cover of episode Birthright Citizenship

Birthright Citizenship

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#legal insights#historical reflections#trump's political influence#political legacy#social commentary#political activism#historical political intrigue People
Amanda Frost
Carol Nackenoff
Jason Oliver Chang
Julie Novkov
Sandra Wong
@Sandra Wong : 作为Wong Kim Ark的后代,我深感家族历史与这场争取公民权的斗争紧密相连。我的曾祖父Wong Kim Ark出生在美国,却因种族原因被阻止返回家园,这让我意识到出生地公民权的重要性。我父亲的故事也深深触动了我,他没有主动告诉我家族的这段历史,或许是因为其中夹杂着痛苦和羞耻。我为我的曾祖父感到骄傲,他为自己的权利而战,也为所有在美国出生的人争取了公民权。 @Amanda Frost : Wong Kim Ark的父母是19世纪来到美国的众多华人移民中的一员,他们和其他移民一样,是为了寻求更好的生活。然而,当时的美国社会对华人充满了歧视和排斥,这直接导致了后来的排华法案。Wong Kim Ark的案例挑战了当时对公民身份的狭隘定义,并最终促使最高法院确认了出生地公民权。 @Carol Nackenoff : Wong Kim Ark的父母在美国开设了一家杂货店,服务于当地的华人社区。尽管他们努力融入美国社会,但仍然无法摆脱种族歧视的阴影。1877年旧金山发生的反华骚乱,可能促使他们一度返回中国。Wong Kim Ark的案例不仅仅是个人的遭遇,它反映了当时华人移民在美国的困境。 @Jason Oliver Chang : 1882年通过的排华法案是美国历史上一个黑暗的篇章,它不仅禁止华人劳工移民美国,还制造了一种种族歧视的氛围。华人移民被视为“异类”,无法融入美国社会。尽管如此,他们仍然通过法律途径争取自己的权利。Wong Kim Ark的案例是华人社区集体努力的结果,他们聘请律师,挑战不公正的法律,最终捍卫了出生地公民权。

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Wong Kim Ark was born in the U.S. and lived his whole life here. But when he returned from a trip to China in August of 1895, officials wouldn't let him leave his ship. Citing the Chinese Exclusion Act, which denied citizenship to Chinese immigrants, they told him he was not, in fact, a citizen of the United States.

Today, the story of Wong Kim Ark, whose epic fight to be recognized as a citizen in his own country led to a Supreme Court decision affirming birthright citizenship for all.

This episode originally ran as By Accident of Birth.

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