cover of episode The Family Land, Part 2

The Family Land, Part 2

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Billy Dean Brown
James Hairston
Kim Duhon
Lycurtus Reels
Mamie Reels
Melvin Reels
Melvin Reels和Lycurtus Reels:为了保护祖传土地,他们宁愿入狱,也不愿放弃土地所有权。他们认为自己拥有这片土地的合法所有权,并坚持这一立场。他们经历了漫长的监禁,饱受身心折磨,但始终没有放弃争取自身权益的斗争。 Lycurtus Reels在狱中生病,医生建议他出狱,但他仍然坚持自己的立场,表示不会放弃。Melvin Reels也表达了类似的观点,他拒绝签署放弃土地的文件,因为他相信自己有权拥有这片土地。他们坚信自己没有犯任何罪行,只是为了保护家族的遗产而斗争。 Kim Duhon:作为Melvin和Lycurtus Reels的侄女,她积极为两位叔叔寻找律师,并尽力提供帮助。她面临着巨大的压力和困难,包括经济上的负担和来自外部的骚扰和威胁。但她始终保持乐观和积极的态度,为叔叔们提供支持和鼓励。她承诺帮助家人保住土地,并为此付出了巨大的努力。 她描述了寻找律师的艰难过程,许多律师只收取咨询费而不提供实际帮助。她还讲述了在探望叔叔期间所经历的种种困难和压力,以及她如何努力保持积极乐观的态度,以支持狱中的叔叔们。 Mamie Reels:作为Melvin和Lycurtus Reels的姐姐,她见证了整个事件的经过,并表达了对家族土地未来命运的担忧。她回忆了祖父临终前的嘱托,以及家族为保护土地所做的努力。她担心土地的未来,以及母亲去世后土地的归属问题。她希望后代能够继续为这片土地而奋斗。 她讲述了家族为保护土地所做的努力,以及他们所面临的困难和挑战。她还表达了对家族土地未来命运的担忧,以及对后代的希望。 Billy Dean Brown:作为Adams Creek Associates的合伙人,他表示自己决心不会放弃这块土地。他坚信自己拥有这片土地的合法所有权。 他的言论显示了他强烈的占有欲和决心,也暗示了这场土地纠纷背后可能存在的权力和利益冲突。 James Hairston:作为为Melvin和Lycurtus Reels辩护的律师,他认为兄弟俩的长期监禁是不合理的,并指出这违反了第一修正案。他为兄弟俩争取到了最终的胜诉,使他们得以重获自由。 他指出,兄弟俩的监禁时间过长,而且他们从未被指控任何罪行。他认为,强迫兄弟俩签署放弃土地的文件是违反第一修正案的,并最终为他们争取到了胜诉。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Melvin and Lycurtus Reels go to jail?

They were held in contempt of court for refusing to leave their family land on Silver Dollar Road.

Why was the Reels family's land considered Ayers' property?

Their grandfather died without a will, making the land jointly owned by descendants.

Why did Shedrick try to claim part of the Reels family's land?

He used a loophole in the Torrens Act to claim 13 acres of the land.

Why did the developer want Melvin and Lycurtus to vacate their homes?

The developer claimed they were trespassing on land sold to him by Shedrick.

Why did Melvin and Lycurtus refuse to leave their land?

They believed they owned the land and refused to sign a document acknowledging otherwise.

Why did Kim Duhon struggle to find a lawyer for her uncles?

Many lawyers refused to take the case or charged high fees for consultations.

Why did the judge initially keep Melvin and Lycurtus in jail for so long?

The judge ignored the developer's request for a 90-day limit and held them indefinitely.

Why did James Hairston take on Melvin and Lycurtus' case?

A judge friend informed him about the brothers' unjust imprisonment and lack of legal precedent.

Why was the judge finally willing to release Melvin and Lycurtus?

The judge decided not to be part of the 'good old boy network' and did what was right.

Why does Mamie worry about the future of Silver Dollar Road?

She fears property taxes will rise and the land may be sold if one heir decides to sell their stake.

Melvin and Lycurtus Reels were sent to jail for refusing to vacate their family land, which they believed was rightfully theirs.
  • The brothers were held in contempt of court for not following orders to leave their property.
  • They were told they were trespassing on land sold by their grandfather's brother, Shedrick.

Shownotes Transcript

This week, part two of the Reels family story – how two brothers went to jail in an attempt to save their family land, and were held there for eight years without being charged with a crime. “I’m not going to give up. I don’t think I’m wrong, and I’m willing to fight for it.”

For more on the Reels family’s story, you can read Lizzie Presser’s article, “Their Family Bought Land One Generation After Slavery. The Reels Brothers Spent Eight Years in Jail for Refusing to Leave It.)”

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