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Early Detection, Mammograms & Breast Cancer Care with Dr. Rachel Brem

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We Can Do Hard Things

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Dr. Rachel Brem
Amanda: 早期发现乳腺癌非常重要,因为早期发现意味着更容易治疗,预后更好。我的乳腺癌早期发现,治疗效果非常好,这让我非常感激。我坚信,及时的筛查挽救了我的生命。 Dr. Rachel Brem: 早期检测对乳腺癌患者的生存时间和生活质量都有积极影响。我的母亲受益于早期检测,活了44年。我致力于通过研究和倡导,帮助更多女性进行早期检测,改善她们的预后。我自己的经历也证明了早期检测的重要性。我通过自我检查发现了自己的乳腺癌,这让我感到幸运。 Dr. Rachel Brem: 不同机构对乳腺癌筛查的建议不一致,导致公众困惑。但乳腺癌死亡率在过去30年下降了一半,这归功于筛查和治疗的进步。美国放射学院和美国外科医学院建议40岁以上女性每年进行一次乳腺X光检查。许多乳腺癌发生在40-50岁女性中,因此40岁开始筛查至关重要。一些机构不建议每年进行乳腺X光检查的主要原因是担心女性会因复查而产生焦虑。但这种说法是荒谬的,女性应该有权决定是否进行筛查。不建议74岁以后停止乳腺癌筛查,因为老年女性也可能患乳腺癌。高危人群应比一级亲属确诊年龄提前5-10年开始乳腺癌筛查。乳腺密度高、家族史或基因检测结果异常的女性属于高危人群。乳腺密度高的女性患乳腺癌的风险是普通女性的2到6倍。即使乳腺X光检查结果正常,如果感觉异常,也应就医。如果医生建议无需进一步检查,应寻求第二诊疗意见。乳腺密度越高,患乳腺癌的风险越高。美国食品药品监督管理局即将发布新指南,要求告知女性乳腺密度,并建议进行额外的筛查。Brehm基金会在倡导乳腺癌早期检测方面发挥了重要作用,并与Lyft合作,为弱势社区女性提供免费的乳腺X光检查交通服务。乳腺密度高的女性需要进行额外的筛查,如超声波检查、分子乳腺成像、对比增强乳腺X光检查或磁共振成像。阅读乳腺X光检查结果的医生的专业水平至关重要。女性应该主动了解谁在解读自己的乳腺X光检查结果,并确保该医生具有丰富的经验。进行乳腺癌筛查时,医生需要查看之前的影像资料进行比较。快速磁共振成像技术准确可靠,但费用较高。磁共振成像需要注射造影剂,这可能会带来一些风险。并非所有女性都需要每年进行磁共振成像检查,但高危人群应为此争取。为了获得必要的检查,不应向保险公司隐瞒病情。如果一位医生不满足需求,可以寻求其他医生的帮助。女性应该积极争取自己的健康权益,不要轻易放弃。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

  1. Early Detection, Mammograms & Breast Cancer Care with Dr. Rachel Brem

Amanda shares an update on her recovery from breast cancer. Then, renowned breast cancer expert, Dr. Rachel Brem, joins the conversation to discuss the critical importance of early detection, breast density's impact on mammography, and when we need additional screenings. 


-The differing guidance on screenings and the** **truth about how often you should actually get screened for cancer;

-Advice on what to say to your doctors to make sure that you get the screening you need and so that they can be covered under insurance; and

-How to learn how dense your breasts are and what to do with that information. 

**On Dr. Rachel Brem: **Dr. Rachel Brem is the author of No Longer Radical: Understanding Mastectomies and Choosing the Breast Cancer Care That's Right For You.

Dr. Brem is an internationally known breast cancer expert who has been instrumental in developing and implementing new technologies to improve breast cancer detection. She is Professor and Director of Breast Imaging and Intervention at George Washington University, Vice Chairman of the Department of Radiology, and Chief Medical Advisor and Cofounder of the Brem Foundation. She is a Fellow of the American College of Radiology and the Society of Breast Imaging.

Find more resources at The Brem Foundation Website:

Check out Dr. Brem’s Book, No Longer Radical:

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