cover of episode Giggling about Montana Boyz, alligators, and nudes

Giggling about Montana Boyz, alligators, and nudes

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Giggly Squad

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Hannah 和 Paige 宣布了她们2024年秋季的巡演“Club Giggly”,并描述了这次巡演的概念和她们的期待。她们还讨论了预售信息以及一些与巡演相关的有趣话题,例如鳄鱼、TikTok上的奇怪视频、恐龙的外貌等。她们分享了她们对化妆、睫毛膏以及不同品牌产品的看法和使用经验。她们还详细描述了她们与蒙大拿男孩和詹妮弗·洛佩兹的采访经历,以及她们对这些采访的感受和体会。她们对采访中遇到的各种情况和挑战进行了深入的分析和反思,并表达了她们对这些经历的独特见解。她们还讨论了泰勒·斯威夫特的新专辑以及与金·卡戴珊的矛盾,对她们的矛盾进行了深入的分析和探讨,并表达了她们对双方以及相关事件的看法。她们还分享了她们各自在飞机上因为耳机而产生的糟糕经历,以及她们对科技进步和社交媒体的看法。她们还讨论了她们各自的个人经历和感受,例如焦虑、情绪波动、人际关系以及对生活的思考。她们还分享了她们对一些电影、电视剧和纪录片的看法,并表达了她们对这些作品的评价和理解。 Paige 也分享了她对恐龙、化妆品、以及与蒙大拿男孩和詹妮弗·洛佩兹采访的感受。她还谈到了对泰勒·斯威夫特和金·卡戴珊之间矛盾的看法,以及她对一些纪录片的评价。她还分享了她处理焦虑和情绪波动的方法,以及她对人际关系和友谊的理解。

Deep Dive


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Just pay shipping. Take the quiz at slash quiz. That's I-L-M-A-K-I-A-G-E dot com slash quiz. Sup, gigglers? Gary, fix your Wi-Fi. Manifest that shit. We can't be managed. I mean, the days.

They just got away from me. My glorious little gigglers. Some admin. Some admin. Some housekeeping. Housekeeping, if you will, if we knew how to do it. Yep. We are officially announcing our fall tour dates. Our 2024 Giggly Squad Club Giggly. We're calling it Club Giggly. Because...

We don't want to go to a club. No. We don't want to go out. No. But this is... If you're going to go out, you want to be sitting the whole time and gossiping. Sitting the whole time. So this is Club Giggly, but think of it as basically the girls' bathroom of a club where you feel safe but buzzed.

Yes. There's not a straight man in the vicinity. And if they are, they're getting eviscerated. We're calling it Club Giggly, and we're so excited. It's going to be a whole new show. If you've been to our previous shows, it's going to be a whole new show on the road and all new locations and coming back to other locations, too. We're going to like 8,000 cities. We're finally going to Florida. I mean, thank God. Thank God.

It's going to go on presale on Wednesday. You know how you can Google your birthday and then what happened in Florida on that day that's so crazy? I can't wait to see who gets arrested the day that Giggly Squad. Just like what's the news story? What man gets bit by an alligator? Alligators are crazy. People don't talk about it.

Alligators? Yeah. It's so... We're so brainwave. Because I was actually talking about alligators this weekend. Because there was, like, a lawn gnome in the shape of an alligator. And I thought that it was real. And I was like... Lawn gnome is so Charleston coded. So Charleston. Lawn gnome. Like...

Well, if it's not an actual gnome, what is it? Like a lawn... Statue? Sorry. I don't know. I call all things on the lawn that are gnomes. Yeah. It's all a gnome. Yeah. Did you know that when alligators are killing you, they spin you around?

Who told you that and why? Craig told me. That's the most dude shit I've ever... Chris is like nodding. He's all pumped up now. Yeah, they twirl you around. Yeah, it's called... What is it called? Like the death spiral or something. And I was like... Okay. We could have lived without knowing that. They bring you to the bottom of the water and they spin you around and that's how you die. Bite off my head like someone with fucking empathy. Go to therapy. Go to therapy.

It's like, okay guys, it's a bit dramatic. You have crazy teeth. Just bite us. You don't have to do a whole performance art. Now I'm like team sharks. I'm like full team. Justice for sharks. They're like chomp and see ya. They're like, I have things to do. Also sometimes like they'll just bite you and they don't even care to kill you. They're just like, ooh, that didn't taste good. They also like can't see. So they're probably like, sorry, I didn't know. They're like, oh my God, I'm gluten free. I'm so beyond sorry. Can I return this?

Imagine you get bit by a shark and it throws it up. It's just like, ew. Take your leg back, you vegan. It's like you didn't even enjoy my fucking flesh. Like, you're like, ew. So anyways, alligators are, like, on my fucking list. On that note, there's this TikTok going around where people are like... How we got from the tour to being killed. Literally, Grace is shaking her head. She's like, your only job was to promote the tour. And Paige was like, I have to get something off my chest mid-announcement of the tour.

No one's really getting to me these days. There's this TikTok being like, if you could just say something weird, like no one would judge you, say it. Say the weird thing. So I've actually been into this. So I'll wait and see. One girl, she starts talking about dinosaurs. Did you see this one? She was like, all we actually know about dinosaurs are the bones. And she's like, we don't know that they looked like dinosaurs. And she showed...

like this crazy skeleton and how it would look at as a dinosaur and she goes but if it had fur and feathers it looks like this and it was a literal rabbit and she was like all dinosaurs potentially could have been like adorable just like furry creatures that were making look like these insane animals like monstrous animals that are like mean yeah like for example it could have been like a giant bunny is actually like a like just a bunch of teletubbies running around that's

That's a great way to describe it. Like, think of like a bear. Yeah. Like, it's adorable. So they don't know if they have fur or not? Like, they're just like, oh, we don't think they do. Well, apparently there's been some studies thinking that there may have been feathers back in the day. I think there was. So like, they could have been like... I love a feather moment.

They could have had a fucking boa and been gorgeous in fashion. I mean, have you ever seen an ostrich? Just stunning. Yes. So I think there's going to be a time when we're all dead and they'll look back at our skeletons and they're going to assume that we all looked like dinosaurs when it's like, no, we have long hair. I don't have my hair red. You guys don't even know about it. I'm a copper cowboy. By the way, I think I'm going more red. I want you to. But I'm nervous.

Because my hairdresser told me not to bleach it. But I think I might like just go rogue. Like bleach to go red. See, I'm so bad when it comes to like dyeing your hair. I know like if you're a brunette and you want to be blonde, you have to bleach it. But since the red is dark, it won't take to what your dark hair. You have to go lighter for it to like... Be a little more red. I think I'm going to balayage it. Okay. And if you don't know what balayage is, good for you. No, but like good for you. Like you shouldn't have to know what balayage is. Also, saying balayage makes me feel...

I was scared that you were going to say spell balayage because I actually started to sweat. Speaking of. We love talking all things girly, so we're so excited to be partnering with L'Oreal Lash Paradise. I'm obsessed with their mascara, but one reason that people wouldn't think I'm obsessed with it for, I like that it's pink.

And I like that it looks good in my makeup case. And people don't talk about the aesthetic of your makeup case. It makes you feel better putting it on when you're like, this is the vibe. Also, I do have to say, this is the number one mascara. Like, this is what I use. I was going to say, as a connoisseur of mascara, because...

I couldn't use mascara for so long when I used to get eyelash extensions. Well, can we talk about your last journey? Did you like the process of fake lashes? Nah, I would never go back. I mean, I would never go get a lash extension. You'd have to literally kidnap me in the middle of the night to get a lash extension. I remember the first time I saw you without fake lashes and I thought you looked so like elegant and like regal, but you really, I was like, oh my God, she has the

prettiest like almond shaped eyes where sometimes like when people put the fake stuff. It changes the shape of your eye. My mom always said put a little lip and a little mascara and that's all you need. No it's so true and now that like clean girl aesthetic is kind of out like I'm into having more mascara and it being just more about your eyes.

I'm obsessed with this look you have right now because I do cat eyes with like liquid liner and mascara. Yeah. But yours right now gives the same cat eye look, but it's not as like in your face. And I feel like it's good like night, day time. I put a little eyeliner in the corner. But also what I've just noticed is you don't do a bottom lash.

No. You don't do mascara on the bottom ever? No. You need to start. I have abnormally, like humble brag, really long, curly lower lashes. So if I put it on, it like gets all over my face. We're split down the middle with this one then. I just think it like adds a little something extra. Can you tell I don't have it on the bottom? Yeah.

So how long has this been a thing? How long have you been like, I'll tell her one day that this is pissing me off? Honestly, this is the first time I've really noticed it. I feel like you really can do a full makeup look with just your eyes and feel put together for the day. If it's clumpy, I will start pulling it off. Yeah, no. And like, I used to go to school with mascara on in the morning and then by the end of the day there'd be no mascara on because I've been picking my eyes all day. And it's just like all black.

It was a mess. Yeah. So I need a mascara that's not clumpy and really elongates because I have like curly lashes. Yeah. And that's why the L'Oreal Lash Paradise mascara is that girl. Like you have a thick eyelash. I feel like I actually have like a little bit of a thick.

thinner lash in general. So that's why I like it. I feel like it makes them look like I have two times more lashes than I actually have. I also have this technique that I've been doing. Instead of starting at the bottom and going all the way up to the top, I start at the top and just do the tips. Then in my second layer is when I go to the bottom. Do you want to hear my trick? So I just leave it like this and then I close my eyes onto it. No way.

So, so... Wait. One of my girlfriends in college taught me, you just put it there and then you close it. So you're not, you're not brushing it. You... And you've done it ever since. You can wear it for like 24 hours and I'm not a touch-up girl. Like, I'm not trying to touch up. Right. Well, that's the only thing I don't touch up. The mascara. Yeah. Yeah. I'm obsessed with it. Me too. And I do think, like, there's some days I do not want to put foundation. I do not want to put lipstick. But I want to look like I...

I care about life. And mascara is the only thing in my makeup case that isn't dirty. Everything else has foundation on it. I love L'Oreal's Lash Paradise because I'm over clean girl aesthetic and I'm all about black cat energy in all facets of my life, especially my eyeshadow and my mascara and just like my eye look in general. So obsessed. The interview with the Montana boys, I did not anticipate to have the kind of cultural attraction that it...

I loved every second of it. I was glued to my TV. I think I'm going to put one more out. But I do have to say, before I interviewed them, I felt this giddiness that I haven't felt before an interview before with celebrities. And just a lot of their teams, I'll send 50 questions. And then they'll come back with seven that are like, what do you eat for breakfast? And I'm like, I'll make this funny. That's my job. Their team was like, ask them anything. And I was like, anything? And they were like, yeah, we'll just check it right before. I

I felt this high, like I haven't felt in years, like a child playing. You felt like Barbara Walters interviewing Whitney Houston or something. She's like, I don't do crack. Crack is whack. So I get there and they're...

They're young and they look like they just got off the bus from a college game. No, they're young. How old are they? They were giving 18. Like 24. Like they're like right out of college. Like as, I hate to say this, but like 11 year olds in New York are smoking crack. Yeah. So like in Montana, like they're an 11 year old New Yorker. Okay, yeah. An 11 year old New Yorker, low key, all across the street. I'm scared. I'm scared. Like he just started eating sushi. Like this year.

He actually didn't know what sushi was when he said it out loud. He thought I was just going to agree with him. Like a group of 12-year-old boys and one has a bike and one has a scooter. Yeah.

If there's construction workers on the other side of the street, I'd rather go to the construction workers. Like, I'm crossing the street. No, I mean, the kids are jeweling at, like, seven years old in New York, and they're, like, on the subway, like, yelling at people. Yeah, they're like, fucking move. But no, they were so sweet, so nice. And I think the videos, people were confused, like, are they dumb? Are they, like, in on the joke? And I think that's the beauty of art. Yes.

We will never know. It's like the Mona Lisa. Is she smiling? Is she not? That's for you to figure out. I guess we'll never know. I guess we'll never know. But I was messing with them after and they were like dying laughing. I, this is like a, this is such a Paige like thing. I'm watching the video and I couldn't stop staring at their jeans. I haven't seen jeans like that. I feel like on a guy in a while. Like I felt like. Like tight? Yeah.

No, I just felt like it's like where my dad gets jeans. Do you know what I mean? Like my dad will come home with like four pairs of jeans and it like all together was $12. And I'm like, where do you get these jeans? My favorite line was actually not captured on camera and I think they were joking, but we did it in front of a Trader Joe's and he was like, who's Joe? What's Trader Joe's? And I was like, wait, you guys are so fucking cute. Cause I was like,

We live such different lives, and that's what I love about interviews. I love men like that for the girls because, oh, manipulation is, like, so easy. It's like they don't even know what's going... Like, I... So I love that for them. And I love taking them on this...

emotional manipulative journey of like what am I going to say next and I think they were scared but they were like such good sports they were hilarious and so I'm a fan of the Montana Boys I'm a fan of the Montana Boys

Very differently, I had an interview with Jennifer Lopez, which has not aired yet. It is just iconic in itself. Also, great outfit. I styled it. I did it myself. Yeah, you looked really good. I did it myself. Well, it's with the brand Intimissimi, which is this Italian brand. I'll give you guys the, like, play-by-play. So I'm going to interview JLo. I'm pretty nervous. Because this is, like,

This is pretty big. Like, I would say you're... Okay, this is my question. Were you more or less nervous to interview J-Lo or Jennifer Lawrence? I was so nervous with Jennifer Lawrence and the Jonas Brothers because they were also very early on. Yeah. Where, like, I still was, like...

why are they letting me do this? Like I thought they were going to be like, hey, can you remove her? So like now I felt, I almost felt like I was moving to the next level of like professionalism where I'm like, I've done this. I can do it. I know what I'm doing. I just, I was nervous just that like things go wrong and JLo would be like, she's an A-list celebrity. Yeah. And then also that it just wouldn't be that good of an interview. And it's like, okay, so you wasted this great opportunity with JLo. You wasted Jennifer Lopez's time.

Which I... Nobody wants to do. Nobody wants to do. She has movies to make. She has movies, documentaries, books. She's got shit to do. So I just get an Uber like a normal day and it's on like 14th Street something at the Intimissimi store. And as we're driving up, it's like all those documentaries where there's just crowds of people like across the street. Yeah. Crowds of people in front of it and then like a lane. Like did they know it was for her?

That's the thing about New Yorkers. I feel like some people do, but then New Yorkers, if they see a crowd, they'll just stand there. Yeah, I never get that. I think half the New Yorkers are just like, let's see what happens. You can hire people to stand in line for you. Like line holders. For clubs and stuff to make it look more popular? No, like if there's a sample sale or exclusive whatevers in New York, you can hire people to wait in line. What's that dance that people do that's like...

A flash mob? A flash mob. I can't believe that. Did I just do that? Because never once in our friendship have we ever spoken about flash mob. I don't think we've used them separately together. We've never said it. No, flash mob. I've never seen one in real life. Do you remember when flash mobs were trending where like if you didn't get proposed to with a flash mob, like he didn't love you? I feel like that would be...

Like a day of torture. Like if I'm just walking down the streets of New York City and all of a sudden I'm in the middle of a flash mob, I'd actually start crying. I'd be like, I hate men in the arts. I'd be the worst in a flash mob because I'd be like, I'd be like forgetting. I was like, you have one job and you can't remember the fucking moves. Yeah. So the worst part about it is like there's tons of people.

And he parks, obviously, where I'm going in, which is this store. And I realize, oh, no. You're going to get on the car. Everyone's going to think that I'm J-Lo. And they wasted the good surprise on you. I'm going to disappoint a ton of people, which is, like, what I've done my whole childhood. And it's just, like, going to re-trigger all my past trauma. So I'm like, okay, how do we get out of this car and avoid the, like— Are you immediately apologizing? Like, you open the door, you're like, sorry, sorry. Literally, like—

Sorry. So the second I get out of the car, I'm like, how would J-Lo not get out of the car? So I put out my foot. So I'm like, not J-Lo's foot. And I'm like, oh, that could be J-Lo's foot. I don't know. J-Lo doesn't have these calves. J-Lo didn't fucking play tennis. She doesn't have these calves. So immediately, I kind of roll out and just turn into the crowd. I just did not want that moment where people went, oh. I don't think I would have recovered. I would have never recovered.

So I was just like, I wanted to be like a publicist. Like, you don't know I'm there. So I like literally like crawl out like Gollum and I'm just like walking in. And then I walk in.

And it's like, there's no other people doing press. I think like Vogue was there, which I don't know. They just said like Vogue. I think it was Anna Wintour. I don't know. They just said Vogue, but I don't know where they were, what the Vogue energy was. And all the people there were Italian. And everyone's, it smells good. Everything's beautiful. So immediately I'm like,

I have to tell everyone I'm half Italian. You have to. So I go, hey. That's part of being Italian is if you meet someone else who's Italian, you have to be like, hey, I'm also Italian. So they're speaking in an Italian accent. Yeah. And I come up to this group and I'm like, hey, guys, just want you to know. I'm half Sicilian. The family, we're family. We're okay. I know what's going on. I support the movement. And they were laughing. And I was like, okay. And they go upstairs and...

Her manager and agent from the documentary are just like sitting at this like cafe they have upstairs. Did you watch her documentary? Yes. I've watched everything. I've watched everything with JLo. Well, because you're a good reporter, you literally, you do your research. And also I've seen every documentary. Ever. I've watched hers multiple times, her halftime one. But they're sitting there and I'm like really excited because I'm like, that's the agent. Yeah. And they're talking about serious things. And then I realized people are just watching. There's a huge window watching the crowd waiting for Jen to come.

Sorry, Jen. J-Lo. I mean. J-Lo to come. And then I'm like, this is crazy. And then I realized I can stand. Like, we're all just admiring this, like, crazy thing. Yeah. And then they were like, okay, hair and makeup, she's here. And everyone's like, huh. And she walks out, and it was like, it was crazy. Does she glow? No.

Yeah, well, she was wearing this gorgeous pink dress. Pink David Koma dress. Yeah, I've seen that a lot. She had her typical J-Lo, like, Ray-Ban type things. And, like, she was smiling. And then she looks up, and I waved. Because I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I didn't know what to do. She waves back. I go, oh, she waves. And I'm like, you're about to interview her. J-Lo waved. J-Lo waved. She waved. I go, she saw me. And everyone's like, shut the fuck up. And I'm like, I'm Italian. And then...

So I'm thinking they were like, she might have to do like hair makeup when she gets in. Like, we don't know. Just I was like, dude, my whole day is reserved for JLo. I will sit here for eight hours, whatever you guys need. Also, I'm sweating because I was wearing this really nice like cashmere sweater they gave me, but it was hot out. Yeah. And I'm about to interview JLo. And it was gray. Yes. So they were like, hey, can we switch out your top? Oh. And I was like, that would actually be amazing. Like they were so nice about it. They were like, you're not going to interview JLo looking like that.

They're like, you look like you pissed your pits. Wait, imagine if J.Lo was like, I'm not going to be on camera. She's like, is this the best we could do? Is she okay? She's like, who booked Hannah? And someone's like, I did. She's like, great, you're fired.

So I'm like, okay. And they're like, don't worry. Like, she's coming. But, like, she's not going to immediately be ready. So I'm – everyone's been waiting for her to come, right? I go to switch my shirt. As I'm switching my shirt, she's walking in. Oh, my God. So I kind of missed – but I was, like, hiding from her so she wouldn't see. Yeah. And then I – with celebrities, I'm such a little bitch. Yeah. Like, you know, some people are just normal. Right. Like, next thing you know, like, they become best friends with them. Yeah. I'm not that person. Yeah, I couldn't either. I would – I'd rather have no interaction than, like, possibly –

Have a weird one. I don't want to assume that you want to talk to me ever. Right. So I'm immediately like staying out of the way. And someone had to literally grab me and be like, you are here to talk to her. And I was like, are you sure? Are you sure she's ready? And she basically was like, let's go right now. Let's go. So immediately I go up. And of course, I look at her and go, I was born in the Bronx. Okay.

Which, first of all, it is true. I lived there in Riverdale for two years, then moved to Park Slope. You're like, I also enjoy an orange drink. This is the thing. You think, like, with a normal person, I wouldn't go up to you. Like, if I was just meeting you, I wouldn't immediately be like, oh, I also, like, like to wear shoes. You're like, I don't care.

Like, I don't care. So, like, and she probably deals with this all day. So immediately I'm like, okay, we're starting. But she was like, oh. Nice. And, like, there was a gold star. Yeah, like, you didn't give her, like, something to follow up with. No. And then she was like, what hospital? Because you don't, people don't treat celebrities like humans. Right. We're just like, ah. But I also, I was trying to be like, look, we're both from New York City. Yeah. I have a fat ass. Like, nothing's going to, like, let's fucking bye, bitch. Let's go. You're like, my husband has an accent. And then I look at her and I was, I go.

Which now I'm saying out loud, I realize. I look at her and I just go, are you tired? Because I'm trying to be like, we're girls. And did she say yeah? Did she think that I was saying she looked tired? Which is the meanest thing you could do to someone. I go, are you tired? Because you look like shit. But I go, are you tired? And she kind of looks at me and I was like, you've been a

Fucking everywhere. Yeah. That's the first question I ask all these celebs because, you know, like, they're London yesterday. No, that's a great question. I like to just stop and pause and be like, how do you do it? It's like Kelly Murphy who went on a whole speech about how he just sleeps. And I was like, thank you. Yeah. But she just was like, no, I feel good. And I was like, that's what J. Lo would say. Yeah, that's a lie. And then she was saying how she was, like, dancing. She was like, I've been dancing all the time. And I was like, as J. Lo would. Yeah.

And she has like three kids. Yeah. Two or three kids. And it was funny. I was watching her watch her Intimissimi campaign that was like playing. Yeah. And she like made a comment about something. And I'm like, oh my God, she's just human. What? She was like judging herself. What does she smell like? I mean, it's- Like is it a sweet scent or is it more of like a men's cologne like sexy scent? For sure sweet. For sure sweet. But I also was like-

I was a little blacking out. I wasn't aware of my surroundings, what was going on. I was just like put sentences together. But she was like immediately cool, good. I immediately felt good. - Yeah, you felt okay. - So we went in and I'm gonna post the first video today and she was like talkative.

So I go in assuming like they don't want to be here and they don't want to talk to me and how do I make the most of it? Yeah. And I adjust. That's a great headspace to be in. Yeah. All the time. Because it's like I'm ready. I know that everyone hates me here. I'm ready for the worst. Yeah. Under promise, over deliver. And also I just dealt with the Montana boys who like did not...

form a full sentence the whole time, but it was hilarious. So I asked her, like, some broad questions, and she was just going on. Oh, good. Like, talking. And I think her team was even, like, excited, like, that she seemed passionate about it. And then towards the end, I actually was trying to wrap it up. Like, I was like, I've taken enough of this woman's time. Yep. And she was, like, adding on to it. Was she funny? She was... I feel like I was making her laugh. Yeah. Like...

I told her I wear granny panties. And when she saw you. She reacted how you would react. She was like, oh. I can't believe you told Jennifer Lopez. Jennifer fucking Lopez. Knows that my friend Hannah Burner exclusively wears granny panties. And then she was like, why wouldn't you wear a thong? And then I like froze. Because I have my reasons. Right. But I didn't want to get into it. But are they J-Lo appropriate? So then I go, well, I have a big butt like you. And I don't want to be like flapping around. And she goes, well, to each their own. Oh.

Like, she basically said that. And I was like, okay. Is that why you don't wear a thong? No, no, no. What does flapping even mean? Maybe my labia flaps. You panicked. I panicked. But you know what I try to say? Like, it's about the vibes. Like, people remember what you say. They remember how you make them feel. And hopefully I made her feel safe and welcomed.

With me bringing up granny panties. I asked her a lot about confidence and aging. Because if you think about it, a lot of women, by the time they turn 50... Do you remember the Amy Schumer sketch? Your last fuckable day? No. No. It's one of the greatest sketches ever. Everyone go on YouTube. It has Julie Dreyfuss, two other people who are amazing. Like an SNL skit? I think Tina Fey's in it. Mm-hmm.

And it was on Amy Schumer's show. And she basically was like, oh, what are you guys up to? And they're all having, they're at a picnic. And they were like, oh, we're celebrating her last fuckable day.

And Amy Schumer was like, what? And they were like, yeah, like, she now is going to get roles for, like, you know, the mom or, like, the, like, the sad neighbor. Like, they were just talking about, like... And how old? And, like, I think she, like, turned, like, 40 or something. Yeah. Or, like, 35. And she was like, oh, I'm so excited to not have to, like, be fuckable anymore. And it's an amazing sketch. Yeah, because that's so true. But that's why I think, like, we have to give kudos to J-Lo, where, like, J-Lo squashed that narrative so much where, like...

JLo will always be a sex symbol and so many times the industry really wants old women to disappear. Absolutely. From like the news to, I mean, comedy to models. Like once you get older, like please disappear. Like there's really only like six, I feel like really famous actresses that are like in their 60s and 70s that still like work. Yeah. Yeah.

Like, they picked one. They're like, we'll stick with you forever until you die. I mean, there's been this recent amazing surge of, like, Jamie Lee Curtis and the woman from Everything Ever Were All at Once. She's... Oh, um... She won, like, the Oscar. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes. And Michelle... Can you tell me who she is? Michelle Pfeiffer? No. I love Michelle Pfeiffer. I don't know why. But traditionally, like, especially in old Hollywood, they would take women to the back of the barn. What? And just...

Kill them? No. When they were done using them like horses. Shut up. Obviously, I'm joking. I was like, wait, are you talking like legit telling me about someone's murder? I was like, what documentary are you watching? But basically, once you were a certain age, like entertainment wanted nothing to do with you. So I just... No, people should give J-Lo...

I always think of it, and I feel like sometimes people don't, like, think of it this way. Like, okay, people are getting, like, mad at J.Lo sometimes. Like, she's always, like, doing her thing. She loves herself, whatever. She's a Leo. People don't give her credit for how long she's been famous. Like, to be able to sustain that type of celebrity from your 20s to your 50s, that's a lot of work.

That's a lot of anxiety. And also I think people are missing the point of the documentary. Ben Affleck has this amazing point where he's like, just like alcohol, sometimes Jennifer acts like addicted to the attention and the likes and the views. And I try to tell her like, just like alcohol, it doesn't cure the problem. Right. It's you have to love yourself.

And it was fucking heavy. Wait, Ben. I know. Jesus. I feel like you just spoke to my soul. But, like, everyone can understand where you're, like... It stems from you not feeling good enough that you constantly need affirmation from other people. And it's, like, that's not a reason to hate someone. Right. And also, like...

Let's not forget, she's the first Latina woman to ever make a million dollars in a film. To do that... Wait, that's insane. To do that, you have to be delusional. You have to be like, I'm the... You have to have that attitude. She paved the way for so many fucking people. No, that's Selena movie. I feel like I still watch that once a year. Yeah, also the fashion. Also, shout out to Selena. Yeah, I mean, we didn't know. We weren't even born yet. We weren't born, but I feel connected. Yeah, I feel connected to her. Yeah.

You want to know someone I don't feel connected to? Who? Don't say JoJo Siwa. Taylor Swift. I just have a few things to say about Taylor Swift's album. Can you please do a compliment?

First of all, the amount of work she had to put in to put out a double album. I mean, the woman doesn't sleep. She must just be work, work, work, work, work. And I love when she speaks her truth. I truly, truly do. I love that it's getting so much praise. I love that her fans are so excited. I'm most excited that her fans are so excited.

Kimberly Noel Kardashian is my lord and savior. They could never make me hate her. They could never make me hate her. We're also trying to figure out if one of them's a giggler or they're both gigglers.

Who? Taylor or Kim? Kim, if you're a gigger, give us a sign. It's honestly none of our business, but I will say this. It's not our business how you spend your time listening to podcasts. Taylor, make a song about anyone you want. Spill the fucking tea. Do whatever you want. The one line that like your daughter is going to come home singing this song and we're both going to know it's about me because I've been so emotional lately.

All I could think about was like, okay, so now when North goes to school and every girl in her school in the fourth fucking grade is talking about the Taylor Swift album, all she's going to know is that Taylor Swift hates her mom and probably hates her as well.

and like hates that family. And that made me so sad. - The Italian side of us is like, ooh, don't get family involved. - Yeah, I was like, I don't know if like you needed to say the one sentence about her daughter. - But I do have to say, Taylor, like Italians,

does not forget i shouldn't forget no and that and i'm not mad about that i'm not mad it's a little bit like someone let's say like you know when someone's abused in a way and the person responds to the abuse and everyone gets mad at how they responded to the abuse but really like you felt abused yeah everyone's living in their own like narrative of everyone's and that that's what taylor talks about how like she's the villain in other people's stories right it's like but yet the

That was a fucking... I felt it. And I'm so for, like, calling someone out who did something wrong to you and all of America thought it was one way and you being like, actually, let me, like, drop some knowledge on you. I love that. But when it brings in, like, a child, I got, like, I was like, oh. Did...

Kim responded in a new way. I don't think so. No. I've had situations in my past where like, aren't we mad at Kanye? Aren't we always? But like sometimes it's like, let's focus on the men. Let's not forget. Yeah. And I'm sure there's so much more. I don't even know what they're fighting about still. I actually literally don't know what they're still fighting about or what even. I do. Just the Grammy thing. Yeah.

Like it started with that, but it started with that. And that's when she was like, I haven't been wanting to be a part of this narrative for so long. And then Kanye was like, I asked her for permission to put this in the song. And Taylor actually said no. But then they lied and said that she said yes. Right. So she said yes, but he didn't tell her that he was going to call her a bitch in the song.

It said, I made that bitch famous. And they put out a recording and it never showed her saying yes to that, but it was her being like, oh yeah, that's awesome. Thanks for telling me. So that's her whole thing of like, they skewed the narrative and made me seem like a monster. Then Taylor Swift basically got canceled. Like her whole career was over. Taylor Swift is over party. Taylor Swift's a manipulative fit. We hate Taylor. So like the pain that was caused was crazy. Yeah, probably insane. And then, but you understand, but then like,

With Kim, like, she's supporting her husband. Right. Not anymore, clearly. So I feel like the beef needs to get settled. I also—squash that beef. But I do have to say no one owes—like, if Taylor doesn't want an apology, that's another thing, too. Right, and I'm not saying Taylor didn't, like, shouldn't have said that whole song about Kim. Like, she could make a song, like—

about anyone, like telling them to fuck off. And I love that energy. But it was just made me feel sad for the kids. I would argue the K.I.M. and Thank You, Amy. Yeah. A little too on the nose. I mean, she could have just done a K. Why didn't she just do K? Or she could have just done the song and it was called Thank You, Amy. Yeah. Like because people already knew because in the song, too. And she's like, oh, I didn't add any discerning factors. Just your name. Yeah.

But the overall concept of the song, I think all of us can take with us. Yeah. Did you listen to it, listen to it? No. I listened to it on the plane. Basically, it's fucking crazy. Like the whole album you listened to? I listened to a lot of it. Wow.

Because I was on planes all, I got sick on fucking planes all week. I don't even want to hear it, Hannah. Because every time I call you out for something insane, like taking a shit in the middle of a bodega or wearing Delta headphones, a week later, it happens to me. It literally. I can't control the universe. I can't control the karmic forces. I get to the airport and I'm just like.

There's no way. There's literally no way I don't have my headphones or my backup headphones. You forgot both headphones. Both of them. I was like, what was I doing? And then I had to get fucking wired headphones. And they're like $23. No, I literally was walking through JFK and I was like, this fucking bitch. So what was your experience?

Do you feel grounded? You were like, these are the good old days. You felt nostalgic. I actually did feel a certain type of way. I was like, I'm just a kid, like, traveling, you know, like, I'm not. Like, I know people complain about the wires getting, but, like, there's something cute about your biggest issue in that moment is getting the wires undone. Yeah, and I was just like, obviously, there's not even Wi-Fi. Well, here's what it was. There was obviously no Wi-Fi on the Delta flight. Would the Bluetooth have worked? Yes, the Bluetooth would have worked. I still don't understand.

But I bought the wrong headphone. I bought the headphones for my phone, like to plug it into my phone, not realizing that my iPad is a different jack. And so I couldn't even watch my iPad. So I was like double cursing you in my head on the plane. I was like, she did this. You will just send me like a short, cold text. And I'm like, we'll talk about this on Monday.

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Also, I felt like such an old person because I was trying to edit the Montana Boys video in these hotels that had the worst internet and I have to download big video files. And I'm texting Grace, I'm like, these fucking hotels don't have internet. And Grace is like, just use your phone as a hotspot. And I was like, do I know who knows how to use her phone as a hotspot? Oh, I don't know how to do that either. I think I tried once and I was like, that's made up. Like Bluetooth. We actually, I think both of us together are very against technology advances.

I mean, we have not started ChatGBT. We don't like change. Should we put out an episode that's ChatGBT of Giggly Squad? Like, see what they would say?

My conspiracy theorist boyfriend obsessed with ChatGPJ. There's also an app that you can just talk back to it and ask it things. He loves that. Nathan McIntosh is a hilarious comedian. He just had a YouTube special out. He basically was like... Wait, was that on Netflix? No, it's on YouTube. But he's this cute redhead. And he was like, what?

what's the one thing that we're... I'm going to butcher this joke. I actually kind of forget it. But he was like, what's the one thing that we're so afraid of that could possibly ruin the world? And the nerds are like, let's make it AI. Yeah. Like, it's the only thing... He's like, what's the only thing that humans...

We're not the dominant force. Yeah, AI. AI. Let's create it. Yeah. I'm kind of obsessed with Apocalypse. Except if there's like, I do think about it in this way too. If there's a world where everyone gets their own AI person that lives in their house. Hannah, think about it. If there's like an AI in your home, imagine you could just be like, hey, I would like love a quesadilla right now. Oh, like? Like a butler. Like a butler. Yeah, but it's AI.

But, like, that's literally how all these movies begin. Because the next thing you know, the butler, I'm like, why are you holding the knife? Yeah, but think about that. Why are you holding the knife like that? Think about those six months where you're just getting waited on. Because, like, then I'd be ready to go. Wait, I just want to... And I feel like my AI wouldn't turn against me. Wait, I want to play this. It's like if salmon invented grizzly bears. That's true. That's true. That's true.

Wow, you really got you. I was listening to the Taylor Swift album, and it's funny because wasn't AI putting out Taylor Swift songs? Also, when I did my Taylor Swift song about the touchdown, I feel like it was like her, how she was like, I knew I was playing, playing in the end zone. I feel like it was the same song. I mean. So. No, AI put out nudes of her. It's so funny.

Isn't that crazy? Yeah. But that's, I think it's good for the future though because then whenever your nude does leak, you go, that's AI. Okay, this is like the sick part of my brain. I'm like, what would AI like make my nude look like? Would it look better than like my actual nude? Like I did want to see like, oh, what would... Dude, it's crazy. And like that's highly illegal, you know? But you're like just for me. I'm like, yeah, like what if I made it for just myself? Like I just want to see. What if you want, when you want to send nudes, you just AI it and send it to guys? Yeah.

I mean, I feel like I was doing that years ago because I had one girlfriend where like I think her literal fucking job was to sit home and take nudes. So she had so many. And so like certain times when I would be like ask for one, I would be like, I'm just like not doing that. And I don't even like you. I would text her and be like, can you just send me a nude where like your head's not in it, just your ass? She'd be like, yeah. And so I would just send that. Like I would have them all saved in my phone.

Because she didn't give a shit at all. She like... I have so many questions. Yeah. So first of all, you are on MTV Cafe. Yep.

Was her butt similar to your butt? Not at all. Not at all. She had such a good ass. It was J-Lo. It was J-Lo. Literally four times bigger than mine. This bitch went to like hit classes every morning. I was like, hey, could you send me a pic in that black underwear that you love so much? You know, I really like when you like pose. I love when you like poke it out a little and like your nails kind of in it. I wonder if anyone ever like caught on.

Wait, you're crazy. I don't want to say the C word. But also, like, I didn't find anything wrong with it. Like, I feel like some guys would be like, but that's like you're lying. So what? I don't care. Guys, whenever they would say anything about, like, pussy or something, I would just find a Google image of, like, a cat lying on their back and I would send it. And I thought it was so funny when I was, like, 16. I mean, that's funny. I thought it was hilarious. And they'd be like, that's not funny. And I'd be like, that's my pussy. It's also just, like, sometimes...

Why you lied about your height, that's not my ass. So what? Same thing. I was always, unless I was in a relationship for a long time, I was very anti-nudes. But I'm also, that's like me with no cigarettes. Wait, me too. I'm very anti-nudes because in my head I thought that I was either going to be famous or the president. Wait, wait.

Hannah, I love that you thought that you were going to be the president because I love it so fucking much. No, I would tell people, I'd be like, if I become president one day, I can't have this out. Did I actually believe it? No, but I meant like, I'm going to be something and this cannot, your fucking bullshit cannot come back to get me. Hannah, that's why I wouldn't drink at parties in high school when they would put it on like MySpace. I'm like, no guys, I'm going to be famous and I can't have these photos of me drinking at 16. Meanwhile, that's all you do for a living now is drink. And I, I,

Yeah, literally was made to drink. No, but I really, and it's not like I thought I was better than anyone. I just was like. No, you had a different feeling inside. I had a feeling. Yeah. And I also had parents who were very like tough on me. Where they were strict. And I was just like, this is not worth it. I was like, if you like me, I don't have to send you a picture of my butthole. It's so funny because literally like two weeks ago, I don't know what Craig and I were talking about. And I go, you know what's crazy is that like there are people in the world that are like

hey, I actually could be the president. Like I could run the country. And I go, and they have to be naturally narcissistic to think, oh, I could do it. Yes. And Craig was like, just like agreeing with me. And he was like, yeah, no, like that's crazy. I'm not kidding. Four days later, he goes, I think I could be president. It's just like. But this is the thing. It's not just narcissism. Sometimes it's more complex where it's like,

back to the J-Lo thing where like they for whatever reason feel like they're missing something and they think doing something that incredible will heal all of their trauma has anyone looked at pictures when like presidents go in the first year and then they get out the fourth year how much they've aged that was me with reality TV like that alone I'd be like no thank you

Unless we have a doctor on call that's shooting me up with Botox every day. No, thank you. But that's why we do have to appreciate. What I appreciate about Taylor Swift is a lot of people get scared of success. Or if something happens that's good, they're like, oh, fuck, now I feel more pressure. That's why a lot of people stop putting out albums. They're just like, I can't keep up. There's no way Taylor. I would love for Taylor...

Because she's obviously, like, the biggest pop star in the fucking world. Yeah. I'd love for her to say, like, what does she do when she gets really anxious? Because there's no way this girl is just, like, living every day. Did you watch Miss Americana? Yeah. She had some really good moments where she was just talking about, like, oh, in the past, if I saw this picture of me, I would spiral and I wouldn't eat. But Miss Americana, she wasn't even... I mean, she was obviously huge then. She wasn't as big as now.

Over the past three years, like it's been insane. If I was her, I would have a therapist on deck. Yeah. Like professional athletes like Iga Shviatek, number one tennis player in the world, travels with a mental health coach. She literally has a therapist with her at all times sitting in her. Wait. And I was like, wait, that's what I want.

So her team is around her. She has her coach, the physical therapist, the mental therapist, and then the trainer, and then her agent and her manager, and that's her crew. And the woman is just always talking her through her life. I wonder if the therapist is ever like, oh, you're gaslighting her. It's just like a personal, like, nope, that was rude. Triggering? But it's just like you can start paying people for everything you need, but like,

Just like the Billie Eilish documentary, like, Billie suffers from Tourette's when her exact... Like, you're dealing with heightened emotions, but also that's how these people want to live their life. Like, her life is insane. No, and I'd also just like to know, like,

What does she do right when she gets off of stage? Yeah. Like, does she immediately go shower? Yeah. Does she, like, do, like, what does the nighttime look like so that she can get up the next day and do the whole thing again? I really want to know about the recovery time. Some article was, like, Taylor Swift's trainer says that her workout to prepare for the Errors Tour would make most people puke or want to lay down. And I was, like, any workout I want to lay down. Yeah. Any workout I do. But it is fascinating. Yeah.

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was basically like all the stuff that I went through and the pain that was caused, caused me to be where I am now. So thank you. Revenge. That feels so close to me because it's so true where like whenever something horrible happens to me, that is my rebirth.

Right. Like, I literally will be stagnant until, like, a breakup, losing a job, like, having a mental breakdown of some sort. And I feel like this is with a lot of women and gays. Yeah. I feel like men after a breakup will just go with the next girl because they don't want to process the emotions and they need a girl to make them feel good. Where when a girl's in a breakup, she's like...

I'm getting new hair. Yeah. Whole new personality. New gym. New wardrobe. Going to an Ivy League school to get a new degree. Might even move. Might even move. Like, she fucking takes up... And I really do believe you always level up after these traumas. 100%. That's why you're so pro-failing. Like, failing makes you so much stronger. Well...

One quick, easy way that I like to see my progress in life is you go from who your first boyfriend ever was to then who was your next one. And then you just keep going. Again, you sabotage me. I was so emotional this weekend. What happened? Nothing. That's the thing. Literally nothing. I have started, I think since I've been regulating my hormones, my body's been feeling like

insanely different. Because your testosterone was too high before. My testosterone was way too high and then like the birth control they were like oh we'll just bring your estrogen up and it's like no please don't do that.

So now that they're like evening out, I'm not kidding. I lost like seven pounds doing nothing because I think like my body was holding on to so much like water weight and like inflammation. Because you sound like one of these TikTok hormone girls. Yeah, because my hormones were just like fucked. But I feel like everyone's hormones are fucked. They are. Like pretty much 90% of girls' hormones aren't the way they're supposed to be. Because I have like a full beard that I'm growing and I don't think that's normal. No, that's not.

And it's because of your hormones. Like, I have a goat beard. Like, whenever you get, like, random hairs, yeah, your hormones are fucked up. And, like, I had really bad skin, like, and now it's, like, trying to, like, even out. But whatever. We'll deal with that. What was I saying prior? The girls are gay. Okay, so I'm, like, fine. And then, like, all Saturday night, I just was so anxious. And, like, about anything that I couldn't stop crying. Okay.

And like, but I'm like laughing because I'm also crying. And Craig's like thinks I'm on drugs because he's like, I've just never seen you be emotional. He's like, can I have some? Like, whatever. But he probably loves it. He loves when I'm vulnerable and he loves when I'm, he actually loves, he like straight up has Munchausen's because he loves when I'm sick.

He loves when I'm sick because I'm like very soft and sweet. That's how I feel about this. When he's sick, I'm like, you're so fucking cute right now. He's obsessed with me if I have a cough. He's like, oh my God. And I'm like, stop. Wait, I love that we're getting into our mental health moment. Yeah, so the only reason I bring it up is because I've never had that really. Like I've been anxious and been like, oh my God, I'm like about to have a panic attack. But I've never gotten like super emotional over my anxiety. And it was more because...

I didn't want to feel like I was frustrated that I was anxious. That's what happened to me pre-special taping. Yeah. I called Des.

And he didn't know that I was having an anxiety attack. And he was like, hey. And I was like, and I just started crying. Crying. Because you're, like, judging yourself for your emotions. Yes. And you're frustrated. Yes. And my, basically my therapist told me, like, first of all, stopping mean to yourself. And it's, you're human. Humans feel this emotion. And then also, like, what if you fucked around and actually processed one emotion? And I was like, what?

How? But how? That's what school should be. How to process an emotion. I don't need the Pythagorean theorem. Yeah, I'm like, I don't know if I'm mad. Basically, it's the concept of like to get past anything, you have to go through it. So it's like you have to, whatever is like bothering you, you have to fucking deal with. You can't do external things. It always is going to go back to the source. I'll do 20 external things. A thousand percent. So it's like your anxiety will catch up to you. I also realized with my mental health recently,

I think I have a form of OCD and it's not like an intrusive thought that's like weird. It'll just be like a thought. Okay. And I just like can't get off of it. As in like, for example, I'm like editing my special right now and I like gave a note about it and

And then I kind of got worried, like, oh, was that the right note to give? And then I just couldn't stop thinking about... Obsessing over it. Obsessing over it. And then I'm like, oh, is this a big thing? And then something else will happen, and then I have to obsess over that. And this goes back to saying, when I was fucking 11 years old, this is how crazy I am. I once turned to my dad in the car, and I'll never forget that I did this. And I said, what are you supposed to think about all day? And he was like...

Wait. As an 11. Because I remember sitting there being like, you know what I think about? No, but what are you supposed to think about all day? No one teaches you that. Because instead, I have a little bit of ADHD, OCD, where I'll get into a product and obsess over it. I mean, a project. I'll obsess over it. And then it's like, or with boys, I would obsess over my crush. I love obsessing over things. Over something. But I was like, what?

how do you just exist? My therapist says when I get like obsessive over things, like I'll get obsessed with like fixing someone, something that's wrong in someone else's life. Yeah. And she's like, it's, you literally do that because you don't want to face yourself and like what's going wrong in your life. And I'm like, but there's nothing wrong in my life. And she's like,

Because you haven't dove into it. People will be like, Hannah, why are you working so much? And I'm like, I'm literally running from my thoughts. The second I have nothing to do, they come at me. They're coming. Yeah. And I don't trust them. I don't know what they are. But there is a form of OCD, which is like, I think when you have a thought and you'd like to attach to it. And I have to work on like releasing and just being like, nothing comes from you obsessing over this. Right. And it's literally just like boredom in my brain. Like it's not bad things. It'll just be like...

I also have anxiety that, like, everyone at all times is trying to sabotage me. That? Like, I have a hard time. That's a little paranoia. Yeah. Oh, no. I'm full paranoia. Like, it's a lot for me.

to trust any like girlfriend. Like if you become my friend now, I probably won't ever trust you. Yeah. I feel like like because it's like I'm too in my 30s. Like I know the people I trust and I know the people I don't. Yeah. And so I have a hard time like. Well, that's a protection. Yeah. You're protecting yourself, which reminds me I have that same thought because you think you're being proactive. Yeah. Like if I'm worried about this, it'll never happen. Right. I'm looking out for it. Yeah. But then you're like,

Manifesting it almost. Yeah. And I think it's also like I went to an all-girls high school. Like, I've had so many girlfriends. Like, I've seen so many girlfriends just, like, turn and be like, and I hate you now. And so then as you, like, get older, that doesn't happen as much because you're, like, in your 20s. You're working and whatever. But I still feel that with girls. I'm like, but what if you actually hate me and that's why you want to be my friend? So funny you brought that up because last night I convinced myself that this –

This girl that I don't know very well, but she's friends with one of my friends, is mad at me.

But not, like, recently. Yeah. I basically figured out that I think that she might be mad at me at something that happened two years ago. Mm-hmm. And then I was like... And I don't know her very well. Right. But I think she's mad about something. And then I start freaking out. And then I can't even focus on conversations because I'm feeling this shame. I'm like, you should have known that this girl was mad at you. And that... No, I'm losing my mind. No, this is real. And then I go and I go, have I... I'm not really close with her. But, like, I think she's... I'm like, maybe she's not close with me because she's mad at me from two years ago. So then I... And it's...

I really don't want her to be mad at me. I can't wait for you to tell me after the pod who you're talking about. So then I go to her Instagram page and I go, she must have messaged me over the last two years. Yeah. Look at it. She messaged once. Once. And I go, she's mad at me? I fully...

Did you DM her and say, are you mad at me? I DMed a full paragraph being like, hey. No. Because something happened to her that was like good. This is such. I fully did it and went to sleep. Yeah. Woke up. Did she respond? Like this is a girl who's not even in my life. Yeah. This is crazy behavior. And she responded like, oh my God, like, like so chill. And then we continued talking the rest of the day. Like it wasn't like she just said it to shut me up. Like she literally like we're just, we've never really spoken before. Yeah. And she was like, oh hi.

oh, hi. Yeah, I get that. I've had that too. But sometimes I feel like I've had that before in terms of like something will pop into my brain and I'll be like,

I said that to someone five years ago, and I should have never said that. And I'll text them and be like, hey, remember that time? I apologize for that. And they're like, I don't remember that. But I feel like it's almost a cleansing. I was about to say, I think it's healthy because most issues I feel like people deal with is miscommunication. And I'm the kind of person that as long as people know and like admit to what they did. Yeah. Yeah.

and know what happened, then they won't do it again. Because it's the people who don't address it. And I'm like, do they even know that they pissed me off? So you saying, hey, I know that hurt you, and I apologize, or are you mad at me? So many friends have been like, are you mad at me about something? And I literally laugh, and I love them more. Because they care. I always say, why the fuck would I be mad at you? Literally after my bachelorette, Taylor Schrecker...

Wait, I feel like she texted me too. No, she got like, she had that like hungover anxiety where she thought everyone was mad at her. She brought it up at lunch the other day. She goes, remember when everyone was mad at me at the bachelorette? No, no, no. Taylor was the star of the bachelorette. Everyone loves her. It makes you feel less crazy because you realize we're all dealing with this. And I guess we have like consciousness. I also always think that Grace was on your bachelorette party, which she wasn't. But like in my head, Grace was on your bachelorette. Which is like the saddest thing. It's sad.

It's your fault. You shouldn't have gotten married without Grace.

We didn't even know Grace yet, which is even crazier. Do you know what's crazier? We went to get an early lunch with the girls in Soho. Oh, yeah. We like went out. Like how did that even happen? We did like an impromptu ladies who lunch. Which was so fun. And we wore like fun outfits. We were going off. And we just chatted. We just kiki'd. That felt very...

I loved that moment so much because I feel like when I first moved to New York, I worked for that moment. Do you know what I mean? Like I worked for the moment that I'm sitting at a front table at Chibriani with all my girlfriends that I just like would literally throw myself in front of a bus for everyone at that table. And like,

leopard pants on. And I was like, this is what I dreamt about as a child. Well, Paige texts me. She goes, you're going to love my outfit. And then I respond, just warning you, I'm wearing leopard. And she goes, are you fucking kidding me? So we both show up with leopard like two fucking freaks. One of the gigglers DMed me and was like, okay, Copenhagen, like copying Hannah's aesthetic. You guys have some

I also realized, like, I'm constantly sending you Instagram reels and photos. I'm sending her stuff that I like just to A, her to comment on it, or B, be like, maybe you'll like this. So I'm trying to always influence Paige. Because the biggest compliment is Paige deciding, wait, that is actually tasteful. I like that. No, I love the Copenhagen, like, vibes. We have to go. Yeah, we do. We should do a Giggly Squad there. The best part about the...

dinner linner was that we were home by seven no it was amazing we ate we were home by seven i'd wash my face i was in bed by like 8 30 and i was like this is adulthood speaking of watching stuff i just watched wait i saw that you posted that on instagram and i keep clicking over it because i'm like i don't know what this is about let me lay down the fucking law

So my friend Allie Colbert posted about it. And Allie has good taste. And by good taste, I mean Allie hates everything. So if Allie likes it, I'm like, like Allie will make fun of literally everything. I love that. So it's called Baby Reindeer, which you're like, what the fuck is that about? Click on it. It's this Scottish comedian. So that's fun. Yeah. And it's based on real life story of him dealing with a stalker. Okay. So it has the like creepiness. Yeah.

Warning you, the first three episodes, they're very interesting, but they're a little like, okay, where is this going? Yeah. But I think he was trying to show how... I watched the first one, but I ended up falling asleep and then I never went back. He's basically showing how repetitive and tedious having a stalker is. Okay. Yeah.

And I'm not trying to be like on episode 37, like stay with it. It gets good. But like episode four was the greatest episode of television I've ever watched in my life. Wow. Because of the story? Because of the acting? Because of the story that happens to be like real. The perspective that he shows in it. Is it funny at all?

Yes. Okay. Well, there's moments of gold and then moments of seriousness, which I think is why European comics are less trying to be funny all the time, and they'll get like...

deep in and then out of nowhere you're like why am I laughing I went through a phase where I was only watching Irish television no the British the Irish the Scottish they're so fucking genius and there's a lot like if you search on Amazon and Apple I feel like has the most Irish like that one show Fleabag which British like I love anything she's in also Scottish accent can be really hard to understand but this guy's really easy the acting is so fucking good

But basically something really, really wild happens that he shows from a different perspective that I think is like revolutionary. And then also encapsulates like life in a way where like every time you think something's like working and you're like, I figured out life and he'll like so many times in movies, it's so simple. We're like something's bad happening. Then something good happens and everyone's happy. That's not how life works. Right. And you see there's so many times where you're like, oh, this is the end. Like he's.

he's doing whatever, and then life hits you again. - How many episodes? - Six. - Did you finish it? - Yeah, but the thing is after the first three episodes Des and I went to sleep last night and we almost didn't go back to it.

Because we were like, okay, we get it. Yeah. And then we turned on. That's how I felt when I watched the first episode and I was like falling asleep. I was like, okay, I'm probably not going to like watch the second one. Episode four will blow your fucking mind. But it is intense. Okay. Like it's intense. Oh, I'm going to do that tonight then. It's intense. And like four, five, and six is incredible. Did you see Victoria Beckham turn 50? No. She had a birthday party. What was it like? It looked just great. All the space girls were there. Yeah.

They have to be coming back, right? I don't know. Well, you know what's funny is, like, now they're on TikTok. Oh. Like, I feel like we're going to lose. Wait, did you see that? Like, TikTok's, like, legit probably going to get banned. Yeah.

So remember the first time around everyone was freaking out? Why is no one talking about it now? I don't know because now it went like another layer where it could get banned. Are we just like pretending it's not happening? It's like someone broke up with you and you just keep texting. That's so girl coded. We're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. You go, I can't process that emotion right now so I'm just not going to address it. Yeah, no, it's literally when your boyfriend breaks up with you. I have to post my Montana Boys videos so can you just wait a couple

No, literally. I mean, if TikTok goes away, we'll be fine. But I think TikTok is just, I mean, it's changed a lot. I mean, will everyone just go and start doing, will we just be scrolling reels at night?

I just think TikTok is fun because people, like, it's so expressive and it's just, like, you don't want everything to be owned by the same meta. Because, like, what I like on TikTok is not what I like anywhere else in the world. Exactly. Like, I don't get influenced on TikTok. I've never seen an app. I mean, every conspiracy theory, but continue. That's different. That's knowledge. That's true.

I don't get in, like, I don't see girls' outfits on TikTok, I feel like, and then go buy their shit. I kind of reserve that, I feel like, for Instagram. On TikTok, I'll see a girl that I like, her fits, and then I'll click to her Instagram and then try to find links. Right. Yeah. But TikTok, I like my shit to be...

Like, not aesthetic. Don't you feel like a totally different person? I'm a different person. Well, it took you a while to get there. And I kept being like, shit post, shit post, just post. Your TikToks have been so good. Thank you. You're one with Craig in the hot tub. Who thought of it? Tell me. Just, like, give me the, I mean. I have another sound that I really want to do with Craig. He's going to be so happy. No, he's so excited. He was trying to do it last night. And I was like, I'm really fucking anxious right now. I can't just film a TikTok. You're like, I'm crying right now.

He's like, but your lips look so big. I'm like, I know. Thanks. I have one thing to piss you off. What? This is just about men. Okay. Some modern studies, and I don't know what they are, have found that women tell fewer jokes than men, especially in mixed gender groups.

So they're basically saying when you're hanging out with other men. Not us. But like most girls would be like, I'm not going to make jokes around them. But girls are making jokes with their own friends because they don't feel comfortable making jokes with other men. It's so funny. I feel like I haven't met a funny man in like two years. Like, no, genuinely. When's the last time you met someone for like the first time and it was a man and you're like, that guy was really fucking funny.

Except you go to comedy clubs a lot, so I'm talking like the average human. I like don't meet people. Yeah. We avoid them. But also, humor comes in all shapes and sizes. It does. But it was interesting how like there's still that idea of like women aren't funny. And this is interesting because it's like, oh, when men are hanging out with girls. Because I've been in situations where you're the only girl when I'm younger and it's a bunch of dudes and you speak, no one listens to you. And you're obviously like, I'm not...

Making a joke means you're, like, commanding the room, and it's, like, confidence. Yeah. And if you're considered, like, the beta of the group, you're not...

saying something funny. So if men are always treating women as like not equals, the woman's not going to make jokes. Right. Or like they'll do a joke and it'll bomb. Yep. So the men will be like, oh, woman is not funny. When meanwhile, she's going back to her friends and they're dying laughing. I genuinely have two funny guy friends that I can think off the top of my head. And one of them I don't even talk to. I'm just kidding. But I did get so many. And one of them I have to block. Yeah.

And one of them wants me dead. It's just like a funny sentence. One of them wants me dead. Like who in the world? There's definitely multiple people that want me dead, but like it's just funny to think about. I still have to watch the Brandy Hellville. Brandy Melville. Melville. Oh, but it's called Hellville, yeah. Okay, sorry. I feel like you didn't give it a glowing review. I can't explain documentaries like you do. You do it in such a nuanced way. You do it in such a good way. It was...

It was like, okay. It wasn't anything like that. Here's the thing. There wasn't anything that shocking that you didn't already know when you turned it on. It's not like they dropped some bomb where the owner murdered 27 people. No, it wasn't like that. It was just like, yeah, they sucked, and here's the reasons why. It's like, yeah, we could see that. I say watching documentaries is like watching porn, where when you first start, you're like, this is interesting. And then you're like, unless 40 people get murdered, I don't want to see it. I'm like, I don't give a shit.

Unless there's stepmoms that go awry. I'm like, oh, they stole everyone else's clothes? Cool. I don't give a fuck. Did someone die? Give me the real shit. Yeah. I'm like, are we arresting him? What are we doing with him? Like, I don't care. I was saying that once he got embarrassed because he saw his, something popped up on his computer where people saw he had porn up. Yeah. But that was not the embarrassing part. It was that he was searching man kissing woman.

Those are so me coded. That's so sweet. That's so sweet. Me and Craig are not searching that. Definitely not searching something that sweet. Thank you so much for getting with us. We are going on tour. Wednesday, the pre-sale is on. So make sure you're on your shit. We'll give the code, all that stuff. If you're struggling with anxiety, it's fine. Just...

freaking cried out crying is good yeah just chill out also speaking of crying i'm going to jacksonville and there's some tickets available thank you