted to see like what celebrities had donated because you can like look by like,

Like the most you could sort the donator, like the amount, the donations by amounts and so many celebrities like donating between like one and five thousand dollars. A bunch of anonymous people in there with like 10K. So I don't know who that was, but it seems like this was like a person who who a lot of people worked with, but also really loved. Yeah. Yeah. So it's a really sad story. Very sad. Our what's going to be our fifth and final story is a little more Hollywood news.

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You're welcome. So our fifth and final story has actually been a last minute swap for some breaking news. Oh, fuck. I love breaking news. Real housewife Karen Huger gets a far longer prison sentence than she expected for her DUI. She has been sentenced to two years in jail with one year suspended over her DUI conviction. Huger arrived in court on Wednesday with her husband Ray to learn her fate following her convictions for several driving under the influence offenses after she crashed her Maserati in Maryland in March 2024.

Prosecutors had asked for the Bravo star to serve six months in jail, but the judge gave her the highest possible sentence as it was not her first DUI.

It wasn't?

However, she was found guilty of driving at a speed too high for the conditions before she ultimately struck a median and two signs. Now she has been sentenced with two years in prison. I had no idea that like jail time was even on the table for Karen Huger. And I don't know if I necessarily knew that you could go to jail for a DUI. Every time I think of like celebrities with DUIs, like,

It's like slap on the wrist community service paying a fine. Justin Timberlake. I think it's very different if it's your first versus your second. And also every state has different laws. But like I just didn't know that this was even an option. Well, and also some people get a DUI and they go to jail for a few days or a week. Like back in the Lindsay Lohan, Chloe Paris Hilton era. But again, different for your first versus your second. And I just want to get clarity because they said two years in jail with one year suspended. Does that mean...

net, net one year in jail. Yeah. That's what it sounds like, but I'm sure, I don't know what the hell that means. Yeah.

I'm shocked. I'm also so conflicted. You know how I feel about DUIs. Punish them to the highest extent of the law. It's seriously the dumbest, most dangerous, selfish, disgusting thing you could do. But Karen Huger is my fucking queen. And I know she's better than this. And I know she has a good heart. But she did that shit. So I don't know. I'm really confused. Yeah. No. And she had been arrested twice.

I think it's like 2006 for drunk driving. Like they, like it strikes established a pattern matter. That is not something you could do once, let alone more than once. And now she's serving up to a year in jail, I guess.

It definitely seems harsh, especially because the prosecution was only going for six months. And like that. Right. The judge said, hold my beer. Like you really can kill someone. And she crashed. It's not like she just was pulled over. They noticed she was being weird. Like she literally crashed and that could have been a person. And then she would be facing like, I don't know what the law is in that state, but a lifetime in jail. So this is the third housewife to go to prison. Teresa, Jen Shah. Have there been any others? No.

Like Luann's been arrested, but she didn't go to jail. And Luann was just being drunk and disorderly. Like she was drunk at a hotel and then like slapped a cop, which is terrible, but different than a DUI. So I understand why the, it's just also crazy because like,

I feel like they're, I just, I almost wish I didn't get this news breaking because I need time to digest it. Like I'm feeling, you know, this is so personal to me. DUIs, but also Karen Huger. It's not very grand dame of her. No, this is really shocking. The length. The extent. Yeah. Especially because she's like an older woman. I don't know. It's just like really sad. But I guess it not being your first like makes a huge difference. With all crime. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. Like it's she's got a rap sheet. Yeah. So shit. We'll see what happens there. Now, speaking of Bravo, time for a real. I don't know how to transition. Like, I'm serious. I can't get over this. I know. Not expected at all. I also can't see her in jail.

I can't picture it. Teresa, I could picture. Jen Shah, I could picture. Like these are tough broads. No, Karen is so tough. Karen is so tough. She is, but she's a fragile old woman. That's true. She's a 60 year old. She's also like grieving as they shared. And it probably hasn't been the same since. That's really traumatizing. But it doesn't mean you can get behind the wheel of being drunk and like on pills.

Okay Real Housewives of Beverly Hills I just need to like Quickly shift my mindset Two episodes Caviar Caspia Fourth of July party Caviar Caspia Like seriously Bring me a fucking Baked potato with caviar Right now

Yeah, the 4th of July party like had so much potential to be a fun afternoon because it just looked party like she made it really nice and it was destroyed. And it seemed like nobody wanted to be there already. Yeah, they were looking for an excuse. The first three people who came were like the people that we hate to read clubs. So the vibes are off from the start. But then everyone's like complaining that it's hot like it's 4th of July in California. Of course, it's hot. Like can everyone cheer up? This is a beautiful party. Look at that spread.

Look at that hot dog cart. The hot dog. When it comes to Dorit and Sutton, I'm like so fiercely team Dorit. With the events at the July 4th thing, like Dorit wasn't helping herself. Like for the first time, I didn't find her like 100% like defensible. Like she was being like a shitster, like starting stuff, but she hates Sutton. So like, I get that when you hate someone, like you start stuff. Yeah, but like when you hate someone and you guys have beef, like, no, you cannot make a joke. Like, of course, everything's gonna be taken out of context. But I actually, and in that moment, of course, like Dorit was wrong and then Sutton was wronger. Yep.

But then when she was explaining at Caviar Crosby, I like, if she was like, if you just said to me like to read that upsets me, don't say that. Like it just, it would have changed. Like Sutton didn't have to react like that, but it's really hard in the moment. Like Tim and Sutton was already on one. She came, she didn't want to be there. She waited. She didn't want to be there. The thing with the Birkin was very awkward. She didn't want to be there. And then the comment about the alcohol and she didn't want to be there, but Sutton also acting like to reach the only one who ever commented about the

Sutton's alcohol consumption. And then I love that they flash back to like everything that was said about it. And like, the thing is, I think Sutton drinks a lot, but I don't think she has a problem. Like there are plenty of people like that.

Yep. But the thing is, I now no longer care about like who was right, who was wrong about like the July 4th stuff because the Caviar-Caspia wallet conversation was so crazy. And somebody I saw on Twitter pulled a tweet. I had forgotten about this moment where at a reunion, this came up just like about her being very like hoity-toity about money. And somebody asked Crystal, like, do you think –

Sutton Strack like wields her money as a weapon and like uses it to make herself feel secure. And Crystal was like, no, but that's because I have more money than her. When she, when she was asking if it was directly about her. And so it's true where she sees like a lack of money. Cause Dorit's money is very curious, right? She sees that as a weakness. And so, I mean, I understand that she's proud of how far she's come in this life, but like, it's really crazy. Yeah. Yeah.

Also, it seems like after July 4th, Sutton has been completely activated to become like the worst possible version of herself. She wants to take down Dorit at all costs and she's going to dig in on the fact that Dorit doesn't have a lot of money, which is like a really weird thing to do and not something that's probably going to play well with the Bravo audience. With the audience. Except I was looking on Twitter and people are like, yeah, like it's like they're here. Well, people have wanted Dorit's financial like situation to be brought up.

For a couple of years, because there have been big stories that have largely been ignored, like his gambling debts, the tax stuff, the lawyer thing. They pay their rent. They pay their mortgage. They pay their taxes. They're still in the house. Like until something happens, I have to move on from it. It's true. She has new clothes. She has boxes everywhere. Everything she's wearing is this season. She got far fetched receipts in the house. Like, I'm sorry. There's nothing there at the moment. I think when they get divorced, things will come to light. But as of right now, like it's it's.

there's nothing so but for her to decide like I'm going after Doreen I'm gonna make it about money was like seriously the worst idea strategy she completely lost everyone like all of the women that's just like and and she's calling her in her confessional poor Reed like and the women in this particular group actually do not like to talk about money like you are on the wokest network like what do you think you're you think this is a slay

Yeah, no. And this is like one thing the women and they all like even though they all want everybody's drama to be brought to the forefront, they never talk about Dorit's money stuff. Like money is something it's like in Beverly Hills with this particular group of women, they don't talk about it. Like it's day class A. It's somewhere they don't go. So it really took it immediately separated everyone from Dorit. Everybody took a step back. Talking about

Talking about money is de classe. And I think the more money you have, the less you want to talk about it. Like someone like Sutton, who's obviously from money, married money, just has money pouring out of her purses and her wallets, like is the last person who should talk about money because she is so much –

higher so what is she saying like her and Dorit aren't on the same level and they shouldn't even start with her because she has more money like what is your money even like not only is that an awful thing to say but like practically speaking why can't you fight with someone who has more money than what are you going to do to her it's yeah it's not a good argument and Jennifer Tilly who is really growing on me she was being really funny this episode when talking about she was really growing on me and I loved all the tidbits about the caviar like I seriously loved

She talks like a poor person, you know, like she's like when you go to Caviar Casper in Paris, you're usually hoping somebody else picks up the bill. And she is so funny. She's like, and I would eat all the caviar except it's too expensive. Like she was acting poor. She's also like, I don't know what's the best kind. I ordered the most expensive one. I don't know if that's class. Facts.

Facts. Meanwhile, she was being really cute. Right. And it was like a really great display of like two women who have so much wealth, Jennifer and Sutton. And then like, Sutton is being such a snob about the caviar saying how like Dorit can eat salmon roe. Like, I know it's like stupid, but it's so fucking classist. Like,

We don't talk like that. That's not how civilized people talk to each other. So I think she completely buried herself with that and that she says in her commercial, I'm proud I said it. I would say it again two more times. It's seriously crazy. And whatever, if Dorit was ever wrong, which to me she never was-

She's certainly not now. No, she was never wrong. But with the July 4th thing in particular, Sutton had a little bit of a leg to stand on. Like, stop starting with me. But then at the table, she was like, when Doreen was like, apologize. When Garcelle was like, apologize to her. And so she apologized. Didn't feel that genuine. But then she was like, no, if I hurt your feelings, I offended you. Like, I am sorry. I just wish you would have told me that that upset you. Of all the things that Dorit could say to Sutton. And she doesn't. You know? Yeah. Yeah.

She said in her confessional, all your money's gotten you is a horse and not a date. But she doesn't go there. She has not sunk very low. What, to make a comment about her alcohol? They all drink. Dorit has a drink in her hand in every episode. No, it's so true. But she's sort of opened the door now to talk about, oh, we're going low? Okay, let's talk about the fact that you literally have not earned a single dollar that you have. You were born to it and you married it. Like, okay, so why does that make you better than me? By the way, I feel like there's even meaner things that you could say.

What are you thinking of? I feel like you're thinking of something specific. I'll tell you, like, not something, like, specific. Not something like an event or anything like that. I don't know what you're referring to, like, this big obvious thing. Okay, we'll talk offline. But anyways, I just feel like I don't, how do you even answer to that at the reunion? While also having said in your confessional months later, like, I completely stand by that.

Right. But then I was also confused because the fans on Twitter like are on Sutton's side with that. And they're like, they are. Yeah. They're like, it's giving like NeNe leaks. I'm rich bitch. That's not what it was. It wasn't a self. It wasn't an empowering thing about oneself. It was putting someone else down.

Yeah, and Nene was being pushed into a corner. They were doubting her success. She said, I cash Trump checks. I am rich, bitch. First of all, don't even compare yourself to the great Nene Leakes. Right, and Sutton wasn't saying, I'm an amazing, wealthy woman. Because if she wants to congratulate herself all day long, go ahead. No, but Nene's a self-made woman. That's why she could say shit like that. No, but it's also, then she didn't turn around and call someone poor.

Right, right. She was just defending herself. Yeah. So if Sen wants to talk about how much money she has, but not in relation to like what other people do or don't have, okay, fine. It's about poor Reet.

Yeah. Yeah. It's really crazy. When I heard her say poor Reet and I watched with subtitles, otherwise I might've missed it. Got it. I missed it. I texted you. I said, poor Reet. And I said, did you just make that up? Or did somebody say that? You're like, no, Sutton said it in her confessional. I was like, oh, I totally missed that. So she's going all in on this. Meanwhile, Dorita's going all in on her confessionals about Sutton when she was like, she, you could tell it's like,

Activated. Everything's off because she was like, I mean, I don't know why Sutton would have such an issue with me making a joke about her drinking unless there's something really dark and sinister there. And it's like, oh, she's going all in. And there's not. No, I know. There's not. But now we can say whatever we want. Now we can say whatever we want. Like we're just saying crazy things. Also, Faye Resnick with the icebreaker. By the way, Faye Resnick was looking very pargy. And she was really adding a lot to the conversation in the sense of jovial jests and icebreaking. Yeah.

And Kathy's now made an appearance in two episodes back to back after being gone for most of the season. And she's giving us nothing. Is she going to pay up? Cause like, uh, even though I love bows, but like bows sitting at Kathy's house being like Kyle's cold and like, I don't get her and I don't like her. Kathy's like yummy. Like, yeah, that's so crazy. That's your sister. Like, don't let someone say something. I want to say something about bows who I have loved and I still do. I, but like from the moment I met her, I haven't had a negative thing to say about her. And now after a couple of weeks, I have a negative thing to say.

being a first season housewife and coming on with a story, like I want to get pregnant, even though like we know you're not like, it's just a storyline. It's really unacceptable behavior. Like it's unacceptable behavior. It's such a trope, you know, like remember when that one season, Melissa Gorga was like, I'm going to get pregnant. And we're like, no, you're not like, it's really, it's bottom of the barrel.

When you're not going to do it, it's bottom of the barrel. I can't stand it. And also thank you for reminding me. The most dreadful 10 minutes of my life was that scene with Kyle and her life coach. Like how that passed. Got a snack. Went to the bathroom. Took my magnesium for the evening. How that passed the Bechdel test. Turned on the heated blanket for him. I don't know what was said. And by the way, I missed his subtitle of who his name is. So I had no idea who that person on her coach. Life coach. I didn't know that. I thought like.

I don't know, man, I don't know. I am filing a class action lawsuit to Bravo. If you'd like to join, send me a message. It was positively dreadful. Although she did say one thing. I fed my starter.

She did say one thing that made me like feel for her. Cause I feel like when we talk about divorce, we always talk about how like, you know, the woman gets the house and she should, but Kyle was like, I almost wish I didn't because he gets to go have this fun new life in a new apartment. And I'm left here in this house that everybody used to be at. And because it's also timing up with like all of her kids being out of the house, she's like so aware of everything she's lost while all he

sees is this new exciting life. I was like, that actually does suck. Even though you would think like you should get the house. The house kind of was like a curse. Yeah. No, she's stuck with all the memories and all the tethers and the anchors. And he just gets like, pick out party furniture in a party. Right. But also because their kids are out of the house, she does like to reach to get her house. Her kids need her house. Yeah. Then might wind up in an apartment. And that's not, that would be sad. It just really depends. Yeah.

When you have young kids, like to keep some sense of stability, like the mother keeps the house, like it makes sense. But with Kyle's kids being grown, I'm like, oh, that does sound like kind of miserable and lonely. Yeah. And like they just they moved in a few years ago, but it takes time to settle. And I'm sure she was probably like just starting to feel like at home and then it goes and changes again. But yeah, that was that was a tough watch to answer what you said about bows and the pregnancy journey.

I don't mind it. I found it very interesting. However, and at first when I'm like, she's 47 and she wants to have a baby, it's like giving Diana Jenkins like... These people haven't even said I love you yet. Oh no, but I...

I'm like, that's biblical. That's fascinating. And like, if she could do it at 47, like, I would love to see that. But then to find out that she actually had two extremely high risk pregnancies. Yes. That she should not have another, let alone an older, that this is a bad idea. And if she wants a baby, like maybe a surrogate should have it or something. Then I'm like, now I'm like, what, why? I mean, I'm sorry. The idea that her and this man would have a baby together and they're like doing ultrasounds in her living room when they haven't even exchanged I love you's. Please stop wasting my time.

Oh, I didn't feel that way. And I do love that like Bose brings everything in house. That was nice to see. Yes. You could literally get a sonic ring in your house. Get an ultrasound in your living room. And I just want to say, I love her and I haven't said a bad word about her. And I won't again because the way she like blindly stands up for Dorit. Like that's the kind of support Dorit needs right now. And she is etched in my book. And Erica said it best.

First of all, she does always come in for Dorit, but like, she's not wrong in the things that she's saying. Like when she said that they're rude for being in the corner, like I haven't found her to like blindly and wrongly defend Dorit yet. - Not wrongly, yeah. - She comes in, she calls it how she sees it. And she's been like 10 for 10 so far.

When Erika said everyone needs to stop being so threatened by Dorit and Bose's friendship, that's exactly what it is. Two people just sometimes people click faster than other people. You might think you get along with someone, but they just connected with someone faster and stronger. I think people are mad that Dorit has this person in her corner who is having her back and Dorit isn't like... In a really fierce kind of way. Yeah, Dorit isn't on an island. And Erika has her back too, but she also has Kyle's back and she definitely plays the fence. Plays, yeah. Yeah.

But it's nice. And the thing is Sutton also, and Erica said this, like Garcelle does the same thing for Sutton. Like always. Oh, please. If it's going to be Dorit versus Sutton and Garcelle, like she deserves to have someone. And why not Dorit and Bose? Right. They just don't like it. Yeah, they don't because Bose is a formidable opponent. Yeah. She don't fuck around. I do like their friendship and I'm glad that Dorit has that. Has her. I agree. I agree.

And then also I thought the window into Dorit's room and Kyle seeing that like really put things into perspective when Kyle was like Dorit is a very meticulous person. She's very clean. Like to see her bedroom look like this. Yeah. It's so funny because Dorit is so open and she gets accused of not being open when she's literally sitting down. She's like, I don't even see it. I'm not myself. Like I would never like I don't see there's dead orchids there. I can't see it like.

I feel like everyone acts like she doesn't share what's going on, but it's literally right there in front of you. So if she says an off remark, she's not herself and she's trying to tell everyone that. No, and there's no grace given. Yeah, the boxes like that really was so crazy for someone who even her best friend knows she wouldn't live like that. Yeah. Tomorrow we have Summer House. Yes.

And I've been seeing whispers online that some of the Spritz drama starts tonight. If that's true, I can't wait. I saw that the text message shows a text message. I saw someone like as much as they could transcribe what's in the message. Like it's is this play about us? Yes. I can't friggin wait. I can't friggin wait not to make everything about us. But you're going to want to tune into tomorrow's summer house recap. Don't forget to use code Craig 20. It's not like a to be continued. And we just are getting the beginning of it.

That's totally what it is. Yeah. That's our show, you guys. Thank you so much for listening to the Toast the Millennium Morning Show where we deliver the fast five stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching this on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up. We are also available as podcasts anywhere podcasts can be found. So that's Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Public Radio, iHeartRadio, CastBox, all the places where you can listen to podcasts. Find us at Toast the Millennium Morning Show. We have a five-star review about how beautiful, about how stunning, and about how talented we are. Love ya. Bye.