cover of episode Influencer Drama For All: Thursday, March 13th, 2025

Influencer Drama For All: Thursday, March 13th, 2025

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The hosts delve into a TikTok drama involving New York City influencers, sparked by a viral video criticizing their content. They discuss the ensuing reactions from the influencers themselves and the broader implications for influencer culture.
  • A viral TikTok criticized New York City influencers for being monotonous and lacking originality.
  • The video led many influencers to respond, inadvertently identifying themselves as those criticized.
  • The drama highlighted both the influencers' popularity and the cultural dynamics of TikTok.
  • Influencer culture reflects societal preferences and is shaped by audience engagement.
  • The conversation touches on the differences between traditional and modern influencer archetypes.

Shownotes Transcript

It's the toast. It's Jackson Close. It's your favorite show. The fast five things you need to know. We'll start your day off swirly. It's the toast. They sound amazing. Welcome back to the toast and happy Thursday. That genuinely should be a Friday. Hi, Jack. How you doing? I'm doing good. Hojers. Wojers. You know who you are? Hojers. So, Joerners, Joerners.

You are Hozier. Okay. At first I thought you were calling me a ho and I was like, facts. And then I realized you're talking about Hozier. You are a very talented singer, like a one in a lifetime generation kind of talent. Yeah. I completely agree with that. That's awesome. You are Hozier. Okay. Hozier, Hozier, Hozier, Sojour. Yeah. Tinker Tailor, Soldier Spy.

You are also Kojerner's truth. You are. - I am. I am who I am at this point, you know? - No, it's just like so crazy and I'm still Foley. How does that work?

Oh, that is the plight of like being the girl who comes up with the nicknames. It's true. You are the girl who just iterates off of different things and you're the creative genius behind all the nicknames, Turdy. And so while that is an amazing accolade, it leaves you nicknameless because it leaves me like the brain dead moron to come up with a nickname for you. And I'm working off of a reference from the Devil Wears Prada from actually 15 years ago. Yeah. Yeah. But it's okay. That's the way the world works. My talent.

Like you said, my talent is obviously singing better than Hozier Truth. And that's my talent. And yours is nicknames. Yeah, it's fun being a nickname queen, especially when you have kids. Like the nicknames are off the charts and it's hysterical. I was thinking actually yesterday, I'm not terrible with nicknames because Romeo is currently Scumbolita. Oh, you guys are like you and Ben have your own like language genre. Yeah.

Where, yes, your baby will be like, boombalino. Yeah, so Romeo is currently scoombalita. And I'm not entirely sure how we got there. But all that matters is that we got there. Scoombalito. Scoombalita, jump.

Scumbag leader actually is in Queens. I went to drop him off last night. Ben is golfing for the weekend. And like, I just can't take care of Romeo by myself. Like a pregnant woman walking the streets at night. It's just not, it's not going to happen. He's the king of Queens. So we dropped him off. He's the king of Queens. And then Ben and I found ourselves in Queens and we were like, okay, let's have like a bomb ass dinner. Peter Luger. And so,

That's in Brooklyn. We went to Parkside, which is like this very famous Italian restaurant that Ben's always going to. And Ben like, Ben walks in there. Okay. So the first time Ben went, actually he used to go all the time with his grandma, but the most recent time he went, he went after a Mets game with his friend Pete who plays for the Mets and like, you know,

Yeah. And so, you know, the Mets play in Queens and this is like the most famous restaurant in Queens. It's crazy to go anywhere with him in New York area. It actually is so crazy to go anywhere with him. But like this particular restaurant, Ben, like when he got home, he was telling me about it. Like it was actually crazy. Like they kept the restaurant open for a beat. And so last night it was just like us, you know, and we were eating at 530 and it was just like they had a table. Seats take.

No, no, they had a table because it was 5.30. And I'm like, Ben, how does it feel coming back here like as a nobody? As a pauper. When the last time, I think they were the only people in the restaurant. They like kept the restaurant open late after a Mets game for like the Met to come. To meet the Mets. Correct. Having said that, it was so delicious. We had like a fabulous dinner at 5.30, you know, swiftly in bed by seven. Nothing better than that. Love that. I love that.

in bed at a decent hour and I watched Summer House but I have to be honest like I really watched with a quarter of an eye because our group chat was popping off last night and I was pausing it every three minutes like to go back into the chat and have my fun so if it was a good episode of Summer House I wouldn't know because I wasn't invested in it but I don't think it was good I would

I would say it was a good episode. Nothing happened. Summer House is just one of those shows where, and we'll talk about it in the TV recap. It's pleasant. Everybody is good looking. Everybody is stylish. Everybody is young and hot. And has personality. Yeah. There's no like dearth. There's no boring people. So I feel...

like even a bad episode of summer house is still really good no just to say not like bad but nothing happened no there wasn't like a big nothing yeah it wasn't a big party or anything they went to the beach they came home they all went out they don't bring the cameras and then the next day they packed I think I think you're missing some stuff but we'll talk about it in the TV okay okay but all is to say yeah I was in the I was in the chats last night they were popping you were you were chatting between yeah so much drama

So much drama. Actually, there wasn't. We were just like gossiping. So much gossip. So much drama to gossip about. That's what I live. Live to gossip. It was really fun. Do you want to talk about that subject on the show today? We were gossiping about the thing is, is we're kind of late. We're kind of late. Jackie, like just discovered all the TikTok drama going on with the New York City influencers. I've known that it's happening.

And we were gossiping like really hard about it. Yeah, we could chat about it. Unfortunately, like we're talking about the New York City influencers and we're not talking about me. So I'm already at a disadvantage. Like I care less. I know, but they're not being talked about in a positive light. So I think that if you are not...

They're not talking about you because the people that they're describing, like the good thing is that it is not you because they're not saying very nice things. So if you're not on this side of TikTok and. But I just feel like if this has reached me in such a way, I feel like it's very big.

It's not actually. It's reached you because like I am a New York City. Because my sisters are New York City influencers. Yeah, yeah. But no, it did become like a big thing. And if you're following over the weekend, like somebody made a TikTok that was just like, it was just a regular girl, like a nobody. And she was just like, you know, being bitchy, being like, what's with all the New York City influencers are so boring. Like it was just kind of like a nasty takedown on like the state of the most famous TikTokers. She's talking about like, I think like fashion TikTok New York City girlies.

And it was just like a really, like, to be honest, it came across my For You page before it blew up. I didn't think much of it. I just thought it was like when she vibes. Like it wasn't this like intellectual takedown. It wasn't this huge viral video. But then like it made its way to all the people who thought that it was about them. And they all started like commenting, responding, stitching it, duetting it, making it huge and also sort of outing themselves as the quote boring influencers that they think she was referring to.

And it became this huge thing, this like referendum on the New York City influencers and whether or not they're boring. Right? And now everyone's coming out of the woodwork sharing, you know, positive, negative experiences they've had with all these influencers. And I...

It's just like, you know me, I live for like an influencer drama takedown. Like this one, I don't know. It's not doing it for me. There's like, I can't even explain what the drama is about. Like it's not about anything. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, well, I think that like the initial video was the initial video and her point is worth discussing. She says that they're all pretty boring. They post the same things. They wear the same things. They all look nice in those things because they're like skinny and pretty, but it's not like an original point of view or original sense of style. And I think what she was saying is like when you think of New York City, like this pinnacle of like culture and fashion and style-

if this is who's representing the city, like, well, how is that possible? Because it's all very like Lululemon pants going to Pilates and getting a cafe au lait afterwards. No, and if

If I were them, I'd just be like, she called me skinny. I'm good. That's how I knew she wasn't talking about me. I'm good. No, it's like they all dress really well, but it's obviously like a derivative of someone else's fashion. Like it's not their own, like, oh, I'm going to get dressed and be me today. And so I feel like some of the people that she was talking about, I think I've

I think I follow less than half of them. What is it like five, six girls? And so I was looking at everyone and like, I see what she's saying. Like they are all very similar and it's, it's homogenous. And the content is like the most interesting, but like they have followers for a reason. Like this is what people like. It's very pleasant to look at there. It's very common. It's called aesthetic. Like that's the thing. They're serving an audience. If people didn't like it or they found it too boring to follow, they wouldn't

follow them. No one's forcing them. They're the New York City influencers for a reason. I think it speaks more to the culture than it speaks to these girls. It also speaks to what I think what a lot of the reception to that girl's video was is like, your For You page is the For You page. You built it brick by brick. It is a reflection of content you engage with, things you find interesting, things you find entertaining. So

Some girls were like commenting, I don't even know who you're talking about these girls because that's not what my For You page looks like. My New York City influencers are much more diverse and much more stylish. And so it is a reflection of the person whose page it is. But in that girl's defense, like there is a crop of like TikTokers, like five or six girls who I think we all know, like

the girlies that we're talking about who have the most followers and it's true it's like well maybe it's boring to you or it's uninteresting to you but there is proof in the pudding there's proof in the pudding they are the girls with the most followers they are the girls with the best engagement like it is entertaining and interesting and inspiring to someone yeah I think it's

I think it just speaks to what people want and what they engage with. And there are people out there, maybe not that they're like specific bracket of age of influencer in New York City, but there are plenty of influencers with like unique senses of style and comedy and this. So they cover one bucket. I don't think that's a crime that they're not like more interesting. I agree. Like, OK, if you don't like it, don't follow it. But people do like it. So I think you have to look at that.

No, that is... And that makes sense. It's like why I've had such a flop of a career on TikTok, right? Right. They don't want me and my unique sense of style. No, and they don't want the chaos, I think. I think that that is...

true on TikTok like they like peaceful calm and it's true I follow I follow a lot of different influencers who offer me a lot of different things but there is a bucket that I like of like people who it's like just peaceful with the music and the cleaning and they're getting dressed and they're putting on their skincare and there's something nice about it I can't explain yeah no it's important to acknowledge

things are popular for a reason and it's sometimes, sometimes not that deep. Yeah, but then the girls really stepped in it with their responses. They shouldn't have, and then there were people responding to it and being like, we weren't talking about you. Like, stop, you know? Like, it was like, everybody was really showing themselves. Like, there were, when I saw it, when I saw it, like a couple of girls came to mind who are like, really do a lot of the same, like workout class, like latte content. I mean, let's just say, like a quad,

Acquired has become the face of this. Acquired style has become the face of this. And then the other names being thrown around are Kit Keenan, And there's two Acquireds now. She has a twin. An identical twin.

So it's like four or five blonde, skinny girls who work out a lot, who make a lot of coffee content, who make a lot of skincare content, who do this for a living full time. They work with fashion brands. They work with skincare brands. They go on brand trips. And so they are like the most successful TikTokers in New York City right now. And that's definitely who she was referring to. They all like commented, duetted, stitched it, blew it up, first of all. Like this is a scandal that they made. But then it was funny to see like other people like leaving comments like,

I can't believe she talked about us like that. I'm like us? I don't think they were talking about you. Like I that's just like to me that's what I found funny about this whole thing. Was she talking about our sister Margo?

No. One thing about TikTok is TikTok really likes creators who have also full time jobs who don't do creating full time. I think they find it actually really inspirational and very relatable, like wanting to do content, but also not wanting to give up like your college degree and all the things you worked for. And so I actually think that's a huge bucket in our sister Margo, a check in our sister Margo's column is that she works full time. Obviously, she's like a fancy corporate job, but then she's also like a full time content creator.

Yeah, no, I didn't think of her when they said that, but like she is a New York City influencer and she's friends with all these people. And also most of- But you know what? Satchel drinks like Starbucks. Like they're not talking about her. They're like, that's a different problem.

Yeah, yeah, like Satchel doesn't have like an espresso machine and her, do you know what I mean? Because like coffee is such a big part of this. They're like, let's go try the matcha cup of latte at the new place in the West Village. And Margot drinks like grocery store coffee and like that's why she'll never be successful. No, I'm kidding.

Satchel catching strays today. No, but Satchel, there are so many things about Margo's content. She's kind of crazy. There's so many things about it that are unbelievable. How much she works, how much she works out. All this time of the day, she travels. She has a full life. But then there's also so many things that are so regular about her. Her coffee is from the grocery store. I'm going to ask her. What coffee does she drink? I think she mobile orders Starbucks and picks up a huge ugly thing. What kind of coffee do you drink every morning? Yeah.

She definitely gets a Trenta mobile order 1000%. And that's why she's so regular. It's also like not an order. That's like mocha chocolate. Like that. Cool. Ice coffee with like sugar, cream, cold foam, sugar, free vanilla, skim milk. It's a coffee with milk. Splendors. I'll let you know what she says. That is so funny. What I was also going to say about these girls is most of them, except for kid who was also on the bachelor. And so I kind of like don't group her with these girls. Plus she cooks, but,

But most of them are like just regular girls that they're not like nepo children or they started with zero followers, just like everyone else. And like no leg up in this industry. So if they've built it to a million followers on TikTok, like that's on the, anybody could do that. Right.

Yes, that's true. That's why you remove Kit from the conversation because Kit is obviously Nepo fashion queen and she was on The Bachelor, which gives you like a bit of a platform. But for some of the other girls that they're talking about, I think like they're also looping in like Lauren Wolf. Did she come from a... No, these are just girls who like during COVID especially like hustled really hard. And a lot of them were doing full-time jobs before and during their content creation career and are now doing it full-time. So yeah, there is something like also impressive about that. Yeah.

do it and they've done it so if you don't like it go do it wow this is what margo drinks lately just cold brew from the office like thank you that's my point thank you so much talking about her but she did tell me her office got a cold brew machine everybody's talking about it that's okay so she's literally getting free coffee she's so not who we're talking about

Satch de la cratch. Satch de la cratch. No, actually, Margo didn't come to mind when I thought of the... Well, when I hear the word New York City influencers, I do think of my little sisters. I do. I do center them in the conversation. Me too. You too. You're the influencer mentor. Don't shut up. I'm not. But it is true that other cities do have very interesting people. But I guess so does New York. New York gave us something navy.

you know right and it also did remind me of like the last group of New York City influencers it was more like the Instagram bloggers kind of like the Revolve girls if you remember that era before Revolve started working with TikTokers it was just like Instagram girls and they were all really similar to one another they were just like different iterations of the same vibe no no like Arielle's style is like very different from like Danielle Bernstein is different from Leandra Medina like the

Okay, well, yes, Leandra Medin was, like, really high fashion, and, like, she would wear, like, things that were, like, ugly, but they were, like, fashion. But, okay, but even, like, Ariel Charnas and we were what? Yeah, to us, like, they're so different. But to the outside world, they're just, like, New York City girls. They're both, like, from Long Island. They wear, like, you know, intermix. It was very similar. Mm-hmm. Yeah. We could find the differences in them, yes. Yeah. But overall... Yeah. Yeah.

I think just people are just looking for too much like meaning. Well, and that's what happens. That's like a woman's thing, right? This is a woman's issue. Women are always like looking for so, that's why like a lot of internet discourse, influencer, drama, content creator is for women by women. Like we're looking for too much here. Like it's just, it's just a job. It's like, it's just content. Take it or leave it. Right, right. Yeah. So if you are an interesting, non-boring creator, show yourself. Yeah.

Show yourself. So glad we chatted about that because that's been big. That's been huge news on the interwebs. In the community. Even though, you know, and I meant to, I totally fucked up again yesterday. I keep referring to our boomer listeners as boomers, but I'm talking about Gen X. I'm sorry. And it's funny. They do call Gen X the forgotten generation. And look, here we are forgetting about them. And I don't know if our Gen X listeners care about this drama. No.

But I did fall into some Gen X TikTok drama this morning. Share. But I also think that Gen X like wants us to be us. They came here when we were good morning millennials. Like they don't want us to change. They want to relate to their daughters about what's going on. So they could say like, did you hear a choir that's getting dragged through the streets? And she'll be like, mom. You don't like me? Acquire some style. She'll be like, mom, what?

So the boomer drama on TikTok this morning is there's a woman, she's like a New York City woman who like makes really high quality TikToks. She's like 75. I don't know like how she got to be so popular and how she like knows how to make such high quality content. But she just like shares her life. She's clearly very wealthy. She has this huge apartment in New York, big house in the Hamptons, big house in Outer Banks. Her and her husband just like share parts of their life. And she shared a video, like a story time that like really showed herself as a toxic mother-in-law.

She was talking about how she has two daughters-in-laws and the relationship with them is both strained individually. Why would she share this? Right, right. And she's sharing the story about how one of the daughter-in-laws, like they have a rule in their family, like they really ask that no gifts be given to the kids unless it's like Christmas, Hanukkah, whatever. It's just like one of their parenting things. They don't want their kids to be spoiled. And obviously like this mother-in-law has an issue with it because they live across the country and she never gets to see her grandkids, yada, yada, yada.

And then a couple of years ago, she went to the dermatologist. They found like a mole that they thought was melanoma. So she was having this like health scare. And the first thing she thought was like, I need to buy my grandson a truck. And like, that's like her toxic mother-in-law trait, whatever the video, like it was so innocuous. It was just like her regular content, but people were like, wait, you have issues with both your daughters-in-law. And then the story you're telling, like, sounds like you are the problem. Like you're not listening and respecting boundaries. Yeah.

And so she made a response video this morning and she was just like, I never get to see my grandkids. I'm 77 years old. I can't travel across the country. She was being very toxic victim. And it's like, we follow you. You go to the Outer Banks, like your huge house. Like you go there maybe once a quarter. Like you travel plenty. You and your husband are fine to do that. So why are you lying? That's really crazy. Yeah. That she would share all of that. What goes on in her life? Like, I don't care. It's her own personal business. But, and what happened with the melanoma? Yeah.

I think everything, it was just a scare. But I don't want to judge, but like you have melanoma and you need to buy your grandson a truck. Well, that's what everyone was saying. It was like, you're using your like health scare to like get your way in this situation. You've been waiting for years. Right, right, right. And then there's like a big underground theory that actually she's, she's autistic, but that she grew up like in a generation that like didn't like acknowledge that as like an issue. So she like kind of went on.

detected and untreated like that's what we're seeing you know that's just that is so that is also so crazy like true or not you don't know this person so I just want to know like from Gen Z to Gen X we have all the TikTok trauma covered this morning we really do and that's how Sue sees it

How are the stories today? Oh, wow. We've dillied and dallied quite a bit. Yeah. When I said, do you want to talk about the influencer drama? Like I meant as a fifth story is what I meant. Well, I'm sorry. I don't read minds. No, sorry. I would like, I never finished what I was saying. Cause we just launched into it. So I do think we can make up some time on the backend. I do think. Great. Great. So now without further ado, there's the fast five stories. You need to know you did it. Do you?

And the Fast Five stories that you need to know are brought to you by State Farm. Thank you to State Farm for supporting The Toast today and every day.

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Just enter code TOAST at checkout for 30% off your first order. Our code is TOAST, T-O-A-S-T, for 30% off. Thank you, Turt. You're welcome. Thank you. Thank you for that. Our first story, a story that means a lot to me. A lot, a lot. Harry Jowsey. What did Meghan Markle do now? Harry Jowsey and Lucy Hale are dating. What? Their relationship is casual, but not brand new.

So people can confirm that Harry, Harry Jowsey and Lucy Hale are officially dating. He is 27 and she is 35. Just so that you have the facts. He's 27 and she's 35. Okay. A source tells, but she like is forever 18, 17. Yeah. A source tells me, like, I actually think she might be a vampire because she doesn't age and she's looked at the same ever since we've met. She stepped on the scene. I, I hate to bring this up because I feel like I cannot have nuanced conversation with

about Lucy Hale because to me, if you're going to bring her up, like I'm going to bring up that weird thing she did with Colton at Runyon Canyon, you know? She went for a walk with Colton. Like five minutes before Colton Underwood came out as gay, he was like on a date doing a hike with Lucy Hale. Okay. We don't know what was the date. Maybe it was a PR move. Maybe he's her GBF. I'm still at the restaurant. I'm moving on because she's one of my faves.

And I really feel like she's looking for love. We've reported on like her being with people over the years. And now it's Harry Jowsey. And let me tell you how I ship.

Yeah, you definitely like a fun fact about you is you have a special place in your heart for Harry Jowsey. I do. Why do you think that is? Because he shares it. He shares the name with your son. I do like the name Harry. Also, when we were doing our Spotify live show and he was doing a Spotify live show. Very supportive. He was very supportive of our Spotify live show and came into our chat room and had a really great attitude when he didn't even know us. I think he's like actually a nice guy. And I think that what he's built is.

based on like one season of a random reality show is like is very impressive but every time I see clips of him I think he's very funny I think he's got great personality and he's just like he's funny and he like shit and I feel like he's like a classic I don't know like fuck boy or whatever but like he's like giving us insider information as women he's not afraid to go deep either I was just talking about that clip I saw of him talking on his podcast about I forget who was maybe his dad who did the assisted suicide in Australia remember I was telling you about that yeah

So he opens up. He's layered. He liked Khloe Kardashian during that brief period of time. Obsessed. Larsa. Don't forget Larsa. I did forget Larsa. What did they do? They were rumored to be dating too. I just think he's having fun. You know, he's like this young, good looking guy. People are attracted to him and he's just sort of like going with the flow. Yeah. So I wonder if him and Lucy, I'm sure they're having fun. I feel like she's probably looking for something serious-ish or like just...

Solid. Solid. I don't know what he's looking for. I feel like they might not be aligned. Yeah, I wouldn't say like serious and solid is his current goal. You can't put Harry Jowsey in a box.

So true. You know? When I think about the Netflix show that launched his career, like Too Hot to Handle, which I know still airs and nobody watches it, that first season was definitely a cultural reset and we got like him and Francesca Farago, right? And by the way, he behaved so poorly on that show. Like he straight up lied on that show. He lied. We all watched him lie. And then apparently he went on Perfect Match and he like lied and people were surprised. I'm like, he lied on Too Hot to Handle. Oh, and he dated Jess from Perfect Match, another queen. He has great taste in women.

Yeah, I think just like beautiful. I don't think that he has great taste in women. I think like great women just like him. Do you know what I mean? And that says a lot about him. I agree. I agree. You are the company you keep. Yeah. So as Lucy is one of my favorite actresses, like everything she like is in. What is she in that you love so much? You don't even like Pretty Little Liars. Privileged. Privileged. Katie Keene. Justice for Katie Keene. Did you ever see The Hating Game? No, I didn't.

It was one of those like smut novels. They turned into like a direct to DVD movie that she made. It was actually really good. I know. I just feel like that movie, like between the title and the cover photo, like I got the point. The Hating Game. You saw the whole thing. They're back to back. We hate each other. Now we love each other. It's a classic trope of enemies to lovers. It's an enemies to lovers trope. What else is... Oh, I think she was also in...

Like she's someone who I have followed on Instagram since I got an Instagram. Do you know what I mean? That's an amazing way of putting it. Yes. I would love to see a metric of how many people I have followed it like, and like including unfollows, but like how many people I have followed in my lifetime. You should get that app that Taylor from love is blind has. I should not get that app. No, you should. Oh, a Cinderella story, which was one of the better iterations. Yeah.

Who is she? Is she one of the Nasty Sisters? No, she's the Cinderella. It was like, you know how they did a bunch of... Oh, not like the one. No, not Hilary Duff. And not Selena Gomez, another Cinderella story. No, she had her own. Oh, less popular. It's giving bring it on like... She had Lucy own one. Oh, it didn't make its way to my desk. I think you probably did watch it. You just probably don't remember it. No, I'm telling you. I'm telling you I didn't. She was also on the OC. Oh, yeah.

Who is she? Who'd she play? I just rewatched. Wasn't she so young? Yeah. I don't know. Everyone has been on the OC. Yeah, it's a rite of passage. Olivia Wilde. No, but my favorite work of hers is definitely Privileged. I would agree. Oh, she was on Wizards of Waverly Place. Yeah, I think she had a small role. I think she was dating the brother.

But I didn't watch Wizard. It's funny, all of her biggest things I actually didn't watch, like Pretty Little Liars. I watched Pretty Little Liars. I didn't enjoy it. And I don't look back on that time in my life fondly. I eventually gave up. Who was A? Did we ever find out? Who wasn't A? Right. It was the teacher. It was someone's dad. It was the twin sister. Right. It was Allison. She's alive. And it's her sister. Who's? Allison. Allison.

Right. As a twin sister. Correct. When in doubt, twin sister. Pretty Little Liars is becoming one of those shows. Like there's a rewatch podcast now. Like they're all, it's like they're doing too much. And they also rebooted it already. Yes. A failed reboot on HBO Max, a la Gossip Girl. Yeah. Yikes. Yeah. But I do often. You saw another failed reboot, Cruel Intentions, one season on Amazon. Yeah.

Oh, I didn't see that. That's bad when a reboot doesn't even make its way to my desk. Yeah, like I think at this point in the boardrooms, like reboot equals bad idea. We've been saying it obviously for a long time, but I think the numbers show.

No, I mean, if the Gossip Girl reboot didn't work, none of them had a chance because honestly, there's no reason that a Gossip Girl reboot wouldn't work, right? Like it's just a tale as old as time, like rich kids in New York City being like drunk and mean to each other. Like that's a timeless formula and they put so much money into it and they tried so hard and it was so bad. Yeah.

Like, so if that can't work really, what hope does the rest of them have? I don't know. I like, do people like lose their jobs when like things like that flop? Like, don't you feel like someone did a bad job at their job? I do like, and in a normal job, like if I went to work at a restaurant and I did a bad job, I would get fired. But with TV, they say like 90% of TV fails and the 10% that succeeds, like financially makes up for the 90%. And that's how like the TV industry is so popular. Um, but yeah,

So you're saying 90% of the workforce should be fired. Right. Yeah, I agree. You're supposed to be like the best in the biz. What do you know? Yeah. No, that's just like so weird to me. So that person will go on to make like another bad show and waste like millions of more dollars. Right, right, right. Cool, cool, cool. So anyways, I wish Lucy and Harry the best of luck. I hope that they are it for each other. And if they're not, I can respect that too. But I'll be enjoying this ride.

Love that. Are you ready for our next story? Kelly Clarkson is absent from her talk show due to a personal matter. However, they wanted they wanted us to think something was going on with Kelly. They did. But then they also want us to know nothing is going on with Kelly. But they definitely wanted like a moment for themselves. Yeah, because they waited a little. She was like, am I a and didn't say anything. And they wanted us to be like, oh, what's going on with Kelly? And then they let us know, like, there's nothing going on.

Kelly has been absent from her talk show for more than a week to handle, quote, a personal matter, according to a new report. The singer is, quote, wait, the stronger but doesn't kill you singer is, quote, completely fine. But she has been, quote, dealing with a personal matter that does not directly involve her sources, told TMZ on Wednesday. The undisclosed matter. The former talent show contestant turned pop star turned host. No, it is so wrong.

It is so annoying. That was really crazy that they did that. But anyways, they said that it's not cause for alarm. Yeah, no, they said she's dealing with a personal matter. And then they also added like that has nothing to do with her. I'm like, so it's not personal. Like, what are you thinking? I'm thinking like someone in her life, like she needs to be there for someone. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. They didn't give me much to work on here. I don't know.

Yeah, but I think all is well. You know, it could just be something as simple as like someone is sick. Like with the flu. Yeah, right. Maybe notovirus has hit her home. Yeah, maybe like grandma needs her.

It's just so crazy because I think like Kelly's stability and how like she just shows up, right? We take that for granted because she's never not – when you do a daytime show, like it's a lot of work. She also then does all of her other hosting things in addition to being the face of Wayfair and other companies. So she's very – she has a good work ethic and we're not used to her not showing up. I feel it's an unsettling feeling. Yeah, but it is a weird –

thing when like and feel it with this show too like when you're like do something public every single day and like you can't even have like one day to do something without like explaining or you know without the whole world knowing you can't take a day off you can actually like with kelly oh they pre-record it's pre-recorded they they can film like when i like they did like two or three

episodes in a day. Now it's still pretty topical so I don't think she films like months in advance but a lot of the daytime shows are like completely scripted and pre-recorded so I think if she needed to take a day off they could like double up on the next day and like get extra episodes out but if she needs a chunk a big period of time she's gonna have to take a bit of a sabbatical and that's what we're seeing here. I need a sabbatical. I'm a tenured professor who needs a sabbatical. I feel like we're tenured here.

We actually are taking a sabbatical this summer. I feel like that's a great way to describe what we're doing. Sabbatical.

Yeah, I think when a lot of shows go dark, they say like we're on hiatus. No, no. We are on sabbatical. And I don't know why I feel like sabbaticals are only like for college professors. And they're so respected. It's like you're not, oh, you're not just like laying in bed. You're like learning or something. Yeah, no, I assume if you're on sabbatical, like you have a fossil brush and you are in Egypt. Oh, that's because it means a period of paid leave granted to a university teacher or other worker for study or travel. Traditionally, one year for every seven years worked. Claudia, we've been

doing the show for seven years. We have earned a sabbatical. I just want to say like getting a whole year off because you worked for seven years, like the entitlement of college professors, like that's insane. Yeah. It's a nice job. Do you know who else works for seven years in a row? Everyone who needs to live. Yeah. But I guess like... And they don't have summers off and winter break like a college professor. And spring break. Right. And office hours. Right.

I guess it's like they can justify it as being like, if you're a professor, like you've learned and studied and how can you grow and have more to give? You need to learn more in order to teach more. Yes, so you take a year off to go and learn more to come back with more to teach.

Well, that's how I feel about our sabbatical. Well, so I sit here and speak on my own experiences, right? And I need to live those experiences, experiences in order to share them. So a year off is good for my work. Yeah. Well, it's not, you won't have a job to come back to. Literally. Like I, like I know you guys are going to be really like impatient with me on my maternity leave and like that's three months. So I think that's kind of the max. Yes.

Yeah. Well, the show is off two months, so. That's true. For our status. But I'm talking about me specifically. I think I have definitely a contingent of fans here. Who are going to miss you. Who are going to miss me. Yeah, specifically. They might not even tune in without you. Don't do that, you guys. Don't do that. Not cool. Be ready for our next story. Some exciting news. Three.

Yeah, I'm ready. Wendy Williams looks ecstatic as she hits a New York City hotspot after passing her psych evaluation with flying colors. Wendy Williams was spotted leaving a New York City hotspot after she was hospitalized and subjected to a psychiatric evaluation. The TV personality appeared in good spirits as she smiled wide for the outing at Max Tucci's Tucci restaurant in NoHo on Wednesday night. Have you been there? No. Is that where the New York City influencers are? That's why I'm not a New York City influencer. Yeah.

She kept it casual, wearing a green and orange bomber, black top and tights. Photos of her. She looks so, so happy. So basically, there's been a lot going on with her in the last week. She was like photographed looking frazzled. She was taken in for a psych evaluation to like finally get to the bottom of like, is Wendy OK? What's going on? And she has been maintaining that she's totally fine, but she's been put in this conservatorship. And we don't know if it's a situation where it's like a crazy person saying they're fine or like somebody really taking advantage of her.

somebody who's having like a mental breakdown. So she got evaluated psychiatrically. She passed. She's fine. She's free. The conservatorship is over. Wendy is back.

Now, I hope that this works out in the best possible way because I feel like our frame of reference for, and I'm going to say the thing that I feel like you're not supposed to say, for conservatorships is Britney Spears. And while the conservatorship that she was in and the people that were a part of it were corrupt, I don't know that she was a poor candidate for a conservatorship. When she was released, it was clear that this is someone corrupt.

Who maybe needs structure like that. The one that she found herself in with, you know, Lee, her dad, and then that woman, Lee, whatever. Not good. But there was maybe something to be said about her having that level of protection. I hope that with Wendy, it's the opposite case where it's like she never needed one in the beginning to begin with. Yeah. Do you have doubts about?

No, I don't. I actually, I have believed Wendy this whole time. I hadn't known what to believe because both cases are just like so hard to swallow, if true. Like the one where she's obviously, she's unwell or the other one where she's fine and she's being taken advantage of. But I'm happy to know that she is fine. I hope she enjoys her life selfishly, like, you know, maybe a little more.

Back to work. Give us some good bits again. I think Wendy Williams... I think she will have to work now. I think they took all her money. Well, she also...

She is sick like this isn't a perfectly healthy well person but they're just because like you have illnesses both physical or mental doesn't mean you don't have access to your own money like that's not. It's not just like boom push a red button conservatorship so she is quite ill you know she has Graves disease she has a lot of health issues yeah so I don't know if we'll see her like hustling back you know.

Hot topics. But I do think they took her money. So I think if she'll want to live at a certain level, she should do a podcast. It's like such a, she would be a natural and it's a low lift if you're good at it. Yeah. Yeah. We need to get Wendy some low lift work. Yeah. Also, so they're going to use the results from the psych eval to end her guardianship. And they are waiting to retest her for frontotemporal dementia after she denied that she suffered from the condition, though she was diagnosed with it in 2023. Yeah.

Well, somebody who was diagnosed would deny that they have it. But would someone who was diagnosed pack a psych eval 10 out of 10 flying colors, they say? Yeah, if they're just having like a good day. That's the thing with dementia. Like it hits and it doesn't, you know? Especially in the beginning. Now thanks for ruining the story for me. No, I'm saying it's still like possible. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. This is a bit of good news. Yes, it's a big W for WW. Yes. Yes.

Are you ready for our next story? Yeah. I don't think you're ready for the show. You don't? I don't think so. Oh, but it's the fourth story? Yeah, the fourth slash fifth. Oh, okay. Thank you. That's brought to you by Avara.

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Shop Our code is T-O-A-S-T. It'll get you 20% off your first purchase. Remember the name Avara because everyone's going to ask where you got your outfit. So it sounds like what they're saying is that the name on everybody's lips is... Avara. Correct. Our next story, Nikki Glaser is returning to host the 2026 Golden Globes and she hopes it'll land her role on the White Lotus. So Nikki joked but also humbly accepted the...

gig of hosts for next year's Golden Globes. She said, quote, hosting the Golden Globes this year was without a doubt the most fun I've ever had in my career. I can't wait to do it again, and this time in front of the team from the White Lotus, who will finally recognize my talent and cast me in season four as a Scandinavian Pilates instructor with a shadowy past.

Now that we're just like coming off of awards season, I can take a look at all the awards at a glance. Like the Golden Globes were truly a highlight. And I think they're a good show because they're very casual, right? Like it's like a seated dinner. It's not so formal. It's TV. It's movies. It's like every, it's music. It's people from all different walks. And then Nikki Glaser like really made it so fun. And I feel like when we recapped the Grammys, the Oscars, like all the big award shows this year, the Golden Globes were definitely what I enjoyed the most. And I think a lot of it had to do with her. Yes. So it's a no brainer. What they have in their column is that they go forward.

first and so you're excited and you're not fatigued and this is our first time seeing all these people not our fifth time and it's all just very exciting and new and and the dinner um setting and then having a great funny host like it's it's all on top it is one of the better ones when you like look at them all on an even playing field but the fact that it goes first really helps

That's a good point. I don't know if I realized that they go for... They kind of open the awards season. And it's so funny because I feel like the Golden Globes really struggled. They were canceled a couple of years ago. And they didn't cancel as a program, not as a culture. Taken off TV. They were moved from TV. Taken off TV. I think they were losing their funding. Nobody was watching it. And there was this last-ditch effort by people in Hollywood to bring it back. And I remember when they brought it back, I'm like, enough. People don't want it. Leave us alone. But you know what? I'm a woman enough to say I might have been wrong because...

I had a good time. And I think Nikki Glaser is a huge part of that. It was no surprise that they were going to book her again. Like she crushed it. I'm sure her salary is huge because we were talking about her payday, right? What did she, she had said she got paid. I thought it was like $500,000. Yeah, I was thinking 400. So something around there. And she has all this leverage now. I wouldn't be surprised if she got a million dollars. Yeah. Or like more.

She deserves every penny. Yeah, she really does. Okay, so she was paid just over $400,000, but it will rise when, like, coming back. And then who hosted the Grammys? Trevor Noah. Who hosted the Oscars? Conan. Yeah, like, when you look at the landscape of people who hosted this year, she's the only woman, and she was the only one who did a good job, so. Yeah, I also feel like Golden Globes is a good format, like, and ripe for just comedy.

comedy because even if you think of Joe Coy which was obviously a train wreck like it was hysterical in the sense that it was so painful to watch like the way that it's like it's not we don't have performances up there it's just like someone talking like whether it's good or bad like it's gonna be entertaining. Yeah.

Because of the structure of the show, it relies on a host probably more than all the others. And like really, it's very intimate with the crowd. It's not like the person on stage can't see the audience. So it is just an interesting dynamic to watch. And when it's good, it's great. And when it's bad, though, it's like still like good in a cringe way. I mean, we're still talking about Joe Coy. Sadly for Joe Coy. Sadly for Joe Coy.

That was so crazy. That was so crazy. So very exciting for Nikki. Looking forward to that. Would you like a fifth and final story? Do you want to go into the TV recap? What is, what do you have? Well, it wasn't what I wanted to talk about. Cause I did want to watch the episode of Kardashians first, but Kim Kardashian is making news because not only did she pay for her engagement ring from Chris Humphries, he made her give it back. So yeah, I actually do want to talk about this cause I have like an extremely hot take.

shared on the recent episode of Kardashians they were at a her and Khloe were at a wedding in India so they were talking about wedding rings and she shared that she first of all shared like the size and scale of her previous ring saying her first one when she was married to Damon Thomas was

A cushion cut 14 carat. She said she still has it. And then she recalled how her ring with Chris Humphries is an emerald cut 18 carat, but she revealed that she no longer owns that. She said, I didn't keep that. I was pregnant with North, still married to him. And in order to divorce him, he said I had to give him the ring in the divorce. But Khloe interjected saying that Kim was actually the one who bought the ring.

And he contributed a fifth of the price. Also, the ring was made by Lorraine Schwartz, who was in the room for this conversation. Unclear if that means Kim paid four fifths or she got a discount. 20% came from Chris Humphries. Unclear where the other 80% came from. So they didn't say explicitly. A mix of Kim and discount, I believe. Or did he pay a fifth of the discounted price? Also, am I crazy? 14 carats, 18 carat ring. Is that not the biggest thing in the world? Huge. Huge. Now, I want to say something about this.

Are you ready? Put respect on Chris Humphrey's name? No. But, like, can we just lay off? Like, I've had enough. Like, it's funny, ha-ha, yeah, oh, he's poor. You know what? Like...

We destroyed the man's life. Okay. It was funny. Like, I, I don't, I don't, I think we're beating a dead horse here. Nobody thought he paid for it. Okay. Nobody thought that he was playing on the Minnesota somethings. He wasn't good. He had $3. Like we didn't think he bought the Lorraine Schwartz diamond. Okay. Nobody didn't buy the ring. That's no knock on him. She wanted a big ring and he could afford it. I think it's like he made her give it to him when he didn't pay for it.

I'm sure he asked for it in the divorce. And by the way, if she gave it to him, that means like he had some legal standing. Okay. And I don't think it was that pregnant and wanted to get rid of him. I don't think it was. I bought this ring. I want it back. I think it was like, you know, we are getting divorced. You exchange. I make less money than you. Maybe he gave up spousal support just for the ring. Like maybe the ring was like, yeah, there might be other dynamics at play, but typically in a divorce, like you do keep the ring because it is a gift.

Yes. Well, I don't know what the laws are in California, actually. In New York, it is considered a gift. Like you do not have to give it back under any legal circumstances. I don't know what the rules are in L.A., but I I when I heard this, I understood it as like not the ring is mine, but like the monetary value of the ring. Like cut me a check or just give me the ring. It should cover, you know, what you've done here, which I don't even know if it's.

It does. But where would he be? We're still talking about Chris Humphries. But like, would we ever know who Chris Humphries was in like, in his own professional career, if not for Kim? Like, I don't, I don't think so. If I was into basketball, yes. But outside of that, no. But I just think that the whole thing, it was obviously done very badly. Um,

For Kim and her fans Like It was one of the moments Where Yes She almost like lost A lot Yes Of her fans People were I remember Like I was like And who was I But I just remember Like it was like a bad moment

for her because it all felt like so fake. It felt like he was so used that- It felt like all the things people had said about the Kardashians up until that point were kind of being proven. And then they had that whole episode of the Kardashians where it was clearly like recorded later, but then cut in- Yeah, like the conversation with Kris. Yeah.

And they were like editing episodes to make her look good. And that was the first time she ever had like real, I think it was from the fans. It wasn't just like critics. It was from people in high school. I literally remember where I was when I found out it was like not a good look for it was like,

Are you serious? Like you're, you're like a joke. Yeah, it was. I think that's a good distinction. Cause even like the sex tape was a scandal, but like not from her fans didn't care. Like the fans really did not like what happened with Chris Humphries. Um, we always say justice for Chris Humphries, like to give the marriage 72 days, like you really don't give a shit. Like,

No, and then you got such a bad edit on their show. And I know you could say, well, look, he was like mean to her in the Gansevoort. It's like, yeah, well, that's her show and they're producing it and they're cutting it together. I don't think that's like a fair reflection of what their marriage was really like. It was the NBA lockout, which seriously, fuck the NBA lockout because these two would still be married if he had been gainfully employed during the time that they were married. They're living in an apartment in New York with her sister and Scott. Like this is not a recipe for a successful new marriage. And like she didn't even think

care to make it work because she didn't give it a chance because she didn't care yeah so it was it was like a fake marriage and it was just like this whole time people had been saying like the worst things about Kim but like we saw in her what nobody else did like her real fans were like you guys are just jealous whatever but then she did this thing and we were like oh well it was just a bad moment like and of course like we've all moved on and then she reached greater heights than ever before with Kanye and like like you know saw like had a vision for her life in the future and like now in hindsight with Chris Humphries and small potatoes like

No, of course. But at the time it was like a big scandal. And I think that like, it didn't go the way that she thought it would. Like people were actually upset with her, like her fans. So now I think she thinks enough time has passed where she can like, but to be honest, I'm over it. I'm over it. I just don't think it's a joke. It's a joke. Like this was this man's life. Like, and it's just, no, and he, by the way, he is a joke now. Like you see him on red carpet, but it's always like jokey. Chris Humphries. Ha ha ha. Like he's a joke. And I oddly like feel defensive of him. Like, can we leave this man alone? Once and for all.

I agree. As a Kim family, I moved on and forgave and we can move forward. And she's obviously like, like very happy in her life. Um, let's let Chris Humphries lie. Let Chris Humphries lie. I seriously have had enough. So the,

So don't be out here making me defend Chris Humphries. Why? We always defend Chris Humphries. I know. I actually feel so bad for him. I know. But it's also like a little bit on him. Like he could have done something with his life. Like he had the biggest stage in the world and also all this sympathy from Kins fans. Like go make something of yourself. He succumbs to the victimhood. Yeah. Like he became the victim he wished to see in the world. Like he didn't, you're right. He didn't pick himself up by his bootstraps and become a great man. Make the moment work for him.

It's an aim on everybody's lips. Like he could have done something with his life and he didn't. So that's also. No, he also then like really like his career deteriorated and basketball. Like they don't give a fuck if you're popular in popular culture. Like you good. Are your points going in the basket? Like he just started to like stink it up too. I think it took a toll on him. Like, and it started to affect his playing. Sad. But like if Tristan can do it, if Tristan can get on the court week after week.

Tristan like can't. But like he can't. He's always playing. No, he's really not good anymore. Like at all. Maybe today he's not good. But like ever since the original. It's been a slow decline. Like he got on the court and played basketball after the Jordan Woods drama while people were booing him. Like if Tristan can do it, you can do it.

It's kind of like how we have to come and do the show every day. Like if someday we say something, we get like a lot of backlash. Like the next day we can't hide. Like we have to come out here. It's true. We are the Tristan Thompsons of the podcasting sphere. We are, but the haters like aren't in the room with us, you know? Oh, that's so true. Like physically. Physically. He has to listen. He gets like booed through games and he still plays and they still put him on because he obviously scores points. Right. I think Tristan's like pretty decent basketball. What team does he play for? Cleveland. Cleveland.

No, Jackie. Yes, True was in Cleveland on last week's episode. True went to Cleveland for her first game. Chloe was there. Everyone thought they were together, but they weren't. Oh, yeah, you're right. He played on Cleveland like at the beginning of beginning of his career. Then I think he went to the LA. Then he went to LA, not the Lakers. I believe the Clippers. And now back to Cleve. Got it. Okay.

Let's talk about Summer House. So the episode opened and we kind of like put to bed the Paige Kyle thing, which like I didn't like. Like I feel like it ended before it was really over. But Paige's whole thing was like, this is not my circus, not my monkeys. Like leave me out of it. So she wasn't going to sit and like go tit for tat with Kyle on like the Craig stuff or the Hannah stuff, which I kind of did want to see. But it's not her problem. I agree with her. Like I just...

Kyle gets away with too much. Yeah, I think they're just like brushing it under the rug again. And because Paige and Craig have since broken up, it's not going to flare up again. Otherwise it would have. And it just becomes like this bigger dust bunny under the rug of their relationship. But you know what? Some things are just like always going to be a conflict and you can either let it ruin your relationship or just ignore it. And I think for them, especially with Amanda, they just have to ignore certain things. That works. It makes the show less interesting because

because we can't really ever like fully dissect. And it renders Kyle and Amanda like kind of irrelevant to most storylines because there's not much that can be done about it. I actually really enjoyed this episode for the reason that it felt very different than episodes in the past. Like,

they all went out i don't even care that there weren't cameras they never all go out together and they actually didn't go out for 30 minutes they were home at 2 30 like they went out then they also had like separate dinners i liked that dinner with um page west craig like rand not craig excuse me kyle no what's his name the tooth craig kyle carl carl tooth boy um

So I like that like random crew. It made for interesting conversation. Like it was just different. And then when they're all sitting around the pool, like talking to Emeril, I can't remember a time when they've ever all been in the pool. I think it was because they were all hungover. So they all had to just be sat. Whatever. Like they usually just lay in bed or lay on the couch. It's like if I see that kitchen one more fucking time. Yeah. It was nice to see them in a different part of the house. Yeah.

And that Imru thing was like actually interesting. Also like really crazy that he shared. Yeah. Well, first of all, I think he was speaking very cautiously because he didn't want to make it seem like he only married his ex-girlfriend for a green card. And even if he did say that, I do feel like it's too late. Like you got your green card. Yeah. See you suckers. Yeah. But so he said like we were going to get married anyway, but just like the immigration issue just like expedited us getting married. But he didn't say how long they were married for.

Yeah. And I just wanted to know more about like life as, you know, living here illegally, what he was saying. Like, I found that to be so interesting. Like I just, of all the things he was going to say, I was not expecting him to say that. No. And I wonder if like the fact that he got married young is why now he's like a male gigolo, but I don't think so. He didn't make the clear distinction as to what about the marriage forced him out of monogamy forever. Yeah. And like him, I,

He added some, you know, value to the episode last night in sharing his story. But otherwise, him using like the house as his personal brothel. A hotel. It's not really like interesting to me. I agree. Especially when they don't even show us the girls. Yes, he's like a lone wolf. No, he's literally like a boarder. He comes home separately. He's renting a room from the summer house to bring kids.

back and that's it and aside from the conversation by the pool like he doesn't even engage with the cast he's gonna need to do more now let me tell you who's pissing me all the way off is jesse solomon

He berated this girl into liking him, right? Like he was so aggressive. I love you. I love you. I love you. Sleeping in the same bed. You're my girlfriend. And the second she starts to show interest, he's pulling back. And that's just the most toxic trait. And I really can't get over how much it bothers me. Like all the girls in the house are gassing up Jessie being like, she's jealous. She's insecure. She says you can't comment on pictures. Like,

you literally said you loved her after meeting her. Like it just, that's actually the definition and people always overuse these words. That's love bombing, right? Like love bombing, love. And then like when the girl shows interest, you're gone. And then next week he starts fucking around with Sierra. Like he's really pissing me off. I don't know.

love bombing because I feel like love bombing like also leads to like some sort of toxicity which I don't think Jesse Solomon is toxic but I think he's very insincere and I think he's very unserious and he doesn't like think about what he's saying and like what those words will mean to someone he's just saying it because he's that's how he feels in that moment I believe that in that moment he's like I love her like what's not to love but your words carry weight and you can't say stuff like that if then you want to go and rub Sierra's leg and hump her in the pool

And to be honest, like I do like him like up until this point when he went back to his room and farted like he was like, oh, I've been able to fart for 12 hours and he lets out the biggest fart. I will never be able to look at him the same like he was in his underwear and he like squatted a little bit like he was so disgusting to me in that moment in like a physical sense. I'm so over him. Like you loved him and you thought that was funny. Yeah.

No, no. Yeah, I'm really getting over him. I don't like how he doesn't want to like progress with Lexi and how he doesn't understand by like getting all of Lexi and getting her exclusivity and she's not going to be dating Brooklyn Beckham anymore.

and Presley Gerber because she's focused on you. Why? That doesn't mean that you have to pull back with other people as well. Like everything is a trade-off and the fact that he doesn't see like you're going to get this prize but these are the things that you will have to quote unquote give up or they'll have to change about yourself. You're not changing yourself but you change your behaviors when there's another person in your life and that she...

is coming off as like crazy for wanting those things and that the other girls are endorsing that she wants too much from him. That, like I know people over- - When that's the type of behavior they literally roasted Wes for at the reunion last year. - I just wanna say, I think this phrase is overused, but I do think in a situation like that, like they're not being girls, girls. - Agreed. - They're really throwing her under the bus. - She's really not even asking for a lot. Like really the bare minimum.

a person who's not a jealous person like I could never be one of these people in the house who it's like you are seeing someone and then that person is like laying on top of another person or like yeah legs crossed over another person or like even when they cut to some of the stuff he said at the beach about like Lindsay's boobs and stuff like inappropriate inappropriate and so I mean at such an early stage in their relationship I would just be like okay we have different like ideas of

commitment and just like how you behave so I don't think it would work um even the way they all dress around each other it's like if some people are in relationship it's just not for like I it's not for me yeah I agree um I do quickly back to the beach really want to talk about the conversation between Danielle and Lindsay I can't stand her and like I definitely am like biased I just don't like her but then she does things like she's so awful I

Could you have come into a conversation with your quote unquote best friend who like you're also like newly back together. So you're not trying to like-

Could you have come in more judgmental about her life choices? Like if she moved in with Turner, you would say she's moving too fast, but because she's not living with, I'm sorry, I don't know if we're supposed to like say her boyfriend's name. I can't decide. Okay. Well, because she's not living with her boyfriend, which is definitely unconventional, but there's nothing conventional about how she's lived her life up until this point. There's nothing conventional about how her daughter was like conceived. Like it's just the Lindsay way. And it's like, get on board or shut up. Like when also, what the fuck do you know? You have a boyfriend? No.

No. Like, what do you have? You don't know shit. No, and there's no template for what Lindsay is doing. And so her approach is like, we did this thing very unconventionally, but the rest of our relationship, we're going to try and like follow a more...

normal roadmap because I think that's what will be best for us. And okay, like that works for me. And if she'd said this thing was unconventional, so the rest of our relationship is going to be unconventional and we are going to live together, I would say, okay, that works for me. It's like, whatever works for you, Lindsay, like if you want him there all the time and to live with you and you're pregnant, like, and that's what's best for you,

Let him move in. If you don't want him there and you don't want to put that pressure on your relationship and you want to have some, your own space, because this is like a new person and that works for you. Great. Like she should just be getting everything she shared with such. Yes. Especially because she's so happy. She's clearly doing well. And she's trying to be cautious too. Like, like,

Even though it might not be for everyone, she's making the right decisions for herself. It's not like someone's like, you know, when you see someone making decisions you don't agree with and they also seem to be suffering, like you say to them, like, listen, I think this is not what's best for you. But she obviously, what happened? Your mic flag is upside down. Oh, who gives a fuck? Me. I move around time. I change it all every day.

I'm always moving my mic around. How are people going to know when they see this clip how amazing our show is and where they can tune in? Because they will be hearing the words coming out of my mouth. I guess for the deaf community. If this clip stopped you dead in your tracks and you don't know where to find it, we are the toast. They could have seen yours. They could have seen the iPad on your lap and the one right here. Yeah, or they could have seen your mic flag. Sorry, continue with your thought. I don't remember what I said.

That's the end of it. It's also coming from someone who last year was like, you're moving too fast, you're moving too fast, you're moving too fast. So look, she's being cautious. She's doing things differently. She's just a contrarian. Yeah. She's just like a Fabissa Napolino. She just wants to say the opposite of what someone is doing would be better for them.

What Lindsay sees in her as like a friend, I'll never know. - She cleans up the party, she sets up the party. She does a lot of the physical, like maybe not mentally and emotionally is she a great friend, but like physically she's a good friend. - Especially for a pregnant person, that's a good point. - And sometimes you need someone to cover like the, you would love a physical friend. - Yeah, that's what I keep it around for. Another random thing that I found interesting from the episode was Wes talking about his job. I actually think that show that Complex gave him

It's a good idea. I'm surprised I haven't heard of it because this was last summer. The show obviously has made no waves on social media, but it's a good concept. It reminds me a little bit of like chicken shop. Yeah, but like American and he's just like this very all American relatable guy. I thought it was a great idea. I wonder why it wasn't successful. Maybe it is successful. Plenty of people have like web shows like this and you might not have heard of them. Plus it's on complex so you don't consume like go to their YouTube page. Like go look at the I'm sure it does fine. I think he interviews like

it was weird that he said BC and Deeks. It's like, your guests are going to see this. Yeah. Rude. Yeah. Rude. I think he also interviews, um, summer house, like reality stars. Oh yeah. It reminds me like, like he date ever. Oh, a cute name too. He reminds me also a little bit of the guy who hosts, um,

What's. Oh my God. Yeah. Hot ones. Hot ones. Like he's just very personable. Very down to earth. I actually think it has great potential. Yeah. I'm only seeing three videos. But I'm just on the search page. But just because. I don't know if he still works for Complex. What? You don't. Oh. I don't know if he still. Well then. He's like a very.

employed individual which is impressive and also surprising because like how badly he came off on TV last year but he was working for Bleacher Report I saw a clip of him on Jason Tardik's podcast talking about how he was banned from the NFL which is like interesting yeah and then he was also sharing how his week like he's going from New York to here to there like he's he's booked and busy and good for him yeah hustler yeah I agree and I like that he had that complex show I think that they should bring it back like if there was something there and I also think that for

For him, he's like a good person to be a reality star because he like works in new media and rising ties raise all shies and he'll get more views on his media things and it's good for Complex or wherever he's working. But then I also think that

it's um it's good for him as a like a person on this show to see him like employed and working doing other things especially for men on reality tv to make a career of being a media personality is so hard which is why i love harry jowsey and the other ones complain like carl well it's easier to be a woman influencer right oh shut up look at west wait did you see that carl is now crowd funding or what's it called crowdsourcing softbar i did i actually bookmarked it uh

I just about died when I saw that. So as you guys know from last season, Carl has this idea to open up a bar that doesn't serve alcohol. Lindsay, like a

shred him straight to filth that it's one of the worst ideas he's ever had. And he is still, you know, going. He's had a launch party. He literally, he made merch. I thought like the bar was about to be open. Meanwhile, and he's talking about his investors. Meanwhile, he doesn't have any investors. He doesn't have anything. He then posted, we're so excited. We are raising money, crowdfunding.

And so basically like I can give $200 to become like a 0.1% ownership in a bar in Brooklyn. The reception was not positive as a shock to nobody. I was,

floored to hear that because just the way he's been acting up until this point, I assume that the bar, he was like sharing recipes on TikTok. I saw, I thought we were there. I thought the bar had like partners and that he has investors. And he's like, so, you know, someone else has this idea and he's going to be the face of it too. And okay, that works. I saw that he,

He was crowdfunding. And then I also, I believe that this season they have an event for soft bar. He has like an event at the house. That's like a soft launch. And that's a year ago. And you still don't have money to open the bar. And also like it's expensive to open a bar for sure. But he makes good money from the show. And he has investors. And you guys can't cobble together enough for like one space. I don't know that he has investors. He keeps saying. He just like made it seem that way. I'm the investor. Right.

Yeah, no, I think the minimum was like $200. The comments were not it. I was giggling hard. I'm going, I'm trying to find it, but I don't know if I will. And I know he can't stop because it'll be like an admission that Lindsay was right.

But before the train gets like fully off the tracks, he really needs to stop. It's a bad idea. Clearly, like you tried, right? It's been over a year that you're trying to get this up and running. There's no interest from investors. There's no interest from crowdfunding. Like at what point do you let an idea die? You don't because you don't want Lindsay to have been right. I don't know. I feel like he's going to keep it going. I feel like the cast are really gassing him up every time I see one of these posts. Like everyone is like, go Carl. This is awesome.

awesome here people say that they're not showing up that's the difference yeah no here's the post he posted the opportunity to invest in soft bar is coming soon we've been building the vision of soft bar mindful blah blah blah blah blah our thoughtful and exciting programming and events make this experience like no other soft bar is a platform that offers incremental revenue sources and significant corporate value stay tuned to learn more about how you can get involved and own a piece of soft bar like okay Lula row then page like let's fucking go

Paige. Paige. That's really nice of her. I think she's really trying to be on good terms with him specifically. She's really supportive of Kyle. Of Carl. She is. Carl. She's really supportive. It's really sweet. But at some point, I feel like she's actually doing him a disservice. She's enabling him. Yeah. Because it's one thing, especially with online stuff. If you launch merch, something people can buy from home or support from home, as a reality star...

It's kind of easy money. A physical bar, but I think he sees themselves as the East Coast Vanderpump Rules. This is their sir. The difference is sir, first of all, existed before, and sir served alcohol. And I think a bar that doesn't... It's very, very niche. It is. And I don't know how many times you can get people to show up. Yeah. Yeah.

I don't know. Let's see what happens. He obviously has big plans. He's got a lot of branding and trucks and stickers. Yeah, merch. So we shall see. And then also, oh, another. Also, if anybody contributed to the crowdfunding, like, please let me know how that goes. Yeah. And how much do they need to raise? I don't know. The minimum was like $200 for any person to do it. But what's like, we hit our goal? I mean, a restaurant, like, that's expensive. I don't know. I imagine like $50,000 at least. What more? Yeah.

Soft bar investment opportunity. That's assuming he has no other investors. He's not contributing anything personally. Okay. They've raised 50K and their goal is 75,000 minimum goal. But it might be like GoFundMe where it keeps going up. Wait, they've reached 50? I'm shocked. By the way, by the way, that's a lot. Oh, you just said 50K is what they need. Oh my God, I did. And so-

If that's all small contributors, that's a lot of people. A lot of investors. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't think I am, but maybe I am. Maybe. They've got a deck. They've got decks on decks. That's what people who aren't successful do. They make decks. I'm sorry. Like if you have so many decks, it means you're not busy. Also, like the first bullet point is such a Shark Tank no-no.

Entering the NA industry is a nearly $1 trillion business. If we could just get a piece of that pie, we'd have a billion. They hate that on Shark Tank. They hate that. It's a great point. It says entering the $987 billion non-alcoholic beverage market in hip NYC space.

They don't like that. No, they don't. Like, don't tell me how you're going to get a piece of this big pie. Like, that's just not, that's pie in the sky. Oh my God. That's also our show. So thank you guys so much for listening to the Toast on Monday morning show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to have from anything on YouTube. So if you're watching this on YouTube, please subscribe, leave a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast. And if you're a podcast fan, subscribe to our podcast. Leave a five star review, bitch, okay? About our beautiful studying and wickedly talented we are. Do it. No, no, no. No, no, no. Love ya. Bye.