cover of episode Goat Wrapper: Friday, August 23rd, 2024

Goat Wrapper: Friday, August 23rd, 2024

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The Toast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Claudia Oshry
这是Swirly Summer播客的最后一期,下周开始暑期休假,之后恢复远程录制。她们的Patreon付费会员可以获得额外内容,包括本周的额外节目以及下周休假期间的内容。她们鼓励听众加入Patreon,以获得更多独家内容。

Deep Dive

Sabrina Carpenter's new album, "Short and Sweet," has dropped, marking a significant shift in her career. Her music has evolved to become more mature and explores themes of sexuality more openly, differentiating her from other pop stars. This transition has garnered support from Taylor Swift and signifies Sabrina's successful break from her Disney image.
  • Sabrina Carpenter released her new album "Short and Sweet".
  • The album showcases a more mature and risqué side of Carpenter.
  • Taylor Swift showed public support for the album.
  • Carpenter's music video for "Taste" features Jenna Ortega.

Shownotes Transcript


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Good morning, millennials. Fraudulent. Fraudulent. In a technical sense. Let's be authentic. One lie has been detected already on the show. Okay. It's Friday. We're not pre-recording today's episode, clearly, because I'm sure some of you guys are like, is this episode coming out today? It's our last episode of Swirly Summer. As you guys know, we haven't really talked about it much, but next week is our summer break and it's our final week together. We are off and then we're back to our usual remote setup. So this is your final episode.

savor it you know it came out a little late today was so crazy i had a work thing so we didn't want to like pre-record we really wanted to savor the last episode of summer and we're like technically we're speaking of making our own rules like we just have to drop an episode a day like we don't have any contractual obligations as to what time it has to go actually we just have obligations like towards our audience contractually

We have until Sunday to get all of our ads up because they're like week of buys. I mean, we're never going to do that. We do Monday through Friday. But we were like, we're so crunchy and we couldn't pre-record the night before because you had a major simcha last night and you were in the city. So that wasn't an option. So we like had to push it back. But we're like, you know what? It's our last episode of the summer. Like, let's take our time.

Yeah, because you're going to have to hold on to this episode for a couple of days unless you're a Patreon member. Well, that's always the thing, isn't it? Like, do you ever really go far when there's Patreon? No. So Jackie and I, as you guys know, if you're new here, we do a Patreon where you get five extra episodes a month for $7.99. And they're always a little bit crazier. Some vlogs, some podcasts. They're like more personal. Like this show, we talk about others as much as we can, you know, while also talking about ourselves. But on other shows, we talk about ourselves.

Patreon episodes, we mostly are talking about ourselves. And we usually spread them out across the month, but this month we've decided to, we just released our second episode. We wanted you guys to have content for next week while we're off. So today we released part one of a two-part series that we are doing that I had the idea from TikTok. I saw a bunch of people doing this trend where they asked their husbands like very commonly known things like about, about girlhood, like seeing if they know, you know, from,

Details of the menstrual cycle, the female body, makeup, things like that. Oh my God, it was so funny. I was cackling. Ben knew a lot. Like, and I thought he would because he's lived with a woman for like 11 years. He has a sister and he also like is really tight with his mom and his mom is like very girly and she's not like, you know, prim and like, oh no, I never.

So I thought he knew a lot. He did. He randomly knew stuff that I was shocked by. And then he had no idea what certain things were like. I was it was hysterical. Really funny. Jackie's going to do an episode with Zach. The same exact questions that we're going to kind of pit husband against husband. Yeah. Which husband is more in tune with women? It's not even so much in tune with women. And I said to Ben, I think you're going to do well and I don't want to make you competitive. But I do think Zach has a bit of a.

a leg up having been through two births. You learn a lot about, you know, pregnancy. Yeah. So I think that some of the questions, like one of the questions was what is colostrum? Wow. Did Ben know? Okay. And so actually does he do armor? So Ben said, Oh yeah, it's something from a cow. Um,

And so he got a little confused. Yes. But like Zach would know immediately, right? What Callistrom is, right? He fucking better. Yeah. And for me, it's going to be a different issue, which is like, have you been paying attention? It's so true. Have you been listening? I'm so excited. We're going to record that this weekend. And now I like need to go and do that. No, it's so. I need to know if my husband knows what Callistrom is because otherwise I'm going to be personally offended. I saw a bunch of people. So I watched like 15 TikToks and I took the best questions. One of them was like, what is an everything shower? Yeah.

Okay. I don't want to spoil it. But that's like not a general female term. That's like a TikTok term. It's like a Gen Z. Ben said in everything shower is when you use like all the nozzles in a shower. Like if you have like a handheld. I love that. Yeah.

I don't want to swear. He was being so funny. So that's up on Patreon now, video and audio. And part two is coming out this weekend. So it's never been a bad time to be a Patreon member. But with the toast being completely off next week. If you want a little taste of your girls, Patreon's where it's at. slash the toast. It's just a website. You can get an app on your phone. You make an account and it's easy as that. I feel like when you don't have a...

a login to like a certain website. It's daunting to join something, but it's like slash the toast. And it's like really easy. And it's all. And then once you make a login, like it's all there. So don't be afraid of Patreon. Yesterday I had the craziest day, just truly crazy. Ben and I, after we wrapped the toast, Ben and I drove to the city. We've known for a little while that his sister was getting engaged last night. And so we went to like, they had this big surprise thing planned. It was so nice. And I actually haven't been to the city in so long. It was like,

So I knew I was going, so I had a couple of work things to do and I had 30 minutes. Okay. And I haven't even told you this yet. Okay. So I had 30 minutes and like, you know, this feels like camp. So when we go into the city, I'm like, I need a manicure. I need a manicure. I need to go to a restaurant. So I was, okay. So I had to be at our business manager's office at five o'clock and I've actually weirdly gotten a manicure. Like every time I go to his office, you've been, and I actually really like it. So I'm like, you know what? I have, I had 30 minutes exactly. And I go in there and I'm like,

can you guys do a gel manicure? I also needed to soak off my old gel manicure in 30 minutes. And the lady, like she was so down to work with me and my time constraints. She was like, yeah, I got this.

And she's showing me their books of colors. And I never saw this before where they had a chrome, like very Haley Bieber, like pearl chrome. Okay. Wait, have you seen my nails? I saw them like two minutes ago and I clocked it, but I didn't process it. And so now I could tell you what your nails look like, but I haven't had like a thought about them yet. So the whole point of my manicure was like, I had this like, when did she do that? I had this like chipped piece of shit. I just needed clean. I just wanted like a light pink. I didn't need anything fancy. I just wanted like a fresh manicure.

and I just needed to be in and out. And then I was like, do you think I would have time for the Chrome? And she was like, yeah, it's like really quick. And it's whatever. So weird. I know. And it's like, why during this one crunchy manicure that I have, I have no time. I'm doing something new, something I've never done. And something that takes longer. No, not only that, it's,

It's the antithesis of what I went in for the manicure for. Like I just wanted to look clean and elegant. Well, sometimes that happens when you finally clean off your nails and you're like, oh, okay, let's, we have to do color on here. So I did the chrome and I guess chrome works for like girls with long nails. But if you have short stubby nails and you have like sparkles on your nails, you look like a toddler, like an arts and crafts.

It's not bad. Your nail has a nice shape, but it's definitely odd. No, I thought like I've never done Chrome. I see it all the time on TikTok. And I'm like one of these days, like when my nails are long, I'm going to do Chrome. I'm going to do Chrome. And I just found myself in a place with Chrome and not every facility like offers it. I've never seen it offered in the gel, you know, shellac section. Um,

It's so weird. It's not hard. Your nails aren't stubby. They're just like not, you know, long almond coffin nails or whatever they are. But I think it looks nice, just odd. But I guess that's what happens when you're getting sporadic manicures. It's like you have to get all of your, you don't have once a week to make choices. So you have like a month's worth of choices in one decision. I had 30 minutes and a dream and I literally, I don't know.

I don't know what I... Like, this is seriously the weirdest thing I've ever done. That's the sort of thing that happens on your day off. No, and then I went into the office and I was, like, talking to all the girlies, like, the assistants and the receptionists. We were, like, talking about our manicures and I was, like, how crazy that I did a groan. Like, I think it's the craziest thing and they were, like...

It's like not that crazy. No, no, no. It's like not that crazy. I think they thought I was going to show them like vomit green nails. But they don't know us. They don't know how particular we are. No, I mean just like how classic we are, how we're not crazy nail people. We've never had fake nails. Have you ever? I have, yeah. You and Olivia did it for a time. That's so crazy to me. I also had fake nails at my wedding. We don't have fake nails. We don't have fake teeth. We don't color our hair. Like we're seriously like so natural. Like we're never going to make it in this business. We can't even get fake nails. No, until... Why are we like...

I don't even like want to be like this. We're not even granola, but there are certain. And so funny when I was putting together questions for Ben for the questions about girls, a lot of them were like, what's a balayage? What are lowlights? And like low key, I don't even know what that is because we don't, it's like a whole part of girlhood. We miss out on, especially with like hair coloring. Yeah. I have. And by the way,

sometimes I see people with veneers and I'm like jealous like seriously I wish I had long nails and I wish I had veneers like those are beauty things I wish I kept up with I don't wish to get involved in hair coloring it's so expensive it is 12 hours long it's a privilege that we don't have to color our hair that is something that I don't take for granted that I don't know what a balayage is and I probably couldn't pronounce it if I read it no and I just say balayage today I found out what lowlights are

What are they? So it's the opposite of highlights. And it's like when they're darker, like caramel brown vibes. That makes sense. Yeah. No, I was just kind of learning so much about girlhood. I felt like a man. Like,

no it's literally the weirdest thing about us that we're like actually really natural even though we pretend to be like so fake and we're always like talking about the one thing we do which is what botox we're like such plastic surgery whores we really are even though we do absolutely nothing i'm always trying to get you to get lip filler oh wait t i forgot to tell you this you know ben at the good guys like always interviewing interesting people ben was like have you heard of this person josh wants to have him on dr jason diamond i'm like you're kidding

Like, can you get me an appointment? What does he do the best? Everything. I don't know. Like, Morgan Stewart's always there. The Kardashians are always there. He came out with a product. His new skincare. It makes sense why he's going on. The rounds. He's making the rounds. I said Ben.

can you get me in of course i already like have an appointment on the books thanks ben in la next time i go to la i can go whenever i want and what are you gonna do i don't know i'm gonna see what dr j like thanks jd we're on like i'm scary like to go in and like tell me i'm ugly and like out of nowhere ask what he would do and it would be like something that you never thought and never bothered you and ever since he says it like now you have to do it yeah of course i'm excited yeah new adventure yeah

It's really crazy to be recording the toast so late in the day where they're good stories. It's a Friday and it's the dead of August. Celebrities, publicists are not really working hard. No, the stories are fine. There's not like different stories. Sometimes after we record the toast, something comes out at like noon. So it's not like their stories are different than they would have been in the morning. But like a great way to wrap up the week. We have Queenie and Weenie and we will not forget. We will not forget. We will not. Things we will not forget. But we can't really say that.

We don't know that that's the case, you know? I want to set an alarm. Like, I have such good ones. We're always... It's something about Swirly Summer. We have forgotten, like, three Queenie and Weenies. I just feel like we are more blasé about things, not about Queenie and Weenie, but, like, I don't feel so strongly, like, you're a Weenie. Like, I'm busy with my life. Oh, you think? I have... I think no matter how busy I am, I'm never too busy to anoint a Weenie. I feel like I have been... Not too busy, but just, like, too senseless. Mm.

She's kind of throwing caution to the wind. And just like, you know, we're all weenies, really. No, my weenie is so real. Yeah. And my queenie is so real. My queenie is so real. Queenie is easier for me. Now that it's the final episode of Swirly Summer, we got so much more Swirly Summer than we bargained for. Let's talk just really quick. I've got one SS at a glance. S-S-A-A-G? S-S-A-A-G. S-S-A-G? Astro? I just want to say something funny that we did today that I think people will appreciate.

Jackie and I had like kind of a big decision to make. We were like deciding between two things. Like it was a really important work thing. And we're like, should we go with A or B? Red or yellow. And they're both really good. And seriously, I don't think that there's a bad choice. And seriously, we told like, we said, Harry X or Y. He said X. So X it is. Yeah. There is. If you ever want to know like kind of the deep decision making skills. Yeah. We just asked him and he gave us an answer. Yeah. And then we asked him again and he said the other answers. Yeah. But then we went with,

what the answer of his that we wanted. So that just goes to show you like what we actually wanted. I would be lying if I didn't say how many major life decisions. I think I've said this on the toes before. Correct me if I'm wrong. How many major decisions I have made in my life based on the results from yes, no It's like this green and yellow. Okay. But like, do you really go with the first one? What if it's like,

No. Not one you want. Then you know what you want. It does help me know what I want. But also like I say, I literally say, I'm like, whatever it says, like I just have to do because then it's like a fruitless endeavor. But sometimes it's small. I'm like, shoot me a bingo out tonight. Like, and I really can't decide. I do whatever the thing says. Really? Yep. And then sometimes it's like a little bit major and I truly can't decide your flashlights on. Lights will guide you home. Oh, you got a new phone case.

And I will try.

to fix you. Sorry, like can't have my flashlight on without singing that. I got a new phone case, very Lily Bloom coated over here. It is like seriously the craziest phone case. I can't believe you bought it. So I had an old phone case and it was like coming off the front, you know, as they do. My squeegee in the back was falling off. So I didn't want to get the same one that I had because I did feel like the squeegee didn't attach very well. And as an influencer, like this is the most important purchase you will make.

In your career. It's called an Octobuddy or a Sticky Grippy. If you just Google on Amazon, it's called like a suction phone thing. It is the difference between being a good influencer and a great influencer. It is the difference for some influencers, seriously, like between making your rent and not. Like it's insane. It's insane.

amazing so any phone case that I have has to be able to have this on it but I didn't want to get the other one so I was just like perusing Amazon and I just saw this lovely little floral number and I was wanting like your phone is something that you look at every single like that you see so often during the day and it can be a reflection of your personal style and it could be like a

mood booster to see something lovely. So I wanted something lovely that would also be like a flat back so I could put my work wife on the back. And I came up with this duo and I'm really enjoying it. Like it's sparking joy every time I see it. I feel as though you don't like it. I don't. But I like that you, I can know that you don't like it. And sometimes when someone doesn't like something, it's like, oh shit, is that ugly? But the fact that you don't like it makes me realize how much I do like it. That's so great. Because I'm not

Changed in my opinion of it. Changed. It's very It Ends With Us. It's so I-E-W. It's Lily Bloom. We've got a great show today. But wait, we were doing S-S-A-A-G, Swirly Summer at a Glance.

How has it been from a podcast perspective? Oh, from a podcast perspective. But the podcast is literally like another member of our family. So it's insane. Like the podcast has its own room. Yeah. And by the way, in this house, we decided to podcast in what's like a media room. It's like this very cool couch. It's like literally the whole room is one big couch. It's huge TV, great sound system.

Not one piece of TV has been watching here because we took it over for our podcast. It's a member of the family. We can break down the studio because this is our last episode of Swirly Summer, but like we do have Patreon. So no, we're not bringing it down. No. And then we could like watch stuff in here. No. Use the room away. It's the podcast. You know what?

I forget which documentary. I think it's Joan Rivers piece of work where Melissa Rivers says like the career in reference to her mom and her mom's work. The career is another child. Like it's this thing. It's this member of the family. It's this overwhelming presence. The podcast, like,

The toast is that in our family. I'm sure you guys could imagine that anyway, because we're sisters, we do it together and like, we're just, and everyone else gets in on the content too. And we do it every day and we're in a house together. So like, of course there's like this chunk of time and it's devoted to the other child. Yeah. No, the other child. Yeah. Well,

Well, everyone respects the toast, which I appreciate. They respect the hell out of the toast, except for Romeo and Bruno, who love to just bark. Fornicate. Fornicate, bark. And we're even later today because this morning we attended a fabulous influencer event hosted by yours truly, Steve Madden. We did like a pickleball event.

tournament so fun really great way to spend the day the kids came it was really gargi pargi so it's just like it's four o'clock and we're podcasting it's the craziest thing we've ever done yeah i feel like i've hacked life because this is the witching hour if you have kids you know like oh and there's that problem now it's the home stretch of the day before dinner before baths because at least then like you know what you're doing and you're just in your routine but like

I am skipping the witching hour today because I'm podcasting. That's right. The podcast, the other child takes precedence. Yes. I'm with my other child. But anyway, Swirly Samurai to Glance. Oh my God. To just get back to it. It's been really amazing. I love...

I do love podcasting with you, but you know, like my favorite type of podcasting is remote podcasting, which is so good because we technically do it every single day. So I'm looking forward to getting back into my little box. I can't lie. I don't, I still show so much body on this couch. Like I'm not comfortable. And every day is like so unpredictable. Every time I move, which is every five seconds because of my sciatica allegedly, it hurts. No, I am rapidly gaining weight. Like, and the angles on the podcast, like it's,

I know when we podcast at home, like I need a cute blouse and that's it. Like I don't need a whole outfit. Yeah. No, there are so many merits like being together, podcasting together, but there are merits of, of the remote situation. So I'm, I'm choosing to focus on those positives as we transition out of swirly summer into swirly fall. Yes. Swirly fall will be swirly as well. I can't help it. Just look down at my iPad. Gargi Pargi fall.

Because like we said swirly probably if you count it up 1 million times a summer. But it feels like going into fall. It's gargi pargi. It's going to be a gargi pargi fall. Farley.

wait i just looked down at the ipad and i'm excited for the ads because i have a hilarious story i love a hilarious story but i'm gonna say it during the ad so this is not like clickbaiting you guys into listening oh that is a good tactic but no i literally was talking about the sponsor last night like my father-in-law just discovered this company and he was like i'll tell you guys in the ad can you show me this one show me to me rachel

Oh, okay. Funny. Yeah. Funny, funny. Yeah. Funny bunny. Are you ready? You need to be ready. I don't know if you know that. Yeah, I guess without further ado, here are the last five stories. The last five. The last five stories of Swirly Summer that you need to know. Womp, womp, womp. But today...

But today's episode of The Toast is brought to you by Teeny Lux. You all know Teeny Lux by now. They are one of our favorite new sponsors. If you listen, you know we first found them a couple months ago because I was complaining on the pod about, you know, our other child, about how I find wearing earrings

so annoying and laborious because I'm always so aware that they are there. So the founder of Teeny Lux is a toaster and lickety split. She reached out to say, I promise you, you won't even feel our earrings. Let me send you some. And she was right. They're literally so lightweight, comfortable, and they don't irritate at all.

They are the best, especially because they're made with pure titanium, which is the safest metal for the body. So even the sensitive swirlies with sensitive ears can wear them comfortably. And guess what? To no one's surprise, I am a sensitive swirly with sensitive ears. They just launched a new collection called the Heirloom Collection with Vanita Aspin from Southern Charm. So if you're a Bravo swirly, support Vanita and her collection.

Visit teeny and use coat toast at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. That's T I N I L U Use coat toast for 20% off your first order. I just want to say, I don't have sensitive ears. This is like not a problem that I have. I happen to just love the earrings from teeny lux because they're,

So cute. So if you're like, you know, not, you don't need like a special company for your earrings, but you just like cute earrings, highly recommend. And Vanita's collection is inspired by the idea of your grandmother's jewelry collection made with modern materials that are safe for sensitive skin, which, you know, it's like giving granny cuteness, sensitive ears approved. Love that. Today's episode is also brought to you by GNC. So we have talked about GLP-1 weight loss medications a lot on the toast and a lot of the solutions needed for different side effects. And today I want to highlight

what um a lot like a lot of the products that people have told me have really really worked for them so for me as you guys know um GNC has been like my one-stop shop in my post GLP one life but also when I was on a lot of the side effects like the nausea or the stomach digestion issues I shopped at GNC so much and then I just found so many products there that I love like especially now I'm a

always looking for high protein snacks, things that I can keep stocked in my house to make sure like I never really go off the deep end. And the quest protein chips. So many people told me they swear by, they really are as good as other chips. They've got such good flavors like nacho cheese, but they're really more filling because of the protein. So you're going to be done with the bag of chips and feel a lot different than you would if you just ate, you know, a normal bag of chips. Also Alani new energy drink. I love Alani new. So yeah,

especially with like my workout schedule. I've really been enjoying having them. People say it's like a pre-workout. So if you're on GLP-1, you're probably even lower on energy than you were before. And a lot of new can help you get into the gym or just get through your day. It really perks you up. The flavors are awesome, especially the orangey creamsicle one. It's called the Dream Float.

And then the Barebell protein bars. As you guys know, protein bars keep me alive. Barebell is the best brand. You guys put me onto them. GNC has the best flavors. And for a limited time, you can take 15% off best-selling diet support from GNC, including all of our favorites, but only when you go to and use our code, slash toast, excuse me, and use our code TOAST15. So that's the website is slash toast. Our code is TOAST15, T-O-A-S-T-1-5 at checkout at slash toast.

Today's episode is also brought to you by Jenny Kane. With fall on the horizon, yeah, that's right, gargy, pargy, fargy, it seems like everyone is eager to give their home a well-deserved refresh, and no one does that better than Jenny Kane Home. We love using the end of summer and early fall as an excuse to make some updates in our house, and Jenny Kane Home's elevated essentials make it super easy to create a space that you never want to leave. Jenny Kane Home is a California brand through and through, and their interior pieces are instant classics, perfect for capturing a minimalist and effortless look.

From luxurious bedroom linens and iconic furniture to the cutest pillows and throws, not to mention the most incredible scented candles, Jenny Kane Home is here to help you create that space that everyone will envy. And for a limited time, our listeners are getting 15% off their first order, but only when they go to and use the code TOAST15 for that 15% off. Jenny Kane Home is really everything. I love all Jenny Kane products. Their clothing is amazing. Their slippers are amazing. I have a bunch of products from their home line in my house. Jenny Kane just kind of sets the standard, like really beautiful clothes.

Great textures, great colors. Like I really love that fall, very neutral Nancy Meyers, coastal grand vibe. And they really have everything. It also makes it such a great gift. If you want one of their candles, I think that's such a nice thing to bring to somebody's house for a dinner party. Jenny Kane home believes in the art of simplicity. So everything is really comfortable, high quality and timeless.

Jenny Kane home has everything that you need to transform your space into a luxurious sanctuary. And our listeners are getting 15% off their first order when they use code toast 15 at checkout. That's 15% off your order at J E N N I K A Y N promo code toast 15. Curate your dream home with Jenny Kane. I'm cracking up because the story I wanted to share about my father-in-law, I forgot. I didn't choose that ad. It's just going to be in the next ad break. So not to know that was really click baiting me. I'm really sorry, but it's a funny story.

I'm cracking up. This is amazing. We should do this every day for our sponsors. I'm going to choose it right now as the first ad in the next one because it, yeah, it's a, that was an accident, a real accident. I'm cracking up. Sponsors, we love you. Yeah.

Are you ready for our first story? Sabrina Summer continues short and sweet drop today, including her new single music video called Taste. So Sabrina Carpenter's new album called Short and Sweet has dropped today. We've been talking about it a lot over the course of the summer, which did belong to Sabrina. Most of the summer did. And the Swirlies. I do feel like it's a little like a weird time to be dropping a summer album. One thousand. Not only a summer album. Especially because it's not a fall vibe. Yeah.

Well, it's not only that. Like, I think really if an album is good, like it can have success. But this is like the time of year where celebrities really take off. Like that's even why we're doing like a hiatus next week. Because at some point, like you really, there are no stories. Like the publicists are out. Like the end of August is when rich people go to like,

the South of France. I think it's kind of weird that she's like working so hard when nobody else is. Maybe it's like easy to get attention when no one else is. Who is she competing with on the charts? Actually, I saw Coldplay drop something today. So that actually might stymie her. And I actually don't think it'll impact her.

But did you listen to the album? I watched the music video. Super cute. Everything Sabrina does, like she just has a really unique point of view and like a very specific aesthetic. I was just watching her on Fallon too. And she was like barefoot and in this really beautiful gown. And just everything she does is very feminine and very beautiful and has like a really specific point of view. And I really like it. So it's like every time I watch something that she does, like creatively, I just know I'm going to like it. Do you know what I mean? And I think it's so different from a lot of the other pop girls who are like a little bit easygoing.

emo or like a little dark. I feel like that's kind of a vibe, right? Darkness and sadness. And hers is just like feathery. I mean, she literally has a song called feather light and feathery and airy. And I, I just love it. Like, and I really love her and I, you know, it takes me a while to like get into an album. I like it. What I've heard. I know I'm going to like it. She really is. She's like,

Like that bitch, you know? Yeah. I listened to probably like the first half while I was getting ready. Light, airy, fun, like feminine. Reminds me a lot of Ariana Grande. Yeah. In a lot of ways. But always I'm so surprised. And this is the most it's ever been. Like how raunchy she is. The album is raunchy. Okay. And not to be

like clutching my pearls because I'm not and like go Sabrina go stream skin like it wasn't called skin for nothing she's talking about her skin she's talking about her skin this was just like extra raunch especially the song that the one with the music video taste no it's

kind of like a crazy fun fact about her is that she is very sexual and very like proud and confident in her sexuality. And I think a lot of people didn't realize that a lot of her lyrics have a little bit of a, it's not so obvious. So right. So at first you didn't know it and you didn't see it. And then she started to do this thing when she started taking off and she had that song. And

Every time she would be on tour, she would do the outro, like a little jingle, and she would sing something custom and new for the town that she was in. Oh, New York, I love you. You're so awesome. And she started to make them really kind of overt, and they would get more and more and more. And then she did that outro on the BBC where she performed that song, and her custom outro for her performance on the BBC was...

something about how bbc and you know her mind always means yeah black cock yeah and then she got like banned from the bbc but that was like i think for a lot of people like the most obvious she's ever been and now if you know like you can really find deeper meaning more sexual meaning to a lot of her songs like this is just speculatory but um what's that line um

In which song? Got wrapped around my finger singing. Wait, why am I having such a hard time? Espresso. Wait, what's the, she performed it on SNL. Please, please. No, no, but what's the lyric? Like. Please, please, please. Lyrics. Okay. Just why am I like seriously being dumb? Yeah. Let's just look up the lyrics. AZ Sweetie Carpenter lyric. I'm like, why? Sorry. Hold on. Wait, why?

I'm seriously, I feel like I'm having a, like a stroke. Can you help me? Yeah. What can I help you with? It's either please, please, please wear espresso. I think it's espresso. Espresso. Espresso lyrics. Like I'm serious. If you know what I'm talking about. Now he's thinking about me every night. Oh, thank you. I'm working late cause I'm a singer. Okay. So this is what people say it's about. Just, I'm going to be like, I'm not going to say it explicitly cause it's kind of like dirty. So just look at me.

because I'm a singer. Oh, he looks so cute wrapped around my finger. Oh, goodness. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, I got it. Sorry that took me so long. That is so funny. Well, there was so much of that in the album that I was listening to. And I think also what's surprising is it's not covert. It's pretty overt. And just, I guess maybe her fans are older than I think that they are because I was a little taken aback.

back and I do think she needs to do those things to break out of the Disney box but also like even with that girly feminine look that she has very vintage that back in the day was more buttoned up woman and she's saying I'm not that I might look like that but I'm not that yeah so she's got a lot to like say to people and I was just like oh my goodness gracious and it's a greener part of the Disney aesthetic like she's eternally 16 you know in my mind but how will she

What is she like 24? And I do feel like she feels like she has a lot to prove. And when you're coming out of the Disney shell 10 years later, you got to, you know, go hard in one way can't be tamed. And I also, I just think she always likes to be not what people expected. She definitely has like a sense of humor and is,

uh, more risque than people expect her to be. But I was like, Sabrina. Oh, I need to really, I need to sit down and read those lyrics. I love that. And Taylor posted support for, for Sabrina. She posted today. Oh, I actually wanted to bring this up. She posted two stories today. The first was supporting, um,

I'm promoting Channing Tatum and Zoe's new movie. I guess like she like wrote, produced, and he's starring in it. It's like this passion project. Zoe wrote, produced. Zoe wrote and then Channing. Not Taylor. No, no. And Taylor promoted it. Right. And then I see that Zoe Kravitz and Channing Tatum are doing a lot of press together. And I saw this video of them. It was like one of those, you know, magazines. Mm-hmm. Goat rapper. It was complex. Goat rapper. She said Kanye. Kanye.

And then he was like, oh, that's really good. And they made it very clear, like old Kanye. Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know what you were saying. Goat rapper. I'm like... Greatest of all time. I thought you...

I thought it was like a segment for Complex, like goat rapper. You're just saying like goat rapper. I don't know, someone who raps goats? I don't know. Like goat rapper. You didn't say it was a question that was asked. Okay, so they got to ask the question, who's the goat rapper? Goat rapper. Okay, okay. Who's the goat rapper? Okay, and who said Kanye? Zoe did. Okay. Okay.

and she was like you know like the old Kanye um they made that clear and then Kanye was like oh I mean Kanye Channing Tatum was like oh that's a really really good one like I might say that maybe it's Kanye because you know I love Kanye I'm like an OG saying how much he loves Kanye and then he ended up going with someone else um and I just thought that was really crazy and I think you totally can separate the art from the artist like two things can be true like Kanye's insane but like that old music was so good and he became the best because he was the best like that's fact

But just so publicly when you're such good friends and Taylor's out here promoting your movie. Like, I thought that was kind of crazy. That's crazier than like, you know, Kanye, crazy Kanye. No, them saying Kanye is only a big deal. Like, you can talk about Kanye's music before he went crazy. Yeah. And that doesn't bother me at all. It's their best friends with Taylor. Like, the three of them are literally a throuple. No, no, no. That's really crazy. It's weird. No. Best friends?

No, they're really tight. Well, I mean, she promoted the movie, so. They are really, really tight. It's kind of an underrated thing. Like, Channing Tatum got to this place in his life where he's best friends with Taylor Swift. It's the weirdest thing. Yeah, I guess that's weird goat wrapper. Goat wrapper? The goat wrapper.

And were you thinking like someone who raps like birthday presents? No, I figured like it was goat. Like, you know, greatest of all time. People just use the word goat now. So I didn't know it was a question that was posed. They were just like, it's goat rapper. Whenever I think of the word goat, I think of that. Like, seriously, maybe the funniest clip I've ever seen of Jack Harlow. Do you know what I'm talking about? I kind of want to just get your, it's like a classic internet. It is so funny.

Sweet. Okay. Just give me two seconds. It's like a, I'll be able to find it on TikTok in two seconds. Goat. Okay. So I think this is a game that like Complex does where they're like goat this, goat that, because this is also from a Complex. Okay, because like, yeah, you're just shouting goat rapper at me. Okay. Oh, sorry. I'm seriously being a grandma today. Nation spot. Okay. Goat vaccination spot. CBS? Yeah.

They're trying to get political That says vacation, dumbass It's seriously the funniest clip They're trying to get political So funny That is so funny And also, go vaccination spot Do they mean like CVS or in your arm? Oh yeah, like on your body or in your physical being Where do you like to get your vaccine? No, well it wasn't the question That is so funny That's always when I think of goat I'm like, go vaccination spot Goat vaccination spot

I'm going to go arm. Yeah. Oh no. Tushy actually really hurts. I got to be 12 shot in my tushy recently. And like, that's not a vaccine, but yeah, no, no. But it's like, it's a concept of it, like a needle in a tushy. I don't think that people get vaccines. They get shots in their tushy because like, it's a,

bulbous sort of area and she like hit a tendon or something like i actually couldn't walk how about stop okay how about how about goat wrapper because people might be listening who now are fainting from thinking are you getting a shot in your butt and hitting a tendon like that's chilling stuff no like let me tell you i thought i had to go to the hospital i hurt so bad like people are driving

So you can't sleep every night. Oh, happy for Sabrina and Sabrina summer. Oh, and she put out the music video for the new song taste with Jen Ortega being like the third woman, the other, you know, the other. And then they kissed. And then they kissed. I like Sabrina Carpenter because everything she does is really viral and, and, and,

people it's so well received and sometimes when people do that they get to a place where everything they put out it's just like you could tell they're trying to go viral do you know what i mean and i feel like she just like liked this concept and did it and then people respond to it it feels really organic yeah i just love her yeah me too i look forward to continuing to stream short and sweet while also holding space for skin and i just i i'm really happy that she's having a lot of success musically like after you know all that she's been through yeah like olivia rodrigo

Yeah. Yeah. Olivia Rodriguez. I am reminded of that sometimes. No, no, no. Like just thinking about Sabrine and the fact that she made it out of there in one piece as a global super pop star. Like it's actually impossible. Not only is it impossible. Not only that, because look what happened to Olivia Rodrigo from it. Like literally one of the biggest pop stars on the planet. So the other girl was never going to be that. She's on the same level now as Olivia Rodrigo playing the same size arenas. No, no, no. It's,

I'm happy. It should be studied. It should. Are you ready for our next story? Little romance news swirling. Martin Short and Meryl Streep were holding hands at the Only Murders in the Building premiere after shutting down dating rumors, but now they were seen holding hands at the season four premiere of Only Murders. The comedian and actress who play love interest in the hit Hulu show look to be in good spirits on Thursday while walking alongside co-star Steve Martin in the Paramount parking lot.

In Los Angeles. Not parking lot. The lot. The lot. Yeah. My haberdasher hand. No, like seriously. Tell me you're a slob. Tell me you've never been on a lot before. Okay. I feel like it's a parking lot. No, by the way, a lot is literally a parking lot. It's like all concrete. Yeah. All lots are equal. In Q4 of my life, I want more stories like this. More dating speculation from the elderly. Q4 of your life or your year? You know.

Because Q4 of your life, like that's pretty morbid. Jackie, you know what I meant. It's the end. Well, yeah, I did just turn 30. Right. But you know what I meant. What Q are we in at 30? It depends. Well, who knows? I could die tomorrow. No, but generally speaking, like each at a glance, you know? I would say we're in our second quarter. The end of the second quarter? No, the beginning of the second.

yeah i feel like it'd be pretty easy to like do the math yeah yeah it's like my brain is broken also part of us doesn't want to know if it does happen no it's too sad of a question please okay um i want more stories like this like you know we're always talking about like the young hot things who are being spotted but this is real and let me tell you one time i stumbled upon a video of martin short talking about his late wife and she was just sort of the great love of his life and he i think she passed away from some some illness and

The way he was talking about her, it was like, seriously, it was heartbreaking. And I like ever since then, I've just like loved him. I've always thought he was funny. He's my favorite in only murders. He is so funny. Um,

The fact that he is finding joy and happiness with Queen is. If he is. Because maybe they're just like being sweet. No, because there were rumors about them dating. They like shut it down. We were like, oh, okay. But now you're walking around holding hands. Please. Not only that, you're telling me this whole time Meryl Streep has been single. I just assumed she had like some daddy at home. A hundred percent. And she does because she has children. So she's had romance in her life. Yeah. I've never thought about her romantic life at all. So like good for her for like keeping us off the scent. Yeah.

Well, that's what happens when you get famous, like really for your talent, which is acting. And like you're not like when you're an infant, she's not sharing her life on social media. Like people love her for her work and she can like live a normal life elsewhere, you know? And I know she has like some kids and I know one of them is like an actress. Mark Ronson's wife. And then also Downton Abbey's American friend, Gilded Age.

Meryl Streep's daughter. Is that blonde bitch? I'm pretty sure, right? Oh my God, I find that girl insufferable. She's someone's daughter. Mary Ann, Gilded Age. No way.

It's played by Louisa Jacobson, who is the daughter of Meryl Streep. Oh, my God. I'm in shock. Nepo baby. Just don't forget it. Honestly, it's giving Nepo baby because the acting is really poor, like really bad quality. Yeah. And then the other one's married to Mark Ronson. So like Meryl loves Mark. OK, but you know, you know who her daughters look like? Who? I need to find that actress's name. Oh, from Never Been Kissed.

the nerd who is this lady like i remember this movie do you know her name is like she looks like jennifer lawrence she looks like jennifer lawrence but you want to hear a really fun fact about her okay yeah her name is lily sobieski she played like the nerd friend of um josie grossy she like joins the science team or whatever and they all dress up as dna remember she's like that really tall skinny girl

So she isn't no longer an actress. She is like a very religious Jew. She converted. Yeah. Her daughters do look like this woman. Right. She looked like the friend from just like a fun fact, if anybody cares. And this woman does look like Jennifer Lawrence, who does also look like her daughters and Meryl Streep. You know, if they're in a biopic, Jennifer could play the young and Meryl could play the old. If they're in a biopic.

Which I hope they would be because that would be a great biopic. A thousand percent. If they were to be playing the same woman. Back to the story at hand, like obsessed. I had heard the rumors swirling about Meryl Streep, like with one of the guys from Only Murders. And like, I just assumed it was Steve Martin. I don't know why they just, maybe it's because they were in It's Complicated together. Oh wait, I'm just now thinking like this is the second time they're working together. That's cute. I don't know why. Maybe like, because she's taller than him. I just didn't assume it was Martin Short. Yeah. That's really, that's why.

It makes sense. We're visual thinkers. We're visual people. Yeah. Visual artists. Yeah. Things of that nature. So I hope this is true. Let's give it time. Let's not bombard them and let the relationship grow and flourish. Yeah. The good thing about like these two and the age that they are is if we know about it, like I feel like,

I feel like it's real. Like I think they really know themselves. I would hope so. Yeah. At that point. At that point. Otherwise, like what are you doing? Yeah. But I do think you would also be changing and growing and, and finding out new things about yourself. I think that's really the beauty of that age. Of life. Yeah. As well. Your senior years. That's gorgeous. That's beautiful. And she's older than him. She's 75 and he's 74. Oh, okay. Cougar. Yeah.

Are you ready for our next story? About to take like an actual serious turn because this is like the craziest story I've ever read. This is the craziest story I've ever read. Ex-Radio One DJ Nick Grimshaw and his 81-year-old mother were sedated by a criminal gang who broke into their Ibiza villa in hazmat suits after pumping gas inside. So by the way, I don't know if people have heard of this guy. If you don't, he's so classic. You've definitely seen his face. Like every radio interview that's gone viral in, you know, the last...

10 years on the BBC. I think it's BBC. It's UK. It's him. He's like best friends with all the celebrities. He's very like a, not a Howard. He's like a Ryan Seacrest of the UK. Super famous. When you say X radio, I didn't realize he was no longer there. Yeah. He was a DJ for radio one and he had rented a villa in Ibiza to celebrate his 40th birthday with his family. And,

I think I said sedative last time. Just forget I said that.

The gang pumped a sedative gas into the property where the star was sleeping and waited for it to take effect before they broke in wearing hazmat suits and turned the villa over. No one is said to have been hurt in the incident, although it is believed some items were stolen in the raid. I mean, I think so. So I have known this. I think that a lot of people don't talk about it, but like, you know, Harry Styles robbed at gunpoint. A lot of these like vacation destinations for the Uber wealthy south of France, Mykonos, Ibiza are actually like,

riddled with crime because if you're somebody looking for an easy target like rich people all in one concentrated area so a lot of people I actually haven't been to any of these places but I know like when Brian goes he's always really talking about the crime there like you have to be super careful especially if you're staying in a villa like they have crazy security so the concept of you know being robbed in a place like this isn't is not foreign and

The methods like I didn't know we were gassing people like that's some Holocaust shit like that's fucking crazy. No, that's so crazy. And how does one protect themselves against death if that's what people are doing? No, this is wild. Yeah. It sounds like they need to crack down on crime in their country. No, by the way, like seriously, there there's like petty crime like theft.

That is so scary. And like his 81 year old mom. Oh my God. Are people fucking okay? No, they're not. The source told the daily mail that they would, the gang would have no idea who he was, but the villa was on a target list as it was known to be used by high net worth clients. Well, I mean, you can just tell like the bigger the house, the bigger the score. Yeah. Oh my God. Like seriously. So crazy. So crazy. And so frightening. And then it's things like this. And that's why I was bringing up the Harry Styles thing is like, you know,

The great equalizer can happen to anyone. And these are people with like security and people who take great precautions. So frightening. Yeah. The gas thing. Like, I don't know if I'll ever get over that. I hope he's okay. Well, they say he's fine. I'm sure he's fucking traumatized. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. How do you pump gas into a house even? I don't know, through a window. Oh my God. That's really crazy. Yeah. Like new fear unlocked. Yeah.

And I feel like, especially as like girls, like when you're traveling, the door is locked. Like, you know what to do. Now what do I have to do? I have to cover the vents? Like how many things? Like have you ever seen those videos of like, and it's like, it's, it's, um,

Excessive. But, you know, here's what I do as a flight attendant who travels alone and you see what she does. She unplugs the phone. She puts a hanger like you're using household items. Yeah. Door and this to feel your absolute. Because, you know, hotel doors are not secure. No. And then you think about all the people who have like master keys. What's stopping them from being a criminal to like nothing? It's.

Other than, you know, potentially human decency. No. And then there's also like, you know, the mirrors like for squatters, like people, there's like a checklist. There's a checklist of things people do when they check into like a hotel or a villa, you know, to avert any sort of danger. I don't think people have been thinking much about the air that they breathe. And the fact that like, this is a new fear for me and like anyone who heard this story, like what can that be seriously insane? Yeah. Yeah.

Those girls like who make the TikToks like need to do a new, like a new guide for us. Yeah. How are we monitoring the air in which we breathe? Yeah. So by the time you figure it out. Yeah. I wonder if this will have an effect on like tourism.

I don't know. It's really crazy. Yeah. Well, you know, these sorts of like very exclusive places like Mykonos, they have reputations for being, you know, a little bit dangerous and it really hasn't. It hasn't affected. No, I like I remember when Harry Styles got robbed, people were so surprised. And people have been, you know, talking for years about how like you have to travel a certain way when you go to these very exclusive places.

places that attract the wealthy. Because when you attract the wealthy, you also attract people who want to rob the wealthy. Nobody wants to rob someone who's not wealthy. It's kind of like a fruitless endeavor. Yeah. Well...

Crazy story. I hope everyone's okay. No, really? Like one of the craziest things I've ever heard. Are you ready for our next story? Our fourth story. Miranda Lambert will receive a special honor at the People's Choice Country Awards. And I actually submitted this story to Jackie. She did. Consistent. And I know you guys are going to be like, why? Can I give the details first? Yeah, yeah, please. Sure, if you must. Maybe in the details lies the reason. The answer. Country music star Miranda Lambert is said to be honored in a special way.

I just want to say like we love Miranda Lambert. On August 22nd, Today show exclusively reveals that Lambert will receive the country icon award at the 2024 People's Choice Country Awards.

Uh, Jean Neal, NBC Universal's entertainment executive vice president for live events and specials in a press release said a tour de force in country music for more than 20 years. Miranda Lambert's groundbreaking albums continue to capture the hearts of fans around the world. True. We're so excited to honor her career, fierce individualism and innovation in the industry with her country icon award at the people's choice country awards, the PCCAs. Don't you know? Don't you know? That's really what I needed to talk about. Like I, I,

If Zoey 101 had a stutter, she'd go to PCCA. I can't believe like there's another award show. Like, first of all, the People's Choice Awards like is really unnecessary. It's not. It has carved out a space for itself, I would say.

I don't know if I would say that. I feel like it's carved out the one that's like, you know, for sure it's voted by fans because it's in the name People's Choice. Other shows say they're voted by fans, but you forget which ones they are because it's like Billboard Awards. Is that not about the Billboard charts? I don't think so. No, I actually feel like at the People's Choice Awards, like they really do cover all genres. Like I don't think that this genre needs their own award show. And don't get me wrong. I love country music and I love country music award shows. Like I'm watching the CMAs. I'm watching the ACMs. This just seems like so beyond unnecessary to me. I can't get over it.

Yeah, the Pukkas will be hosted by Shania Twain and it will live. It will air live on Thursday, September 26th at 8 p.m. on NBC and Peacock from the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville. So I guess it's like if you want to watch it, it's there. But why? Like seriously. Maybe like award show content. Does well. Should we do another reboot or just make up another award show? God forbid they do a podcaster's award. Like.

They should do an award for podcasts, like funniest episode, things like that. You know, best guest interview. Yeah, they should. I mean, and I love Miranda Lambert and this is like Queenie. But that's what I'm saying. The People's Choice at least has a podcast category. So that's why I'm saying like they are kind of like the People's Award. Yeah, I guess. I think they got rid of that category, but they did for like a couple of years. So knowing that the Pickers are in existence and they do have the country icon award, who would you have wanted it to go to?

I'm very happy with who it went to. It has to go to somebody more like seasoned. I think a lot of our faves right now are all like new hot young thangs. Miranda is at the top of her game consistently has been at the top of her game. Like seriously, I've done such a 180 on her. I used to really not understand her public persona. And I found like, I didn't love her music so much. So I found her public persona to be a little bit off putting. But now that I get her, let me say she's a queen. And I, let me say I was wrong. And that's hard for me to say. And it doesn't happen a lot, but just like I was wrong.

I want to know how many People's Country Choice Awards there have been. You know, because it's always like the 52nd Grammy Awards. This is the first one. Are you sure? Jackie, I've never heard of it. No, but that doesn't mean that it's the first one. There's no way. It's the 30th annual. No, there's no way. People's Choice Country Awards. There was a 2023. No fucking way. I seriously need to find out.

No, I when we when I first saw the story, I assumed it was like not only is she getting the People's Icon Award, it's also the first of its kind. No, there was one in 2023. Let me see if there was 2022. I'm in actual shock. No, like serious. Like, that's what I'm saying. Actually, I don't even know what I'm saying. I don't even know what you're saying either. But what was 2020 People's Choice? I don't know if there was 2022. So maybe the second annual. So the first one was a success. Okay.

well i wonder who got the award at the last one it's a good choice it is a good choice miranda's a queen she is it was hosted by little big town last one that's probably why that's probably why i blocked it out yeah my least favorites um before we dive into the rest of the show let me tell you that today's episode is brought to you by manscaped and my father-in-law just found out about manscaped somebody gave him like one of the razors and he was like giggling so hard because he's like it's a company

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So right now Prolon is offering our listeners 15% off the five day nutrition program. That's only when they go to Prolon slash toast. That's P R O L O N slash toast for this special offer. Prolon slash toast. Why were you looking at me during the ads? Cause you flubbed a word, but I couldn't call it out because you're doing the ads. Let me tell you, I thought like some, like cause you were on your phone. I felt like major breaking news and you were about to like get my reaction live. Like somebody died or something. I don't know. I was kind of excited. Not for someone to die, but like for that moment.

No, there's like fun stuff happening like in our chat. Oh, is there? Like in the chat about camp. Because we didn't even tell you guys something major kind of happened to us, which is that our old camp is shutting down. Our fat camp that we always talk about. So we're just like sharing fun memories from our time there. I see. Oh, we're sharing old pictures. Oh my God. Like seriously. Yeah.

Oh, my God. I'm not OK. Yeah. So that's been like just something bittersweet, I would say. And something that we really haven't made a big deal of, like considering how much we talk about camp. Oh, my God. I'm obsessed with these pictures of me from my youth. Yeah. Fun, right? Fun, right? Are you ready for our fifth and final story? A little Gen Z romance news. It's not Marilyn Martin, but it is Tate and Leroy. Tate McCray steps out in New York City with the kid Leroy.

Tayden Leroy. I can't with you. What do you mean? You're just funny. Like you're a funny person. Thanks. After duetting and sharing a kiss at her MSG tour stop, the way people came out, the way people magazine wrote this article is like as elder limbo.

millennial as I feel reading it. Okay. Look, after duetting, parentheses and sharing a kiss, like calm down, mom. It's so true. So the couple delivered a surprise performance of his hit without you during the sold out New York city show on Tate McRae's tour. And then they step out, stepped out in no ho, um, on August 22nd after the show. Um,

and they were spotted smooching. That's like really major that she played Madison Square Garden. She's like a real talent. And I think that obviously she was for a while like that TikTok girl, and I think she's really busted out of that.

And I think she pulled out all the stops for MSG. She was like, oh, you want to come? My boyfriend's coming. And these two, like everyone knows that they're dating. Yes. They've only been spotted together a couple of times. We were just talking about her because she was a picture with Glenn Powell. And you were like, no, because she's dating someone. She's supposed to be dating someone. Did you say it was the kid, LaRoy?

I don't know if I said it, but I knew it. Because I feel like you didn't say it because when I saw the kid, Leroy, I'm like, oh, I know that person. He performed with Justin Bieber. So they made their big debut because she was the performer at the NHL. Shut up. The NHL All-Star Weekend. Right. And her ex. And her ex is in the NHL and then she left their performance with her new man. I think that was the first time they were really. And it was Leroy. And it was Leroy. It was the first time they were ever really spotted together. And so ever since then, I think they've popped up

a couple of times publicly, but they don't have like, they don't make TikToks together. Like, so them being spotted is a big deal. That's why it got written up. I also feel like they are the Brittany and Justin of their generation because like, he's huge. She's huge. I feel like he's, she's huge. And also his name is Charlton.

Like I was just wondering, cause I keep calling him Leroy. I'm like, what does she call him? Probably kid. No. Why would she call him now? Like she calls him whatever his name is. And it's Charlton, Charlton, Kenneth, Jeffrey Howard. Yeah. Maybe he's one of those people who like goes by Jeff. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe Kenny. Yeah. Kenny. You can call me Ken. Kenny will never not be the principal from love is blind. A thousand percent. I don't know if he's huge by the way.

Okay. I feel like he kind of fell off. You think he fell off? Yeah. Because I'm still there, like in that Justin Bieber song. Right. Exactly. First of all, that's like the last thing you remember of him and same. Oh. He did recently release a music video and had Alex Earl star in it, which I feel like was good for her to like, you know, her first music video. And for him, it's like great. Like you put Alex Earl in anything these days, it's like a success. So I don't, I don't think so. I think she's probably bigger than him. I think she has more staying power too.

Something weird happened with him because he like blew up with Bieber, was signed by Scooter Braun and then like very quickly parted ways. So I feel like some weirdness.

Let me see. Nights Like This. Do you know that song? Stay With Justin Bieber has 3 billion streams. So good. Without You has almost 1 billion. And then other songs have many, many millions. Nights Like This has 158 million. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe, you know, I don't have an album that came out in 2024 called The First Time. And Nights Like This is from, I don't know. Maybe the kids love him. It's intense. It's so much caps. Oh my God. And it's like 50 songs. You know,

like I obviously I'm not a young person but I think I have a good idea of like who the young people love and I just don't think he's their king like young people like Gen Z loves Noah Khan they do yeah because he's like tick tocky and that's where you got to start okay like he's like everything to young people but who's like the heartthrob like heartthrob who's the heartthrob who's like the Sabrina Carpenter equivalent younger

Like Tate McRae equivalent. I'm not saying it's Kim Leroy, but like I'm saying like younger. I don't I shouldn't even know this person's name. I don't know. But if they're actually that big, I actually should from like seeing them, you know, walking down the aisle in Walmart and they're selling pajamas. Yeah. No, I don't know. Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? Well, this is cute. Not Noah Khan. I know Noah Khan from Spotify. Honestly, really major. And my sister. She played Madison Square Garden. That's like so big. Yeah. Good for her. She's super talented, too. People say she's like, you know, on the...

The journey to being the next Britney. By the way, so they're also doing like people search for Noah Khan. That could give us like good insight as to who those people are. But I feel like Jack Harlow is a big one. Yeah. He's not pop though. He's rap. And then here are some names. Goat vaccination spot.

hosier just but like no we know hosier take me to church people's parents know hosier everyone knows hosier it's like saying florence and the machine yeah bad answer zach bryan yes uh but gen z maybe i'm just reading from this google list and i feel like they're even like more out of touch than us benson boone thousand percent beautiful things that i've got beautiful yep and then there's a lot of girls post malone

Yeah. Just like older. A little more millennial. Yeah. And then some other people. I mean, Casey Musgrave. I guess Noah Cahan. So who should I look at? Your pronunciation, like seriously, you're getting worse with age. Noah Cahan, are you okay? Sorry, it says Cahan. If it was Cahan, it'd be K-A-H-N. Like everybody knows Cahan. It's Noah Cahan. No, but like I feel like you changed. Cahan. Okay, like seriously, that's a new one. People also search for it for Kid Leroy. Travis Scott.

Lil Mosey. Okay. We've really, we've girl boss too close to the sun. Doesn't either. In an attempt to understand the youth, like we ended up in Lil Mosey. Jackie, in an attempt to understand the younger generation, we ended up at Lil Mosey and seriously, we need to turn around. Like, stop. Don't speak. You don't think...

lil mosey's the biggest thing and his song blueberry fago oh i actually know that song do you know and he has another song oh i thought it was called blueberry headband it's called burberry headband he also sings craggy we really don't give a fuck like you want to hear this next one okay he sings crabby step from the spongebob movie crabby step with a k okay we seriously need to pivot

The Fast Five were fabulous. Thank you so much for your contribution. We couldn't have done it without you and Little Mubi. And

And your pronunciation is a little mosey. Oh, OK. No, OK. And we are not done with the show because we are going to finish out this week and this summer with a Queenie and Weenie of the Week. For those who don't know, Jackie and I every Friday when we can remember, we do Queenie and Weenie of the Week, which is a really fun game where we nominate someone for Queenie of the Week and we nominate someone for Weenie of the Week. It's fun and it's fresh and it's really not that serious. So obviously, like no murderers are going to be on Weenies of the Week. It's supposed to be lighthearted and fun.

Who should we, what should we do first? Queenie or Weenie? You have to start with the good news or else you never make it. My Queenie of the week is one Betsy Dora. If you're watching Love is Blind UK, first of all, like you should be. It's so good. And second of all, like you'll know the hero of the entire series was kind of this like woman whose name we didn't even know. It only stuck with us because her name was Betsy Dora. She ended up saving the life of someone who matters a lot to us. And that's her brother, Freddie. She was Queenie behavior. She was delivering harsh truths in a really Queenie like way. I knew it when she came on my screen, like,

that she was going to be Queenie and no one surpassed her in terms of Queenie-dom. So Betsy Dora. My week is related literally and it's ready because like he was the Queenie of my week. We were introduced to him this week in Watching Love is Blind UK and never have we met such an actual textbook definition of PJOM. If you look up in the dictionary what PJOM means, it's like a

It would probably be on like Urban Dictionary. Like you'll see a picture of Freddie, like a serious precious gem. And it was a pleasure getting to know him vis-a-vis my telly. It was a pleasure getting to know him. And now for weenie of the week, why don't you go first? Well, like it's hard not to do the antonym to your weenie. Like weenie.

To your queenie. To your queenie. Like who hurt your queenie? That would be, therein lies my weenie. Right. But like, I don't know. It just like feels, it just doesn't feel right. I know. So my, my weenie is Catherine. Okay. So I'll say that's what I was going to say. No, I'm sorry. Like,

It has to be done. And like how she fumbled, like when they got together in the pods, I literally posted on my story, like who needs Tommy and Molly? We have Catherine. It's so much potential. I was writing for her as much as I was writing for Freddie. Like she had the potential to be the theme, the P Joe, you look up in the dictionary. And instead she turned into like seriously a cautionary tale.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Like for real. And she just like, she's my weenie cause she actually really upset me to see someone. So the chance to be with Freddie. No, of course. And so fumbling the bag like that is going to make you a weenie, but also like being really mean to someone who's so it's like kicking a dog, like someone who's so precious and lovely and just wants to love you. Like that's behavior. I hate. Yeah. And it's weenie like behavior. So yeah.

It's kind of a unanimous decision here at Toast HQ. She's our weenie of the week. And if you didn't watch Love is Blind UK, like, sorry, you don't get anything we're talking about, but you can watch it. It's so good. And if you like the Love is Blind format, this is a great season because the show is just about the people who are on it. Every season is different. Like, as we said, and this is just five stars.

Now that's our show. We are really only taking one week off. We're being like hella dramatic. So next week, next week, there are no shows. It's our last week. We are going to be, you know, vacationing with the family. Next week, there are no shows, but there are shows on Patreon. Of course. You know, so there really are shows. So head over to slash the toast $7.99 for the month. We'll get you access to all of our future episodes this month. And all of our past episodes.

episodes 300 episodes in the past so if you're really missing our girls it's just slash a toast like it's really simple and it's not this like convoluted thing that's intimidating i don't find thank you guys so much for listening to the toast and landing morning show where we deliver the fast side stories you need to do every monday through friday on youtube so you're watching us on youtube please feel free to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up we're also available as a podcast anywhere podcast can be found so that's spotify it's in such a public radio i ever to cast all the places we'll be listening to podcast minutes so just leave a five-star review about our beautiful sunny and wickedly talented we are

Love ya. Bye. Stream Lil Mosey. Stream Lil Mosey.