cover of episode Giggling about wicked, winter trends, and projection

Giggling about wicked, winter trends, and projection

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Giggly Squad

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Paige: 本期节目中,Paige分享了自己患上肠胃炎的经历,并对长时间巡演对身体的影响进行了反思。她还谈到了巡演期间保持漂亮和幕后工作的挑战,以及与Hannah关系变得非常亲密。Paige对音乐剧《Wicked》的粉丝表达了理解,但表示自己对音乐剧没有同样的热情,并反思了自己对《Wicked》的负面评价是否源于从众心理。Paige分享了自己16岁生日时观看《Wicked》却睡着的经历,以及自己童年缺乏类似《Wicked》这样热情的经历。她认为自己和Hannah嫉妒那些对《Wicked》充满热情的人,并表示自己打算观看《Wicked》来了解其受欢迎的原因。Paige还对Ariana Grande转型尝试不同领域表示欣赏,并庆幸自己不会唱歌,否则会过于强大而难以维持正常生活。Paige对《Wicked》首映礼的时尚评价感到犹豫,并对不断变化的时尚潮流表示厌倦。Paige认为随着年龄增长,个人风格偏向经典,并对时尚行业快速变化的潮流感到厌倦。Paige还对婚姻中男女称呼的不同体现了传统社会对女性的刻板印象,并对Miss Frizzle形象的现代化改造表示不满。Paige认为已婚女性需要更改姓名前缀反映了社会对女性价值观的偏见,并认为婚姻并不一定会提升女性的价值。Paige表示自己不再使用“Mrs.”作为姓名前缀,并对Instagram新功能“Notes”表示不满。Paige对“年度最性感男人”评选活动表示质疑,并对John Krasinski当选“年度最性感男人”没有特别感觉。Paige认为“年度最性感男人”评选应该选择更具个性和魅力的人,并分享了自己对已婚男性和公开同性恋男性的不同感受。Paige认为男同性恋者为了迎合异性恋社会会刻意改变自己的言行举止,并推测Ariana Grande和她的男友是因为音乐而相爱。Paige分享了自己对爱情的看法,并认为某些性行为只适合在关系发展到一定阶段后进行。Paige批评某些人将性行为视为日常生活的一部分,并认为长期关系中的性生活比人们想象的更复杂。Paige对某些性行为方式表示不满,并对性行为中眼神接触的看法。Paige不喜欢在性行为中玩躲猫猫。Paige分享了自己在演出中被问到与Craig是否共用毛巾的经历。Paige还讨论了男性在恋爱关系中的一些行为,并呼吁恋爱关系中的男女平等。Paige分享了自己在恋爱关系中寻求创意帮助的经历,并宣布了新的脱口秀演出计划。 Hannah: 本期节目中,Hannah分享了自己患上肠胃炎的经历,并对长时间巡演对身体的影响进行了反思。她还谈到了巡演期间保持漂亮和幕后工作的挑战,以及与Paige关系变得非常亲密。Hannah对艺术工作者表示赞赏和支持,并对《Wicked》的粉丝表达了理解,但表示自己对音乐剧没有同样的热情。Hannah质疑Paige对《Wicked》的负面评价是否带有个人情绪投射,并认为Paige睡着可能是因为音乐剧的噪音很舒缓。Hannah分享了自己童年缺乏类似《Wicked》这样热情的经历,并表示自己打算观看《Wicked》来了解其受欢迎的原因。Hannah表示自己欣赏Ariana Grande转型尝试不同领域,并庆幸自己不会唱歌,否则会过于强大而难以维持正常生活。Hannah在Giggly Squad Live演出中会唱歌跳舞,并在演出中会满足观众的要求,例如唱歌。Hannah欣赏电影首映礼上演员穿着与角色相符的服装,并认为《Wicked》首映礼的一些服装可以更有趣。Hannah认为Instagram上的季节性色彩搭配建议并不完全准确,并认为Ariana Grande更适合棕色头发。Hannah表示自己不了解“Madam Sandler”时尚潮流,并对“Madam Sandler”和“疲惫的英国女人”等新时尚潮流表示无奈。Hannah认为不断变化的时尚潮流令人厌烦,并对时尚行业快速变化的潮流感到厌倦。Hannah解释了自己对毛巾使用的习惯,以及自己拥有七条毛巾,每天使用一条。Hannah解释自己对毛巾使用的习惯源于家庭教育,并解释自己不经常洗毛巾的原因。Hannah解释自己很少洗衣服,并解释自己洗衣服的频率。Hannah解释自己不经常洗牛仔裤和演出服装,并解释自己不使用蓝牙耳机的原因。Hannah解释自己对过去事件记忆力差的原因,并回应了观众关于剧透纪录片内容的反馈。Hannah认为分享一些众所周知的事实不算剧透,并解释自己观看《实习医生格蕾》的方式。Hannah表示自己不喜欢《实习医生格蕾》中的歌舞剧集,并表示自己没有看过《欢乐合唱团》。Hannah对自己的玩笑话表示不满,并讨论了男性在恋爱关系中的一些行为。Hannah呼吁恋爱关系中的男女平等,并分享了自己在恋爱关系中寻求创意帮助的经历。Hannah宣布了新的脱口秀演出计划。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are the hosts of the podcast experiencing physical challenges during their tour?

The hosts, Hannah and Paige, are dealing with physical exhaustion and health issues like stomach flu, likely due to the demanding nature of their touring schedule and the stress it entails.

What is the hosts' opinion on musical episodes in TV shows?

Hannah and Paige strongly dislike musical episodes, viewing them as a sign of lacking ideas or seriousness in the plot, and they find them unappealing.

How do the hosts feel about their physical appearance during the tour?

Both hosts express concern about their appearance, with Hannah unsure if she is pale or if her spray tan has faded, and Paige noting that her makeup wouldn't apply properly during the last show, indicating they feel pressure to look good despite their exhaustion.

What is the dynamic between the hosts during their tour?

The hosts have become extremely close and rely heavily on each other, often discussing details of their lives even after just waking up from sleep, showing a deep bond and reliance on each other's company.

How do the hosts feel about men playing guitar for women during intimate moments?

Hannah and Paige find it inappropriate and uncomfortable, comparing it to a form of coercion where women feel forced to listen to a man's music in a vulnerable situation.

What is the hosts' plan for their upcoming shows in Texas?

The hosts are excited about their upcoming shows in Texas and are preparing their outfits, with Hannah tracking her deliveries to ensure she has the right clothes for the events.

Hannah and Paige discuss their differing opinions on the musical 'Wicked,' with Hannah sharing her experience of falling asleep during the show and Paige expressing her admiration for those who love it.
  • Hannah fell asleep during 'Wicked' at age 16.
  • Paige admires those who love 'Wicked' and expresses support for musical theater enthusiasts.
  • Both hosts reflect on their lack of passion for any activity as strong as 'Wicked' fans' love for the musical.

Shownotes Transcript

Hannah is fighting for her life and Paige is making a statement.

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