It's the talk. It's Jackson, Claude, and Moose. It's your favorite show. The fast five things you need to know. We'll start your day off swirly. It's the toast. I sound amazing. Welcome back to the toast and happy Friday.
I'm right here. Hey, Jax. How you doing? I'm darn good. Welcome back to the tizzity toast. The tizzity toast. The tizzity toast. Very exciting that it's Friday.
Have a very large weekend ahead of me So it doesn't feel like that Relaxation Friday it's still very Exciting and it's an exciting weekend But it's not that Like okay we can ease into the weekend Feeling I'm actually ramping up into the Weekend right right bus club another Club bus with the kids Precisely
That's tough. I'm sorry. I'll be doing like quite literally not a thing this weekend. That is so funny. And then last night I was out late again. I'm literally out late every single night, you guys. And honestly, I'm worried about her. She's drinking. She's on drugs. You should be worried about me. She's out late. I was out late at a club last night, a comedy club.
Watching. Who is she? Lindsay Lohan? Watching my new favorite comedian, Shannon Ford Middleton. I went to Shannon's show in Dania Beach last night. She's so funny. She came on stage and she's like, Diana Beach, let's go. Diana.
It was so funny. And I just had the best time. The show was amazing. I know Shannon has two more shows left and then I don't know if she'll add more, but like she's going to be in New Orleans in Texas. Like go see her. It was so, so good and so funny and a great night out and so swirly. Like the elk.
Of dreamers. Of attendees. Was a par-gy-licious crowd. And she's in your house right now? And she's in my house right now. Her and James spent the night. And we've actually been having, like, an amazing time. That's amazing. Like, of course, we have been... Chan came yesterday. Then we all met up at the club. Did you guys drink awesome shooters and just sit around and soak up each other's awesomeness? We literally...
I literally have quite literally been sitting around soaking each other's awesomeness, like sitting at the kitchen table. Yesterday we had, you know, those Caesar wraps at my kitchen table. This morning was just like coffee. I got bagels. It was actually like hard to tear myself away from Shannon James. Oh, I'm so sorry to have been such a disruption in your lovely day. Such an inconvenience, but I know they're waiting for me.
to be like done with this and then we can get back together again. All right. So I won't, I won't like, you know, dilly dally wasting time talking about her itself. Yeah. But it's just been like, it's really nice to have them here. I loved going to the show and I highly recommend everyone attend. She is just so funny and she has the funniest, craziest stories. She's so funny.
She really does. I went a couple of weeks ago and it's like the Shannon I know she tells a lot of stories like from her past. I think really before we knew her. Even before Mary Cavallari. Yeah, she's like a homesteading trad wife. We're on the same journey very much. And I can't really picture her being that way. But like I also can. And the way she like walks the line and like toggles between like present Shannon, like fabulous. Married. Yeah, like a fancy lady. And the Shannon of yore is just so funny.
- Well, if you're gonna talk about your TNN talent, I'll talk about mine. - Okay, your husband?
Well, they've been teasing a special project and they said by the time this episode comes out, they will have announced it on Instagram so we can talk about the big secret reveal for the good guys is that Drake Bell is on the podcast on Monday. He's actually on Monday and Thursday of next week. It was like two and a half hours. So they had to split it up into two episodes. And let me tell you, Ben was supposed to fly out there and he got really sick. That's the sickness that got me sick. So we ended up doing it remotely, which I actually think was better. He was very much like a almost like a mediator between the two. And when he got home, it was like,
It's kind of like this heaviness on him. I'm like, well, how was it? He was like, honestly, everyone was crying. We had to like stop at certain points because like the producers were crying. The guy in New York was crying. The guy in LA was crying. It was just like very emotional. And Ben was like, you know, Ben, you said it best. And I have been cracking up thinking about it, that Ben is Forrest Gump. Yeah. He just finds himself in the middle of all of these historic events. Yes. Yes. And it's so true. Like how Ben kind of not facilitated because like
He had nothing to do with getting Drake on the show, but the conversation, how he found himself in the middle of what is such an important cultural moment. Yeah. It's so crazy to me. And I cannot wait for everybody to see it. It's so, Drake is so cute. Like he got super dressed up and I was like, Ben was like, it was so emotional. I'm like, well, what part of it was emotional? And I don't want to spoil it, but Ben was just like, it's so clear. Like Drake loves Josh so much. And I think that they really, um,
thought the other like had ill will against them, but they now know like in hindsight, they were both going through a lot at the time of the show and then after the show. - And the other person didn't know about nor did anyone.
Right. So it's kind of been like this 20 year journey. Yeah. That they are now kind of coming full circle and they talk about everything. That's healing coach. Yeah. No, Ben said it was very healing. Like it was very heavy and they had fun afterwards. And Ben, like, you know, his first question, he like is obsessed with the theme song and he had to ask Drake like a million questions about it. Ben lived out his childhood dream. Like there was a lot of healing going on. We talked about trauma, but Ben Soffer's experience was fulfilling a lifelong childhood dream. And did they say, hug me, brother? Yeah.
Oh, no, you know what they did do? I don't want to spoil it. Did they do Megan? I'm sure that they did, but they also like reenacted a scene that they both happened to just like memorize.
It's from The Amanda Show. That's where they met. They talked about The Amanda Show too. And this thing they were like known for. I forget what it was. They both remembered it like verbatim and they acted it out. I'm telling you, Ben Topper was in heaven. Oh man, well I'm happy for Ben. I'm happy for Drake and Josh for the healing. And I'm happy for everyone who will get to witness such a wonderful reunion. I also think it's a great like end of the story. I think Drake Bell has kind of reemerged in the last year. I think we all understand him a little bit better now. And there was this...
about like, well, what does this mean for Drake and Josh? And I think Josh- And what did it mean for Drake and Josh at the time? And I can't speak for Josh, but I imagine it was difficult to not want to like step on Drake's toes when, you know, last year, everybody's sort of coming to-
to know Drake's story. And there was like questions about Josh. And so I think this was a really good way of them sitting down and having that conversation. I can't speak for Josh either. And if anyone could speak for Josh, it would be more you than me, but I would also imagine that like at that time, like if anybody even asked him about it, like everything that he felt and would have said about it, it's not something you can answer in one question. Like it's something that requires two and a half hours of really like
excavating what happened and talking about your POV. So I'm glad that he's able, like that he's had the place to do that. Yeah. I saw a picture of like Drake and Josh after they filmed. Like I was seriously not okay. It's so crazy. So that comes out on Monday on the Good Guys podcast and Thursday. And then Jackie obviously makes a cameo. Megan. Megan. I make a cameo? Yeah, Megan. Megan.
Speaking of Megan. Speaking of Megan a lot of people are commenting like what they think Megan meant by what she said and I actually spoke to Amanda about it. So did I. Okay and Amanda like really said like. Believes. Like really that she thinks it was like sweet and she thinks like Megan was like worried about her for being scared like don't be scared like it will be fun. Yes it was all very like sweet earnest not snarky. I think our audience kind
Kind of more so agreed with me that Amanda's post was not even remotely snarky, but there's a chance that Megan's was. Yeah, but no, even more so they're trending towards like Megan's wasn't snarky. Like it was sincere. And so I've been chewing on what Amanda said. Like, no, she really wants to help me not be scared. Right.
She wants to walk her through this dark time. And I really, I want to be like someone who could believe that. But I just feel like if you were writing a letter to a fan, like helping them from their fears, that you would also add like another line, like thanks for your support. I hope you love the show. Yep. Go women go. You know what I mean? No, I said the same thing to Amanda. I said, maybe I'm just negative. But.
But like I actually cannot see a world in which there wasn't like a little bit of sass here. I just feel like if it was positive, there would have been more positivity. And it was just ambiguous, like a two word card. Like it's threatening to me. I'm sorry. And I'm really trying to like be an optimist and believe Amanda because she's the recipient. So she might know how it felt. But I'm having a really hard time. And I've been reading all the comments. And like I love I love everyone like thinking that this is
A sweet thing. To me, it's sour. But also something I've learned from the show and just like getting to know Megan, not super well, but better in the last couple of weeks and months is that she kind of has like a quirky personality. So it's possible that her attempt at like a joke or like a sweetness type of thing is falling flat for me. Maybe I'm not understanding it.
Maybe. I think that's also a good theory. Maybe Funke. And the more that I think about it, the more I'm confounded and like my brain just turns to mush. So I'm going to have to move on from it. Yep. But it is single-handedly the craziest thing that's happened this year. We actually have a lot to do today. We have Queenie and Weenie of the Week. You watched Southern Charm finale. Lots to discuss. I have to say. I have to say. I didn't finish it.
I was bone tired. I got up in the middle. Oh, from having so much fun? From being out late. It was really late. But I did the same thing with Summer House the night before. I was out late. I got home at the same time. Turned on Summer House. We watched. I got up in the middle of Southern Term to just brush my teeth to prepare for bed. And when I came back in bed, I was like, I am too tired. I'm not doing... Like, I need to put my health first. I need to listen to my body. And I turned it off so often.
So the SCQ will suffer, but your mental health will not. The SCQ will suffer. However, this morning when I was looking for stories, like I don't think anything really major happened by way of like conversation about the page stuff. Like I think it's all stuff we already know. I watched a recap from one of my favorite like Bravo TikTokers today because I wanted to like, you know, show up a little prepared.
And the Vanita, like the other castmates stuff kind of went over my head because I need more explanation. But, and the thing I was really focused on was the conversation between Austin, Craig and Shep at the end where they pick up cameras. And he said, everything that was like teased thus far is really what the meat and potatoes was. There was nothing new, nothing fresh. Yeah. The interesting part were like Craig's disposition at the time was like, you know, very not angry, sad, confused. He had offered to move,
To New York for her. And ultimately when she broke up with him, she was like, if you did that, like you would come to hate me and resent me. And maybe it would make you happy in that moment, but not for the rest of our lives. And I actually think that's a fair statement.
Thing to say. So it wasn't like very contentious or drama filled. It was, I feel like what we've been saying now, like the resounding theme here is sad. Yeah. And I don't think anything so terrible happened in the relationship and all of the dramatics are what's happened after. And that's what's led to them like really, like,
disliking each other when it started out really respectful. Okay. So no sudden charm recap. That's totally fine. We will just do Queenie and Weenie and I have really good ones. I'm really excited for Queenie and Weenie. There were a lot of candidates this week.
But for me, for the weenie of the week, I'm kind of using it as an opportunity to talk to you about something that happened to me. And I need you to be my sounding board and let me know if like I'm being sensitive. Okay. Oh, I love that. I'm cracking up because ever since we did an episode for Patreon, like not to like rub it in your face if you're not a patron. But we are. Rub it in. slash the toast. Naggy bitch wife. And I was like running by you. Something that like my husband and I had been arguing about. The gum? The gum and the console in the car. Which like I feel like.
I understand where I'm coming from, but I'm really being much more courteous. Let's just back it up really quickly. For anybody who's new here, Jackie and I, we have a Patreon. It's slash the toast. You get five extra episodes a month for $7.99. It's a great way to support The Toast and also get to know us a little bit better. We talk a lot more behind the scenes stuff. We do stuff on business. We do vlogs. Our husbands. People love it. It's kind of like an amazing thing. You can join anytime. And once you do join, you get access to every episode we've ever done, like The Greats, The Great Chili Cook-Off, whatever. And we do kind of...
I would say quarterly installment called Naggy Bitch Wife where people write in and I'm like, am I being a naggy bitch wife or like my husband wrong?
And we often share our own, like when Ben wipes down the counters with a dish rag instead of a paper towel, like the main of my existence. And Jackie was like, okay, am I being an Aggie bitch wife? And she shared something with me and it was kind of the first time ever where I was like, I think you are being an Aggie bitch wife. Like I think your husband is actually, I hate to say these words, not doing anything wrong. So here's what it was. Like when we're in the car and we're with our family and he's driving and I'm in the passenger seat and I go into the console to get like hand sanitizer or gum and
I use the product. I take what I want. And then I put it back in. I shut the console. And right when I shut the console, he said, were you going to offer me some? And I'm just like, if you want some, speak up. Like, it's not, it's not my, it's both. Like, feel free to just let me know if you want some. Like, why do you wait till I put it away? Like, ask for it. Ask for it. Well, the waiting is definitely annoying. But what I had said is that like, actually. I should 100% be offering him and I'm rude to not do that. When you open the console as the passenger princess, especially for gum, it's like,
It is kind of on you to offer it to every other adult passenger. I understand. Especially the driver. So I have been doing that and I'm doing a really good job. But what's funny is I was in my car with Channing yesterday. I'm doing a really good job. I'm doing a good job of remembering. Actually, it's like stuck in my head now. I can't take a piece of gum without my day being ruined. But I was...
In my car with Shannon yesterday because Shannon's here. We're having an amazing time. Yeah, we know. And I took like some mints from my console and I immediately offered them to her because of course I'm not a monster. But it's a different dynamic when it's a guest versus like, it's Zach and I's car. Like why we got to be so formal. I was driving.
And also, I feel like you had said, like, when someone's driving and you're the passenger, like, you're there to, like... Make them comfortable. Support the driver. Like, you're... When you have kids in the car, the driver is the one having a peaceful experience. Right, that's funny. The passenger is the one twisting around, picking up everything they dropped. Snacks, drinks, books, toys. So, it's not like...
All hail the driver. Okay. Oh my God. Wait, thank you so much for reminding me. I have to tell you about something that's going on on TikTok. Okay. It's like baby company. I'm old. I'm old.
It's baby company drama. Okay. And I found myself on it because very unfortunately I keep getting targeted for this bassinet that they're selling on TikTok shop. They're like, obviously would never buy like a bassinet on TikTok shop. Let me tell you, we keep saying like, I'm having a hard time finding a bassinet. It's exactly what I need. Bassinet on wheels that you can see through. A bassinet on wheels that I can see through. It has like, it can change levels. It can rock back and forth. If you want it to, you can move the wheels. Um,
And I'm like kind of thinking about buying this bassinet from TikTok shop. I don't know. It just it feels wrong. I don't know. Whatever. But so now I'm like on this side of TikTok. And do you know the SNOO? S-N-O-O? Yeah. Okay. Everybody knows the SNOO. Okay. So the company that manufactures the SNOO is called Happiest Baby.
And they have found themselves in major drama. Ready? I'm going to tell you what happened. So there was an influencer. I don't know her name. I'm so sorry because I'm new here. She was pregnant and I think she got gifted a snoo, bassinet. And I don't know exactly what happened. I know she went into labor and she ended up losing her baby. And the company reached out asking for the bassinet back. Wow.
And we only know this because the influencer who has not been online at all, her sister was like on social media, just like posting some stuff about, you know, her sister and prayers or whatever. And she was just like not to be like that girl, but like so unbelievably shocked that I think the company is called Happiest Baby.
Like asked my sister for the bassinet back. Meanwhile, like some of the other partners like Factor Meals has not stopped sending meals for my sister. Like everybody's rallying around supporting her. And now people are like burning their new bassinets. The company has responded and basically was like, oh, we just wanted to remove like a trigger for her. Like maybe coming home, the bassinet would have been triggering. I don't know. It's kind of crazy. That's really messy. I'm like, I know.
That's really, it's almost shocking to believe that like they, I know. So I'm kind of like, wait, like, is there more to the story? I want to get them the benefit of the doubt. Because it's so evil. Because that's fucking crazy. And they just like give away snooze. Who cares if you gave one, it didn't get used. Literally or posted about. Yeah. That's what they cared about. Not that it didn't get used. It's not getting posted about. That's really gross. Isn't that crazy? What do you think about buying a bassinet from TikTok shop?
- I would just like look at how it's made, but doesn't everyone sell on TikTok shop? I don't know enough about like TikTok shop is like a vendor. It's like a distribution. - It's like eBay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What's wrong with that? - I don't know because yeah, like Tarte cosmetics, you can buy brands on, but I don't know this brand. - Well, look into the brand. - It doesn't say what brand and it's not fugly either. Some of these bassinets are fucking ugly. $89.
Is that too low? I know it's like that's supposed to be good, but like I just feel like it's also a steal because they're saying on TikTok shop. You get what you pay for sometimes. I know with kids stuff, especially newborn stuff. Like I'm I'm not embracing my inner cheapo. And like an $89 bassinet are usually like travel ones, foldable ones, ones for outside, like ones that are almost like a pocket. So it's like made of wood. Place of what? What is the quality? It's made of mesh, like the mesh lining. But what's the fabric? The legs are wood.
It kind of doesn't look so bad. I'll send you a link. Okay, send me a link. I know. I don't think I can in good faith like have my best nappy from TikTok shop. Even if it's the same thing, they should charge more for it just because that just feels really low. Cribs are like $1,000. It's not the money for me. No, but it's what it is. I don't know. It's what TikTok shop represents. I don't know what it represents because I'm not on TikTok shop. It's weird. It's a weird thing to do. Okay.
well why don't you get that one that we like from pottery barn even though like i'm going to they don't do gifting but you love it no but i'm gonna get it but a bassinet that you can't see through it seems really crazy to me no it's not really crazy it's just like nice when it's mesh and you could see through i think it's fine it's like woven yours cute it's it's pargy yeah we'll say okay how are the stories random as fuck
Oh, love that. Okay, should we dive in? Yeah, without further ado-da-do-da-do, here are the Fast Five stories that you-da-do. You-da-do. You know what? I think I accidentally left it off for a reason. Men plans. Freudian slip. Today's episode is brought to you by Beam. If you're struggling to find a way to get your kids to eat healthier and get all the vitamins and minerals that they need, then we need to tell you about Beam. There hasn't been a single product that has brought, you know, all the vitamins, nutrients, packed with so much power
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What can I say? Our first story, Kelly Clarkson celebrated the 1,000th episode of her show, The Kelly Clarkson Show. However, in a long speech that she gave, an emotional speech, she said that she's lost and alone.
Wow. Yeah, she's confusing people because she gave an emotional speech in Thursday's episode while celebrating a thousand shows since the launch of the Kelly Clarkson show. And is she back? She's back. She's been back. Yeah, she's like never said where she went. That's normalized like keeping things to yourself. It's true. Like do your thing. But then she gave this speech about her show. We have laughed together. We have cried together with beautiful stories, sang together with some people, danced together, celebrated and competed together. I've lost alone a lot.
I've lost, alone, a lot. It's unclear what she was referring to, but after her studio audience hesitantly laughed at the comments, she paused to assure them it's okay. She also thanked her cast and crew for lending and finding comfort in one another. We've created a community and supported each other through a lot of ups and downs, a lot of ups and downs personally as well. She keeps bringing it back. Right, right. Well, here's the thing.
timeline of Kelly's divorce was post Kelly Clarkson show like or she got divorced before even getting the pilot before she got started the show in 2019 it was a long divorce because it was messy financially right but like when did she leave him right when did they officially like stop being husband and wife you know in a she filed for divorce June 2020 okay so she had started so she went through all of this on the show
Okay, I mean, two things to say. One, like we'll get into the salaciousness of that strange comment, but major kudos to Kelly. A thousand episodes for a talk show is a huge milestone, especially because every single talk show is fail, like fails. Like they never get off the ground. You get one season, a success is considered if you get a second season. Like when you think of all the greats who no disrespect to them have just failed at this particular medium, Kelly's a queen. Yeah, even if her show ended tomorrow for whatever reason, like this was a successful show.
She can end it whenever she wants. Yeah, I think it's also still currently at its peak. So I don't even think she would end it. No, but like say she's over it or she got a better job opportunity somewhere. Like this will forever be known as a successful daytime talk show. No, NBC loves her. She is the face of the network. She keeps getting better time slots, better studios. They keep giving her Rockefeller's tree. Like they love her.
It's a great gig for her too because she gets to do like supplemental stuff within NBC like the tree lighting. She gets to like, you know, do the voice. If you want to do that. Those high paying gigs. That sounds like fun. You know, my dream job is to be like a judge on a singing show. I think that would be really hard for you with everybody else singing and you just have to sit there.
No, they sing plenty. You know, like those judges like always find a way to make it about themselves. Not only like on The Voice, they have like, you know, quarterly performances where the four of them sing together. That's one of my favorites. When Reba, Niall, John Legend, and Gwen Stefani. I've been running down the road trying to loosen my... Like Niall Horan and Reba were like...
they were vibing so hard. Like I ship, you know? Yeah. And they always like, then they get up, they do a duet, you know, with their, with their contestant. They're like, Oh, you're on my team. We'll sing together. They are, there are plenty of opportunities for them to get on stage. And I just love hearing people sing. And I love telling them that they could do better. You know, it's just my dream job.
So sorry not to make Kelly's story about me. Congrats, Kelly. Yeah, congrats. I hope that she's okay. I hope it's just the stuff that we think it is. You know, the divorce. It's hard to get divorced publicly. Co-parenting. And it wasn't like it was the most pleasant divorce. The money stuff, the custody stuff. I'm just saying, I hope it's not new stuff. I know. It's getting new stuff because she hasn't been sad in a while. Yeah.
Yeah the album came out and that kind of felt like a bookend you know it was talking about the highs and lows but overall like she's a queen and she's Kelly and like we're moving on. And like the divorce was settled in 2022 so like it even if she was not happy with the final arrangement like it's passed. So this feels like new stuff and that's sad.
What's going on in Kelly's life? I don't know. She's such a unique celebrity that we actually don't know a lot about her personal life because she spends her days talking to others and letting them talk about themselves. Yeah, and because she's not going to be like out there dating Pete Davidson. Like she likes a regular guy. She does. She likes like an industry business person. She's got her head on straight. Correct. Do you think Kelly has a boyfriend? I feel like she dates. Yeah. Maybe she broke up with her boyfriend.
Possible. You know, just something normal like that. She lives in New York now. So a New York, you know, businessman. No, but not too slick. No, not too slick. I mean, when you live in L.A. or when she was in Nashville, it's like easy to find people in the industry who aren't like famous, but who work in the industry and like get, you know, understand your lifestyle in New York. Like there's not so much like Hollywood industry people, you know, which is good.
Yeah. I think. So maybe she, I think she lives outside of the city, I would imagine, with her kids. Yeah. Like Westchester or something. I believe like a single dad at the school.
who has a hedge fund, but he doesn't have to go in every day. Like he's kind of the boss. - Yeah, or like he sold it and now he like day trades at home and listens to Kelly Clarkson and watches the show. - Yeah, maybe they met at the country club. That's like so something that Kelly would take her kids. There's like pumpkin painting at the country club and he's there just having lunch after golf. - Yeah, single dad for sure. - Yeah, with grown kids. - Yeah.
Like he's a little bit older. His kids are like high school, college age and they live with their mother and they have a really good relationship. Yeah. Cause hers are really young and they need to be in the house and we're going to focus on them. It's a lot. Yeah. Yeah. We're not blending. I don't want blending. No. Kelly has too much going on. Like it's hard to blend. It's a beautiful thing when it works, but like, it's hard to get there. Not only that, like Kelly,
Kelly actually has too much going on. I actually don't think her plate can handle being an active stepmom, honestly. I agree. She can't add the role of stepmom. Because you know she would want to give it her all. Yeah. No, she can't. She's too busy. Yeah, it's true.
Are you ready for our next story? Yeah. Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco released their collaborative album called... And nobody moved. I know. Called I Said I Love You First. So the two of them have released a joint album called I Said I Love You First. It's 14 songs and a music video for the piano ballad Younger and Hotter Than Me. Uh...
There's a bunch of collabs. Also, Phineas worked on the album as well as Charli XCX. Gracie Abrams is featured on a song, as is J Balvin. The crazy part about this is that there's no reason it should flop. And I know it's like too soon to tell. It came out last night. But like, there has been no hype.
No one's talking about it. Betty Blanco is like a certified hit maker. Everything he touched turned to gold. Every relevant person in the music space was tagged in her Instagram thanking them. Like she had collabs, songwriters, the best of the best.
Nobody moved. I know. And it begs the question. I haven't seen a lot of like press about them. Like I think they did a talk show together. They just did that magazine thing where they took those pictures. Of the feed. I think they've been doing, like every time I see them, they did hot ones together. It's not for lack of trying. No, like, so they're doing all this press and it's in service of the album, which I've learned today. It's crazy that I didn't know that.
I did. But at the end of the day, like I judge music and its success based on how much I hear it without trying to. Right. I don't actively sit down and listen to a lot of music, but I know it because it plays at the radio. It plays on Dwayne Reed. It mostly plays on TikTok on social media. You want to know the craziest thing that happened? I was like, oh, this song is huge. I was listening to Abracadabra in my car and then I parked and I walked into the place I was going to and it was playing Abracadabra.
Yeah, I was like, okay, that's ubiquity. You can know music without ever actively seeking it out. And I think that's the sign of like an actual successful song. And there, I don't know what, she did nothing wrong. Like it was very smart of her to work with Betty Blanco. It was very smart of her to bring on the best of the best songwriters and Gracie Abrams. Everything she touches right now turns to gold. She's headlining Lollapalooza. I don't know what it says about her, the music part of her career that nobody cares. Yeah.
I don't know what it says about her career that nobody cares because people love her, right? Like that's not even a question. They love her. But right now she's like beloved for her acting and her makeup. Anyone that I love. Okay, Lady Gaga, beloved for her acting and her makeup. She puts out an album. I'm sad and I'm listening. Wow, facts actually. So like anyone that I love, like I'm going to give their singles and their albums a proper shot.
And it might not even be until a few weeks later where I'm like, that wasn't so good. The interesting thing about Selena's career is that like she's the most followed person on social media. She's huge. All from what? Like being a Disney star turned pop star. But her pop star career, and I feel like I only really realized this when I watched her documentary, was very short lived. Yeah, yeah. She hasn't been a pop star for a really long time. I didn't realize that until the documentary either. And then even after like she stopped being like a touring pop star, she would like release a song a year like,
who's gonna walk? Like, it was just one song at a time. Yeah, like a collab. She would lend her voice to an existing dance song that's gonna be a hit. There's also a lot going on with her, Hailey, and Justin on the internet right now. I have not gotten down to the bottom of it. It's all started with, like, this seven-part TikTok series. I don't know enough about it. I...
I am far too sound of mind an individual to get like in the weeds on this. Like I'll set, I've said it once. I'll say it again. Like leave Haley Bieber the fuck alone. Like I'm so sick of it for her. Yeah. I heard about it. I haven't seen any of it and I'm really not. I don't know who started it. I don't know. Oh, she's a stalker. He, she posted a childhood photo and then Haley posted a childhood photo. Like stop it. Stop it. I really, I can't fucking take it anymore. Yeah. But even if all that's true, you know, say it is, which I don't think it is, but say it is like she won. Yeah.
Take your licks and leave. No, and not only that, like they have a baby together. Like at what point? Because it was like when they got married. At no point. Right, this will shut everyone up. And even with Selena being happier than she's ever been, healthier than she's ever been and moved on. It's not enough. Why do her fans want to bring her back to the darkest place in her life? I don't understand.
I don't understand either. It's so crazy. And anybody who participates in this like Jelena stand-up is so, such a low IQ individual and really sick in the head mentally. And you need to seek help. I'm not participating. Yeah. I'm not. Like you're not going to get me to watch a seven part TikTok series. I'm just not. I actually now, I did see a clip of like
Selena like saying some words and then a clip of like Haley saying those words. Like apparently in Selena's cooking show, Selena and Chef, like she says okie dokie a lot. Like when things are ready, okie dokie. And Haley had like a video of her cooking something. And as she put it in the oven, she said okie dokie. And the video plays that Haley saying okie dokie over and over. So it sounds like she said it five times. She said it one time. Once. Yeah. And it's again, if...
Selena is of, you know, Mexican descent. If she said something in Spanish and then Hailey copied it, maybe I would think that's weird. Saying okie-dokie is... Everyone says that. That's what... Everything is like a stretch. You're like, well, Hailey posted a picture of her as a child right after Selena did. I posted one too. Like...
These are unoriginal, not unique things. Yeah, or like Selena was on video on Instagram being like, I don't really come on here and say this, like talk a lot. That's internet talk. That's literally internet talk. I'm not like always coming and talking. I'm really sick for Hailey Bieber. Like I've had enough. I hope she just turns her phone off or is like not on TikTok because these things don't exist when you're not on. Like for me, this does not exist. Even though I saw Okie Dokie.
I don't know her on like a really, really personal level. I do think though that it bothers her. She's responded to it a couple of times, you know? Yeah. Either directly, she went on Call Her Daddy. She took that picture with Selena to like shut everyone up. Like she tries. And I do believe at some point, maybe once you become a mom, like you're going to stop caring. And maybe that point is now. I hope she doesn't let it bother her, but it's bothersome. And I don't blame her. You care less and less. It's not like you wake up one day and you don't care, but it's like,
with every day that you grow and year and then being a mother and you literally don't have time to care about such things one day she will wake up and be like wow i'm really moved on yeah they can say what they want and it doesn't bother me i yearn for her for that for those days better days ahead yes are you ready for our next story yeah some crazy news from the low family this week
So Bachelor alum Sean Lowe shared this week on his Instagram with his wife a really dramatic crazy story about their family dog attacking him twice. Now body cam footage has been released from the police officers who were called to rescue him the second time the dog attacked him.
So tell me the story from the beginning. Cause he put up a 12 minute video. My ass was not watching. I don't know why he caught me at the right time. I watched the whole thing. Jackie sent it to me and was like transcribing. I'm like, did you watch this whole thing? I can't even get you to watch TikTok. I did. Cause I was just like, well then what happened next? And I really didn't know what they were going to say. Cause they sat down, Catherine and Sean, so serious. And Catherine is just choked up and not speaking. And he's just narrating what happened. And he explained how he had his buddies over for a barbecue.
Catherine took the kids to the mall he like indoor outdoor living they had he had the barbecue was smoky the fire alarm in his house goes off and they have a new dog for named Moose for three months Moose has been a part of the family uh goes with Sean everywhere like Sean's best friend sleeps in the bed with the kids like Moose that's Moose we love Moose he's a boxer he's a rescue and
The fire alarm goes off and something in Moose gets triggered. He starts attacking Sean, biting at his feet while Sean's trying to stop the fire, biting at his feet, attacking his arms like clock that he showed this huge scar, basically like blood everywhere. Went to the hospital that night, like so dramatic, so crazy. So Sean had they have little kids. So then once everything was like settled that day, he was like, OK, well, Moose is going to have to go. They caught a bunch of shelters and they were going to rehome him because he can't stay in the house with the kids. So sad. So sad.
So the next day, the kids were going to stay with like their grandparents just while, you know, everything gets Moose gets sorted. And that way Sean could recover because literally like his arm huge, a million stitches like crazy. So they're putting the kids in the car with the grandparents and Moose breaks out of the house and starts attacking Sean again in the driveway.
And they called and he like, and apparently it's like a huge job. Sean manages to like pin him down. They call the police. He's holding him down for like 10 minutes. So the police arrive and that's the body cam footage that we see here. But also Sean said all of this is on camera from their various like at home cameras and a lot of it happened outside. So he has cameras. I was just watching the whole thing because I really thought they were gonna be like, so then we shot Moose.
Yeah, of course. No, like at what point do you get the gun? I know. I had the same thought. It felt like they were doing this video to be like radically transparent because they didn't want like rumors getting out there. Because this does happen a lot with influencers. If you get a dog and you're posting the dog all the time and then the dog is MIA. It's like, well, where did you put your dog? Like Lucy. No, and people are so quick always to judge the worst and say the worst thing about you that like,
So I get why they felt they had to go into detail. Yeah, and also like his arms are both of them now because then the next day he got the other arm. I feel really sad for the dog. I'm like going to cry. I know. So and obviously and he was an amazing dog and like something about this fire alarm just like set off something. Triggered something inside of him. Then they spoke to the original shelter that they got him from. They're like, oh yeah, he must have had a rough background like that we missed. Like I.
Thanks. Thanks. So they're rehoming him. He was not shot dead on the spot or anything like that. That's good. That's good. But I kept feeling like that's where it was going because they were sitting down so serious to tell us, explain something that had happened. The police came and tased the dog.
So. Oh my God. No, I'm really upset. It's such an upsetting story, but it's also really, really scary because as Sean and Catherine said, like the dog was sleeping in the bed with the kids every night. Like couldn't be more of a part. Imagine if the fire alarm went off in the night and the dogs in bed with the kids. No, I'm really upset. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. No, like,
I'm upset. Yeah. Just like very... And they're so sad because this is like his best friend. Of course. That's the sad part. But it's not a question the dog can't stay in the house. No, of course not. And I don't blame them. And you know what? People are so critical in situations like this. Well, they should have done this. The comments were off. It's almost...
It's an impossible situation. I don't even know like what haters are saying. Like you shouldn't have taken on a dog that you couldn't like, I don't think that they did anything wrong. I think this is such an unfortunate situation and all they wanted to do was like save a dog and love him and it's become unsafe. And that's really sad.
No, I literally want to die. But the dog, and Sean said multiple times, like the dog, if it were anyone else like in their family, the dog would have killed him. He's just strong enough to have been able. But if it were a kid, if it were Catherine, like the dog was out for blood. Oh my God. Yeah. That is so crazy. Not just like a bite, no run, like would not get off of him, hitting him down like crazy. Oh my God. I'm like really upset about that. There's so many elements of the story that are so upsetting. Like, of course, what could have happened if the fire alarm went off in the night?
but also like, this is your dog. Like you love your dog so much. And then you have to like,
Give him up. No, it's so upsetting. Yeah, not knowing like where he's going to go and what's next for him. It's just really sad. But then I started stalking Sean and Catherine because I haven't kept up with them in a while. It's been a while. They're really doing so great. They're so like real and in love. They've been together forever. I watched their season. I remember. How long have they been together now? Like 15 years? Literally like 10 to 15 years. And they have just such a full life. They're also content creators and business owners. Where do they live?
I think they live in Texas, maybe Dallas. Okay. But I might just have made that up, but that feels right. Yeah, it feels right. Yeah. They're just really a cute family. They actually make really funny content. Like when you watch a video, you think it's just like a cheesy...
Real. Couple real. You know, plenty of people do that. It always has like a comedic twist. It's pretty funny stuff. Oh, so you're a stan. Yeah, I'm proud to stan like a healthy, loving relationship. Yeah, I'll do that. So you're obsessed with them. OK. Not enough to follow because I can just admire from afar. Oh, wow. Yeah, of course. You know, I feel like I've missed too much to sort of follow now. It's never too late, Jackie.
Maybe. Maybe if they keep getting served to me. Yeah. That's how it goes. I need to like see something a couple times before I'm like, I can't live without him now. If you see something, say something. Yeah. So really sad for the whole family. They were so, like she couldn't even speak. She was so upset. No, I'm upset. Yeah. Really, really sad. Are you ready for our next story? If it's our next story in the remainder of the show, that's brought to you by No Bull. No Bull it is.
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Oh, I was thinking Jonah from Tonga. Jorah of the Andals. Yeah, who's obsessed with Daenerys and she's like Scram. Yeah, classic. She should have settled down with him. Made a nice life. He was actually a really nice man. He was a good man. She had higher aspirations though. It wasn't enough a life with Jorah. Any woman would be lucky to have him. A thousand percent. Not Daenerys though.
Our next story, speaking of any woman being lucky to have him, Pete Davidson has a new lady love called Elsie Hewitt. They were spotted hot and heavy making out on the beach in Florida. They've recently like gone public and everyone knows that they're together. And she's like a famous former girlfriend of Benny Blanco and Jason Sudeikis. Right. They're like, she's a commoner, but she's a commoner who happens to have dated like multiple famous men. Benny Blanco and Jason Sudeikis. Pretty different.
Extremely versatile. But I do think that Pete Davidson balances them out. Like, there are two extremes. He's somewhere in the middle. And then it all makes sense. What's her name? Elsie Hewitt. It feels like you can't put Elsie in a box. Yeah, and I feel like maybe she's really in love with the man, you know? Person. She doesn't go by looks. She doesn't have a type. She'd be great on Love is Blind.
It sounds like she doesn't have a type, although it sounds like her type might be celebrities. Yeah. Which I so admire and respect. Yeah. And I don't know. Every time Pete Davidson has a girlfriend, like, I'm really so naive. I'm like, this is it. Like, I don't see. Oh, that's so funny. I don't expect them to break up, especially, like, after a few months so soon like he always does. Because I'm like, don't you feel stupid yet? Like, you're not going to do it again, right? I don't.
have a different like experience when I hear Pete Davidson has a new girlfriend. I literally don't care. I know you don't. With each girlfriend, I have started to care less and less and less. And like, I think where he lost me completely was Chase Sui Wonders. Like who? I really thought that like that was going to be the one. And then before.
No, that was clearly like a dark time for him. Like he was struggling with, I think, like his various. Well, he like drove into that house. Right. So when he drove into that house, I said, this isn't the girl for him. Not that it was her fault. For Madeline Klein, I'm like, well, she's not going to fall into this trap. Like, and be what number? She's Madeline. 10 in this list. So like, they obviously are so in love and she's going to be with him forever. No.
Now, the reason why I think this one is forever is because he's really doing a lot of work on himself. He's the best Pete he's been in a while. He's got the tattoos removed. He is living well mentally. Well, he doesn't have them removed. I was so confused. No, but like look at his arm. His chest is busy. I know. But him at the beach, the picture of him and his girl, I was like, is this an old photo? But no, it literally used to be from the neck to the wrists. Like there is a lot more blank space now.
When he did the Reformation shoot and that like showcased his new, was he wearing a shirt? Oh no, maybe they also did like body makeup. Right, because was he totally shirtless? He definitely wasn't wearing a shirt. So, right, I wasn't the only one who was confused when they saw this photo, correct? Oh, I just like assumed that maybe I had only seen his arm. His arm is really looking clear. Right, let me look at the Reformation thing. No, he was wearing, no, he was wearing nothing on top and he was bare. Yeah, so he was wearing makeup. So it was retouched. Retouched.
That's weird. - I guess, but hopefully that, maybe that's what he's gonna be one day. - Yeah, of course. But I thought the photo shoot was like to show off his new untatted body and you're telling me it's fake? - Yeah, but people do that all, women wear makeup. Like I actually, I'm here for it. It's an interesting take. - No, but the ad with Reformation was like a coming out party for his new body. - Maybe that's just how we saw it. - I think this is weird. - That- - Tied up in the comments, if you agree. - That they covered up all his tattoos. - Yeah.
I like it because it showed us like what in the midst of him getting them removed. If they wanted to just cover up his tattoos for any old photo shoot, like fine. But this was like we heard he was getting his tattoos removed. We hadn't seen him in a while. And then he has this big reformation shoot to show it off. And it's fake. Yeah. Well, it's really not that easy to do. No, of course not. But he was gone for a while. Yeah. No, it's a very long process per tattoo.
Yeah. So I really stopped caring about Pete Davidson's dating life after Kim Kardashian. Like I was into Ariana Grande. I liked the Kate Beckinsale. Kim was obviously like a journey of fun and love. I didn't, I stopped caring like after that. Yeah. Who, and then who else has it been since then? He did, I don't know. Since then he was with Kaya Gerber.
But I think she was early on. No, since Kim. I remember everything up until Kim. And then it's just become seriously... A rotating... Like a pattern that's so obvious that I'm like, you're not going to do it again. Aren't you embarrassed to be so unoriginal? And aren't you worried that girls aren't going to date you because it's just a three-month...
But like what girl like that's why I'm always think like what girl a lot especially like all these girls are pargy and successful. And so I'm like, oh, because they're so in. So everyone thinks they're going to be the girl to change a guy. Yeah. Like baseline. And even if they don't like why not have fun for three months with this guy who obviously is a huge wiener, you know? Yeah. No, I think it's more more than a huge wiener.
Yeah, me too. He must be so much fun. Yeah, I really do think he must be a great person to be around. And like not to be that girl and like make everything about me and say I'm not like other girls. But and obviously I'm married. But if Pete Davidson wanted to date me. You think you could change him? No, I would literally say no. Yeah. Like I don't think he's cute.
And all the beautiful women around him haven't changed that for me. Yeah. And maybe it's because he's such an unserious dater. Like I was saying, I have started to understand Timothee Chalamet on a looks level a little bit more because there's honestly something very attractive about a guy who loves one girl. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? And like being a stable force in a woman's life, to me, that's attractive. Bopping around every three months, like to me, that makes you uglier. I agree. Sorry, I just kind of crave security and stability. Yeah.
I understand. I think you could be the one to change him though. I mean, we all know I was. Are you ready for our fifth and final story? Yeah. It's like actually shocking news. Keenta Brunson filed for divorce. Has a husband? Had a husband. Filed for divorce from him after three years of marriage. And I'm so curious. Yes.
like financially what this means because she is like not only the star but like the creator producer writer of like one of the most successful cable tv shows like she's definitely raking it in right now better to get out early 2021 so i'm sure they had a prenup you think was the show on then yeah i think so because i remember before that i don't think she had much to protect i think prenup and who knows what he does kevin j anik
He didn't look successful. Do you know what I mean? But that's like sometimes how successful people look. No, they look a twinkle in their eye. Okay. Abbott Elementary started, oh, December 2021. So I guess when they were engaged, like she knew that she was getting a show. They didn't know it was going to be so popular, but fine. They got married in October 2021. Busy time for her when it rains and pours. Oh, wow. Yeah. Wait, what's his name? Let's see if he is successful. Kevin J. Anik. Spell Anik. A-N-I-K. I would say Anik. Okay.
Thank you, People Magazine. They got engaged in 2020. They've kept their relationship private. Yeah, we know. He's very supportive and they filed for divorce. What a shit article. Like, thanks. Thanks for what we already knew. Like, what does he do? Okay, let me, Kevin Anik. Who is Keen to Brace His Husband? Here we go. No, those articles are not helpful. It's People Magazine. Jackie, that's what I just read. No, it's literally offensive to read that. They met through a mutual friend. They've attended only a handful of public events together.
Jay is known as the most supportive man Quintez ever known. Unemployed. He's got a lot of time to be supportive. Let me tell you, if he had like a big success, it would have come up in one of those articles. So she also indicated on their divorce filing. I guess I should have read further down. That the pair quote, and
entered into a post-nuptial agreement which governs the disposition of their property and requested each party be responsible for their own attorney's fees. Oh, post-nup. That's doing the paperwork after you get married. Yeah, well, she hit it big after they got married. And even though that sounds really awkward, I don't know how you bring that up in a happy marriage. But I respect and I...
No, of course. Good. I respect her doing that. Like you got to protect your assets when you come into that sort of situation. But it doesn't bode well in the moment for the marriage. Like, oh, I'm having all the success. What should I do first? Protect my money for my husband. I just want to say like this really points towards unemployed because like only an unemployed person like would sign that. Yeah, so true. But you think he would have worked harder at making the marriage work if he didn't.
knew like what was riding on the marriage not only like love and happiness but you know the roof over his head yeah but the thing is like when someone's unemployed like chris humphries during the nba lockout like you just don't want to be no yeah and you like you they kind of succumb to their unemployment especially it becomes it becomes their whole attitude especially if he's like channeling his unemployment into support for kinder like i'm sure she's like get out
the fuck away from me and get a job. Especially if he's a jealous person too. Some people really can be genuinely happy for others. Like especially if it's their partner that they love. Some people really can't. Yeah. They see it as a reflection of their own failure. Watch he's a billionaire. I know like family money. Yeah. They would have said it. Trust me he ain't. I never heard of a Neek Industries you know. A Neek Global? Yeah.
Oh, actually it rings a bell. Should we dive into Queenie and Weenie, our final segment of the week? Yeah.
We're going to do Queenie and Weenie of the Week, you guys. A segment we do here every Friday at the end of the episode is a way to just sort of wrap up the week, take a look at the week out of a glance, and give out two awards. It's actually four awards because Jackie and I both give out two. So we each are going to give out a Queenie of the Week and a Weenie of the Week, and it's exactly as it sounds. Did you act like a Queenie this week? Did you act like a Weenie this week? It's not that serious. It's a seven-day title. You can be Queenie one week, Weenie the next. It's yet to happen to really anyone. But it's...
Yeah. Now, I think this has come as a shock to nobody. I'm going to go first with my queenie. My queenie of the week is Sojourner Truth. Of course. I'm embarrassed to admit, like, I just started to really get to know her story. Yeah. But you know what? I was meant to come to it in this way, on this platform. And...
She's a queenie. So like we could all be on the journey together of learning about Sojourner Truths. And honestly, when you like call me Cojourner's Truth, like I should only be so lucky to carry the name of such a brave, powerful woman. Honestly, a woman. I agree. Yeah. What about you? My queenie of the week is Gal Gadot.
Yes. She's a queenie every week and she had a big... She puts up with so much. She puts up with so much and you would never know it because she doesn't let it phase her. It's so true. But I'm sure she's sick on the inside. And not her literally also having like a brain aneurysm a couple of months ago and a tumor while she gave birth. While she was giving birth, like she couldn't see or speak or hear. No, and everybody's just being mean to her like... All the time. About Snow White. They can't even promote her movie because like the little girl...
Yeah. Like she's just such a queenie at all times. I don't know how she's like so mature and rises above. Could never be me. Um, weenie. I'm actually going to say nothing materialized. Like I have no weenie this weekend. Don't force it. I want to know who yours is because maybe there's an obvious person that I'm missing. But like there wasn't a lot of weenie like behavior this week. So my weenie doesn't have a name. And I didn't want to just give it to someone who was like half weenie that like doesn't deserve to be called a weenie.
I mean, that's big of you, but there can never be. Once again, can never be me. I actually had two weenies. Like, I still have many to choose from. No, because they're both directly correlated to something that happened to me. Like, they wouldn't be a weenie to you. Now, I'm not going to say the name of my weenie. Well, I could be mad for my sister. Okay. You want me to tell you the other one? Sure.
I had a viral TikTok a couple of days ago and it was just like, why is everybody always like wanting to go for walks? Like, can we stop? No, I don't. Stop asking me that. I don't want to go for walks. And the comment sections like did not pass the vibe check. They're like, what are you talking about? Walks are amazing. They're free and good for your mental health. Like, shut up. I was making a joke. Okay. So I was just like, the comment section was my weenie, but that's not what I chose. That's not what I chose. Okay.
My weenie, the one that I actually chose, it is a person. I'm not going to say the person's name and I'm not going to be annoying. Try and figure it out. It doesn't matter. It's not the point. This has happened to me a couple of times in the past when I was very overweight. People who are professional trainers, nutritionists, reaching out and offering their services, when I never made it clear that I was interested in taking on a trainer. Do you know what I mean? Okay. Yeah.
I got a message from like an Instagram famous like dietitian being like, would love to work with you privately or publicly, like whatever you want to help you out. Like what makes you think I need help? Like I did. I did. I say, do I put out the energy that I'm looking for a dietitian?
And to offer your services to like a pregnant person, bitch, get the fuck away from me. Yeah, I mean, offering your service to a pregnant person, like get away from me. But I actually think like the trainer reaching out to you, like when you're previously, like when you're overweight or anything, I think they just reach out. Oh, I think that's worse. I think they reach out to everyone. I think it's worse. I don't think it had to do with your, I don't think they're saying like, hey, let's get you in shape. They want to just work with famous people. It was because you were famous.
okay well you know just what to say yeah but yeah no i think it's like more about the trainer thing like back when i was jackie my whole personality when i was overweight was like i hated working out i hated eating healthy like why you would offer your services like fuck off yeah well they maybe just like weren't doing enough research but that's not the point i think that's not the point of my weenie out that message to like every fame is like extremely you're getting stuck on the not not weed that's not who my weenie is i was just saying so vended
I was just saying that used to happen to me. Okay, what about the current situation that I'm talking about? Is she crazy? Why would you want a dietician when you're pregnant? Leave me alone. It wasn't even like after. It was like, we can get started whenever. Are you sure? It wasn't like a generic message and like maybe she doesn't even know you're pregnant? Positive. Did she mention your pregnancy? She didn't mention it, but this is a person who has like followed and DM'd me for a really long time because I scrolled up.
So like you're aware of my comings and goings. Stupid. Yeah. So am I being overly sensitive or is that we need like behavior? That's that's stupid like behavior. Oh wow. Seriously. Does anyone have a dietitian when they're pregnant? No, it's so crazy. So why? I think if you have like health, if you have gestational diabetes or if you have like certain restrictions or you need to. Boring extreme circumstances. If I. Yeah. And no, I don't think it's a common thing.
For just people who don't have like any sort of restrictions or whatever. Barring. Okay. Yeah. That's crazy. Thank you. So that's my meeting. Well, maybe next week she'll be your queenie. Here's how she could do that.
She can Venmo me $10,000 for like my time and damages. Okay. It's like really, that's how you could buy Queenie, by the way, if you want to know. Oh, we've never said this, but it does go without saying that Queenie is a purchasable title. I just want to say like if a brand wants to like sponsor this segment and like wants their product to be hailed as Queenie and maybe their competitor as Weenie. Oh, that's a good idea. $10,000 she's saying.
Oh, no, no, no. More. And you have to make a donation to the Mark Schoenweber Holocaust Education Foundation and then match that in a fee to Jackie and I. Yeah. Big. Because we are expensive, but we can be bought. Yeah. I'm looking forward to working with our partners. Me too. Reach out. Some partners want to get creative. How can we do a fun act? Yes. Queenie and weenie.
Especially because I had an open slot this week. That's five grand down the tubes. Why do you keep lowering our rate? Five grand for weenie? It actually should be $2,500 because we have four slots. Okay, okay. Five grand for a weenie. Five grand for a weenie. Ha ha ha.
That's our show, you guys. Thank you. That's really funny. Thank you so much for listening to the Toast the Millennium Morning Show, where we deliver the fastest stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. If you're watching us on YouTube, please feel free to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast anywhere podcasts can be found. So that's Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Public Radio, Rated Cast Box, all the places where we listen to podcasts. Find us at Toast Leave, a five-star review about our beautiful setting and wickedly talented we are. Hope you guys have an amazing weekend, whether you're doing the most like Jax or quite literally not getting out of bed like me. They're both valid, valid experiences, and they're your experience, and they're your lived experience. So enjoy it.
We love you. We'll see you on Monday. Love you. Bye.