cover of episode LET'S ENJOY IT!!!!: Thursday, March 20th, 2025

LET'S ENJOY IT!!!!: Thursday, March 20th, 2025

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The Toast

AI Chapters Transcript
The hosts discuss feelings of being overwhelmed with daily tasks and the challenges of keeping up with personal and professional obligations.
  • Jax feels spread thin and struggles with keeping up with daily tasks.
  • The conversation shifts to the intricacies of baking sourdough bread as an analogy for managing time.
  • The hosts discuss humorous misunderstandings around language and the use of certain terms.

Shownotes Transcript

It's the top. It's Jackson Close. It's your favorite show. The fast five things you need to know. We'll start your day off swirly. It's the toast. They sound amazing. Welcome back to the toast and happy Thursday. That just kind of, you know, crept up on us. Crept up on us, yes. Hey, Jax, how you doing? I am darn good. I'm darn good.

Spread thin is how I'm doing. I feel like I just like can't catch up with myself. Do you know what I mean? You ever feel just so behind on things? I feel behind on things.

No, a really annoying personality trait of mine is like, I don't leave stones unturned. Do you know what I mean? Like if something comes in, I'm getting it done that day. They call me the sweeper, you know, like it's, it's not a perfect system, but I don't relate to that particular feeling. What are you feeling, you know, left behind on? Well, I just feel like ever since this weekend, like I'm just constantly trying to like catch up with work and like just cleaning, putting my clothes away, just like a million things. Then something else comes up and I keep like having false starts on all these sourdough loaves. Like I just, I don't even have the time to do my sourdough. That's how you know.

That I don't have two hours in my house where I'm not sleeping, where I can preheat the oven and bake the bread. I have not made a loaf. I'm attempting to make one today, but like that's the real marker. Are you trying to make a loaf because you have company? Yes, because I have company. Shannon's coming. I have to have a fresh loaf for her. Like that's disgusting if I don't. You better get to work. Where's Shannon staying? Upstairs or downstairs? Right now, my loaf is...

I'm going to say it. My loaf is retarding in the fridge. I can't believe you just said that. That's literally what it's doing. That's a technical word. I know. I... Are you going to be okay? If your loaf is retarding, your loaf is retarding. Like, who are we to deny that? My loaf's experience. Yes.

Right, your loaf's lived experience. My loaf is retarding in the fridge. When I'm done here, I will preheat my oven and I will have it ready for Shannon. And what does that mean, cooling down? Yeah, so basically the bread keeps proofing

And you want it to proof like 10, 12 hours, but then you want it to stop proofing immediately, immediately. So you want to slow down slash retard the proofing process. It's like a flame retardant, right? Yeah. Like that puts out a flame. Yeah. It immediately stops the. Yeah. So we are stopping the proofing. And when it gets cold, then it no longer shall proof and it won't get overproofed. And then it can be ready for baking. Yeah.

Wow. Okay. Like I didn't realize you were just community with the slurs. You wouldn't expect it from them. That's the thing about language, you know? Yeah. That is the thing about language. Like things meet, like not everything has changed that has kept up with the times. No. And also like, that's how, like in the UK, if you're talking about a cigarette, some people reference it as a F slur. What's wait, which word? Cigarette. Okay. What do they call it? An F slur. Fuck.

Yeah, Jackie, I'm not going to say fuck. You know which word I'm talking about. No, I don't. For the queer community. No, I don't know. And so when people say it, it's a little bit old school, but still like it's a perfectly, I think, acceptable way to reference a cigarette in London. Well, you know what? I'll have to ask James. Yes, you will. My British. Hey, mate, you gotta. My British correspondent. Yeah. British camper. Well, thank you for telling us about the

in my fridge. Stop. Stop it. I get a free pass. Sorry. No, it's not even a free pass. You're talking about bread. I'm talking, I'm literally stating facts. I'm sorry. Jackie, the thing is, you've done nothing wrong. Can we please change the subject? We can. The good news is, we have a business to run. Oh,

of that is happening because Shannon is coming and I'm so excited to see my girl. She's performing tonight at the Dania Beach Improv. I'm gonna go catch a show like sophisticated lady that I am and I'm very excited for our evening and our slumber party. No, that's really fun. Which room is she saying it upstairs? She's saying upstairs.

Last time she stayed upstairs too, and that was before it was Pargy. Just, you know, a little bit of separation because the guest room downstairs while Pargy, like you're very much in my family. You're one of my children. Yeah, which is why I like it. I'll come give you a bottle in the night. Literally. She might accidentally come in and breastfeed you. Yeah, exactly. So upstairs is nice. I kind of did something crazy last night. What you did? I had a piece of cake from Cipriani.

Which these days is like not that crazy because I'm doing it all the time. So you had your dinner. Yeah. I also had like a full meal before that. But like I went to that specific restaurant because. Did you have chipriani meal? Yeah. Okay, good. What'd you have? A pasta. Pomodoro? A la vodka. A la vodka. Yeah. So I was just like really embracing the belly. You know, like I was like, this is what pregnant women do. Baby wanted penne a la vodka.

That's like my new favorite thing to say. Baby needs a bed. Like just to sort of not take responsibility for any of my actions. I'm like, baby's in a bad mood. Get the fuck out. Like, you know, I'm just constantly kind of blaming baby for things. I think that's great. Baby has been in like kind of a rough mood these last couple of days, but we feel like baby's coming out of it. What's he feeling like?

Just like irritated, annoyed, uncomfortable. Oh, yeah. Oh, OK. Sorry, baby. Yeah, no, it's baby. It's not me. Also, those farts that I was making, it's baby. It's not me. Well, that's true. I actually refuse to take responsibility for the farts that I've been making. Like they are so you've known you've been you your whole life and you never made those farts. What's the difference now? Baby. Correct. What is like the sort of unknown factor here? Baby. The baby. I refuse. That's why I'll like fart out loud. It wasn't me.

It wasn't me. I understand. I just, I feel like I'm at an age and a level of maturity where I can take responsibility for my own actions. My parts are not mine. My body's not my own. I understand. You know what I was thinking about the other day? Because I was like thinking about your pregnancy and like just how pregnancy is so, so hard. Like seriously. Could you imagine? I think about that all the time. Could you imagine being a surrogate?

like just doing the pregnancy and not even getting like the bundle of joy. How much would someone have to pay you? Seriously? Well, so the thing is about surrogates, like what they say is that they're very special people and they do it because they feel sort of called to help others. And so while I could never be that selfless to a stranger, um,

let's say in a random world, like I'm done having kids and I still have like a functional uterus and you need a surrogate. Like, yeah, I would do it for you. You really would? Yeah, I would. I would. I would do it for any of my sisters. And that's literally it. That's really big of you.

You wouldn't do it for me? I mean, I'd like to say that I would. Let's say circumstances like you're done having children. Yeah. You got everything you wanted. In the middle of my child rearing journey, no, I'm not taking a break for you. But let's say I happen to be like a 37-year-old with a popping pussy, for lack of a better word. Yeah, I would do it for you. That's really sweet.

I guess actually I would need a couple more details. I just don't think that you would. Do you not have any children in this hypothetical scenario? Like if you didn't have any children, if you wanted like a fourth, sorry, you're going to have to live with your three. But like if you didn't have any and it was like your one opportunity, yeah, I would do it. Okay. That's really sweet of you. And I'm not hearing any reciprocation. Well, you know, I'm high risk, so I don't know that I could just be doing bonuses. Oh, she's hiding behind the high risk.

She's hiding behind the high risk. Okay, duly noted. Yeah, I've got stuff. No, but being a surrogate, I've never met a person, like a friend or anything who does surrogacy. So I just imagine that they're wonderful people who are extremely different than me. I can't even imagine. That's a good way of thinking about it. Now, I know there's also a financial component. And so I'm trying to think of what enough money for me would be to do it.

And I don't know. And, you know, this is like the tough thing about pregnancy. Like you don't want to complain. You're so grateful and you are, but it's, it's actually the definition of holding space for two truths. Like two things can be true at once. Like this is genuinely like such a miserable experience, but I am so eternally grateful and blessed for this miracle happening. And I'm so joyful about it, you know? And yeah,

I feel like you can't say one without the other, you know, you don't want to glorify it. It's a miracle. Yeah. But you also, you don't want to only be like negative queen. So you're actually, that's the only time it's really acceptable to hold space for two truths in a serious, not ironic way. Okay. I support that.

I support that. Well, thanks. Good to know that you would do it for me. Yeah, any of my sisters. That's so beautiful, Claudia. Except now, like, that you and Olivia, like, have kids. I don't really feel like... You don't feel like we deserve it. Not that you deserve it, but, like, I don't think that I would be willing to do it. Like, you've...

Like you've experienced the joys of motherhood. Like you're set. But let's say, you know, God forbid, God forbid, a million times, like Margo needed a surrogate and she had never had kids yet. Yeah, I would do it for her. Yeah, I guess we all would. She just better start like, you know, responding to my texts more. You know, that's all I ask in return. Yeah, she better take me to Tortuga. Correct. Then we can talk. Did you watch Summer House? I did watch Summer House. I'm excited to talk about it. Actually, our fifth and final story will lead into Summer House because there's a lot to talk about.

Great, yes. I also watched Watch What Happens Live and I saw a bunch of clips from the after show, which is like making rounds and I'll tell you about it. Okay. What was Andy's mood last night? Like run for cover? Oh, no. Obviously somebody gave him like a slap on the wrist. He was...

joyful beyond like pretending so hard to care about whatever Sierra and Amanda were saying. And like, not that you have to pretend, but it wasn't like a crazy episode or anything. And he was just like, and how does that feel? And they're not like the most like tea spill in like, no, especially of that cast. Yeah. They're pretty cool and collected. And he was like, he opened the show. He's like, I'm having a drink tonight. It's been a long day. He was in words reached him. No, but I think that like production is like,

I think his producers and his team are like aware of what gets said or even just like they watched him. We're like, Andy, maybe you should be like a little more welcoming to the clubhouse tomorrow night. I don't think they necessarily heard us, but I can't imagine because you sent me a clip where Andy was so clearly hating Leslie Bibb and Garcelle. Yeah, but the thing is, I sent you the clip. The clip was, they just were, it was a funny moment between Leslie Bibb and Garcelle arguing about Sutton and Doreen. And that's what the person who posted it wanted to highlight. And I was like, Claudia, watch this clip because you will see Andy being a curmudgeon.

So I don't know if it was like, I don't think it was our direct words, but I think that sentiment was pretty obvious. Like when I watched that clip, he would want it to be anywhere else but that chair. Yeah. And that's just one clip that wasn't even meaning to highlight that. Right. So he was in a fabulous mood. I think our words reached someone. He was in a great mood. Sure he was. Sure. Two things. Now, is it a story?

about the handwritten note Meghan Markle sent to. - Yes it is, it is. - Okay, because I like kind of need to talk about it. - I was like ready to not make it a story 'cause I'm very sensitive now that I don't wanna overdo it. However, like it's Thursday, which has historically been the worst day for stories. Not today though, I actually like our stories. It's really so crazy and we need to talk about it. - No, and I actually have a lot of follow-up questions

About the whole saga. So I'm really glad we are talking about it. Yeah. So I guess like instead of talking about what we're going to talk about, we could talk about the things that we say that we're going to talk about in the Fast Five stories that you need to know. Fast Five stories that you need to know are brought to you by Skims. So, you know, that should be our transition noise.

I definitely knew that pregnancy would have me wearing, you know, new things, full coverage undies. But with Skims, we really don't need to sacrifice styles that we already know and love. The Skims Fits Everybody collection and their thong has been a really popular item on their site. And honestly, you would think like a pregnant person wouldn't be able to wear it. But Skims is just so pargy. I have entered a new Skims stand-up. I don't know what took me so long. They sell maternity clothes.

And I bought a set. You guys probably have seen me wear it. I bought it last week. I've worn it at least four times. I wore it last night. It's just a black long sleeve shirt and black like yoga pants. They are so good.

Like I have the hardest time finding clothes right now. I'm even wearing like maternity leggings right now from a different place and I'm uncomfortable. So Skims is really, I don't know what the material is. I've been wearing it to filth. I already got a dirty. I'm so annoyed. Their maternity stuff is so slept on. Obviously like their underwear, their bras, their shapewear, like things like that, that I've known and used forever. I was familiar with, but I hadn't bought their bra.

maternity specific clothing. And let me tell you, it's so fabulous. The fits everybody collection is the bralettes that I wear all the time. Their bras are amazing. I love the fits everybody's t-shirt bra, my bra and just like overall sizing has changed so much. So I've been shopping a lot, probably like every two months placing an order from skims because like that's my underwear is like disposable at this point, not to overshare, sorry, but

I just can't recommend Skims enough for every phase of life. And you can shop the best intimates, including the Fits Everybody collection and more at and their New York flagship store on Fifth Avenue. And after you place your order, be sure to let them know that we sent you. Select podcast in the survey and be sure to select our show in the drop down menu that follows. Today's episode is also brought to you by Haya Health. Typical children's vitamins are basically candy in disguise. They're filled with two teaspoons of sugar, unhealthy chemicals, other gummy additives that growing kids should just never eat. And that's why Haya was created. A

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They are designed for kids two and up, sent straight to your door, so parents have one less thing to worry about. I've seen firsthand the magic. My niece, Michaela, is obsessed. It's the best part of her day. She's a super picky eater, too. She doesn't like steak, which I think is so weird of her. But she loves Haya Health. The bottles are, like, fun. You can put stickers on them. It's, like, an activity for everybody. And we've worked out a special deal with Haya for their best-selling children's vitamin, Roxy.

Receive 50% off your first order when you go to slash toast. The offer is not available on their regular website. You have to go to slash toast to get the kids their full body nourishment that they need to grow into healthy adults. Today's episode is also brought to you by Fast Growing Trees.

Did you know that Fast Growing Trees is the biggest online nursery in the U.S. with thousands of different plants and over 2 million happy customers? They have all the plants that your yard needs like fruit trees, privacy trees, flowering trees, shrubs, and so much more. Whatever plants you're interested in, Fast Growing Trees has you covered. You can find the perfect fit for your climate and your space.

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an orange tree in my yard from fast growing trees and it is fast going it's actually attracted this really beautiful red bird that comes to my tree every morning that I see out my window when I'm doing my makeup and it's a really beautiful experience that I've not shared yet

It's like a Disney film. No, it really is. I take like videos. I feel like Molly Mae with her bird watching camera. I take like videos on my phone. I can't. It's the prettiest bird I ever saw. I really like about the website is that obviously we know nothing about plants or gardening and they're experts. Like they'll tell you based on where you live. Oh, yeah. What's the best chance? What's right. And what the best thing to get is what grows in your area. Like, I don't think I'm growing apples here in the sunshine state.

This spring, they have the best deals for your yard and up to half off on select plants and other deals. Listeners of the toast can get 15% off their first purchase when they use code toast at checkout. That's an additional 15% off at and using code toast at checkout, Code toast. Now's the perfect time to plant. Use toast to save today. Offer is valid for a limited time. Terms and conditions may apply. Thank you, Tert. Fast growing Tert.

She's extremely fast growing these days. You are a fast growing turt. Correct. Parch. Like I'm wearing Ben's double extra large sweater today. That's sort of where I'm at. And I'm actually really excited. I think we both have the same memo today. Just like cozy vibes. And do you know how hard it was to not wear some of the new merch? Jackie and I, not to be like annoying. We have new merch coming out I think in like

We'll tell you all about it. Like a week and a half. No, like two weeks. So it's like a little early to start promoting it. But let me tell you, it's like the only thing that fits me right now. It's the only things that I want to wear because I like sized up when I ordered the samples. And the pile of clothes just stares at me every day. I always have that experience every time we get new merch. And that's why I was like,

I'm good. I had this feeling last time. Let me go wear my old merch that I was desperate to wear. And to be honest, it solved the problem. No, but the new stuff is like really pleating and pastel. Like that's just what I wanted to wear. But I just want to say like, shout out to this. It's going to look so good in our new studio. I just want to say shout out to this set. I love this set.

That set that we dropped is so amazing. But let me tell you, when we dropped it, I've never been more thin in my whole life. I have the whole set in a size medium. Am I okay? I think I was PP. So this is a large size. Yeah. I didn't realize, you know, I got really confident. When you become a size medium after never having been even close your whole life, you kind of become obsessed with the fact that you're a size medium because you want to know what medium says, right?

- Regular. - Says I'm regular. I'm average, you know, I'm not skinny, I'm not fat, I'm just medium. - Just like everyone else. - There's nothing embarrassing, there's no subtext of a size medium, do you know what I mean? You're not too small, it's Goldilocks.

And when you become a size medium, which is really what I was before Ozempic, like I would say I cheated between like a size four and a six, six, five, you kind of become like obsessed with it, you know? And so I really kind of went overboard. Everything in my closet is a size medium. And let me tell you, I'm not a medium sized girl anymore. And I kind of like was barely a medium when I was a medium, you know, I probably should have sized up to a large, but I'm so obsessed with medium.

The number. The connotations. Yeah. Of the sizing. And I haven't opened my closet in weeks. Yeah. I just have a pile of sweatshirts that I pull from every day and my different maternity pants from Amazon, from Skims. I mean, listen, it's hard. Make it easier. That's all that needs to be said. It's hard. It is.

It's really hard. Well, here's our first story. Actually, someone who recently experienced no longer being a medium. Sia files for divorce from her husband, Dan Bernard, after two years of maveridge, while also revealing that they had a child together 11 months ago and she wasn't a medium. Sia has filed. Oh, OK. I was like, I'm not understanding the medium connection. She had a baby. So when she was pregnant, she wasn't a medium. There you go. Got it. OK, so you're calling a pregnant woman fat. Got it. I'm calling a pregnant woman pregnant. How does that work for you?

She wants to cancel me so bad today and I won't let it. Yeah, I do. I do. I'm going to catch you. Yeah. Just like I should. I'll get you good.

Tia has filed for divorce from her husband of two years, Dan Bernard. The petition obtained by Page Six also revealed the estranged couple welcomed a baby named Somersault Wonder. The Australian pop star who legally married Dan in December 2022 cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split and listed the date of separation as March 18th, 2025. Okay, so yesterday. Cool.

They were last seen out. It's usually like months ago. Yeah, right. So this is just getting started. They were last seen out together in February of this month. Oh, so that's like something happened. Meanwhile, Somersault was born on March 27th, 2024, meaning the child is about to be one.

Now, let me tell you something very interesting about this whole saga. I really like Sia. She's like one of my favorite singers. I think she's enormously talented. I love her connection to the Kardashians. Their friendship is like really sweet. She's a part of so much like pop culture lore. Her singing at Kathy Griffin's dining room table. Having said that, her personal life is so uninteresting to me. Like, I don't know why. She's just like in this tier of celebrity who I really care about and like.

exclusively in a professional sense do you know what i mean yeah but she's also like made it so that we she doesn't have a titillating personal life she doesn't share a lot like right conditioned to not really care or ask questions i just i actually also have felt like at times where she could literally be a whole nother person she could like you know go to school with you and you wouldn't even know because she's sia and then she's regular we might know

Because we're like sick in the head. But the average American. Yeah. Like you might not even realize that you're next to Sia at drop off. Right. Which is really nice for her. Yes. And Somersault. Yeah. Now like we're conditioned to just think she's regular. And uninteresting. Now if you could, when we're done with the show, go ask your kids if they like the name Bowie or the name Somersault better. Because it's really starting to grow on me as well. Somersault is.

Yeah, it's beautiful. It's like a crazy celebrity name, sure. And what would you expect from Sia? I know, but they're going to call her Summer, which is not a crazy name. Yeah, it's not the craziest, I'll say. Let me ask you a question. Is it Summer, first name, middle name Salt, or first name Summer Salt? First name Summer Salt, like gymnastics. It's not even spelled like summer, like the season. Right, so I guess it is technically like naming your kid Cartwheel.

Yeah. Except that some like the first half of Somersault is actually a pretty name. Sheena Marie Shea. Summer. Summer Moon and Somersault. Beautiful. You have twins. I like that. Moon and Salt.

If I have twins, I'll probably name them Harry and Larry. Oh, that's good. Are you okay? I just like spilled coffee, which is so weird. I drink coffee every day on the show. There's something like really embarrassing, and I'm not saying you should be embarrassed, but I have felt this way, where like you're just trying to drink like a normal beverage and like, I don't know, something with your lip and it all comes like dribbling down your chin, neck and onto your shirt. Like, I don't know what it is about that experience. It's like so humiliating. I don't know. I just feel like I'm malfunctioning.

Yeah. I know how to drink coffee. I use the same mug every day. Nothing about that was new. It's a very common basic human experience. Like we teach our kids to do it when they're just, you know, two years old. Sort of like they have a sippy cup, but yeah. Right. But like it's something we learned from a very young age. Yeah. So it's kind of like I think akin, not as bad to like tripping or falling in public. You know, I don't I don't feel that way. I just feel very inconvenienced. Yeah. When you like stain your shirt.

Maybe there's a chip in your mug. No, there's not. I don't know. Maybe it's Bruno. Oh, Bruno's here, you guys. If you're listening as a podcast, you're missing out. I'm sure they can hear him snoring. Broody. The sweet sounds. What's Bruno's middle name? Brunus. Bruno Moon? Bruno Sweets. Bruno Sweets. Bruno Sweets Wine Rib. I like that. Of course. Bissau. Bissau, I like that.

So for Sia, this isn't a celebrity I think needs to be added to our list. Again, her personal life, it doesn't interest me. Yeah, I didn't even realize she was in a marriage. Me neither. I know that she has children. I think she's also adopted some children. Yeah. So yeah, I feel like...

You know, she's not conventional in terms of like, I don't now need to see her like marry someone else. Like, I feel like, no, she's whole. You know, you can't put Santa box. No, you can not. Her hair wouldn't fit. You cannot. You cannot. Are you ready for our next story? As previously discussed, Meghan Markle is clapping back at a scared podcaster with a cheeky handwritten note. So, okay. So was it a clap back?

I don't know what it was. So Amanda, her, she not skinny, but not fat had posted on her Instagram, the trailer of with love Megan, when it came out a couple of weeks ago. And she said, I'm scared for Megan, which that was like, that was her caption. Yeah. And she has since like explained what she was scared about, but that's all she said. And that could be interpreted so many ways. Really? Cause I feel like to be clear, the way Amanda has recently explained her

The caption is how I understood it initially. Like, yeah. And by the way, Amanda was right. Like, look what happened after the show. Everybody's accusing her of like stealing from pictures. She was scared for Megan for what the response would be from this show. Right. I don't know how else you could have interpreted that. Like, I thought that was very clear. I don't know. Like, maybe like, I'm like, someone's like forcing her to do this. I'm scared for her.

No, I think if you're like a reasonable, critical thinker, like you understood it the way it was meant to be understood. I just want to say, I think it's a little vague, which is why it's even more surprising that Megan responded to it. Because like, how did she know what she was responding to? In no way did I think it was shady. No, but it wasn't like heaping praise. You wouldn't be scared for someone if they were doing something amazing. You wouldn't be scared of their responses. No, but I think it's like...

I think it had nothing to do with what Megan was doing. It's just like the Megan of it all. Like on it, like, and her, her premonition came true. Like, that's what's, I thought it was kind of on the money. Like, I don't understand. Like based on what she was seeing, like, it's not like everything else that Megan has done before this. No one has been really like, like when the Oprah trailer, he wouldn't post like, I'm scared. If you said I'm scared for Megan, you wouldn't be about the reception and be like, Oh yeah. But the culture has shifted. The culture has shifted. Right. Right.

Um, so anyways, she wrote a handwritten letter to Amanda that Amanda shared on her Instagram saying, dear Amanda, I heard you were feeling scared. Don't be, this is the fun part. Let's enjoy it. Okay. And so I'm also confused. Yeah. I'm also confused about what Megan's letter says. Like to me, is she, is she, did she take Amanda's caption as like,

and this is her like kind of giving the knife back a little bit. She took Amanda's caption as shade. Like this is her clapping back. I do think so. This is not friendly. I'm shocked. I didn't think Amanda's thing was rude. This is not entirely friendly. And of everything that everyone says about Megan, in even plainer text, that she would respond to this vague take on

Not even a take, just a comment, like a nothing that she would sit down, get out her pen and her monogram stationary and what? Send a letter by get Amanda's address. Right. Send her a letter is such a weird look for Megan. I actually agree. I also could see. So the way you're sort of narrating it as like this was a shady comment and then the letter was a clap back. I could see that being the reality.

But I also could see the reality of like Amanda's comment was completely harmless. Like I did not think it was shady, almost like kind of defensive of Megan. You know, like I'm scared for Megan, what people are going to do to her.

And then Megan's response is like her way of being like fun and lighthearted. Like, oh, who cares what everyone says about me? Like, I actually do not. I know all of this happened in English. I understand that. This is my native tongue. I have no idea what's going on. Claudia, this is the fun part. Let's enjoy it. That's a threat. Do you think so? This is a threatening letter from an enemy. Oh, my God. It might as well been written in blood. It might as well have been like this is...

And it's just so crazy that like, this is the only letter we've seen of this sort of thing, of her like responding to...

Internet takes fodder. This is the only response we've ever really seen from her. She doesn't clap back at like media or shady headlines or shady bloggers. Like this is the first time she's literally ever seemingly like defending herself. And like this is something that she could have, if she like commented on what Amanda wrote and like said this, like, okay, okay, we've got a match. But to write the letter. Do you think when Amanda got the letter, she had no idea what the fuck Megan was referencing? No.

Yeah, because it was such a blip on the screen. Because it's such a random. It's not like it's her Instagram bio, like, hi, I'm Amanda, and I'm scared for Megan. And I'm scared for Megan. Yeah, like, when your content creator, Amanda, like, posts a lot, does a podcast. A million things a day. She probably was like, wait, what is this in reference to? And then Amanda, as she's, like, talking about it, she said, beyond shook, beyond spiraling. Did I smell the paper? Yes. Do I want my own monogram? Yes. Am I absolutely flabbergasted and obsessed? Fuck yes. At Megan, you have a fan for life.

So I'm sure Amanda's like shitting her pants being like, oh my God, she thinks I'm a hater. I honestly do not think Amanda's initial post had any hater energy about it. But of course now like that, we've seen the picture of the letter, like the letter has become,

the story and everybody's like reading it and I feel like when we were talking about um with Love Megan one of the things we talked about was her handwriting and how like was it a stunt double and it turns out that no Megan actually has a huge background in calligraphy like before her whole famous princess life she just like took up calligraphy as a hobby which would have been a great thing to highlight in your show about like arts and crafts first of all um

So to see the calligraphy in action was very interesting. And then, of course, everybody's zooming in on the stationery, the letterhead, the date, like everything. I just feel like if she wanted to like send a letter to Amanda to sort of like kill her with kindness. Right. Because that's that's that is a way of, you know, shutting someone up, like to be the bigger, like to send a letter. And then they know that you've seen what you what they said. And like all of a sudden your tail between your legs.

I feel like there are so many different things she could have said to accomplish that. And this is a very threatening letter. And the fact that Amanda's like, you know, totally disarmed. It's like, love you. Yeah. Yeah. Forever a fan. She's scared for her life. She's scared for life. I need people to sound off in the comments because I'm just like, I am not thoroughly convinced that Amanda's initial post was shady or that the letter was shady. Like I...

I am not sure how to receive this. And maybe you're right. I'm just, I haven't even. I don't know. I'm not saying I'm right. I haven't even read what other people have said. Me neither. Let's game it out where it's not shady. Let's talk it through.

Right. Okay. So Amanda posts this thing, like I'm scared for Megan, you know, like people are going to tear her up. Everything she does gets like eaten alive, yada, yada. And like, it's all, it's all like ingest, but also at, at its core, like protecting and fearful for Megan. Yeah. That's not a bad thing to be fearful. Megan sees that.

And she kind of wants to rise above like, yeah, I know what everybody says about me, but we're having fun. Like here, here's a letter. I actually don't know. I can't even begin to understand because this is so crazy. I just feel like if you're going to support someone like, yes, amongst other things, you could worry how it will be received for them. Yes, it's definitely something people care when people care about you. That's something they do. But that's not the first and only thing you say.

This looks amazing. Megan's stepping into her truth. I worry about there's, you know, there are so many other things. So her comment was shady. You really think so? It wasn't. I'm sure if we were to ask Amanda, she would say, especially now, like that it wasn't shady.

I would say she barely thought about it. Yeah, right, right. It's just, and also here's the thing, and this is kind of my worst nightmare because every time I post something on social media on any platform, I'm like, what should I caption it? Nobody fucking cares. Like these days, especially with reels and TikTok, like nobody's reading your caption, right?

So the fact that like a caption made news and you know she just like she just wanted to post the trailer and get it up quickly because like in this line of work you got to be first. Yeah. She just threw some shit up on the caption and the caption is like what made Megan write a letter. Yeah. No I totally agree with that. I don't even think she gave it a second thought. I think if you asked her what she meant by it. Captions are meaningless. She might not even be able to tell us.

Captions are so meaningless. They're full of fake words. I actually, the other day, put something up and wrote a caption. I'm like, I feel like I've written this caption before. And I actually scrolled on my own Instagram. It was like, I don't even remember. It was like for a reel. And I had written...

Word for word, emoji for emoji, the same exact caption. Because captions are just like bookends. It's an afterthought. Yeah. So the fact that she probably threw some shit up on the caption, really, I think we're definitely overthinking it because creators don't think about captions. Nobody reads them. Right. So the fact that Megan read it, internalized it, wrote a letter, and this is weeks later too because she had shared the trailer. That was what she wrote. I'm telling you, it took Amanda definitely two hours to...

put together the map of what Megan is talking about. - Yeah, I was feeling scared about what? - Yeah, like what's wrong, Megan? - Don't be, this is the fun part. Let's enjoy it. 'Cause that's saying like, if you don't enjoy it, you won't have fun. - No, no, here's what she's saying. Let's enjoy it with a gun to her head. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So I guess we'll mind what we say even though-- - I just feel like Amanda probably has the biggest pit ever.

And I want to say like you did nothing wrong. I feel like she had the biggest pit when she got the letter because that's the worst when you say something about someone, not even like a negative thing, just you say anything and it reaches them. Like seriously, I hate that.

Of course, no, in this line of work, you're kind of used to like talking about people at a much higher level than you like celebrities. And it's not meant for them to hear. It's for the lay people. It's for everyone else. Yeah. So then the idea of them hearing it. When they enter our arena, it's like, get out of here. No, this isn't like, it's about you, but it's not for you. It reminds me when Justin Bieber came from Morgan Stewart for something she said on like Fashion Police or something. That is so funny. Or Nightly Pop, excuse me. And he like took the clip, put it on Twitter. He like came for her really fucking hard. It's like, well, it's not for you, Nightly Pop. It's not for you, Justin. Yeah.

I don't like when celebrities enter like commoner spaces. Yeah, it's really true. So I think when she got the letter, she probably had a pit. But I think now she's like, it's become like such a story. And it's like, honestly, great for Amanda is like PR like in this in this job, you know, when people are talking about you and your podcast and your Instagram, it's all good. And I think it's like, it's a good look for Amanda. And it's not a great look for Megan net net. I completely agree. Right? Yeah, it's red rum.

Let's enjoy it, Claudia. You better fucking enjoy it. You know, it's like, here's Johnny. Let's enjoy it. Maybe we'll get a letter. I don't think she takes time to listen to podcasts. No, it's true. If we clipped something we said about her, then maybe she would see it because I think she's on Instagram, but she's not listening to this Nalafi. Here's Megan.

Okay, let's enjoy it guys. No, it's so crazy. Sending like thoughts, prayers, and all my love to Amanda. Like I actually, that's my worst nightmare. It really is a nightmare. A waking nightmare. And the thing is, is we say such crazy things about people. Like of all the things that somebody could respond to. What Amanda said, like what, we don't even know if it was shady. It's always that, by the way. It's always like the random thing that you said. Yeah, because like if somebody can't respond to a fire point. You can't like worry about it.

you know like i don't even want to know if somebody heard what i said they if they want to say to me i actually don't want to know no i mean i just was telling you i sent you that thing like somebody we talked about oh right right and you know what i don't even care great you listened to it you didn't like it you unfollowed us great you unfollowed us like great we're like once we start we have a job to do we have lost it all i'm never gonna meet these people i don't care

- No, that's also what's such a fabulous part of not being a guest-based show is that we could talk about people and never worry. 'Cause one of my nightmares is, I think I told you this when it happened, I think I said on the podcast, is when the chicks in the office

had Katy Perry, this is so funny, they had Katy Perry on their show and the Katy fans went back and found shit they had said, 'cause they recap pop culture. - Yeah, they talk about her. - And when Katy had that nun murdered for her house or whatever, remember she was in that lawsuit, the nun died, it was this whole real estate thing, and they were just making funny jokes about it.

never thinking like of course back then that Katy Perry would be on their show meanwhile cut to that is my worst nightmare and that's why we don't have people on the show so we can continue to speak freely it's true it's true are you ready for our next story three three yeah I'm ready clean Hoover put out a weird ass Instagram video saying she's broke his shit after a merch sale amid the it ends with us drama

Not only was there, okay, I watched the whole Instagram story, Sad. I could tell you all about it. Great. Please do. I'll just share the need to know details. Colleen Hoover is spilling the diet Pepsi tea. Right, right. The author revealed that all of her merch on her website has been marked down to $10 an item amid the ongoing it ends with us drama, which was going to leave her quote broke as shit. She said that's like- That's not what she said. Okay.

Okay, like this is so misleading. So she put up five Instagram stories and they were so weird that it really caught people's attention. And then the thing at the end about the sales, so the first three stories were her first of all moving so slowly. Yeah, I had to turn it off. Yeah, I don't know if, I've never seen her Instagram stories before. So I don't know if this is her usual way of talking and moving on camera. If so, it's fucking insufferable. If not, she looked drunk being dead serious. But I don't think that she was. I think that's just like how she talks on social media. And look at me, I talk so, like I just couldn't keep up with it.

She basically was showing us she made ice cubes out of Diet Pepsi. She's like a big soda gal. And of course, you know, watery soda when you're ice and you're Stanley melts. The worst.

So she made, and she's a Pepsi, not a Coke girl. She made cubes out of Pepsi and was going to share it with us. And then she did this whole boring thing about putting the ice in the cup and the diet Pepsi, taste testing, all to be like, well, it's good. It's good. It tastes like every other Pepsi I had. We won't know if it worked for a few hours. I'm like, oh, riveting. Like it was just so boring. Then that was three frames. The last two frames were sharing that her merch has been put on sale. And it was like,

People are taking it out of context because it would be like if you and I had a big sale. I'd be like, don't. Jackie put all the merch on sale. Don't tell anyone. It's like a marketing technique. Do you know what I mean? So she's like, my boss just called me and was like, we put all the merch on sale for $10. I'm going to go broke with how cheap it is. It's like a marketing ploy.

Do you know what I mean? Yeah, she said that's like five times cheaper than what I paid for each item, which means by the end of the day today, I'm going to be broke as shit. Because I was about to be like, girl, merch is not your business. Merch is also not your problem. No, like you have the biggest books of all time.

People are taking it like far too literally. - Oh wow, so this is really some muckraking over here. - Yes, it's kind of like when we say, you know, the warehouse is so sick. - Oh yeah. - The warehouse has a cough because our merch is so sick. You say dumb shit to sell merch. - If they were like pandemic breaks out at Toast Merch Warehouse.

Because all the items are so sick. Everyone in quarantine. Yeah, and like it's a marketing ploy. It's a tactic and she's not broke. I just feel like the way that she's talking, it's just like not clear that she's joshing you. No, especially because the pace and the cadence of her voice was insane.

I don't know if I've ever watched an Instagram story of hers. This might have been my first time. And I'll just say like this is why you should not seek out or follow your favorite authors on Instagram. It's never going to be what you want it to be. And it might ruin your favorite books. One thousand percent. When I first got into reading, you were the one who told me like never look up the authors like on Goodreads. And.

And you were so right, especially because if you're writing like sexy books, then you're like thinking about the author writing it. And she's like someone's mom. It's just like it's too much information. So much so that when I first started reading before I got a Kindle, I would like flip really fast past the front cover. So I didn't even catch a picture because, you know, they have a little author picture on the front flap. You're so right. We need to know less about authors. Bring back pen names. Yes. What's the one? Daniel Handler.

Who's that? Lemony Snicket. Well, that was his pen name, Lemony Snicket. Got it. And I said his real name. Bring back pen names. Yeah. Especially for smutty novels. Yeah. Yeah. So Colleen's not going broke from the lawsuit that she's not involved in. Okay. And if you are going to like research an author, obviously do it when you're done with the book. But it will change how you reflect on the book. It's true. It is true. Are you ready for our next story? Yes.

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very little while also looking put together and like you tried really hard.

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You're welcome. Our next story, some intergalactic news that we actually haven't shared an update on since the news updated that I actually a bit that I thought you would find was funny. But the astronauts are home. The astronauts. I know there's like a bunch of astronauts that were stuck up there. There's two that were stuck because the reunion video, I think that was where like part of the rescue happened.

From the other rocket. Because to me, the face of this whole saga was that woman. Yeah. Yeah. And it's funny when she comes down to earth, she looks different because her hair, because of gravity. Is settled. Yeah. But also, I saw a picture, a video of her. She hasn't walked for 10 months. Uh-huh. So she couldn't even get up. No, I know. I saw like...

People were saying how in the past when people come back from space, like they can't, they don't know how to walk. They drop everything because they're just used to like, they forget about gravity. Yes. And they faint a lot. So it's actually going to be like, like, you know, kind of a long journey for them to adjust back to Earth. But here's the jaw dropping amount that the NASA astronauts, Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are likely to be paid after an eight day mission that turned into nine. Right. Do you sue? Or like, don't you get paid handsomely?

Right, are you getting paid per hour? Because at that point, what was eight days is now 800. How many days is 10 months? 300. 365 minus 60. 300. 300. Yeah, so. So it's literally like.

30 times what you were supposed to do. Yeah. So NASA is now expected to compensate the astronauts for extended stay in space, though an exact figure has not been released. However, a former NASA astronaut, Katie Coleman, said that astronauts only receive their basic salary without overtime benefits for incidentals, a small amount they are legally obligated to pay you. She said, for me, it was around $4 a day.

She received approximately $636 in incidental pay for her 150-day mission between 2010 and 2011. $600? $600. For these people, they're estimating they would get about like $90K all in. It's not enough. It's not enough. Well, are they going to sue? Are they mad? I don't know. I wasn't getting like mad vibes, but they should be big mad.

Well, the thing is, if I'm up there and the only people who can get me back, like I'm not going to start like, you know, doing televised interviews. No, I'm going to be like, they're doing their best. Yeah. And then I get back down on Earth and it's scorched earth for these bitches. So maybe now they'll get mad. But you're right. Every time I saw an interview, they were like, we're having fun. Look, my pee floats. Like, yeah.

I think they also lost their minds. Oh, 1000%. And NASA needs to cover all like mental health expenses. They need severe therapy. Yeah. And you know, they fucking hate each other. These two, like they were supposed to be stuck in this thing for eight days. And they're in this tiny little thing where they sleep on a mat for 10 months. No, this is hell. But you don't think it's also maybe like an astronaut's dream, like that you get stuck in space.

And I feel like they always, they did always know that they could come back because SpaceX could always get them because SpaceX like runs trips to the space station all the time. It was just a matter of like NASA. Yeah. Politics. Like, because this is a NASA mission and you know, then they had to go and ask Elon to pick them up. Right. I, I,

If I mean, I don't know if this is something you just come to it, like expect it's part of like the lived astronaut experience like that this might happen. It does seem really out of the ordinary and really crazy and like, OK, maybe they thought eight days, but we ended up spending two weeks like that.

10 months yeah I'm sorry it's unacceptable and if I'm the families maybe the astronauts are themselves aren't mad astronauts families are mad yeah because I think you stole my my mom for 10 months in order to be an astronaut like you go through a lot of testing like mental and physical you have to be a very even keel person like that's uh that's like works well under pressure not someone who's just gonna fly off the handle because things didn't go the way that they said that they were going

to go so what you're saying is I couldn't be an astronaut you cannot be an astronaut however you're right in that their families don't go through that yeah their families can be emotional so I hope both families sort of band together um

They deserve a million dollars minimum each. Yeah. Plus like the mental rehabilitation, the physical, the time lost with family. I want them at the best psychological and physical rehabilitation centers in the country. No cost to them. But so far the reunion and the rescue has been really joyous. It's all been positive. When they landed in the water, there was dolphins around the capsule. I don't give a fuck. Like we, it's all been joyous for sure. But you want revenge now.

Of course, there has been no anger. And if that's me, like I'm angry. I know, but they have the temperament of an astronaut. They are the elk of astronauts. Whatever like the equivalent of like the Tony Busby lawyer is of the astronaut sphere. They need the Tony Busby. Yeah, but I could also see this becoming a movie where like, you know, it's Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt and then they're stuck for 10 months and now they're fucking.

And then they have to go home to their families, but they've fallen in love in space. And so maybe they like go back to like this, just like Kennedy Space Center. And they like go in the simulation where there's no gravity. Just to feel something. And they can like recreate what they had.

That movie sounds amazing. Yeah, I feel like it's not like based on a true story, but it's inspired by real events. Inspired by real events. And we don't know that they didn't fall in love. We don't know what happened on that capsule. Right. It is crazy that like it was and I think they're both heterosexual, like that it was a man and a woman, not like two girls or two guys. Or it's just like there is potential for love here. If I have a hallmark, if I'm the wife back home, I'm pissed. Yeah. And like, are you concerned? A little bit.

Because at the end of the day, you couldn't even blame them for falling in love. What else do you do? No. They don't have Netflix up there, do they? I think they do. I mean, they have all the technology and the strategy. But you need Wi-Fi.

They're connected. They're connected to... They could talk back home. Like, they have Wi-Fi. Yeah. Maybe they have, like, a portable DVD player. They definitely have Kindle. Well, no. Maybe... Maybe not because, like, Jeff Bezos... Because of Blue Sky. Yeah. They have, like, a Barnes & Noble Nook. They have, like, a Fire tablet. E-reader. Yeah. Plus, they have Starlink Wi-Fi. Yeah. But, like...

I'm sure the whole like zero gravity thing gets old really quickly. Like it's fun. Not for 10 months. Yeah. No, they were just in that even in that video where they're like reuniting and everyone's like bouncing off the walls. It's so crazy. It is really crazy. And I wonder like what would happen if you put your hair in a ponytail because her hair was like was loose the whole time. But obviously it would be up like a right. So I guess that does unless you did like a really slick back bun.

Ooh, could it be defying gravity, do you think? I think there are buns so slick that they do defy gravity. I feel like there are products that are like anti-gravity mist. Yeah, right, right, right. From like a Mika. Okay, let's put it to the test. SpaceX, here we come. So funny. Well, I'm happy for them. I'm happy these people are home. Get your money. Literally. Don't settle for anything less than a million. Don't take 90K. Yeah, sick. Sick. How about 90K per month?

Then we're at a million. Are you ready for our next story that will lead into our TV recap of Southern House? Yes, I am. Because our fifth and final story, like Craig and Paige are making news offline, off shows about their breakup. So first, the trailer for next week's Southern Charm, a little teaser drop. Next week, or sorry, tonight's episode of Southern Charm is the finale. So it's when we'll cut to winter. The future. Craig goes to his buddies. She broke up with me. I bought a ring. Right.

And he says that Paige broke up with him over the phone after a great Thanksgiving together. So he tells Austin and Craig the story that pretty much we heard on Watch What Happens Live from him that they had a great Thanksgiving at her parents' house. Then maybe one or two weeks later, she called him like, I think we need to break up.

He waited a few days to like see her in person in New York and then they like confirm the breakup. And in those few days was like Southern Charm premiered. And then by Christmas New Year's is when they told us. So he's sharing that on Southern Charm tonight. Like I'm sad. Have to watch. But then Paige shared a lot of details about their relationship on the Summer House After Show with Amanda and Sierra. She said that she tolerated too much in her relationship with Craig. Yeah.

Can I tell you, as somebody who loved these two so much as a couple, everything I'm seeing now makes me so sad. At the end of the day, though, the net positive is that this really wasn't the relationship that we all thought it was. And when we were breaking down, like, the day after they broke up, like, what? Oh, Charleston. It was so much more than that. And these two people were actually, like,

not right for each other. So that's like the only peace and solace that I have. But to see it like get ugly really makes me sad because I liked them. I liked them both individually so much, but as a couple, like they really brought so much joy to the Bravo universe. And I think that both of their experiences like are their own. And I feel like this week on summer house, you could really see like they're speaking the same language, but they are not understanding one another. Like page, you know, when, when Craig is checking in on, um,

The status of their relationship and especially as it pertains to this big tour when they already don't spend so much time together because they're long distance. You know, he sees that as a check in. Right. She sees it as sort of like a like a doubting and like making her big moment about him. Yeah. And so while I think that they're both valid and how they receive that conversation, like they really were not on the same page at all. Like they were never going to.

They were never going to get to like a middle ground place, honestly. Yeah. And maybe when they started dating, they were like closer to the same page. And then over the last three years, they just moved further apart to where now they're just like,

even if someone's saying something with like a good fine intention it's just totally like misconstrued based on how different they are at this point yeah so and I thought that was a great question that Andy asked um Sierra and Amanda on Watch What Happens Live last night was like oh my god did you guys know like Paige was so he said like checked out of the relationship because watching this week's episode he said next week it's even worse like did you guys know at the time and there

And they were like, no. Watching it, like, we can see she clearly is. But at the time, we didn't know. But so the fact that they broke up, like, between them probably wasn't shocking. But it was to us. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. And a few weeks ago on Watch What Happens Live, Ciara had said that she wasn't shocked when they broke up. She's right. Yeah. So maybe over the summer, she didn't see, like, what she's seeing now. But by the winter, like, she knew that Paige was, like, having doubts and over it. Yeah.

And another big thing from the after show that's making headlines is that it's Paige. It's the girls. And the question that gets asked to Amanda is, do you think Kyle regrets anything he said on that episode of Watch What Happens Live about Craig? And she was like, he should regret some of the things that he says, but he definitely doesn't. And then Paige said, I don't think he should regret it.

Yeah, now things, for like a few weeks, they both really like wanted to take the high road. Like relationships can end, but we have like love and respect for each other. And then after like the cheating allegations that like Craig refused to respond to. Get involved in. Now like things have turned nasty and now they're hearing what the other person has said about them on their show. So then you just like, then you want to get your side out. So now she's sharing a lot in the after episode.

of Summer House. She said that she was really blinded in her relationship. She said, I think I loved him so much that I tolerated too much. And now that I'm out of it and I look back at things, I'm like, oh, wait. So she said anytime she had a personal or professional milestone, Craig would find a way to make it about him. She said it was just embarrassing. So that's something that I look back on now and I'm like, oh, wow, I was really very blinded. I had to do a lot of damage control. She acknowledged that her

her tour for Giggly Squad also affected her relationship with Craig, who already thought that she worked too much. She said, when I started having a panic attacks this fall while I was doing Giggly Squad shows, he just thought it was because I was working too much. So it played into his whole, well, you work too much and you shouldn't be doing all of this thing. She also said that Craig had once encouraged her to watch, watch a documentary about Swedish pop group ABBA's journey with touring and how it quote, ruined their marriages and their lives. Um,

She said, I was like, I just got a beta blocker prescription, but thank you so much for the nightly TV watch. No, give me some recommending somebody who's having a panic attack. A documentary is such a crazy thing to do. I was actually laughing when I heard that. Um,

And this is what I mean. Like, this is what I was saying. I don't think either of them were like ill intended in. I'm sure Craig thought he was being helpful when he said that, you know, but like when they're so they were really are so far off from one another in terms of like goals and the future. And they've become even more further off that they're going to see the worst in what the other person does or says. Yeah, that's really what's happening because I can.

Like he sees her diving into work as like a personal attack and she sees him like questioning her schedule as an attack on her accomplishments. Like no and her diving into work like for him it's like well he's right to feel like but what like are we going to get married are we gonna have kids like those things can't happen like that's fair but then for her it's so fair to be like of course I'm gonna do this is a huge moment but also this is a huge moment for me. Yeah no like this is what I've been working for like this is my dream how can you what do you mean?

Your mic flag's upside down? Claudia, when will you understand? Jackie, when will you understand? Like, what if this clip goes viral and they don't know what show this is because they have to look upside down at their phone? You know, thank you. You're not on this camera? You're not here? No, because you're the one being so funny and on point. Well, not when I'm interrupted. Well, maybe your mic flag wasn't upside down when we interrupted. But it's all good. Continue. I don't know what I'm saying. Okay.

One question that Andy asked Amanda on Watch What Happens Live that I thought was such a good point that I'd never thought about was about Hannah Burner. And he was like, so have you never been to a Giggly Squad show? She was like, no. That's weird. I know, but, and I actually really appreciated her answer. She's like, I'm not even gonna ask. Like, that's Hannah's thing, first of all. It's half Hannah. Yeah.

So my presence like would unnerve her and it's like her thing. So I don't want to make her uncomfortable, but also like it definitely puts Paige in a weird spot too. Cause Paige is gonna be like, Hannah, my friend Amanda wants to come. Like it's, but I thought it was so interesting that she hadn't been yet. But then it's also weird that she's not like been there for Paige.

One time to support her show, even though I know she supports her. But like, that's really weird. I know. And then Andy asked like a bunch of follow up questions about Hannah. And I find it really interesting how Kyle and Amanda talk about Hannah now. They're like, it's very much they're the Kim Kardashian and Hannah's the Taylor. They're like over it. Like we wish her the best. Like she's crushing it. Like she's so happy. And I'm sure if you asked Hannah, which she'd never gone watch happens live. But like if she was in the same spot, like I don't think she'd be.

don't think she looks back as rose colored glasses as they do. Like that was really, I think a very, very hard traumatic time for her. Yeah. But they're all like, well, we, you know, we wish her the best. I'm sure she don't wish them the best. Because it keeps coming up. Like I really want to watch it because I don't understand. And I'm just like, why can't Hannah and Amanda make up? Even if Hannah doesn't ever want to talk to Kyle again. Yeah. Like they can't.

They can't. Also, I thought that was interesting on Watched Robbins Live. Like a lot of the questions about Craig and any like shady answers, like more so came from Sierra because like Amanda's really not in a position to be a critiquing relationships or like, you know, partners and how supportive they are. And I think that's actually very self-aware of her. She was not being like overtly critical of Craig. Like when she was like, oh, he was blinded by love. Like her answers, I think because if she started being

pointing fingers that's like not a game you want to play when your husband is Kyle no and when you can see how the things that we see on TV might not be representative of the issues in your relationship for better or for worse like of course we see that conversation between page and Craig and we're like oh doomsday is coming but like if they hadn't broken up six months later and they know that they've had a

like that over the last five years on summer house this time it's like oh well of course they broke up but in the past it's like they're working through their issues yeah so i think amanda can understand how a conversation like that is on tv but we're working through our issues right right um in terms of the actual episode i thought it was a great episode i was cracking up i have you ever heard of putting like a birthday cake in the oven no to store

To me, like I couldn't because when they were cleaning up, they had this like birthday cake. It was from Magnolia Bakery. And I don't think there was space in the fridge. And like, do you put a cake in the fridge? It's like half eaten. And Gabby was like, no, you put it in the oven with the oven off. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But still, it doesn't need coldness because it has dairy. I don't know. You wouldn't put milk in the oven. Like you wouldn't put milk on the counter even. And if you're going to put it in the oven, why not just leave it on the counter? The oven is warmer. Because like the counter...

Like the elements. I don't know. The oven is warmer and you don't want your warm dairy. I was like, is that a thing people do with birthday cakes? I don't think so. To me, it makes no sense, but let us know. I mean, it would be great to, cause like, that's like a little second fridge, but that doesn't make sense. Cause it's dairy. Oh, one thing that bothered me on Watched Happens Live and in reference to the episode, cause there was that moment between Jesse and Sierra.

where he was like being flirty, your thighs turning me on, whatever. And then Andy was like, Sierra, would you ever like be interested in Jesse? And Amanda's like, yes, yes, yes. And Sierra's like, eh, eh. And it's like, that's the type of behavior like you hated that Wes did, you know, like going through multiple girls in the house. You hated when Austin did it. I feel like if I'm Lexi, I'm so annoyed at this whole thing. And the fact that like that thing happened on the episode last night and Sierra did nothing wrong in the episode. I thought she actually like, he was being kind of weird and she behaved appropriately. But like now, like,

On what happens I like egging it on and being like yeah we ship. It's like well that's what we've been yelling at West for like that you didn't like and now you're kind of participating the same exact behavior. Yeah. Yeah. And Jesse and Lexi are not together right now right. I don't know. I know nothing. It'd be like a big mystery. Right. But it really is. Jesse Sierra thing like keeps continuing because next week it looks like they have a conversation about like why didn't we ever give it a shot.

Right. And he was like, I let Wes just sort of like, I don't know, but I'm going to give Jesse the benefit of the doubt that like, cause like this week he really had his head aside from the leg and the humping. Like when he was in the gym, he was saying all the right things. I don't want to have my head turned. Like I'm Alexi. I miss her. I'm having fun with my boys, but I miss her. So maybe he can hold onto that for a few more hours at the party.

At the gym when he said that and then Kyle was like, yeah, but if you don't have the exclusivity clause yet, why don't you use this party while Lexi's out of town to meet and talk to some girls? Has there ever been worse advice given to anybody? There's never been. Especially from somebody who's married? There's literally never been worse advice because- I was like, I wanted to shake Jessie. Don't do that. That's not a way to get one more bang in. That's a way to make sure you and Lexi never become exclusive. Some of the worst fucking advice. I mean, not shocking. The worst advice. Yeah.

Also something funny because it reminded me when Carl, so this is almost a year ago, he's talking about Softbar, which still hasn't launched. And then Andy on Watch What Happens Live was talking to Amanda about her swimsuits and was like, Amanda, I just want to congratulate you for being the first Bravo star in history to line up a product launch with the season airing.

You're talking about the swimsuits and you can buy the swimsuits now. It's kind of brilliant. And it was so funny. And then I actually felt like it was a direct dig at Softbar. Yeah. Like they still don't have a bar. Dig at Softbar. I think he's still mad at Austin Kroll for not getting Trap Hop off the ground after like seasons of promotion. And like then at the reunion, Andy's like, so where can you buy it? He's like, not yet. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's really funny. And then, of course, Spring Summer Joggers, She Buy Shre. Of course, of course. Yeah. Yeah.

Okay so the episode they had this big pirate party that like Carl's taking really seriously for some reason because he has this girl coming who seems really cute and because Lindsay's not there so it's like this is Carl's bat mitzvah. Which makes it weirder just be normal you know like just go to a party and like it doesn't have to be so much pressure.

I know it's Carl everything Carl does I don't know if it's like these days post Lindsay I don't necessarily always remember feeling this way about him but like everything he does is just like this pathetic aura to it but I think he also I think maybe like he's inherently like that but then he also like heaps it on because I think he like wants us to forget that he ended the engagement that Lindsay was going to marry him he is the

reason why they're not married and why she's not carrying his child. So I guess it's a good way to make us forget that. Because otherwise he's the villain. And I don't see him as a villain because of the way that he carries himself. Yes. Sad sack. He wants to be seen as the victim. Sad sack. Celibate. Haven't had sex in a year. Why? You broke up with a girl. No, and he thinks it helps him that Lindsay moved on so quickly and that she's pregnant because he's still here. Like, I'm celibate. Right. And literally acting like he got broken up with.

I don't think anybody is falling for it. However, it has helped in like neutralizing any strong opinions that I had. Like, listen, bro, just go talk to your lemur girl, okay? No, he's so pathetic. Like that's the word. And even when she like gave him a compliment and she was like, you look like a lemur.

Okay, I'll go kill myself. She likes lemurs. I know, I know. And it's like, even like the good things in his life, like this girl complimenting him, like they're sad. And like, is that girl going to stay at the house? That was a bad idea. Terrible. When he said, are you staying here? I thought he meant like in the Hamptons. I should hope so. What, you drive three hours for a party with a pirate ship? And then she's like, am I staying? Maybe, like, it was just no. That's no. Did you pack a bag? Do you have clean undies? No. No.

So yeah, it was like a big moment for Carl for some reason, this party. And what else happened? I did not understand why Amanda and Sierra were dressed as birds. - 'Cause like pirates have birds with them, like a parrot. - Right, so when they took the picture and Sierra had, I mean Paige had both of them on her arms, I then understood the parrot, but Sierra was dressed as a seagull. - Maybe she was like a dove.

No, I think she said I'm a seagull. Well, I think they could also have seagulls. Maybe it's not only parrots. No, I think it is. Like, that's the shtick. That's like one person's shtick, maybe from like Pirates of the Caribbean. Right, right. Let me see. Pirate birds. Oh, also, I feel like now because they're broken up and we know that like Amanda, I mean, Paige is like very much team lover boy. Yeah.

It's not surprising, but when you're watching the episode, just like for where they are in their relationship, it's like very clear that Craig, Paige is mad at Craig for like getting into this fight with Kyle. And she's like annoyed that they're here because of him. Like she's not on his side, which now makes sense. But at the time it's like, well, that's your man, you know? Yeah. And she's like, it's interesting how the primary feeling she's feeling is like annoyed at him. I know, but it's also like,

The issue I think regardless of like our personal like. It's so hard we have to take ourselves out of it. But actually when I'm watching this they blur out it's like I actually don't feel like attached to it in the moment. So the issue is that like Kyle has completely co-opted the show with Loverboy and why can't seriously why can't anyone on the cast let a

alone a castmate's boyfriend do anything with any other alcohol or canned cocktail company. Like why? That's not right. So even though it's very inconvenient for Paige that Craig went and did this. Yes. And it's going to cause a bragus with Kyle and Amanda. And that's very inconvenient. And I don't want we don't want to fight with our friends. They're wrong for asserting that it has to be this way and only this way and nobody else, whether they're

members or not can do something with another brand like what you're not paying people no at its core and that's what's so interesting you know Jesse Solomon did like a big truly ad the other day

I feel like at some point Kyle has to like just start to act normal about it. No, I feel like Kyle literally, I think Kyle facilitated the deal to be like, I didn't get had a fired for doing something with Trulia. I love Trulia and White Claw. Like I feel like he's now, because that's what's being said about Kyle and that's what bothers him so much. That's why he was texting Paige. I didn't get had a fired because she didn't add with another drink company. It's like this thing that people know about Kyle and it bothers him that people know it. So I feel like he told Jessie to do it. So why would he behave the same way with Spritz?

Say that again? Why would he behave the same way about Spritz? Like, why would he pretend to be cool with it? He didn't feel that way at the time. He didn't feel that way at the time. Like, the Trulie thing happened, and then the Spritz thing happened, and then after the Spritz thing happened, everybody brought up the Hannah-Trulie thing again, so it became this, like, big narrative about Kyle. And a pattern, and now he's trying to pretend like it's not a pattern. So now I think he's trying to, I wouldn't be surprised if he went to Trulie and said, my friend Jesse needs a deal. Like, just to counteract the narrative about him. Got it. Got it. Like, I'm sure Jesse did that with complete approval. Yeah. That's true.

That's really interesting. But yeah, I just think it's crazy that there's this expectation of exclusivity for literally everyone in their orbit and only they're allowed to make money on canned cocktails and no one else can work in this huge space. And Craig was funny in the car about Kendall and Kylie, like such a random example, but so true. Yeah, it was a random example, but it was hilarious. He's so funny. He's so funny. Um,

And then I thought that we were going to get like the Craig versus Kyle fight last night, but it's next week. Yeah. And I think it was fair that like Craig didn't want to have the fight the first night. No. Also, the vibe that I was getting was that if they were going to talk about it, they were going to talk about it right there at the table with everybody around, which is really not productive. Yeah. And that's not like an in the weeds conversation. It's just like, man, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Like, yeah, he has ish.

Well, that's what Kyle thinks. Kyle thinks it's just going to be like, bro, I didn't mean to, bro, I'm sorry. And Craig is actually like a very emotional person. And so I think, you know, us having this conversation after a long day in the middle of the table with everybody, there's no room for nuance. And I think Craig has a lot more to say than I think Kyle's expecting. Yeah, I agree.

So Southern Charm recap from Jackie O tomorrow. Oh my gosh, I have to watch. I'm so excited. Yeah, and you didn't recap last week, so. I didn't. And something crazy happened that I just wanted to mention. Oh, Vanita and JT, the girls are fighting. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I saw Vanita making a lot of news. Like the Venmo and the $5,000. Yes, $5,000. Okay, because like Vanita has actually been vindicated because I told this to Ben, but I need to tell it to you because remember when JT said like, I don't want to date you, I have a girlfriend.

yeah then they went to the Bahamas and he's like crying because he's fighting with everyone and she goes up to his room and she's like putting the moves on him and he's like says in his confessional how she's like throwing herself at him and it's really hard to say no but he has a girlfriend and she's like I want JT I love JT me and JT it's really crazy and then she posted her Instagram story the conversation where he told her that he has a girlfriend happened after the Bahamas and they aired it before the Bahamas and made her look really stupid

Wait, that's like really evil. Yeah, really evil. So I was glad that she cleared her name and I was like, okay, we can't like trust everything, but we know that it's TV. But like, okay, Vanita like hasn't lost her damn mind. Wait, I feel so bad for her. That's so embarrassing. Yeah, but she really cleared her name and like people, we had moved on from it. And so JT, like there was this like, the thing with the barber, oh my God, it was like so crazy. Remember when I told you that someone's goes to St. Barbara's JT and then the barber told, I told you in the preview for next week,

Someone goes to the same barber as JT, a random guy named Ryan. I don't even know who he is, why he's on the show. But he said that JT said to the barber something and then he told it to Levin. We're like waiting to see what it was. And it was really crazy. He said that the barber said that JT said was talking about the show and the season and that like some black girl keeps coming on to me.

Ooh. Yeah. And JT is flipping when Leva tells him this. And like Leva and Vanita hear this and they're like, that's not JT. Like we know him. He doesn't talk like that. He's a good person. Right. Is the person that we know like not him at all? Did the barber make it up? So...

JT calls the barber on the spot. He was like, did I say this? And the barber was like, no, but I was saying to write. He was like, that might've been the way that I said it. Retold it. Retold it. But that's not how you said it. But it was, it was literally five minutes where it just goes from like all the way up to like, oh, it's nothing all the way down. JT did not say it. He's like, not, he like that. He's totally vindicated. But I,

I feel like he's going to quit the show and everyone says that he's going to quit the show. And that might've been something. And anyways, then something happened where Vanita said like, Oh really? You weren't spending $5,000 on me. Take me out when I'm not your girlfriend. She said something like that on her Instagram. And then he was like,

no, you paid for my suit because I was using a cane and I left my credit card in the car and I paid you back. And then no one like, here's the exact amount, dollars and cents. Like she made it seem like he was like whining and dining her and like paying her. Oh, that's bad. Yeah. Bad look. But I'm going to hold space for the next truth because that's what keeps happening. Where it's like, wait, that looks crazy. Even with the JT thing, I'm like, what, how can he come out? How can this not be true? What Ryan's liar? Why would Ryan lie? And they say Ryan's husband is black. Why would he just make this up? Right. It was just like a bad game of telephone. Yeah.

Yikes. Poor Vanita. Poor Vanita. And she's like in her bed. She's like waiting to hear the truth. Like, is my friend a horrible, like I felt so bad for her. He felt so bad for her. It was just like a really bad moment and for nothing because it didn't happen. Well, I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying the season of Southern charm through your eyes, you know? So I'll let you know what happens at the finale party. Molly is going to kiss Shep though. It doesn't look so romantic.

Craig will give us the update on the breakup. Even though I don't think anything we're going to see tonight is something we don't know already. I feel like they've really teased everything. Yeah. Well, that's our show, you guys, and I'll offie. Thank you so much for listening to the Toast and Millennium Morning Show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. If you're watching us on YouTube, please don't forget to subscribe and give us a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast network. Podcasts we've had since Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Public Radio, iHeartRadio, CastBox, all the places we've visited, podcasts, Vanessa, Toast, 35, Storyview, A Better Beautiful Setting, and Wickedly Talented We Are. Love ya. Bye.