In this, the second instalment of our newest Podcast for Cultural Reformation series on Christianity & Politics, Dr. Joe Boot is joined by Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Ezra Fellow for Public Theology & Cultural Philosophy, to discuss classical liberalism, its Christian roots, its strengths and weaknesses, and whether or not it's biblical. Tune in for this riveting discussion.
Episode Resources: Virtuous Liberty ed. Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin:; Center for Cultural Leadership:
CHAPTERS: 0:00 Opening 0:40 Intro 01:00 Welcome 02:43 Recap of Last Week's Show 03:45 The Background for the Rise of Classical Liberalism 07:30 The Idea(s) of Classical Liberalism 11:00 The Nature of Human Beings in Relation to the State 11:55 The Resurgence of Aristotelian Statism on the "Right" & the "Left" 17:36 The Unbiblical Foundation of Aristotelian Statism & the Christian Alternative 22:01 The Kingdom of God as the Totalizing Christian Principle 22:34 The Failure of the Pagan & Synthesized Anthropology & Teleology 25:26 The Impact of the Fall and its Relationship to Reformational Thought & Classical Liberalism 29:38 A Ditch on Both Sides 31:46 The Swiss Ditch 36:17 Silver Lining AD 38:03 The Breakdown of Classical Liberalism 42:04 Classical Liberalism, Limited Government & Sphere Sovereignty 47:22 The Inherent Liability of Classical Liberalism 50:55 The Absolutism of the Common Good 53:11 Christianity's Influence on the State 55:29 The Religious Root of the State and Western Apostasy 58:11 Conclusion 01:00:29 Outro
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