cover of episode Hour 1: Mike Schur's June Observations

Hour 1: Mike Schur's June Observations

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The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dan Le Batard
Greg Cody
Mike Schur
Mike Schur: 本赛季凯尔特人队的常规赛表现出色,令人享受;球队展现出强大的实力和自信,没有以往的恐惧;总决赛第五场轻松获胜,体现了球队的实力;杰森·塔图姆是系列赛中最重要的球员,尽管杰伦·布朗获得了总决赛MVP;夺冠消除了球队长期以来的失败阴影。 Dan Le Batard: 对节目中关于凯尔特人队轻松晋级的讨论以及对掘金队类似情况的双重标准提出质疑;对迈阿密热火队及其相关人员表达不满。 Greg Cody: 介绍了其播客节目中“家庭奥运会”的环节,其中包括瞪眼比赛、钉钉子比赛和憋气比赛等;对拍手比赛的规则和策略进行讨论;认为用瓶装Snapple进行“bobbing for Snapple”比赛比用苹果更难。 其他人: 参与了拍手比赛,并对比赛结果和参与者的表现进行了评价。 Mike Schur: 波士顿凯尔特人队本赛季常规赛表现出色,值得球迷欣赏;波士顿凯尔特人队本赛季展现出强大的实力和自信,没有表现出以往的恐惧心理;波士顿凯尔特人队在总决赛第五场展现了强大的实力,轻松获胜;尽管杰伦·布朗获得了总决赛MVP,但杰森·塔图姆才是系列赛中最重要的球员;波士顿凯尔特人队的夺冠消除了球队长期以来的“鬼魂”——失败的阴影;波士顿凯尔特人队未能赢得赛季中锦标赛冠军是一个遗憾;对于波士顿来说,凯尔特人队的夺冠比其他任何球队的夺冠都重要;波士顿的体育迷们经历了太多胜利,这与以往的经验形成了鲜明对比。 Dan Le Batard: 对节目中关于凯尔特人队轻松晋级的讨论以及对掘金队类似情况的双重标准提出质疑;对迈阿密热火队及其相关人员表达不满;介绍了格雷格·科迪及其播客节目《格雷格·科迪秀》;介绍了格雷格·科迪播客节目中“家庭奥运会”的环节,其中包括瞪眼比赛;提议立即进行拍手比赛;总结了拍手比赛的结果,并对参与者的表现进行了评价。 Greg Cody: 描述了“家庭奥运会”瞪眼比赛的规则和结果;提出了“家庭奥运会”的其他比赛项目,例如钉钉子比赛和憋气比赛;提出了“家庭奥运会”的另一个比赛项目:拍手比赛;认为用瓶装Snapple进行“bobbing for Snapple”比赛比用苹果更难;讨论了拍手比赛的规则和策略。 其他人: 参与了拍手比赛,并对比赛结果和参与者的表现进行了评价。

Deep Dive

The discussion revolves around the concerns of having an 84-year-old, Jack Nicklaus, as a drum beater, highlighting the pace and impact on the crowd.

Shownotes Transcript


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Guns Booth down the other way. Throws it over the far side, shoots, he scores! Stephen Weiss takes the feed from David Booth and puts a top shot where Mrs. Baller keeps the peanut butter. Here's Campbell, and he fends on it. Rebound by Oles. And should they score? Who's your daddy and what does he do? High slot to Horton, turns around, back to Stillman. Fires, score! We're going to need a bigger boot.

Make me a bicycle clown!

Those are some bad hockey names in there. Corey Stillman had a season, huh? So much Ballard. So much Ballard. Rostislav Olesch. I deserve this. I deserve this. We have a concern going into tonight's game that involves the only important championship that we won in sports this week. Chris Cody is very concerned about

Because Jack Nicklaus is going to be the one who gets to start banging the drum. The golden bear. At the beginning of the game. And he's 84 years old. And I don't want to be ageist about this. Because I saw a recent video of Dick Van Dyke at 98 years old. Dick Van Dyke, who has lived a life of laughter and fun. Look at this guy. Oh, it's unbelievable at 98, the way that he moves around and how sharp he is. Watch out for that ottoman. After.


a really unfair position to put Jack Nicholson in. This is many years ago in that position. That's correct. But we're doing it anyway. Chris, your concern is what, that an 84 year old Jack Nicholas, the golden bear, isn't going to keep up the tempo the way he needs to. There's a pace to this thing. I watched Dan Marino cause for the final, they like to bring in the biggest names they can get. And it's last year Marino came in. I don't know which game it was, one of the games. And he just was off.

And it just kind of gets the whole crowd reacts weird. It's a big moment right before the game. And I'm just worried. I kind of need to see Jack Nicklaus send in a video of him doing the beat before he does. Oh, you think he has to be vetted? He has to audition. I agree. There's a pace to it. It can really, it just gets the whole crowd. There's murmuring start. Like the crowd, when there's not a good drum beater, it affects the crowd. And I just don't need the crowd affected on this huge night. Like I love the golden bear, but it's just, I do.

love the golden bear i don't know like is he is he a panthers fan is he gonna be wearing a jersey i'm not really i'm confused he lives in jupiter yeah he's a panther fan they'll give him a jersey but i'm just yes i i have my concerns well i have a bunch of concerns too primarily because of what this show is doing but i have a stat for you that'll make you feel better headed into tonight's possible clincher in game five vladimir teresenko is 1-0 in stanley cup final clinching games

when the Marlins and St. Louis Cardinals play at Lone Depot Park. Boom. Wow. That is empirical proof. Guaranteed. They're jinx proof that this team can... Say whatever you want, Dan. We're reaching back way deep to try to find a stat

to combat what this show has done. All right. I will put this radiant man out of his suffering now. Did you like Nick Gordon tagging up and trying to score to tie the game in the 12th there? Yeah, make the last out at the plate. It was a shallow fly, but go for it, right? That's what I'm thinking. Be aggressive. Why not? Yes, even if you get thrown out by 50 feet. Yeah, which it almost was. It was not close at all. Ball barely got out of the infield. But, you know, I like the effort. I like going for it. Mookie Betts is hurt. Yeah.

Yeah, six to eight weeks. How's that team going to survive it? Their third best player. I do like the way that they are now playing extra innings in baseball, and not just because of the overs. I like that they put a runner on second and they speed everything up, and they forced the Marlins last night to try and take home plate because, of course...

St. Louis scored in the top of the inning. They started with a man on second base. Well, you're riding a high, right? He hits a triple, brings in a run. He's at third base. Why not go for it? He's fast. Yes, he is fast. Not nearly that fast. There is no human being that fast. Fast enough to score on that play. That's not true. I saw Fernando Tatis tag up on a fly ball to second base, and he scored. They weren't expecting him to...

to take off from third base on an infield fly, but he scored. Stugatz said yesterday that Eli De La Cruz ended up in a situation where he scored from second on a pickoff attempt. Eli De La Cruz. He's fast, huh? The Seattle Mariners have 43 wins and 46 quality starts. Play that Paul O'Neill sound again. Eli De La Cruz.

This radiant man who joins us now, Stu Gatzing, I'm going to tell you some of the backstory now. Big Hollywood Mike Schur helped end the strike and save all of creativity and all of the future for writers. He's been very busy and our guest bookers, who can be annoying, have been looking for him.

for a long time, but he is one of these people who fears jinxes the same way you guys do. And so last night I heard from our guest bookers and they're like, can you reach out to Mike Schur and make sure that he'll be on with us tomorrow if they win? And I'm like, you think I'm going to have to reach out to him if they win? And so what I wake up to this morning is a note from Mike Schur saying, I want to get up in the morning and just log on to your show and just listen and watch you guys because

Because he wants to listen to this show the way Mike Ryan was listening to Boston Sports Radio after big losses last season. And so now he joins us. Look at him smiling. He's got a lot of Hollywood things in the works. And he's had time for a June Observations. He's got several top five lists. He is so ready to work today when we couldn't get a hold of you for weeks, Mike Schurr.

I don't know what you're talking about. I make time all throughout every month to be here with you. And there were just some scheduling issues that came up that meant I couldn't be here as often. But that has nothing to do with the timing of the Celtics championship. It's just it happened to be that this morning I was free. And so I said, I'd love to come by and hang out with the gang, you know.

And how many things have you prepared? It's really just I've made some observations over the last month. So I have June observations within June observations. There is a top five list. Wow. And that but that's it, because I was threatened with several top five lists. And I'm not saying that you're not doing enough. I'm just simply saying I want to get it right and I want to know what to go to here.

I'm going to do June observations. Within June observations, there is one top five list. I showed a lot of restraint. All right. Do you want to do it now or do you need more than five minutes for this? Because we have about four seconds. We have four seconds for you to do all of this and then we've got to go.

No, I need more time than that. All right. It's pretty long. All right. We will do it next segment then. And I will ask you before we do it, how radiant are you because you have had what is clearly the best team in the sport all season? Well, that was the thing. You know, this subject comes up a lot on this show of like whether the regular season matters and the way that the Heat in particular approach the regular season is.

The joy of this regular season is something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Like if you don't watch the regular season NBA, either because the guys who play for your team phone it in and don't care, or just because you don't tune in until the playoffs, you're missing the potential for like a wonderful journey. Like this team, the Celtics all year were so fun to watch and,

And from day one of this season, I got endless amounts of joy from just watching them play basketball. And I don't understand the mentality of not caring about the regular season as a fan. It's so much fun to follow a team

especially one this great for the whole regular season. I'm sad that Jimmy Butler has deprived you and that market from caring about the regular season because it's great. It's six months of joy. You are a weirdo, though, in that generally, even if you have the greatest of teams, you are perpetually afraid of everybody. You showed no fear with this team all year. That's the thing. That's the thing. That is the old mentality. Charlotte Wilder and I have been talking about this a lot. It's like the old mentality of,

The old like Boston doom and gloom was that you, you were miserable in if they lost to the, you know, to the sons in a game in November that went away with this team. This is like the 2018 Red Sox that won 108 games and then blew through the playoffs and won the world series. Like,

they drove the fear out of me. I wasn't really scared at any point in the entire season until they lost game four of the finals and got blown out. And then I started having like an old school Boston spiral of like, oh God, no team has ever been up 3-0 and lost a series. And now what if they, what if Derek Lively was like, we figured them out is what he said after game four. And I was like, what if he's right? Meanwhile, he's a 20 year old rookie. What does he know about anything? But,

I was like, what if they're right? And what if the Celtics lose? And before you could even have that thought,

This team is so good, they're just up by 20 at halftime in Game 5 and they cruise to victory. And it's just so amazing, as doom and gloom as Boston fans can be, as any fans can be, that to not have that feeling at any point, I never thought really all the way to the finals that they were going to lose. Yeah, it actually makes a lot of sense that the first time that you felt that was in the finals because it was the only series in which the team had...

their best player that you were playing on so i imagine why those feelings only crept in for the final because it wasn't like you had to fear jimmy butler or halliburton or donovan mitchell yeah yes i love keep going keep going please keep going keep going no no go go go go i'm done i'm not gonna give you this you're gonna love june observations mike

Yeah. Mike, did they get the finals MVP right? I thought it should have went to Al Horford. I mean, obviously, he should have gone to Horford. He should have been the Eastern Conference finals MVP, too. Should have been the regular season MVP, frankly. Yep. But I actually know this is not a joke. I think Tatum should have gotten it. He did not shoot well.

He was only like 40% for the series, but 31, 8 and 11 in a clinching game. He had he averaged like an assist and a half more a game than Luca did, who everyone can't shut up about what a great passer he is.

They ran the entire offense through him. Nearly every play in the clinching game was run through him, and he did an incredible job. He had seven assists in a quarter, eight assists in a quarter in game two or whatever it was, like most in Stockton, most in a finals game in 25 years. It was not the gaudy scoring numbers that everybody wants from your finals MVP, but...

I'm fine with Jalen winning it. He played incredible defense. There was a mic'd up moment where he said to Missoula, if Luka stays in, keep me in. He guarded Luka incredibly well. He and Drew Holiday both guarded Luka incredibly well straight up. So I'm fine with it that Jalen won the MVP, but I actually think that Tatum was the most important player in the series. Mike, are the ghosts gone?

The ghosts of the Celtics? The ghosts that just haunt Boston. You and Simmons, and you're always scared of all the sports ghosts. Or personal ghosts you seem to have in your house. It would have been five very long years, Mike. I'll say this. This is how unscared we were of this season. The famous Boston text thread that I've referenced many times.

on this show, Simmons renamed the thread Banner 18 like in January and no one had a problem with it because we all were watching the team every day and being like, yeah, they're going to win the championship. Should have been Jinxed.

Yeah, but we didn't. But like, that's a thing that you don't do in it for fans of any sport would never say like we're winning at all six months out. But we just did because we felt like it was going to happen. And we were right. So, yeah, I'd say the ghosts are gone, Billy. Mike, Mike, there's one obvious blemish on the otherwise great season. Have you reconciled that the Celtics failed to win the in-season tournament?

No, you know what? I'll never get over that. That's going to haunt me. That's going to haunt me for the rest of my life. It's a blemish on the resume. It really is. It's the one thing that I lie in bed at night and rue. And it went to the hated Lakers. We're going to get it. Jerry West got to enjoy that, and he didn't have to suffer this nonsense at the end.

We're going to get to the June observations in a second, but I was trying to parse through the history of Boston poorly. I did it with Charlotte and I'm going to ask you the question a different way. Winning a championship in which sport matters not to you, Mike, to Boston the most today. Now winning a championship today in which sport is the most important for the city of Boston. I know you're a baseball dork. I don't know if everyone has your sensibilities in Boston. I,

You know, what's interesting is, you know, the Patriots like spoiled everyone six times over the Red Sox, not only got over there, Schneid, but, but won four times. It had transferred. The answer to that is that it had transferred to the Celtics. This mattered more, I think, to the city because of how close Boston has gotten for six straight years. And the,

The reason that those feelings crept in is because that anxiety had been transferred to the Celtics. And now, I don't know. I honestly don't know. We've won so many titles. It's an embarrassment of riches. My guess would be, and I don't know, maybe Roy or Mike could answer this. My guess would be that the anxiety is now going to transfer to the Bruins.

that because the Bruins lost to the Panthers as the 1-8 a couple years ago and because they've been really good every year and have fallen way, way, way short of a cup in the last few years, my guess is that the city's going to care about the Bruins now. But I don't know. I mean, it's wild. My son, my 16-year-old son, is waking up in a world where his favorite teams have won like 10 championships in his lifetime.

And it just doesn't make any sense. It's the antithesis of what we were all raised as and what we experienced. So I have no idea what the answer to that question is. I'm guessing it's the Bruins.

Summer's the best time to run the way you want. Dial it up with new challenges and programs and bring your workouts with you to make the most of outside sunny days. Stugatz, guess what? What? You know what you can do with Peloton? What? Get the app, go outside, ride a bike. Well, I thought you ride Peloton inside. Well, you do, you can ride Peloton inside if it's a rainy day or if it's cloudy or you just don't want to get outside, maybe it's too hot.

summertime, go outside. I record a lot from my office with you and you've noticed it's sitting there yet. It hasn't been used. Well, now's the time. Summer's the best time to start that push. Right. Can we do it together? Not on the same bike, but we could join a class together. I used to do that. We used to have Guillermo Tan. I'd invite people. We'd all take a class together. Okay. So I think you're starting to get concerned about my health and my age, Billy. I,

I sense that with you. We're beyond starting. Okay. Whatever road lies ahead, your training starts here with Peloton Tread and Tread Plus. It's not just a bike, a treadmill too. I'm going to go outside. I'm going to get in shape. I'm going to do it with Billy Gill. I want to be in your class. I want you to be my instructor. You know what? I won't be your instructor. You don't want to spend more time with me. No, I can schedule a class and we can ride together. I won't be the instructor of the class. We can have Camila could be our instructor. I like the Grateful Dead class. My daughter, she uses the Peloton. Mm-hmm.

She was on it once and an instructor who was playing Grateful Dead tunes. Let's do that. Okay. Why don't we go for a run outside? Guided run. Peloton. Me and you. That's something we can do together. Okay. Turn on the app. Me and you go outside. Enjoy the summer. Call yourself a runner with Peloton at slash running. All right. Rance Mullenix. Tom Candiotti. Juan Guzman. Tom Henke. Pat Henken. Dave Stieb.

Todd Stottlemyre Ed Sprague Derek Bell Candy Maldonado Corey Snyder

Let's do the June observations. It is a suffering. It's a horrible thing to hear. He just said it so matter of fact, my 16 year old son, all he knows is winning. He doesn't even know. All he does is parades. 16 years, 10 parades or something. It's insane. I mean, the Bruins is the second best team in that city now. So yeah, I guess it does fall on them. I did ask the Kaseya center to see if they could raise a banner saying the Bruins, when they went head to head against the Boston Celtics in the first round, outrated them locally. The Bruins,

The Bruins last won in 2011, so I think that's the team. The Red Sox won in 2011. Yeah, my son was alive for that, too. He doesn't remember. The June observations. Five and a half long years. He suffered so long before the first Bruins championship. He had to see Tom Brady win one with the Bucs. The floor is yours, Mike Schur. June observations.

Is there a beeping? I can't hear the beeping. Can we turn on his original sound? It is on. I can't hear it. We're going to just flow here. You're going to feel like you're doing an acapella. I got it now. You only gave him a spot for one. Maybe hold out for a larger sample, my guy. Start over, Mike. June Observations is brought to you by...

All the products Jimmy Butler has been advertising during the NBA postseason. Michelob Ultra. Mountain Dew., I think. Bad Boys 2. Carl Farnsworth Subaru off Route 41 in Gainesville. Bad Boys 4. And it was also Miller Lite. I saw it for sure. Somebody really thought he was going to be playing deep into June, huh, Jimmy?

Dan, a marquee franchise dripping in banners from years past, but they haven't been to the promised land in Mike Ryan's adult lifetime. But after a dominating performance on the biggest stage, Dan, just like that, make no mistake about it.

The Edmonton Oilers are back. Oh, no. Oh, no. Leon Dreisaitl and them boys, huh? I saw them win. They look real good in game four. Strong on the forecheck, right, Roy? Mike Ryan is an adult. The Celtics won a title. So guess what, Mike? It happened in your adult lifetime. Credit where credit is due.

In the last few weeks, this show's basketball coverage has been excellent. Just as one example, in this postseason, in a story no one was talking about, some of the players on the teams the Celtics played were injured.

And Meadowlark Media was on it. That's right. You guys covered the shit out of that story. That's right. For the first time in NBA history, some of the players were injured and missed games in the postseason. You deserve an award for the way you reported that story. It's the opposite of a Peabody. Here's another story you were all over. The Celtics' easy path to the finals. And honestly, I got to admit, I got to admit, you had a point.

I mean, beating an 8 seed, a 4 seed, a 7, and then another 8 to win a title has to be the easiest path ever. Oh, sorry. That wasn't this year's Celtics. It was last year's Nuggets. And it's weird that I don't remember you ranting at all about that. That's correct.

Al Horford. Yeah. Basketball Hall of Fame. Collision course. Yes. Perfect Al Horford lines, dude. Did you see his line? It was so good. No, what'd he say? Plus 20. Nine points, nine rebounds, two steals. Plus 20 in 32 minutes. I thought he had a quote after the game. The line, of course. That's all I looked at. I didn't watch the game. He was looking for a quote. What did he say? Yeah.

He took six shots, made 3-1 a ring. Jalen Brown can now dribble with his left hand straight to the Basketball Hall of Fame. Derek White, send the broken tooth to the Hall of Fame so it's ready for him when he's inducted. Jason Tatum.

That's right.

Speaking of Jimmy Butler. Top five guys who have more rings than Jimmy Butler. Yes. O.L.I. Peyton Pritchard. Svea Mikhailuk. Sam Houser. Luke Cornett. Kristaps Porzingis. Yeah, that's right. Five white guys.

Hey, Stu, I just put Luke Cornett's rings in a box and I put Jimmy Butler's rings in a box and you'll never guess which box has more rings. It's Luke Cornett's box. Top five guys with more rings than Jimmy Butler. Number five, future Hall of Famer Jason Tatum. Number four, double postseason MVP Jalen Brown. Number three, Drew Holiday's corpse. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Number two, he's got that dog at him, guys. It's Derek White. And the number one guy who has more rings than Jimmy Butler, Al Horford. Mike Ryan has not smiled through the last five minutes of this. Joe Mazzulla wins a title at 35. Three years ago, he was coaching the Portland, Maine Baby Lobsters 9U Kids Rec League All-Star Team. And now he's an NBA champ. Jimmy Butler...

Do it in the finals. Coach Spoh. Do it without LeBron. Dan Levitard. Getting his revenge for these heat jokes by telling the story about how someone once took a dump in Bill Russell's bed. Collision course. I mean, that happened in Boston. A human being took a dump in a champion's bed. That's forever. Collision course. Thank you. Collision course. Nailed it. Collision course. Yeah.

Here come the Mets. Yeah. Wow. Grimace. Celtics owner Wick Grosbeck called Lisa Salters Michelle. Hey, Wick. The Stugatz is strong in you. Wick. Amin Elhassan called Drew Holiday a corpse. Said the Celtics trading Marcus Smart and Grant Williams was risky because they had that dog in them.

You know what the L in Amin Alhassan stands for, Dan? Uh-oh. No. It stands for L. As in take the L. Yeah. 64 and 18 plus 11 and a half points in the regular season. 16 and 3 in the playoffs plus 10.7 in the postseason. Do you know how good the Boston Celtics were this year, guys?

They have a guy whose only job is to hit buzzer beater threes at the end of quarters and he does it perfectly. That was annoying. Annoying? How dare you? Keep an eye on the links. One four in a row. Kayla McBride and Dem Girls. Nafisa Collier, low-key MVP campaign. UConn legend.

Sorry. Charlotte Wilder. We did it. Finally, something goes right for Boston fans. Juju Gotti. We did it. Light the beam, Celtics in three. I just want to say that after last night, the Miami Heat and all their fans and Heat culture and Jeremy Taché and Coach Spoh and Bam Adebayo and the corpse of Kevin Love and

can all go to hell. And when they get there, say hello to Parakeet Cortez for me. And then tell Parakeet to say hello to Art Bryles. Dan, those are the June observations.

Howdy, listeners. It's Mike Ryan, and I've told you for quite a while about GameTime, my number one destination for the secondary ticket marketplace. No one does it like GameTime. There are often times where I'm using GameTime, and I'm like, man, this experience cannot get any better. And then, boom, GameTime now has a new feature called GameTime Picks that makes getting tickets to see your favorite teams play even easier. GameTime filters out the fluff to only show you the incredible deals on great seats for your team so you don't have to waste time searching through thousands of tickets. Go

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Don Levitard. Cody decides to give his opinions on things right when we're coming back. He started yammering about, don't you hate the phrase controlling your own destiny? Destiny can't be controlled. Right. An oxymoron. Stugatz. I fully thought you were going to go in with take the oxy out of it. That's what you are.

I didn't say it. I'm saying that's something the damn would say. Oh, no, I see. Okay. I love you. You didn't say I love you back. You're mad at me. That is. Put it on the pole, Guillermo. Does Stugatz throw an I love you's only to get I love you's back? Greg, I love you. I love you. Okay. Feel better now. This is the Don Labatar Show with the Stugatz.

I'm a little bit bummed here, Stu Gotts, by two scheduling changes that we have had with animal-related guests right now. Ron McGill has had to postpone until next week, and we were going to have on, and I don't know which of the guests I was more upset to lose because...

Karen Wickerson was going to be on with us and she is basically the head of the rat patrol, the rat czar in Edmonton. She is what keeps rats out of Edmonton. We learned yesterday that there are, uh, only 26, 28 or 31 rats in Edmonton. And, uh, it's because this woman knows how to keep rats out of Edmonton, but unfortunately she had to postpone as well. Hopefully we can have her on tomorrow. Uh,

In the interim, though, we have Greg Cody here, and we have not, because we've been talking too much Boston stuff and too much local championship hockey stuff, we have not done enough with Greg Cody or his podcast, The Greg Cody Show, featuring Greg Cody. With. Fine. Thank you.

which this week features his family Olympics. And Billy, I thought you'd appreciate this in an audio medium. I don't know if the family Olympics began with this or whether it was just a featured item in the Greg Cody show featuring Greg Cody.

But it had a staring contest in it. Genius. In an audio medium. The Family Olympics had a staring contest. Who won? Don't tell me. Spoiler alert. Well, how long did the staring contest last? Because I imagine that if it was, you know, a willful Olympian situation, that that could last for a long time. You'd be surprised to.

I think we did three out of five. We want a big sample here. We're not just doing one time. Best three out of five? Yeah. Well, I believe it was best two out of three, and then the loser was a sore loser, so the winner was like, fine, we can do three out of five. The loser may have protested the result because...

Whoever lost hasn't been feeling well lately, and his eyes were sore. It was ridiculous. But that kind of thing and so forth. Okay, good. Good ending to your thoughts there. What are some other Olympic events that might come later in the summer? I mean, we have bobbing for Snapple.

bobbing for snapples. We're not doing that one. Bad joke when you made it on the pod. You asked him. We're going to submerge full bottles of snapples. Let me understand what just happened there and the rhythms and the chemistry. Thank you for explaining it. I wasn't sure. You and your son have. He tossed you the same thing that you had time to work out on your podcast and your answer the second time was even worse than the shitty answer the first time? Yeah, his idea was the staring contest, not mine. No, I'm saying we listed a bunch of random stupid events like a staring contest and I was like, here are

Let's tee that up so the audience can see what's down the road and you just made the Snapple joke. Okay, we're going to nail it in the garage. What? We're going to see who can pound a nail the quickest in a 4x4. And, you know, things like this. I mean, you know, we're trying to get away from the classic cliche, you know, free throw shooting contest and all the sports stuff. You've walked in on your son nailing in the garage before, yeah? That's why I was confused. Baby! It's a rumor. I think that was just outside the garage on the side of the house.

Another one that, and maybe we could do this one here. Another one that we're going to do is my dad wants to do, my dad wants to do this one arm wrestling. Yeah. He thinks he could beat me. I'm worried about Greg there.

Well, I also want to do holding breath underwater. That's another one I don't want to do. Right, you're going to lose. No, no. You have asthma. Yeah, but before that, as a kid, when I'm 12, 13 years old, oh my gosh, I could hold my breath for well over a minute. But you're not anymore. I know, but still.

And I will be using my inhaler before I do that. It's not an ACA. It's called a snorkel. It could be a performance-enhancing drug. I don't know what the commissioner would decide. Put it on the poll. In deep sea breathing is the asthma inhaler a performance enhancer?

Aren't you the commissioner? I mean... You know, normally we reconcile. We don't have a big controversy. Another future event is going to be hand clapping because as a child... We did this one on this week's episode. As a child, I was renowned for how loudly I could clap my hands. And so that's going to be a category.

Why don't we do it right now? Can we do it? I'd like to do a couple of these right now, including the arm wrestling. They already did it, though, the clapping. I mean, that's what Chris is saying. It was hard to pick up on Zoom. Yeah, we snuck it. You believe you are better. Hold on a second. Let's try this. You believe that you are appreciably louder as a clapper than anybody

everyone else here. Sure. Okay. I'm known for hand clapping. All right. Let's test this. Not true. No, I am. Well, we'll test it. We'll test it. Instead of arguing through a raspy voice that is just barely hanging on, let's try everyone. Mike, you begin with what you're competing. You're trying to compete the loudest single clap? One clap. Is it one clap? How does this out of the Olympics? There's a lot of pressure going first. I like the five-pack. Would you like me to go first? The five-pack?

Can you go first just so I can establish what I have to be? So it's five claps, but it's all we're trying to get loud. That's what we're trying to do. Volume. Well, hold on a second. Is there like an online decibel counter or something we can actually get information? I feel like we're stealing content from the Greg Cody show, but that's okay. I think.

How buoyant is Snapple? It's okay. When you've got something this good, you can't keep it to yourself. You've got to share it. You can chip your tooth. I'm excited about the Snapple one. Reconsider. He's afraid, though. It's a terrible idea. He's afraid. Oh, just your teeth gnawing on the cap. That's a big cap.

So you can't really open the maw. You've got to unhinge that jaw. Bobbing for snapples is disgusting and more difficult than bobbing for apples. Yes, thank you. Because those bottles are unpleasant. You're on to something there. Thank you. But do you have any tips for me on how it is as the king of... I'm not going to give away my tips. The king of loud clapping? Well, I thought... I'll go last. I'll go last.

You know how Larry Bird used to be so confident in what he did that he'd just tell you where he was shooting from beforehand? I thought he was good at this. I didn't think he'd give me some tips and I'd immediately be better than him. So good that he would give the secrets away. It doesn't matter if he gives them away, right? Right, because he's so good because he's saying that he's the best at this and that he's going to beat us all. Yeah, as a child, as a youth. Wait, you only get one clap, though. No.

He said a five-pack. A five-pack? But then you get a cadence and a rhythm. You've got to be perfect if it's just one. Yeah, we recommend a five-pack. We're going to do one so that it's not quite the same. Yeah, it's got to be different. One totally changes the game. I'll do five. No, you'll do what we're all doing. We're competing. How about three? We're only counting your first. How about two? We're going one.

And we're going with Greg's going last. Nobody's loudest on their first clap, though. Look it up. I know. You got to build up. That's why I put it on the poll, please, Juju, at Levitard Show. Is anyone loudest on their first clap? Do you have the guts or not?

What do I need the guts for? No, I'm asking Chris because, like, oh, I've got to build a head of steam? No, this is a real challenge. I'm better with a five-pack. Cody's are. We struggle with the one. I grew up with a five-pack. Well, we're going to make it. This is the show that questions the pressure on athletes all the time and do it the one time you get the chance. You don't get five chances at it. Yeah, you do. At most, you get four. Please win tonight. Connor's got, like, nine chances. Shoot one basket a game? No. I'm going to go first. Ready? Ready?

Solid. Solid, but I also don't know what a bad one is. All right, let's see. Roy, let's see what you have here. Dan's winning. I think Dan's winning. Yeah, and I'm following on the sound meter here. Here we go.

That was pretty good. Thank you. Yeah, your fingers might give you an advantage here. Put it on the pole, Juju. Do fat sausage fingers help you win clapping contests? I don't know if this is an official way to do it, but it's the best meter that I have. I'm looking at the sound waves, and that one registered the most. Wow. Chris Cody, go ahead. Like I said, I'm a five-pack guy, but all right. You've already made the built-in excuse. Mm-hmm.

That's good. That's good. That's pretty solid. Maybe we have a clap off between you and Stu. Guys, I'm a Cody. All right. Let's see, Mike, what you've got. That was a joke. That was a joke. That was the same thing as me. That's why I wish it was a five pack. Thank you. That was the worst. I'm so bad at it. Oh, what shame. I almost missed my hands. You did almost miss. It was weird. You hit your wrist. All right. Should I take off my ring?

Oh wow. Solid. Oh wow. Oh wow. That was an explosion. Wow. I could see the wind. It cried. The wind cried.

I think Billy's winning. All this buildup for a guy that's known for clapping. As a Ute. He's past his prime. How do you applaud a good clap? Because it would be redundant. He's an old veteran here. This is the big finish. Let's see if he can... I feel Billy's might have been the best. Billy's was really good. In the throes of bronchitis...

Billy also had the best form. He went back like an ostrich. I stretched out the fingers, you guys. Really confident. Bronchitis as an excuse for a clap? I think the ring really did it. All right, are we ready? That was it. You've been ready. That was your clap right there. All right, silence, please. Me, Maximum, clapping. Oh, f***. No. No. No. That's a fine clap. Oh, that's a fine clap. You're disqualified. Known for clapping, huh?

When he was a kid. As a youth. As a youth. That was like his golf shot. That was really bad. Oh, my God. So clap off. What are we doing here? So, well, I think Billy won. Billy wins. I want to take my ring off, though. I want to take my ring off, too. All right, everybody go again. Is your ring a sausage casing? It's just twist. Yes. I thought I was pretty strong. Remember, I'm a Cody. Oh, that was good. That was good. I have a rhythm. That's all right.

It was a five-pack, though. Oh, Stu. Thank you. Nice. All right. One more for Billy. Oh, again? Yeah, one more. I want to kind of leave it how it went. It was pretty good. I don't blame you. Take the ring off again. No, that one is missing. All right. You're pretty good at it. I'm on the medal stand. Cody, you want another shot? Because I feel like you finished next to last. Yeah. I underperformed.

No. See, I need a five-pack. There's a hesitation. I need a five-pack. All right, we'll give you the five-pack. We'll give you the five-pack. I don't think you're going to beat anybody with your five-pack. All right, that was closer. All right, let's do that clap thing that you slowly clap, and then when we get to it, then Greg does his claps. You do it slowly. You do a clap. I don't know what we're doing. It's a slow clap. At the end, when we're done, you're doing more. More of a big finish. And...

Summer's the best time to run the way you want. Dial it up with new challenges and programs and bring your workouts with you to make the most of outside sunny days. Stugatz, guess what? What? You know what you can do with Peloton? What? Get the app, go outside, ride a bike. Well, I thought you ride Peloton inside. Well, you do, you can ride Peloton inside if it's a rainy day or if it's cloudy or you just don't want to get outside, maybe it's too hot.

summertime, go outside. I record a lot from my office with you and you've noticed it's sitting there yet. It hasn't been used. Well, now's the time. Summer's the best time to start that push. Right. Can we do it together? Not on the same bike, but we could join a class together. I used to do that. We used to have Guillermo Tan. I'd invite people. We'd all take a class together. Okay. So I think you're starting to get concerned about my health and my age, Billy. I,

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She was on it once and an instructor who was playing Grateful Dead tunes. Let's do that. Okay. Why don't we go for a run outside? Guided run. Peloton. Me and you. That's something we can do together. Okay. Turn on the app. Me and you go outside. Enjoy the summer. Call yourself a runner with Peloton at slash running. All right.

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