个人财务专家,广播主持人和畅销书作者,通过“Baby Steps”计划帮助数百万人管理财务和摆脱债务。
Sarah: 我与 Kanon 的相遇始于一次工作培训,之后他申请了我的部门,并最终被录用。在面试过程中,他编造了关于他前妻自杀的谎言,以此来博取我的同情和信任。我们迅速建立了友谊,他经常向我倾诉他的个人问题和工作上的烦恼,并让我感觉自己被他理解和重视。然而,随着时间的推移,我发现他关于个人生活、工作经历和人际关系的描述存在大量谎言。他总是将工作中的失误归咎于同事,并让我为他承担许多额外的工作。他还会在约会中表现出同样的行为模式,需要我为他安排很多事情,并且从不主动承担责任。当我对他的行为提出质疑时,他开始对我进行反击,并试图将我和我的经理对立起来。最终,我发现他向我的经理编造了关于我的谎言,并对我的职业发展造成了严重的损害。我向公司提出了正式投诉,但公司对他的谎言和性骚扰行为视而不见,反而将我的工作岗位给了他。这段经历让我对职场信任产生了严重怀疑,也让我对自身价值产生了质疑。 Britt: Sarah 的故事展现了 Kanon 操纵行为的另一个维度,以及这种行为对受害者信任的损害。Kanon 的行为不仅影响了个人关系,也对职场造成了负面影响,导致了调查、工作调动和情绪困扰。Sarah 的勇敢揭露了 Kanon 的真面目,也提醒我们重视职场中的操纵行为,并加强对受害者的支持。

Deep Dive

Sarah initially found Kanon charismatic, charming, and easy to connect with. She felt seen and understood by him, a feeling she hadn't experienced even in her marriage. This quick connection led to a close friendship, where they shared personal details and spent significant time together, both professionally and socially.
  • Sarah and Kanon quickly formed a close friendship after he joined her workplace.
  • Sarah felt seen and understood by Kanon, leading to a deep sense of connection.
  • Kanon's charm and charisma masked his manipulative tendencies.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode we share the raw interview with Kanon’s coworker, Sarah. Sarah recounts experiences from her initial positive impressions and rapid friendship to discovering his extensive lies about his personal life, work experience, and manipulative behaviors. His actions not only impact personal relationships but also professional lives, leading to investigations, job reassignments, and emotional turmoil. Brit and Sarah shed light on the psychological impact of manipulation and the importance of communal support in healing. 

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Produced by Larj Media )

Executive Producer Brittani Ard)

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