They sound amazing. Welcome back to The Toast and happy Tuesday, also known as Tuesday. Speaking of the girl I choose today and every day, it's Jacqueline Follet. Hello, Ter-day.
How you doing? I'm doing good. Happy Tuesday. I feel like yesterday was a long one, you know. Yesterday was in a lofty. That's for sure. The day itself was in a lofty. So I was hoping today we'd be further through the week, but we're not. But we will toil away until we are. Jackie, don't spend your life waiting, you know. It's true. No, we're like wishing away.
♪ I wanna spend my life waiting ♪ Like, yeah, this is life. - No, not spend my life waiting. - ♪ To wake up one day and ♪ Have you been seeing Carrie Underwood on,
American Idol. The reviews are in and they are rave. No, I haven't been seeing her on American Idol. Oh, as you know, I'm diving more into the hobbies and interests of Generation X and American Idol definitely is included in that. And I've just been seeing it on TikTok, but there are so many viral auditions and people love, there's like a sound going viral where this girl, she's like about to sing and she's like,
what do you do? And she's like, oh, I'm just a stay at home mom. And Carrie was like, you are not just a stay at home mom. It's like, it's very powerful. Yeah. Powering. Yes. Yes. So lots going on with the Gen X community. Also the Gen X community. And what's her vibe as a judge? Like, is she harsh? Is she sweet? I feel like she'd be a Paula. Yeah.
- So it's not the American Idol, it's not your daddy's American Idol. Back in the day there was a Ruthless one, and they would bring people on who they knew were terrible singers,
To embarrass them. To embarrass them. Yeah. Now, in the age of like bullying and wokeism, the fun is over. Like we could never have William hung. No. Like we did. So they bring in people, everyone who can sing, but they say no to people who are like not ready, who need to work on like their breath work or whatever. There's nobody who's like embarrassingly bad or anything. So it's not as fun. So there's nobody who's like evil. Got it. Okay. They're all like middle of the road. It's a softer American Idol. And me and my fellow Generation Xers. You're not about that.
- Yeah, we miss the days of brutality, cruelty, bullying. - Blame 'em, shame 'em. - Exactly. Yeah, that's just me and my gang. ♪ We live to rock ♪ ♪ We rock to live ♪ - A brief update from my generation. They wanted me to speak on behalf of us, like letting you know specifically. - You are seriously the Hilaria Baldwin of ages.
No, I'm the Hilaria Baldwin of everything because I also pretend I'm Latin, just like Hilaria. I also pretend I'm a different. You are. Correct. I'm trans Latin. I'm transgenerational X. You're transgenerational. It's really crazy. Yeah. Like I am. What else do they want to tell me? I see a community and I want to be a part of it. You know, I don't think that's, I think it actually speaks to my yearning for like to be a part of something. And like the inclusivity. Yeah.
So what Generation X wanted me to tell you yesterday is you were wrong. They do not stan Tom Cruise. Like, that's not their boy. Like, they know he's a freak. We know he's weird. That's not what I saw. Oh, that's overwhelmingly what I saw. Like, they wanted you to know, like, maybe at one point in time he was on his way to being what you think he is, but he's not for my generation. I don't know, but maybe yours is.
I don't think you're in touch with your community and they think you need to get back. You could not be more wrong, actually. You could not be more wrong. Get back to work. Guys, tell her. Tell her. Why would he be the one doing the Olympics if he wasn't the symbol of the Olympics?
Of American stardom. Oh, oh, I have such a simple answer for this. Tom Cruise is at the helm of like an extremely powerful cult within Hollywood. I just want to say like I haven't watched all the Scientology documentaries. So like forgive me if I'm off, but like they're a bunch of freaks. Like nobody is like, I don't know. I just feel like they're on the outside.
Within Hollywood, there are a lot of really powerful people who are a part of it. So it definitely still carries its weight. The public, like we have had our eye, we're going clear as Leah Remini would say, like we have had our eyes opened, but within like the confines of like structural Hollywood, like there's powerful studio execs, there's powerful actors. Many of them.
They do in the documentaries and stuff. No, and then the powerful actors like are Tom Cruise. Like he's bringing the power. He's got the power. Yeah, I would definitely say their star power as like, you know, as the generations move on is weaning. Like, I don't know who the modern Tom Cruise is. I don't know that there's like a-
No, not Olson. Don't do not disgrace the good name. Peggy Olson. Elizabeth Moss. Yes. She's I'd say now like the second most famous Scientologist and she's barely famous. So yes, they're losing a lot of work. So it makes you think. Yeah, no, it does prove your theory. Peggy Olson. They intentionally confused us with that. Leave Elizabeth Olson out of this. She's like a good, I think Christian God. She's a good woman. She is a good, she could be a Jew and believe in God.
So that's, I think, my POV on the Scientology of it all and why Tom Cruise still gets to be Top Gun, Mission Impossible. So you think the Scientologists are running the Olympics? No, but I wouldn't be surprised if the LA Olympic Committee had a couple of powerful Scientologists on it. Okay. Not to sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, but... Okay. There's crazier... I've heard crazier things. I've heard crazier rumors. And I want to wish you a happy one-year anniversary. Of? Keeping Up With Sports was announced one year ago today.
Thank you to Liz Woods on Instagram for reminding me of that milestone moment. How are we going to celebrate? I seriously, like, I want to call up Caitlyn and Lamar and be like, what the fuck? At this point, the podcast can't be coming. It doesn't take you a year to get your podcast off the ground. And the crazy thing is if you go to the podcast Instagram page, there is one video. It's at Keeping Up With Sports. There's one post on it. It is a trailer of an episode they clearly filmed. So there was a pilot. I just.
I just, I wish I had any direct line to anyone who I could call up and get clarity about this. You know, we could, if we really wanted to know, we could ask. Who? BD. Oh, yeah. He would know. He would know. Yeah, ask him. He's on LA time, so. I feel like he wouldn't know, but he's definitely up. He works hard. He's not one of those LAs that sleep till noon. Do you know anything about the Lamar Odom, Caitlyn Jenner podcast about sports that never came out? Question mark.
Where is it? What's the status? What's the status? Okay. I'll let you guys know. Okay. Yeah. Because I'm really getting frustrated. Like the curiosity is killing me. I've waited a whole fucking year. I'm out of patience. Happy anniversary to you. Imagine if like Keeping Up With Sports like became a whatever, a sports podcast. Imagine if it became a podcast. Okay. First of all. Yeah. And like then that's like the sports podcast my husband listens to.
I think you would like it. Yeah. You, you will love it. You, you will love it. Now, I'm really also excited. Big major announcement today. I know I said I wasn't going to do this, but I really couldn't help it. And I've recently decided on a baby name and I want to share it with everyone so that we can, you know, hear two four and stop saying it, you know? Okay. The baby's name. His utero name or his, this will be his name at birth. This will be his name.
Bowie. B-O-W-I-E. The name actually came to me in the most unexpected of ways. Jackie's son Harry just started calling the baby in my belly Bowie. And you know what?
It's really grown on me. It's really catching on. We just asked him straight up, like, what should Claudia name the baby in her belly, the baby boy? And he said, Bowie. And it was a one-off question, like, a couple of weeks ago. Ever since then, can I see Bowie? Where's Bowie's crib? Bowie, Bowie, Bowie. Someone showed Charlie, Jackie's other son, who, like, barely talks. He only says the word basketball. He's over here saying Bowie. Everyone's talking about Bowie. He's the name on everybody's lips. It sounds like the name on everybody's lips is going to be Bowie Gelarasher-Saufer. Ah.
I love that. Big off. And I know I said I wasn't going to be one of those girls who announces the name before, but here I am. Well, that's like, it's definitely his in utero name. And it does take a while to find one. You start it and whatever, or you call it whatever it is that day. Jackie was calling it Dio for a while, like Claudio Dio, which I thought was hilarious. It just, it didn't catch on. No, no, no. And that's, yeah, it works like for me, but I never felt like.
This is the ubiquitous name. Like, of course, when I was pregnant with Harry, his in utero name was Elsie. Little camper. And then when I was pregnant with Charlie, his utero name was Larry. Little Harry. That one was easy. It was actually really hard to not then name him Larry. I grew to love the name so much. He could have been Lawrence.
Right. And now I'm like seeing him. I know him pretty well now. He's such a Larry. He is such a Larry. He has like the vibe, the aesthetic, and like the overall physique of an older Jewish gentleman named Larry. Yeah. He would have been a great Larry. But Zach has an uncle named Larry. So it wasn't even an option. Oh. So that settled that. Yeah. All right. All right. Otherwise, he would have so been Larry. This is the first and only Bowie in our family. It's true. And it's not like Harry. I thought it was a really inspired. No. It's like it's a cool name.
name. It also has something classic about it. He doesn't know a Bowie. That's what I was going to say. Does he play with any boys named Bowie? We've never met a child named Bowie, so it's totally original. It's almost like God sent it to Harry to give to me. It's a beautiful name. It's going to be hard to not name him that in the hospital. I know. To be clear, that is not his name. We're just messing around. But who knows? Anything can happen. If we start talking about Bowie, just know that's who we're talking about. That's Claudia's child in utero. Correct. In utero.
How is your uterus? Such a loaded question. It's a lot going on. I would think so.
Lots of action. I woke up at 6 a.m. I'm so hungry and thirsty. I would say that's like the leading symptom right now. Ravenous. Can't stop drinking water. I don't even crave Diet Coke. I'm so thirsty. I feel like I'm in the desert. Genuine hydration. I know the soda won't help me. I'm drinking like three Stanleys a day. And for me, that's insane. That's insane for anyone. Oh, is it? That's a lot. Three Stanleys? Yeah. Oh my God. I finished my first Stanley already for the day. That's like girls who are hitting their water goals.
Oh, girls who are hitting their water goals right here. I cannot stop drinking water. I'm so hungry. I'm so thirsty and everything gives me heartburn. I had a Crunchwrap Supreme last night. And as good as you remember, I took a preemptive Tom. I knew it was going to be bad, but some things in life are just worth it. And like I woke up with heartburn. I'm having heartburn regardless. I might as well be happy with my Crunchwrap. It was so fucking good. Ben like took sometimes when I asked him to make me dinner, he like scraps it together. No, and he's just like he's feeding his pregnant wife, just like sort of checking a box. Yeah.
But because he recently went on the way on that golf trip and I like really struggled without him. He's been feeling really bad. So he took his time making that Crunchwrap Supreme. And let me tell you, a little bit of love is the most important ingredient. I agree. How many did you have? One doesn't seem like enough. No, it was. And because I had so much water, I was like so skinny and full. They're kind of small. No, not when Ben makes them. I use a 10 inch shorty. Yeah.
Oh mine was at least 12. Because I measured it because the recipe said 10 inch and I got in there. With a ruler? With a tape measurer. I also saw Kristen Cavallari made a homemade crunch wrap supreme on TikTok which is what inspired me because I had just seen it and then Ben asked me what I wanted for dinner and that's what I said. I saw it on reels a few weeks ago and I was definitely keeping it in the back of my mind. Yeah. And she was like wearing like a bra. Correct. Yeah. And she used siesta. Yeah.
She does use Siete. That's thank you. That's what I meant. Siesta. I use Old El Paso. Old habits die. Old El Paso habits die hard. They won't die. Like I refuse. There's nothing wrong with Old El Paso. I'm actually really happy to say that making the Siete swap was no, like totally tasty. Uh,
Other times I've used other taco seasoning just because like sometimes it comes in a jar and it's just easier. I've done I've gone that route and it's like, oh, no. Oh, no. A lot of times my husband insists on just like making his own taco seasoning. He's like that old El Paso is just salt cumin. Like he thinks he knows what's in it. Let me tell you, it's disgusting. They put their foot in it.
Yeah. It's like even the worst like low level grocery generic brand is better than whatever my husband's putting together. Like you don't know what's in there and you certainly don't know the proper measurements. You don't know the proportions. Yeah. He's obsessed. He thinks like it's so beneath him to do like... Well, it kind of is but like...
I'll give. We are who we are. I give old dad pass to a pass. But when I see like some people like making recipes and they do like, they pour out a bunch of like seasoning from a packet. Like it definitely brings down the group average for sure. I think like as a consumer. Like do that shit off camera or pour it in a little bowl and then pour it in. If you're making content. Yeah.
Yeah, but if you're making content and I see that, then I know it's a recipe I might actually make one day. To me, it's like a signal. What do they say these days? It's a recession indicator, like when people start using exclusively packed spices. But I'm sorry, if I see that in a recipe, I know it's somewhat attainable. Yeah, no, it definitely is attainable, but it's just like when we're... And do it all day in your house, because I do it. I'm not saying I don't. But when we're making content... It's not aesthetic. Like, possessionable. Yeah.
Yeah, I put that shit like off camera. In a little glass bowl, okay? That gets left on the cutting room floor. Like Megan would never. No, and that's actually the interesting thing about Ina. In the last couple of weeks, I told you I'm watching a lot of Ina. She low-key uses like a lot of crap, like store-bought, but she just puts it in a nice bowl before. Like you never see the packaging. Yeah. That's the key. Yeah, semi-homemade. Did you see...
Megan's green waffles? I did. I saw them. First, I saw them in a way, because I realized I don't follow her, so I'm like missing. What? I know. And then even when I realized that, I didn't follow her, but I'm going to do it right now before I forget. So I am missing things as they happen, and then I see it on Instagram. Daily Mail. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So it was always through a negative lens. Always through a negative lens. People were really clowning on her. Like a picture of like Kate, you know, at the helm of whatever she was doing for St. Patrick's Day and her green wares, like just cargy and royal. A picture of that and then a picture of the waffles.
Not a fair comparison. I will say the waffle like did look scary, but it was just like an Instagram story. People are so hard on her. Like she was just making breakfast with her kids on a Sunday, like being festive. She posted on a Monday, but it was St. Patrick's. So she was showing what they did on Sunday. Oh, okay. That makes it better. Cause then I watched her story and I saw the green breakfast and this is not relatable to me. Why? I feel like you're always getting festive with your kids food. Not for breakfast.
Okay. But you know, if you had like unlimited time and like space, you might be doing that. I might be. I'll tell you what I am going to do. I am going to do that rainbow fruit plate one day.
It was par-G. And the amount of crudités that she says that her kids eat, which I believe her because why would she lie about that? Like, because she arranges it in the way that she does. My kids don't eat crudités. Maybe they would. All right, well, let's get on it. If I arranged it in a rainbow. Maybe if you put on a flower sprinkle. Yeah, I actually would try that because that's really fun and cute. We have so much to do today. I know. So it's Deer Toasters Tuesday. And let me tell you, the submissions were making me giggle. It's DTT. And not to, you know, be that girl. No updates.
from, you know, the one. We also have stories that I actually picked today because I was up at the, tell me what, what didn't I do this morning? I was up at the crack of dawn. I got up, like was early. I ordered breakfast. I was like, yeah, let me choose stories. Let me take some things off my sister's plate. Like I was so productive. I made a TikTok. Like,
I was so busy. No, that was really helpful. Plus, I went to Mommy and Me this morning, which is why I look like I went to Mommy and Me this morning. You were sending, like, cute class pictures. So I knew you were busy. Yeah, so it really worked out. I'm just sat. I got the stories up. And there were, like, good stories, too. Yeah, plenty. We had an excess. And you watched White Lotus. And I watched White Lotus. So I don't know where that fits into the show. It might not fit in. And I really don't have that much to say. So...
Yeah, I mean, I talked about it yesterday. Do you want to just be like really brief and talk about it right now? Yeah, you said like it was a really good episode. It wasn't. I thought it was literally over the course of three hours and they were just dancing. I liked it.
I didn't like dislike it, but nothing happened. Like my boy is still struggling. I want better for him. Who's your boy? My boy, Thomas Ravenel. Oh yeah. Love him. That was like a really dark scene. I need things to turn around for him in a major way. I know. And I really need him to tell his wife. Like I actually think it'll make him feel better. He's taking on this burden entirely on his own. She can't handle it.
I know. She's so fucking funny. She like actually wouldn't be able to handle it. I understand why he's not telling her. She can't even handle Piper staying the year here. In Taiwan. In Taiwan. I actually was liking Saxon because like he doesn't do drugs, which I like appreciated him taking a strong stance until he was peer pressured. There was like a big power dynamic shift with the brothers. Like it was for the first time the Weenie brother,
Yeah. What's his name? Lachlan. Lachlan is like becoming like a big man on campus, weenie. And he's like, he was the one who kissed the other brother. I know. I actually think that maybe Saxon didn't take the pill because he- I thought he spit it out. Because he threw it in his mouth like, let's go. And he could have easily taken it out because he wasn't acting out of turn. And he didn't even go to like make out with his brother. But Lachlan didn't.
And the White Lotus, one of the writers was interviewed like about the incest scene and saying that's like an important theme. And I just feel like I could really, really live without incest. Like to me, that actually is where I draw a personal line.
Yeah. I guess like even though like Jamie and Cersei is like the. But that's like medieval times. And like I honestly ship them. They were so cute. Yeah. It's just different when it's like a different time. Because like you don't have to deal with it like as in present. Yeah. And like yeah like make sense of it knowing what I know now. And I think it was maybe like more commonplace. And I'm sorry like if they're suching as soulmates those two were perfect for one another. And also like John and Dany. Yeah.
Yeah, but that was like aunt-uncle. Like, it was much more distant. Auntie-nephew loving. Correct, correct. Our favorite kind of loving.
so yeah they smooched oh leslie bibbs husband had his big moment that's what everybody's talking about with his speech about it's really fucking crazy that was really crazy and the other actor rick who was just like listening in disbelief the whole time was actually making me laugh that was like a fun little um moment with her husband in real life leslie bibb um
But I was really shocked. Everything that was coming out of his mouth was even crazier than the sentence before. Yeah, yeah, it was really crazy. Everyone's like, give him the Emmy. Like, I don't think that's how Emmys work. No, it's not. And if we're giving an Emmy to one person from this show, it's Parker Posey.
Oh, for me, it's Thomas Ravenel. Or Jason Isaacs. He's really being like, the thing is, he's doing an amazing job at acting the role that he was given. Whereas I feel like Parker Posey is creating this entirely new. I don't know what was on the page. Yeah. But what she what she delivered couldn't be written. Yeah. And then like the women were just being like, so losers. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sorry. That third friend. I don't know anyone's fucking name. Thomas Ravenel. The third friend from Gilded Age. Yeah.
When she takes her top off She's seriously one of the biggest losers And that's how I know she's a good actor Because I don't think her as a person Carrie the woman is a loser But her fucking character Actually makes me sad And the fact that movie star Then hooks up with the guy So movie star is also making me sad And she's a bitch She keeps pushing this guy on her friend And trying to get her to go for him When meanwhile she's been working him Yeah
And Leslie Bibb is the only normal one who like has obviously like a life she's not running away from at home because she's like, can you guys leave? Yeah. No. Like it's all, we can have fun. We're on vacation. But like at some point, like there's a fight starting at the club. These freaks are in our villa. Can we go to bed? Yeah. We're 40. I liked that she said no to the shot and stood on her ground. Unlike Saxon. Yeah. Correct.
But yeah, we have a lot to do today and really nothing happened. And like, honestly, this show is, I don't know what kind of press they have, but like, it's really crazy the way people talk about this show when like nothing happens. Yeah. That's like the whole point of the show, but people have definitely like made it into a bigger thing phenomenon than it is. Like it's a show and it's good and it's bad. Like it's just a show. The thing about it is like, it's neither good nor bad because it's nothing. Right. It's nothing. It's nothingness.
Are you ready for the Fast Five stories? Yeah.
I am ready for the Fast Five stories that are brought to you by Quince. Who doesn't love the good things in life? You know, we enjoy a little luxury here and there, but of course it's not feasible to constantly be indulging in fabulous, you know, clothes and things. But with Quince, actually, it is. It is our go-to for luxury essentials, but at an affordable price. So Quince offers a range of high quality items at prices within reach. So they sell things like 100% Mongolian cashmere sweaters, but they start at $50. I literally bought a bra this morning for $50. That's so crazy. Yeah.
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Oh, actually, I was just buying curtains on Quince. Do you do this all curtains? I didn't know that. No, I didn't know that. I need new curtains. And Quince came up like on my Google and I was like, oh, sly. So you're getting like the real high quality items similar to like designer brands. Same quality, but much better pricing. They also only work with factories that use safe, ethical and responsible manufacturing practices, plus premium fabrics and finishes, which we love. So as Jackie Goldschneider would say, it's top quality fabrics.
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Today's episode is also brought to you by Legacy Box. You are going to love Legacy Box, especially if your closet is overflowing with old home videos, photos that never see the light of day. It's time to do something about it. Those heirlooms are irreplaceable, but they're also taking up space and
And if you're leaving them in like an attic or a basement, something I didn't know was like they actually are susceptible to the elements and they can deteriorate over time and like stop working. So Jackie and I, we have a storage unit that for years had like tons of VHSs, like printed photos, like maybe thousands of printed photos. And it's like something, you know, you have to do one day. And Legacy Box is like the push you need to just do it. We had our VHSs converted. It was when we got it back, it was the best day because we grew up like
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There must something in the world.
It's important to obviously filter like the water you drink. And I think we're all really conscious of that. But what about the water that you shower in? Clean water is definitely overlooked. And Jolie is a beauty wellness company that purifies the water you're showering in for better hair, skin and overall well-being. So Jolie's filtered shower head is the best in class for removing chlorine and heavy metals found in water. It's the only lab tested and clinically trialed filtering shower head on the market. It can reduce frizziness by 40%. It can reduce hair shedding by 81%. Lab tested, unmet.
to maintain color retention, protect the hair surface layer. So chlorine is often added to the water system to disinfect and kill bacteria, which is great, but it can be damaging to your skin and hair and it can cause issues that Jolie can fix.
fix. So they're also, don't worry, like still aesthetic. So when you swap out the shower head, it still looks pargy. They have like a bunch of different colors. It's very good water pressure. Ben was like nervous about changing it. Ben is so crazy about water pressure. And it fits all the showers because it's the same plumbing pipe size. It's universal. So Jolie will give you your best skin and hair guaranteed. Head to
To try it out for yourself with free shipping. And if you don't like it, you can return your Jolie for a full refund within 60 days. No questions asked. slash toast. I'm literally sweating. I'm always sweating. I smell. I have deja vu.
I know I'm just remarking on I feel like doing the ads is actually a very physical sport for me. And and these days I go with my breath work. I need my mouth guard with my inability to breathe. And like now now I'm sweating. I just needed to remark like after a four minute and 30 second ad break, your girl is moist. OK, I will read the deets of this next story slowly so that you can recover.
Yeah. Tracy Morgan was taken in a wheelchair after vomiting outside the Knicks versus Heat game. Not outside, courtside at the Knicks versus Heat game at Madison Square Garden. Very different. Tracy Morgan was taken away in a wheelchair after vomiting courtside at the game last night. A photo shared on X.
showed him hunched over and throwing up in his floor seat at Madison Square Garden in New York City. He was being attended to by a concerned friend. There's literally a picture of him throwing up. Yeah, there's also a video. I can't watch it. And they didn't blur out the vomit, so I'm just going to cover it. In a separate video, he's shown wiping his face with a white towel while being escorted out of the arena by medics.
Eyewitnesses claim that he was bleeding from his nose and could barely stand up. The actor's medical incident reportedly delayed the game in the third quarter for about 10 minutes. Reps for him haven't responded to comment, but a spokesperson for MSG told the Post, we hope Tracy feels better soon and we look forward to seeing him back.
back courtside. Tracy is a lifelong Knicks fan. So all of the Knicks are really rallying around and sending him well wishes. He's kind of the face of the Knicks. Like if you go to a Knicks game, they're always playing videos of him like to get people hyped up to like make more sound. He's like a lifelong fan and probably one of the most famous fans.
And I can't lie, when I first saw this, I was like, lol, this is so Tracy Morgan. And I definitely thought, because he had gone on maybe like a year or two ago on Hoda talking about how he loves Ozempic. Yeah. And how it's amazing because he still eats Doritos, but he's losing weight. And so I saw this and I'm like, oh, he got too excited at the Knit game. He ate a little too much and he threw up. That's so Ozempic. But then hearing the details about him being like escorted out in a wheelchair with a bloody nose not being able to stand. It's...
Obviously, I think a much more severe case, and it's actually really sad. Yeah, I feel like it might have to do with something larger than just nausea. Because usually you could maybe make it to the bathroom. Even pregnant women in their first trimester make it to the bathroom. To really be unable in that moment to even get up and go to the bathroom, that I think is a sign of something much worse.
More serious. Yeah. He has a history of serious health issues over the years. He has diabetes, which is what put him on Ozempic. He went under, he got a kidney transplant in 2010. Of course, he sustained life-threatening injuries from his accident. So I don't know. I feel a little worried for Tracy. I do too. And I feel bad. Like, is there anything worse than being sick and you're not at home and instead you're being filmed courtside and the game is delayed 10 minutes? Yeah.
Like, if anybody had thrown up courtside, because there's non-famous people who sit courtside, like...
it might've been a story like fan throws up, but it's such a big spectacle. And there's literally a picture and a video of it because it's Tracy Morgan. And like that element is obviously smaller than what's going on with his health, but it's a real, like you're, you feel humiliated. And it makes me really sad. If Tracy Morgan has no fans, like rip to me, I love this man as a New Yorker, as a 30 rocker. And it's just a lover of all things comedy. And I don't, I feel like I don't,
Like Tracy's one of those people who I stand really hard, but like I never talk about him. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. You're very private. Yeah. Yes, exactly. I love him so much. I'm like really sad. Yeah. And honestly, it's like not a good week for sitting courtside. Maybe you guys should take Jennifer Hudson hitting the face with the ball at the Knicks game. That was literally two weeks ago, but okay. I think that was not a good month. No way. No way.
When did we talk about her in common? Like literally two weeks ago. Maybe two weeks ago, but maybe last week. What's today's date? Today is the 18th. So I'm saying it's like last Monday to Friday. Okay. So four days ago she reacted to it, but when did she get hit? Basketball. Let's see. I'm looking through our episodes. When did we talk about it? That's a good call.
I need to know like if March 4th. Okay. So two weeks, three weeks ago, three weeks ago. Oh my gosh. Time is flying. Oh no, no, no. Sorry. Two weeks ago. Exactly. My bad. Time's flying. Um, yeah, the Knicks are kind of a mess. The Knicks are kind of a mess, but they did win last night. Was Ben happy? They beat the heat. It was a Jackson squad.
Literally, we missed it. We went to bed at nine o'clock. Oh, and a fun fact about Ben is that he's a huge Knicks fan, but we recently switched from traditional cable. We cut our cords like true millennials, very not Gen X of me. You should get him back. And we have YouTube TV and they do not...
you can't get access to MSG Network, which is like the New York local network that plays all the Knicks games. Now, if the Knicks game is like against the Lakers, it's broadcast nationally on ESPN. But for like the everyday games, we can't watch it. So then I'm like, okay, let's get MSG Plus. Like the stream is 60 bucks it was, or maybe 30 bucks a month. It was nuts. It was like more than my YouTube TV. I'm like, I'm sorry. I do well in this life, but I can't like justify that monthly expense. And Ben didn't want to pay for it?
We like we pay as a household. But what if he was like, I will send you $30 every month. Like it's I'm covering it. What if he said that? Like from his personal pot? I don't think I would let him do something so financially irresponsible. Like it's only how many months out of the year? Pirate it. Do it on like, you know, now you're advocating. Go to a bar. Go to your friend's house. Like seriously. But no, but then he's not home.
Oh, don't go to a bar. That's why I feel like he goes to the actual game. It's the only way for him to see it. Yeah, it's so true. So how much is he spending on tickets versus the $30 a month? But he would still be spending it on tickets. And I want to say, when we discovered this issue, I'm not such a bitch. When we discovered that YouTube TV didn't have MSG, they actually had a contract negotiation. You know when that happens? And so at one point you could watch it. Then last year...
they they couldn't reach a deal so i'm like okay we'll get msg plus he never used it and i canceled it after two months so i'm not a total bitch by the way okay i understand and maybe this is like the gen xer in me but like the older i get i've gotten like really cheap no it's so crazy someone like will borrow claudia's login for something and she's like oh wait i canceled it let me sign like the minute you stop watching a show yeah it doesn't even occur i don't can't i like
Like I probably paid for too many things, but like I want to have it. I just want it. Oh my God. And I'm so mad because I just discovered. Like every time you want to watch a show, you have to re-sign up for whatever platform it is. Yes. Yes. And I just discovered because like after Theo died, I got rid of like all my Theo stuff, including my Furbo dog camera. I just discovered. I didn't cancel it. It's annual. Okay. But I just got charged again. Oh my God.
72 bucks. Like, I'm sorry. That's insane. Oh my God. I was really annoyed. I actually called express and I fought the charge and you know, I got my money back. You fought the power. I, yeah, no, I've really become really cheap. Even though Jackie's bar for cheap and my bar for cheap are completely different. Like two different extremes for sure.
So I'm like obviously about to – like I'm about to have a child and that's I think what has encouraged me to like tighten the purse strings a little bit because it's – there's a lot – and I have a lot of bills like doctor's bills. And so yes, I'm open to receiving free gifts as an influencer. Sorry. Like I get stuff for free. And one of the things that I am accepting for free will be my crib. So I'm obviously not buying anything yet. We're a little superstitious. But I'm looking.
at the the offerings from the gifted companies and I'm sending it to Jackie and she's like sending me back like shit from Pottery Barn and I'm like well I can't get that for free like and I want these they're expensive she won't buy her son a crib Jackie's like you're so cheap you won't buy your son a crib you're fucking crazy like I have all like you're just wrong that doesn't make me cheap okay no no I think it does make you cheap but like that's that's not necessarily wrong like okay so you won't buy your son a crib okay
so you won't get the one that you want okay yeah I can't get the exact one that I want but I could find a really similar one from the websites that have offered to gift it yeah okay like I'm fine with that but then like we they keep every time we find one that we like it turns out like it's like sold out in that color like that they're not giving away that color and it's like right they're only giving okay because they have like the ugliest one no I ended up with a really nice one because you won't just like buy the one that you like
Yeah, no, I won't. And if you guys feel like my cheap energy radiating in the next couple of weeks, just know like, yes, I'm entering my cheap era. And I actually blame Rocket Money. When we did that ad for Rocket Money a couple of weeks ago, it actually really did inspire me. I did the monthly subscription thing. That's how I found out about Furbo. So you didn't pay for it? I've been paying for what? Rocket Money? Yes, but it's a worthy expense.
But they really helped me. I canceled so many. I was paying for two Kindle Unlimiteds. Like, I didn't even know. When you have multiple credit cards, I blame Brian Kelly. Like, I have a lot going on. So they really, and that has kind of like kicked my ass into gear. I've become really cheap. Understood. Well, I think it's, I think it is good. And please, I don't like the word cheap because like, I feel like I prefer fiscally responsible. Like, I don't think I could say I'm cheap, you know? I'm a Birkin.
yeah this I don't think it's most people like I'm we're very different but I'm also fiscally responsible like I'm not irresponsible I'm not you're not fiscally irresponsible but I wouldn't say like but I wouldn't say you lead with fiscal responsibility I definitely do I take into account all things including my happiness correct but like fiscal responsibility is an umbrella term that we both could stand under that umbrella however like we're not the same yeah my umbrella is like bigger
No, so like there just needs to be a different one. I understand if you don't want it to be cheap and I won't label you as that. I'm not cheap. But let's go to slash cheap. No, go to for fiscally responsible. I would think that saying the purse strings are very tight is fair. Yeah, the purse strings are tight.
So she's a tight purse stringer. But in certain eras of my life, you know, back in my dink era. Coach, economical. You are economical. I am. But I'm not always. Like, I think that I really try to let my economics be reflective of my phase of life. Like, when I was going to St. Bart's and I spared no expense, like, that was my dink, dual income, no kids. Now my circumstances are changing and I need my economics to reflect that. Yeah, I understand. Yeah.
And accepting a free crib doesn't make you cheap. No. Not on its face, no. But you guys haven't seen what we've been through. How many iterations of this when she just won't buy the crib that she likes. Yeah. Or the next one or the next one or the next one. Yeah. But I ended up last night like I decided on a really party one. Which one? The one that you liked. Okay.
hopefully they'll give it to you please give it to her you guys like please let me actually you know let me just take a minute be like everyone please if she reaches out for free stuff like please give it to her for my sake okay or else I'll be getting canva edits of nursery rooms for months yeah and for the most part like in my influencer career like a huge part of being an influencer just like getting free stuff which you also sometimes hate it is my least favorite part of this job it's
It's so wasteful. I accept no gifting. Like when PR comes to my house that I didn't approve, I actually return to sender. I do not like it. It's just not ever anything that I need. It's such a waste. And it's just like a part of this job that I do not like. That part of my life is over. And I'm now open to it accepting all maternity and maternity.
Baby like gifts. Okay. And just wait till you get the actual gifts. You know, you can register for stuff and your friends and family will buy it for you. Of course I have the baby list app. Don't worry about me. I know. But like if, if you're getting everything gifted, like what's left for us, I wasn't, I wasn't going to make a registry because I'm like, why would I ask my friends to buy me stuff? And then my friend Margo was like, but people are going to buy you stuff because they love you and you've bought people stuff. So it might as well be things that you want or need. So make a registry. Why don't you make a registry of all the things that you couldn't get?
No, I think I'm going to make a registry of things that are opulent, like a Ralph Lauren sweater. I would never buy that for a baby. I understand. Yeah. I'll have to think about what to get you. So much fresh. I told you last night what to get me. You did? You're good. Yeah.
You did? Remember we were looking at my edit and Harry said, where's the blanket? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. She wants an Hermes blanket. Okay. Yeah. I feel like I'm not a real influencer. Aren't you glad I'm not cheap? So true. You're not a real influencer if like your nursery doesn't have an Hermes blanket. Actually the baby blanket is- But I'm sorry, do you know how much those are? I'm not buying it. But it's actually cheap compared to the living room one. Yes. Cause this is the baby one. Cause yeah, it's much smaller. It's not cheap, but yeah. But no, I thought it was $1,200. Yeah.
Wait, maybe it is. Hold on. Regardless, I'm not buying it. So that's definitely something I'm open to receiving. I understand. And that's a great gift. No, the baby one is $1,200. It's the other one that's like $3,000. Okay, cool. I'll start saving. Nuts. Nuts. Are you ready for our next story?
A little White Lotus news because White Lotus star Patrick Schwarzenegger strips down to his undies with his fiancee Abby Champion for a Skims photo shoot. So Skims per usual on the pulse. They have tapped Patrick Schwarzenegger and his model fiancee to model for their wedding shop return. So the two of them are engaged and they are modeling the latest wedding skivvies for Skims. Ha ha ha.
Skimsy's a great name for a lingerie company or like an undergarment company. Yeah. I love this. This is the second time Skimsy's tapped like a viral person from White Lotus. Obviously the two Italian hookers last season, which everybody loved. My God, did they fall off the face of the earth? Like what happened to them? That's classic White Lotus.
classic White Lotus. Although I think Patrick Schwarzenegger and his fiance have a little bit more staying power for a lot of reasons. She's also like a huge model. She's one of the faces, the new faces of Tommy Hilfiger. So this is like a great get for Skims, but also for Patty and his girl. Yeah. Yeah. She's very beautiful. They're very beautiful. This seems like a no brainer. No brainer. It's like a, yeah, it's really smart. And the pictures are pargy. He's really in just really stellar shape. Yeah. Yeah.
So is she. I hope. I wish them lots of love. He was totally naked in the shoot, which. Yeah. Holding flowers to cover his junk. Yeah. The junk. That's also a great name for a men's underwear company. Junk. What about dong? It's a little harsh. I think. I think you're not seeing the vision. Skivvies. We should seriously trademark it. Yeah, we should. Even though I don't wear skivvies. Let me tell you that.
Are you saying you don't wear underwear or you don't wear underwear that would be described as skivvies? That second one. And when you think of skivvies, are you thinking of like dirty undies with holes in them? I'm thinking like a little something lace thong. Oh, oh, that's so funny. I feel like skivvies are like skin marked underwear with holes in them. Skivvy. Like old undies.
Well, then it certainly shouldn't be a brand. I think it's just like little... Underwear, especially a set consisting of an undershirt and underpants or just the underpants. Cute. Yeah, skivvies to me like have holes in them. Okay, well...
Well, that's just, that's what I like. That's a brand association. Okay. So maybe like, we'll not start a brand called Skivvies. Maybe we'll not. Maybe we'll not. Are you ready for our next story? The Claudia Aschere of the Latin world, Hilaria Baldwin is defending her natural accent changes after mean backlash from the whole world. So she's making a lot of news with their reality show in like actually a way that I think trends positively for the both of them. Well, I,
I haven't seen the show. I think the sheer fact that they have a reality show and then that show is also on TLC. Like, I think it's so crazy. I'm still stuck there. I'm stuck at the announcement. It's so shocking. When you really think about the breadth of Alec Baldwin's work. Now, obviously in recent years, he's had a bit of a fall from grace with Hilaria and then the Russ shooting. But he is like one of the biggest actors of our time. And it's just like really crazy to me that he's on TLC. I know, but I think it's very humanizing. Like they have seven kids. That's crazy. That's not Hollywood. That's not Hollywood.
It's insane. And like they have this huge apartment. I saw a clip like they have this huge two story apartment in New York City and he's like there's not enough room like I have no space. And I think people I think it comes off like it is crazy to live in Manhattan with seven kids. It's crazy. And in a way that's like kind of endearing I think it's in a way I don't know that it's so like positive but it doesn't
negative and I think like even the way she's talking about the whole scandal of the cucumber and everything and I actually for as much as she can defend herself like I can see it. What is what she said? She insists her infamous acts and changes are completely organic. She defended herself in Sunday's episode of the ball winds as she explained that her multicultural background has helped her become quote a chameleon.
She said, growing up in a way where you have multiple cultural influences on you means that you're never going to be able to fit in. You can try, you know. This is literally me when I pretend to be Latin. Or pretend to be Gen X. She said, you know, people who code switch, we're very good at chameleoning. And you don't even think, you're not even thinking about it. It's just normal. It's just natural. So code switching is when the practice of adapting mannerisms or dialect to fit into different social groups.
It's really crazy to use the term code switching when you're not a Latin person. Like that's insane. Right.
Well, she's literally like Anglo-Saxon from Boston. She has English and Spanish influences in her life. And she said... Influences? Okay, so she knows somebody Spanish. She said she had to learn about code switching because the world was mean to her. So I had to learn it. It's code switching, she said. She compared it to when you're speaking to an elderly individual. You start talking really loud. You're going to emphasize. You're going to speak slower. And you're not even really thinking about it. You just start to do it. So it's just, it's something innate. It's not really something that she's like...
actively choosing to do. But she said, you never get used to being, people being mean, but you take a deep breath and I think you learn to distance yourself from it. And so, you know, I just tried turning the volume down in my head a bit and I'm not going to take it personally. So she had claimed back in, you know, 2008,
20 she was busted for claiming that she was born in Spain when she was actually raised in Boston um now you know I'm not one to go all woke this is what she said I just want to say this is her words she said my parents raised this was what she said to the controversy sorry back then and I feel like we definitely dissected it but I just want to remind you my parents raised my brother and me with two cultures American and Spanish and I feel a true sense of belonging to both
The way I've spoken about myself and my deep connection to two cultures could have been explained better. I should have been more clear and I'm sorry. And I'm sorry. I'm proud of the way I was raised and we're raising our children to share the same love and respect for both.
Now, it's entirely possible to have been raised with a culture and around a culture that's not yours. Like maybe you live in a cultural neighborhood or I think her father was like a professor of Spanish something. So I can understand that doesn't translate into an accent. Okay. Accents are regional. They are. I'm surprised she doesn't talk like Dave Portnoy. Like that would make more sense. She's from Boston. But sometimes, I mean, if her parents aren't Spanish, this is tough. But like sometimes when people have parents who have an accent,
Or speak a different language. They speak a little differently. Yes. Especially if the language that their parents speak is actually their first language. That's what they learn at home. And then they learn English. Her parents are not of Latin descent. But maybe they spoke Spanish in the home a lot. Maybe they wanted her to have it. Maybe it's the parents' fault. We spoke Spanish in the home a lot. Not first. Not as our first language. Not first.
I'm sorry. This is not to be all woke. And look, we spoke Spanish in the whole lot and you're a Latin. Right. Not to be all woke, but I'm sorry. Like, I'm offended. And I'm not defending her at all because I... Actually, you are, but continue. No, I'm just arguing a little bit like...
to the point that maybe we could, like, she could be more than this one day. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like for so long, it's like, hilarious. Like, I'm shocked they even got a TLC show. Okay, let me ask you a question. I'm shocked they even got a show because like, that's how canceled she was. Let me ask you a question. You think that maybe she, we could move on from this and then she could be more than this scandal. Do you think Jussie Smollett could ever be more than his fake hate crime? Like, for real. No, Jussie Smollett
thing it's like there's victims there was courts there's taxpayer dollars what this girl does on her Instagram and in her it's a victimless crime cares what's crazier is what's easier to move on from the fact that she faked her accent or her husband shot someone I know the thing is is that like I've definitely I think you find yourself moving on no not moving on I find myself like really having even though Alec Baldwin is like seriously one of the craziest people on the planet like I find myself having a lot of sympathy for him in the rust like
Like seriously not his fault. Like no part of it is his fault. Also traumatic for him. Of course. And at the end of the day like Alec Baldwin has killed someone. Yeah. That's something you all have to live with. Yes. And like a young woman, a mother, through no fault of his own. I really believe that. Like I actually – it's the craziest thing and I actually don't think about it that much because he has so much –
other stuff going on. Like 30 Rock is one of my favorite shows. He's like a beloved. Hilaria Baldwin like doesn't have a lot going on besides the scandal. For you there's not enough like pros to outweigh the cons. Like you know it's like Karen Huger where she did something bad but you have so much love for her. Right. And Alec Baldwin like is a complicated person for sure. And he's you know thoughtless little pig. He's had a lot of scandals but like I don't know I just can't quit him. It's kind of the Jack Donaghy effect. I understand. I just feel like I feel like we can move forward
from this. Well, she is having a bit of a redemption arc. Like this show, I think is, people who are watching it are opening themselves up to her. I just want to let you know, like I'm still at the restaurant. I will be there for eternity. It will never not be the weirdest thing ever to me. She can explain it in however many accents and languages she wants. She's, her name is Hillary. She's from Boston and she's white. But what's also funny is that like, so she was, why is she different than Rachel Dolezal?
She was. It's not. Well, I just feel like Hilaria continues to walk in her truth, you know? Like, she's still. So does Rachel, by the way. She's still doing this. Like, she's talking, like, Spanish, Spanglish on the show. And her kids have, like, Spanish names. It didn't change her behavior. And by the way, I think her family does live in Spain now. And it's like, it's not like she was busted for faking something. It's like she was busted, but that's who she is and she's still doing it. It kind of makes it better. I do think, what does Rachel Dolezal identify as now? Does she admit that it was, like, all a lie? Yeah.
Yeah, like I feel like she was like faking it as a means to an end, not because like that was what was in her soul, you know? I mean, Rachel Dolezal was so crazy because not only was she not black, but she was also the president of the NAACP. Right, like I feel like she was doing it to like advance her job and like, Hilaria's doing this for Hilaria's self. Well, no, she's doing it like to be like an interesting media personality, but yes. But she's even doing it in the home when no one's looking. Yeah.
Are her kids going to have fake accents? Like, cause their mom does. I think because yeah, they speak a lot of Spanish, but I don't know. I have to, I would have to watch the show to see what their dialect is. By the way, she has kids who are 11. So like we'll know. Yeah. Sooner or later. No, we'll know if we just turned on the show. Oh, right. But I can't like, I just can't get myself to do it. No, no, no. I would, I would only turn on TLC for the Cole pose.
I would only turn on TLC for my sister wives, my strange addiction. I didn't know the thousand pound sisters. I didn't know I was pregnant and the man with the 19 pounds. That's it. Of course, hoarders and extreme couponing, which you'll be on soon. And, you know, I'll be on extreme cheapskates.
Extreme Cheap Tastes is actually one of the most nauseating shows. Like you can't watch it with a full stomach. Maybe if you want to, like if your ever cheapness is starting to bother you, you should watch that show. It might be curative. Yeah, it's like a cautionary tale about what I could become. So slippery, so slow. Next thing I know, I'm picking up Roadkill for dinner. Yummo, 10 out of 10. 10 out of 10. That's my future. Are you ready for our next story? What number? Number four. Yeah. Some biz news.
Oh, yeah. We actually have two biz news stories today, which if you guys are mad about it, blame Claudia. I'm not mad about it. Is that four and five? That's four and five. Okay, so maybe I'm not ready. So we can do like a biz news segment. I don't want to break up the biz news. Oh, don't. Do not break up the biz news. You don't dare. Is it the biz news that won't be broken up, brought to you by Built Rewards? Oh, my God. The perfect sponsor for biz news. So if you're a renter like myself, you should start taking advantage of Built.
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Thank you so much, Turtle Help. Oh my God, just an absolute pleasure. I just wanted to update because Tracy Morgan has spoken out from his hospital bed. He said that he's doing okay after his medical emergency. He said, thank you all for your concern. I'm doing okay now. And doctors say it was food poisoning. He said, I appreciate my MSG fam for taking such good care of me and I need to shout out the crew that had to clean that up. More importantly, the Knicks are now 1-0 when I throw up on the court, so maybe I'll have to break it out again in the playoffs.
Okay, funny. I'm so glad because I feel like if there was like a major health issue that he hadn't shared yet, like now would be the time. So the fact that he has it, like there's nothing. And you know, actually, if you've had really bad food poisoning, like you can't walk. Yeah. And if you throw up really hard, you can like start bleeding. Like your eyes get bloodshot. So-
I'm thrilled to hear this. Yeah. Same. And he made, oh honey, you made a little joke. Get well soon, Trace Face. Get well soon, Trace Face. That's really funny. Next story, biz news. Forever 21 is filing for brain corruptcy again and planning. Brain corruptcy. I hate when I go brain corrupt. It's very sad. And maybe they weren't. Honestly, wait, I kind of love that. Like brain corrupt could be like a new, you know when like you can't, like your mind goes blank, like a kind of a brain fart. You're brain corrupt. You're brain corrupt.
Yeah, but they are bankrupt and probably brain from to their planning to call for like the second time. And now this time they're going to close all their US stores. I feel like people always threaten us with this. Yeah, but then every now and again, like it actually happens. I know party city is still closing. Right. It's been a year. Bed, bath and beyond. But they actually close. Meanwhile, that's like a story we really need. And them going out of business has actually impacted me personally. My life in a negative way.
Toys R Us, like gone, they're back. In Macy's. Right. So, and even Forever 21, they went bankrupt like two years ago. Yeah. Sometimes like going bankrupt is just like a flex and then other times it is the demise. Sometimes it's a strategic financial move. You know, maybe I'll do it. Yeah. Save some money. To file chapter 11. Like I think you get cleared of all your debt or something. Yeah. And then you could maybe sign up for a couple more subscriptions. But because I'm so economical. Maybe you can finally get MSG+.
Because I'm so economical, I don't have debts. That's true. She's in the green. I'm in the green.
Nothing lasts forever. Not even forever. 21, the clothing retailer that was once a centerpiece in malls across America, America has filed for bankruptcy again and plans to close its remaining locations for good. In a statement, the company said it can't compete with foreign fast fashion retailers. That's always a good move to blame it on fast fashion. Blame she in. Everybody hates fast fashion, except we're buying it. Forever 21 is fast fashion. We're buying it every day, but we hate it. It's so terrible. And I, like,
Like Forever 21 is American She-in to me. How they weren't able to be successful is shocking. They invented fast fashion. No, when I think of fast fashion, I think Forever 21. The reason why they're not successful is because they haven't evolved at all. Like so many brands recently, like the times have changed. You know, people aren't wearing like their little graphic tees anymore. I feel like...
Abercrombie has really evolved. Yes. PacSun has really evolved. Forever 21 has stayed the same. No, they've stayed like obsessed, focused on retail. Yeah. Which nobody shops anymore. Their website sucks. Yeah. Like Abercrombie is so, that's a perfect example because they're from the same generation and they've totally rebranded. Is your sweatshirt Abercrombie? Boys lie.
Okay, whatever. But that's how you know Abercrombie is getting mistaken for Boy's Lie. Yeah, no, I shop Abercrombie all the time. I actually use just Best Place in Order because I need new clothes.
That's a great example. Like, I don't know what Forever 21 has been doing. They just, like, kept the same formula and hoped that people would come. And even, like, H&M has evolved. Zara is, you know, the fastest of the fashion. They're constantly... They do a great job. Gap, like, there's no... Like, people could do it. Sure, fast fashion, blame the foreign retailers. But, like, you didn't even try. You didn't even try. I didn't even know they were still around. They took their success from, like, 10 years ago and thought it would just, like...
They could coast on it. They didn't evolve. No, they didn't. Evolve or die. That's what they say. And here we are. Dead. So like not to victim blame, but you played yourself. No, of course not. But you're wrong for this. Sometimes a place closes and it's like,
oh, we're wrong. You know, like we don't deserve nice things. And they were crushing it. They were killing it. There was nothing more they could have done. Or it's like we're so online that we can't appreciate the parts. Barnes and Noble. Even like Joanne Fabric's closing was like sad. You know, we're not sewing enough and we're disgusting for that. Barnes and Noble. Barnes and Noble. And we're disgusting. And we're disgusting. This, I'm sorry, this isn't on us. You guys are disgusting. Forever 21. Yeah. So,
You should have been like our next brand. Oh, yeah. Poppy. PepsiCo is buying the prebiotic soda brand Poppy for nearly $2 billion.
And we were just talking about them, their big scandal. I guess the vending machines didn't put them out of business. Oh my God, they were probably like signing the paperwork and like quaking. Well, I was, you know, I was thinking like a big stupid scandal like that. Like, does that impact mergers and acquisitions? Obviously not. I think at the end of the day, rising tides. No, at the end of the day, it's dollars and cents. Like, oh, okay, people are mad about vending machines, but like you guys make $2 billion. Okay, we'll take it. Right. So PepsiCo buying this...
soda replacement it's like actually really crazy they must have been impacting the business yeah well enough soda sales have been going down except brands like poppy and olipop uh right prebiotics so prebiotic soda brands have become very popular coca-cola even recently launched its own prebiotic prebiotic soda brand called simply pop so instead of launching their own they decided to acquire olipop which i think is the better move
I agree. First of all, they came from Shark Tank. They came from Shark Tank. It used to be called Mother. It was like made of vinegar. They got a deal with that guy who's like the beverage guy. He did the BAI drink. Rowan? Yeah. Rohan, I think his name is. He's like super successful guy. But that was also years ago. So it's also interesting to see how long it took for them to get acquired. And of course, you know who was the guest shark on that episode and had to make 11 TikToks about it? Bethany Frankel. Oh, she...
kicking it was called it was called mother back then yeah um and it was a pregnant woman and her husband who launched this business and it's remained female founded now they took on investors like from shark take also olivia munn was a big celebrity investor um alex earl was given equity a little while ago so i'm really curious to know how much percentage big house
Correct. Because even if she got 1% of the company, which I think people are like, she definitely got at least 1%. No, I think she probably got like a third of a percent because when it's that big of a company, like those are the numbers you're working with. But still, even half a percent is $7 million. Yeah. It's insane. Yeah. This is great news for the industry. This is exciting for the founders. It's big for influencers. For women in business. Women in business, for health. It is great for influencers. This is really a brand that's gotten big from influencer marketing, podcasting.
Podcasts, marketing. So I think it's really good. And it's trending towards healthier soda. Okay. Well, now, of course, because like Poppy is just one of those brands because they're so chronically online. There's backlash, right? Like you sold to big evil Pepsi. And it's like, can we just be happy for this woman-owned business? So that's been happening with like a lot of like the...
good food brands that started because they're the clean alternative to the big Frito-Lay. I think even like Siete sold to Frito-Lay, something like that. And people in like the natural food space are like very upset because they're like, they're going to change the formulas. Well, if they do change the formulas, like then it just defeats the purpose. But I don't think they're going to change the formulas. And instead it makes it like more ubiquitous so that like you could get a poppy at a gas station on the side of the road and not have to get an unhealthy soda. Yeah.
And I've actually been drinking poppy orange soda. Like when I was trying to drink less soda, I kind of gave up on that, but it's fucking delicious.
Yeah. I've got to find my flavor. Yes. So not every flavor is going to like rock your world. And at first I was like, this is what people are obsessed with. And then Ben brought home this orange soda because he was doing like something with like a Fanta drink or whatever. And he brought home the poppy orange soda and it was unbelievably delicious. And I just need to add to our list of duplicates, Olipop and Poppy. Olipop, yes. Because they launched the same year. They do the same thing and they have a similar name.
So I think that Poppy like really invented an entirely new space. They were the first to do this and then became the biggest. And I think a lot of these other brands are inspired by them. But I feel like the fact that they launched the same year just means like it was two people with the same idea. Because it takes a while to get something like this off the ground. There's no way one wasn't inspired by the other. You think? Yeah.
Because they're both soda replacements made of prebiotics. Why does that equal pop in the name? Because pop equals soda. Soda. Yeah, but like there's a lot of soda brands. And they were mother first.
And Olipop, oh, it was valued at $1.85 billion during its latest funding round, which was announced in February. Oh, maybe they're next, Coca-Cola. He said that, the founder said that Soda Giant's PepsiCo and Coca-Cola had already come knocking about a potential sale. But Coca-Cola bought, it started Simply Pop. No, they started their own, which is a flop. Yeah, so maybe they'll come back around. They should have bought Olipop. And it could be like the new Coke and Pepsi, Olipop versus Poppy. Yes, I like that. But like, could I still have a Diet Coke?
Of course you can. And a Diet Dr. Pepper. Of course you can. Okay, cool.
But yeah, I'm going to get into this. I'm going to get into it. We need to start making Diet Dr. Pepper like a little bit more ubiquitous. Like when you go to a restaurant and they have like, you get a Diet Coke. Can you get a Dr. Pepper? No. Or like when you go to a restaurant now, you could probably get a poppy. Like soon with PepsiCo distribution. If they have a fountain machine. Yeah, they'll get on tap. Well, that's the other thing. PepsiCo is so big. A lot of people don't realize PepsiCo owns like most of the fast food chains in this country. They own Taco Bell. So like if you, cause you can get a Diet Dr. Pepper at Taco Bell because it's a PepsiCo owned. Yeah.
And you'll probably be able to get a poppy at Taco Bell. I bet they'll do like a Baja Blast poppy. Yeah, which is why this is good. Yes. Even though, you know, they probably won't change the formula, but now you'll have your healthier option everywhere you go. Like that is good. And they can't do that without these huge companies. And they can't do it quickly. And by the way, PepsiCo also owns Frito-Lay. Who were you just saying got bought by Frito-Lay? I think it was Siete got bought by Frito-Lay. Yeah. Yeah.
So they own like every chip. They own Gatorade. They own Mountain Dew, Diet Dr. Pepper, Tostitos, Ruffles, literally everything. Yeah, yummy. This is making me hungry. I'm just starving always. I'm really hungry. Let's dive into Dear Toasters, our weekly advice segment where Jackie and I try to help the girls out. Every Tuesday, we take three submissions in a little segment we call Dear Toasters where our listeners, the toasters, write in about little pickles they toast. Our dearest toasters.
Rita. About little pickles they found themselves in. Sometimes it's wedding related. Sometimes it's friendship related. You guys got some big pickles. Sometimes it is. These ones are really funny this week. If you ever want to write in, please, we would love to hear from you. Deertoasters at is the email account you can write to. Or you can head over to our website, There's a little submission box when you scroll down. Both means are completely anonymous. Don't worry. Let's do it.
Hey girlies, I'm kind of freaking out. I'm sure you've heard of the Fourth Wing series in case you haven't. It's a book series in the fantasy genre, but it also has a lot of like good smut and porn in it. My parents know I've been reading this series and loving it. Did you read Fourth Wing? I read the first one and then stopped in the middle of the second. I got like so confused. No, that's fine. It's over. Yeah, it's over. And I don't even think Margo liked the third one. Okay, so look.
My parents know I've been reading this series and loving it. They don't know what it's about. But recently, one of my mom's friends told my mom to start reading it. I tried to do everything I could to convince my mom she wouldn't like it and not to start it. But much to my dismay, she's already two chapters in and loving it.
Loving it so much, in fact, that she got my dad to start reading it. Please, what do I do? I'm mortified and I'm so anxious just waiting for them to get to the part where there's actual porn. My family is close, but we do not talk about that stuff. I don't think I can get them to stop reading, so my question is more about how do I deal with the situation. Right now, I'm not bringing up the fact that there are the most descriptive sex scenes you've ever seen in this book.
But once they get there, how do I tell them? There's a 50-50 chance that they either bring it up as a joke or completely ignore it. But genuinely, I'm panicking. So anything you can tell me would be great. Love you guys so much. I've truly asked everyone in my life what to do. But I need the advice of my swirlies. But also, by the way, I'm 26 years old and a girl, if that helps. OK, I just want to say, I feel like Fourth Wing wasn't that smutty. I actually remember when we did the Redheads episode, like there were complaints that like the smut, there wasn't enough smut. And it happened much later in the book. OK, but the bar for the Redheads-
in smut is very different than this girl's dad. Okay, I just want to say, the smut, I think we literally said it didn't happen until the second half of the book. I don't think your dad's going to read that much. It's kind of a tough read. I think he's going to be really fucking bored by it. Well, this is definitely a weird thing. I remember getting a book recommendation. I remember talking about a book that I was reading. Do you even remember the smut scenes from Fourth Wing? I don't remember. I remember there was one where he made a cloud of smoke and she couldn't see anything. Like,
Like that's like his power. It is. And she's like blinded or something. I really don't know. Um, I didn't, I didn't love fourth wing. I don't love fantasy. Um,
But I can understand that this is really awkward for you. And embarrassing. Like this thing that you're obsessed with, like now everyone's going to know like part of the reason why you're obsessed. But just to say, like, I don't think this is a full smut book, especially not the first one, because like it takes a while to establish a relationship between Violet and Zayn and they're not having sex for a while. So like, I think that your parents can see why you like this book. And it's not like you're reading Fifty Shades of Grey where it's like, oh, you're just reading pornography. Yes, that's true. Like there is a story. There is world building. There are a couple sex scenes, but like, I don't think it's
So embarrassing. And if your mom reads a good amount, all books have sex now. All books. Yes. So I'm not worried about your mom. Like, I also think your dad will stop reading it before it gets to a sort of inflection point. And if your mom, yeah, does read. And you have to think about, like, TV shows. Did your mom watch Game of Thrones? Like, it's the same thing. It's a little different. I don't know why. But it's really not. No, but I remember, like, we watched Game of Thrones. And, like, when you said you were going to watch, like, it's not just...
nakedness and sex like as long as the book like it depends there are certain books that are literally made for porn 50 shades and they had no idea what they were reading like yes run for cover joy or even something like the smut literary books that like go viral one summer they have no substance like that's embarrassing at least for sex at least this book is like 600 pages like and maybe like 30 of the pages are sexy harry potter
yeah it's definitely awkward and I could see this having the potential like to be weird but now that I've broken it down I think you're okay I think you're okay it's so not as bad as it could be and you're allowed to like like this book and you could like it for other reasons other than smut there's a lot going on like I think you're protected and let's just hope your dad hates it yeah I have very little faith your dad makes it to the end yeah I don't know him but just a vibe yeah it's long I
Hey, Jackson, Claude. My husband recently got a new secretary. She always calls and texts him and cries to him every day about her marriage issues that she might be getting a divorce. She barely shows up to work, but my husband has not fired her. Last weekend, we were away. She called to ask work questions. She was on speaker. And at the end of the call, she asks, are you alone?
He said no quickly and hung up. When I asked him about it, he's like, oh, it was probably nothing. But I don't think it was nothing. Am I crazy or is something nefarious going on here? I don't want to snoop, but maybe I should. It was not nothing. Yeah. Asking someone if they're alone is crazy. Like being in the car on the phone when like it connects.
Ben will pick up the phone and he'll, he's the first thing he always says, Hey, I'm in the car with Claude. Why'd you say that? I know, but it's like, it's like, it's like his dad. So no one has to ask if you're alone. And like his dad, even if they're not going to talk shit about you, which of course is what you think they're going to do. Like he could be talking about a personal problem. Of course. A medical issue. If you ever called me and like we were talking, we talk about like a lot of deep personal stuff. And I didn't tell you Ben was in the room. Like it's,
It's wrong. Yeah, the gracious thing is to announce, but to phrase it like that. And also, this is a work relationship. It shouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter. If your real ass co-worker calls you about work and has to ask if you're alone, you're talking about things that are not work related. Now, it's entirely possible the next thing she was going to say. Unless they work for the Secret Service and it's all confidential. Oh, yeah. Is your man an FBI agent? Yeah. It's entirely possible that what she was going to say after are you alone is more marital stuff and she didn't want to unload in front of somebody.
But him then like lying and saying, no, there's something weird going on. Well, he didn't lie, but... No, he like quickly hung up and she said...
He said it was probably nothing. Really unprofessional and she should not be employed by your husband. Correct. And so first you should just keep tabs on it, like just in case they're having an affair, like keep tabs. But then like you should push him towards finding like a secretary that's not a basket case. Sorry. And don't come from like a place of threatened being like, listen, you're a very busy man, a successful man. You can't have this lunatic nutcase. Yeah, it's a bad look for the office. She's the first person people meet.
The character from Inside Out, the blue woman who's Phyllis from The Office, Gloom. She just gives that vibe. No, I'm sorry. And that's not how you want your company represented. Keep your problems at home. That's your boss. It's not even your coworker. Correct. I'm sorry. People have to act professional. I agree. This is a fireable offense. It's a place of work.
And beyond that, there might be something nefarious going on. Yeah, yeah. But even if there's not. Yeah, no, your husband. She's a problem. She's a problem. She's one to watch. Our third and final, dear toasters. Hello, Jackson Turd. First, I can't thank you ladies enough for being the most gargy-pargy girlies and bringing me so much joy on my weekdays. So here's my dilemma. I'm getting married in a few months and my fiance and his family love sports. My future mother-in-law. Do they keep up with sports? Yeah.
Yes, but not with Lamar. Or Caitlyn? My future mother-in-law told me that she's having the mascot of my fiance's favorite MLB team come to my bridal shower and the mascot of our college is coming to our wedding. I really don't care about his favorite baseball team and I don't want a guy in a costume at our wedding. That's kind of cute. I like sports. They went to the same college.
Yeah, I like sports, but I want both days to be about us and not sports for a couple of days. Should I mention it to my fiance or do I just tell her that it's not what I want? Am I being selfish? Also, she's not paying for the wedding, so it's really like not her place. I want to say there's two separate issues here. I agree. The bridal shower and the wedding. Your man's favorite MLB team coming to your bridal shower. That's ridiculous. That's insane. Bridal showers are pargy. They're classy affairs, tea sandwiches. Like you have to dip that in the bud. But actually like a wedding can get rowdy. And if you both went to the same college. And everyone there. Oh my God. It's so funny.
the Raider came out. That's hysterical. Yeah. Like at the end, not at the ceremony, but like at the after party, I think that's entirely appropriate. The bridal shower is really nuts. Yeah. So this is good because you're not being complete. If you like just accept our advice, you're not being completely unreasonable. If you put the kibosh on one and not the other and just be like, that's cute. We could do that. But the bridal, the mascot at my bridal shower is not happening. He security will escort him out. Like do not hire that person.
Yeah. So I feel like in you coming to us, like we can tell you, like you are being a little dramatic about the wedding thing, but you're 100% on the money. Like the bridal shower is really weird. First of all, because bridal showers are all girls. So it's literally not about the husband at all. It's about the bride. No, it's so weird. The wedding is about the couple and the couple went to the same college and the couple likes sports. So like it's the mascot is emblematic of them. Why the MLB team? Like who gives a fuck? Yeah. They're not the same. Yeah.
No. And it's your wedding and you're specifically your bridal shower. So the mother of the groom like has a little bit of say in what goes on at the wedding, but she has literally no say unless she's a toaster, a Gen X toaster. Oh, yeah. She has no say in what goes on at the bridal shower. Like that's really your day. If she had like a bad idea for what goes on at the wedding, like we would tell you to resist. But like this is actually a good idea and people will enjoy it. So you're just like, you're just hating sports and that's blinding you from seeing a good idea.
Yeah. And maybe you're also just like hating the mother of the groom, which is understandable. Weddings can be stressful. Yeah. But I'm sorry, you need security detail for that mascot at your bridal shower. One thousand percent. Keep an eye out through the door. There will be a keep an eye out for Mr. Met. You know, it'll be a brawl in the street.
That would be really crazy. Save your money. Right. Why doesn't she gift you the money instead? Right. Because I feel like it's expensive to have an MLB mascot like for hire. Unless you're getting like a generic. Yeah. Like a generic Mr. Mr. Net. It probably is that because it's like doesn't matter who's under the costume. Correct. Correct.
Well, that's our show, you guys. That's Dear Toasters. Again, thank you to everyone who was really vulnerable with us this week. And we'll see you next time. Thank you so much for listening to the Toast on Monday Morning Show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up. We're also available as podcasts anywhere podcasts can be found. So that's Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Public Radio, iRate, and CastBox. All the places where you listen to podcasts. Find us at Toast on Monday Morning Show. We are about a beautiful, stunning, and wickedly talented. We are. Love ya. Bye.