cover of episode The Land of the Fee (Throwback)

The Land of the Fee (Throwback)

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Nina Martyris
Nina Martyris: 本期节目探讨了美国小费制度的历史。小费制度起源于中世纪欧洲的封建社会,是等级制度的体现。在美国,小费制度在南北战争后开始盛行,餐厅老板利用小费制度来压低对前奴隶的工资。普尔曼公司也利用小费制度剥削黑人搬运工。媒体和一些社会人士对小费制度进行了批判,认为其是不公平的、带有种族歧视色彩的,违背了美国建国理想中的平等原则。反小费运动曾一度兴起,但最终失败,原因在于法律难以执行,以及人们对小费制度的依赖。最低工资法案的出台,将餐厅员工排除在外,进一步巩固了小费制度在美国的地位。小费制度导致了系统性的不平等,尤其影响了女性和有色人种从业者,助长了工作场所的性骚扰。小费制度掩盖了低工资的现实,使得人们忽视了对服务行业从业者的公平待遇。 Ramteen Adab-Louie & Randabdil Fattah: 两位主持人引导访谈,并对Nina Martyris的观点进行回应和补充,表达了对美国小费制度的反思。他们讨论了小费制度的起源、演变以及其对社会的影响,并表达了对低收入服务行业从业者处境的关注。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Tipping is a norm in the United States—and it's always been controversial. The practice took off after the Civil War, as employers sought cheap labor from formerly enslaved people: if tips were expected, companies could get away with paying laughably low wages. But the practice was always controversial, and has been vehemently challenged since it first came to the U.S. from Europe. We speak with Nina Martyris, a journalist who's written about the history of tipping in the United States, to find out how tipping—once deemed a "cancer in the breast of democracy"— went from being considered wholly un-American to becoming a deeply American custom.To access bonus episodes and listen to Throughline sponsor-free, subscribe to Throughline+ via Apple Podcasts or at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)