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The Lord Of Misrule (Throwback)

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#history#society&culture#historical reconciliation#political and social commentary#historical reflections#literature and publishing People
@旁白 介绍了托马斯·莫顿及其著作《新英格兰迦南》对美国起源故事的影响,以及该书被清教徒查禁的事件。莫顿的观点与清教徒的殖民理念形成鲜明对比,他主张与当地原住民建立友好关系,并对清教徒的宗教严苛和对原住民的压迫进行了批判。 @彼得·曼考尔 指出,早期美国历史并非单一叙事,莫顿的故事展现了另一种可能性,并强调了个人在历史进程中的作用。他认为,莫顿的书被禁是压制思想和言论自由的体现,这种做法在当时和今天都同样荒谬。 @莎拉·里维特 引用了威廉·布莱福德对莫顿的描述,展现了清教徒对莫顿及其追随者的负面评价,认为他们崇尚无神论,沉溺于享乐。 @保拉·彼得斯 介绍了清教徒殖民的背景,包括宗教迫害、对财富的追求以及与原住民的关系。她指出,清教徒到达美洲时,当地原住民旺帕诺阿格人已经居住在那里数千年,一场瘟疫导致当地原住民大量死亡,清教徒到达后,对原住民的土地和资源进行了掠夺,并最终爆发了战争。 莫顿的《新英格兰迦南》并非单纯的游记,而是对早期美国殖民史的另类解读。他以第一手的经历,描述了与原住民的友好交往,并对清教徒的殖民政策和宗教信仰进行了尖锐的批评。他认为清教徒的严苛和对原住民的不公正待遇,导致了殖民地与原住民之间的冲突和悲剧。莫顿的书展现了另一种可能的殖民模式,即与原住民和平共处,建立互利的贸易关系,而不是通过武力征服和压迫来实现殖民目标。 莫顿的经历和著作,揭示了早期美国殖民史的多元性和复杂性,以及不同群体之间的利益冲突和价值观差异。他的故事提醒我们,历史并非单一叙事,而是一个充满多种声音和选择的复杂过程。莫顿的观点,即使在今天,仍然具有重要的启示意义,它促使我们反思殖民主义的罪恶,以及如何构建更加公正和包容的社会。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why was Thomas Morton exiled from the Puritan colonies in Massachusetts?

Morton was exiled for drinking, carousing, and building social and economic ties with Native people, which the Puritans saw as crimes.

What was the title of Thomas Morton's book, and why was it considered radical?

The book was titled 'New English Canaan.' It offered a vision for America that was different from the Puritans', advocating for better relations with Native people.

How did the Puritans react to Morton's book being printed in London?

Puritan agents stormed the press and destroyed every copy of the book to prevent its publication.

What was the Great Dying, and how did it affect the Wampanoag people?

The Great Dying was a plague brought by European traders that devastated the Wampanoag, killing tens of thousands and leaving many villages empty.

Why did the Pilgrims view Thomas Morton as a threat?

The Pilgrims saw Morton as a threat because he traded guns with Native people, which they feared would empower the natives against them.

What was the significance of the maypole incident at Marymount?

The maypole incident symbolized Morton's defiance against Puritan strictness and his celebration of life's pleasures, which deeply offended the Pilgrims.

How did Morton's book, 'New English Canaan,' portray Native people?

Morton's book portrayed Native people as more humane and respectful than the English, highlighting their hospitality and charity.

Why did Morton's allies fail in their plan to militarily invade Massachusetts?

Their plan failed when the ship they were building fell apart and sank in the docks before it could leave England.

How did the publication of Morton's book influence later American writers?

Writers like Nathaniel Hawthorne and John Adams were influenced by Morton's book, which presented a counter-narrative to the dominant Pilgrim story.

Why is the story of Thomas Morton and his book important for understanding American history?

Morton's story shows that early America was not a monolithic narrative but a contested space where different visions for the future clashed.

This chapter introduces Thomas Morton and his controversial book, New English Canaan, which offered a starkly different vision for America than that of the Puritans. It details Morton's arrival in New England, his clashes with the Pilgrims, and his eventual exile.
  • Thomas Morton's arrival in New England and establishment of Marymount.
  • Morton's positive relationships with Native Americans.
  • The Pilgrims' negative reaction to Morton and his actions.
  • Morton's first exile from New England.

Shownotes Transcript

By the time his book went to press in London, on November 18, 1633, Thomas Morton had been exiled from the Puritan colonies in Massachusetts. His crimes: drinking, carousing, and — crucially — building social and economic ties with Native people. His book outlined a vision for what America could become. A very different vision than that of the Puritans.

But the book wouldn't be published that day. It wouldn't be published for years. Because agents for the Puritan colonists stormed the press and destroyed every copy.

Today on the show, the story of what's widely considered America's first banned book, the radical vision it conjured, and the man who outlined that vision: Thomas Morton, the Lord of Misrule.

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