cover of episode Peter Thiel: On the Bible (Meeting of Minds with Jerry Bowyer, 2021)

Peter Thiel: On the Bible (Meeting of Minds with Jerry Bowyer, 2021)

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Peter Thiel Audio

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Jerry Bowyer
Peter Thiel
Peter Thiel 认为圣经不仅是被动的阅读对象,更是主动地“阅读”我们,影响着我们对人类本性的理解。他从比较神话学入手,对比了罗马神话与圣经故事,指出圣经关注受害者,而神话关注社会秩序。他认为基督教揭示了人类社会建立在隐藏的受害者之上的事实,并指出基督的受难与复活是两个不同的事件,受难是邪恶的行为,而复活是独立的事件。他还探讨了基督教与希腊罗马哲学的差异,认为基督教揭示了人类无法通过理性认知的真理,例如基督的绝对无辜性。他认为尼采对基督教的理解非常深刻,但他对基督教的道德评价与基督教本身相反。他认为法西斯主义和共产主义都是试图通过增加受害者数量来维持社会秩序的尝试,但两者在本质上存在差异:法西斯主义试图回到过去,而共产主义则试图超越过去。他认为现代社会潜在的暴力具有无限性,科学的发展是人们逐渐放弃简单粗暴的替罪羊机制的结果。他还指出,人们停止烧死女巫并非因为科学的进步,而是因为人们逐渐认识到女巫的无辜性,这反过来促进了科学的发展。他认为现代社会虽然表面上看起来不太暴力,但其潜在的暴力具有无限性,并且可能失控。他认为尽管统计数据显示暴力事件减少,但核武器的存在以及潜在的无限暴力仍然构成威胁,现代社会处于一种介于彻底放弃暴力和完全拥抱暴力之间的状态。他认为国内政治中的世界末日论调可能分散了人们对真正威胁的注意力,例如核武器和人工智能等技术。他认为冷战时期的核军备竞赛虽然危险,但却有效地阻止了战争的爆发,而如今的核威慑机制则显得非常奇怪,甚至可能失效。他最后指出,需要探讨如何避免世界末日,以及如何通过效仿基督来找到解决问题的途径。Jerry Bowyer 主要负责引导话题,并对 Peter Thiel 的观点进行补充和提问。 Jerry Bowyer 则主要负责引导话题,并就 Peter Thiel 提出的观点进行提问和补充,例如对“圣经如何阅读我们”这一概念的进一步解释,以及对末日论的探讨。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Peter Thiel, the highly successful tech entrepreneur and author, discusses his mentor Rene Girard; the Bible, how we read it, and how it reads us; Jesus’ death and resurrection; atheism and the limitless escalation of violence towards apocalypse.


(00:43) The Bible reads us

(02:02) Cain and Abel vs. Romulus and Remus

(06:05) Cross vs Resurrection

(07:26) The Gospels are different from Death of Socrates

(09:04) The Bible is discontinuous from pagan classics

(11:30) "The idea that victims exist comes from Judeo-Christianity and nowhere else."

(14:54) Was Nietzsche somehow extremely close to the truth of Christianity?

(17:18) Pagan Pharmakoi, the ancient sacrificial medicine

(19:48) Fascism and Communism

(23:00) Girard on the Woes against the Pharisees

(26:02) The cycle that leads to apocalypse

(31:11) Steven Pinker and the story of progress

(32:19) Is an apocalypse, such as a nuclear war, inevitable?

(35:10) Being too sanguine about apocalypse makes it more likely

(42:08) Is there an off-ramp? What would it look like? If we don't know, shouldn't we at least try to figure it out?
