Brand reputation hinges on trust, crisis management, and perceived honesty. Brands that fail to deliver on promises or handle crises poorly lose consumer trust, leading to deterioration.
Brands with poor reputations often lack differentiation, fail to deliver on promises, and suffer from trust issues. Examples include Spirit Airlines, the Trump Organization, and X, all of which have faced significant consumer trust issues.
Focus on excellence and building a strong social footprint. Over time, consistent good work can overshadow negative associations. Consider adding a distinguishing title or descriptor to social media handles to differentiate yourself.
Reflect on what you want to accomplish and experience in the next few decades. Consider deepening relationships, achieving domain expertise, helping others, and engaging in meaningful non-profit work. Prioritize a few key goals to focus on.
Economic security is important but not the sole determinant of a fulfilling life. Once basic needs are met, focus on meaningful relationships, personal growth, and contributing to others' well-being through non-profit work.
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Welcome to the property post office over.
This is the part of the show where we answer questions about business, spectacle, treneman ship and whatever else is on your mind. If you would like to submit a question, please email the voice recording the office of proto media com. Again, that's office, a proto minute 点 com。 I have not seen this question, so no Better who know? Hi property.
This is back from chico. I working consulting for a well respective that and want to to get your perspective on brand declaration, specifically how long and what needs to cut. Thanks for the great work and vice several week as to who ranks poorly in terms of brander reputation, according to the twenty twenty four axius Harris poll, one hundred reputation rankings metering number ninety seven and over our reputation with a very poor score of fifty nine point six.
That's just three spots ove the truck organization and two spots about the x and one spot above spirit airlines. So what are these campings i'll have in common brand? Is onyx ous with differentiation.
I got five different brands of frosted flakes. Which one is different from the other and why i'm going to hey, kind of unearned margin, if you will. Our differences equals margin in A A brand is sort of trust, and that is you have to trust.
It's going to deliver against its promise and the end user wants to feel like they can trust the brand. And the thing that all of these companies have in common is that people don't try spirit airlines to kind of not to deliver. Um people I think are worried when they get on spirit airline said they're just kind of a study experience.
The trump organization, I think is developed a reputation for its vendors uh and people not being able to trust the organization. X has been in the news for enjoying a lot of shareholder value, lack of safety standards um in just overall vitreal. So I kind of comes down to trust how you handle crisis with seen as treating your customer as well, whether you're seen as being honest, all that kind of good stuff.
Who's doing that? Well alright now in video followed by three um and fidelity that's interesting. I wouldn't have cause fidelity. So in video, seek nothing nothing else to brand like success. And I guess people trust some video because of its success.
And on beating expectations are always I think Jackson has seen as a fairly good person in the firm feels future forward. So I think a lot of that just comes down to success. Three m is seen as somewhat of a Peterson al company that could do its employees and constant history innovation.
Very, very sort of america, if you will. I think people feel good as I think they're quarters in minnesota and people just like those, those minnesotans fidelity. I don't know why.
I guess fidelity handles money and people feel pretty good to that there. Good for the series. Look, brands are hard to kill. Um they're just becoming what I call less relevant.
What do I mean about 第一 algorithm for printing cash was to come up with the media, gr car, shoe, salty, sn, gery, drink and rapid in amazing brand codes, using this incredibly cheap and efficient brand building structure called broadcast television, where sixty percent of amErica was watching one of three channels every night. Then broadcast may be became very explained, red, very expensive, and people started cutting out the middle and going to content. They didn't.
But IT wouldn't be parted by commercial towing on their restless legs and their social graph and the new weapons of mass indigence, including google, their social graph. Trip adviser said, you don't need to always defer to the mass origins or the short hand of a brand as often. And now having said that, it's very rather than individual purchase, anything they haven't heard of before, think about your inclination, return in the email from someone you've never heard before and someone you have heard of, right? It's x financially greater likelihood you'll respond to them to the louder.
And the same is through a brand. So just a general level of awareness is really meaningful. And then you can choose IT with associations, hopefully self expressive benefit. Probably the best brand attribute after trust would be scarcely, and that is this notion that is a limited supply.
So now let cycle little bit about be to be, I think right away, you need to identify what the culture is going to be in to us, except cultures, your brand. My first firm in business, I started a chemical profit twenty six sites to say we have a passion for brand attention to detail and a sense of combo taty and give people a sense of what those associations are. But at the top, these firms are delivering across the two points of a brand, and that is the promise.
And then the performance has to match the promise. So when we say we're proud of our progress is sel standards, said facebook. Um we found out that he was lying over and over and over. Thanks for the question.
Question number two, my first day nara me here from sydney, australia. Roman, like when working finance, and I just made the big mood to new york city this year, taking your advice to get told big city. Now he is a thing in the midst of meeting all these newly, but personally and professionally, I am here unexpected in rather awkward problem.
My name I share IT with a very popular adult star who was very, very famous for her fetish content. And while I doubt that any reason first and would confuse my accomplishments with her accomplishments, it's breaking absolutely heavy on my personal brand. I realized, of course, that I can't win in a year battle against at our entertainment industry.
But before my name becomes lateral damage in the pursuit of a rebrand, i'd love to get your tag, even have serious ously. You have integrated your name into your personal brand. What would you doing? My south? And more broadly, how would anyone approach a name change, whether it's from marriage or divorce or immigrant? Simplified on angle names, how should they think about this? Anyway, I really looking forward to hearing your thoughts. And thank you, Scott, for all the words that you do.
Got me wasn't expecting this one okay. I had started of a similar issue when I first developed a bit of a public footprint, if you will, um initially being an artist I am at that was google my name and what came up first about ten, twelve years ago, a gentman is galloway played for the west marine mariners, the new whales mariners of football, a soccer player in australia. And he wish is more famous than me.
So he came up on that after fuck there, someone else seems sky away is more famous than me. But over time, if you're good at what you do eventually, especially I would imagine an adult film star, that career when I imagine feet age Better than most part of your body. But to think about being an athlete, a musician in a model all of antibody industry is, and I would imagine important star is the reason these industry suck.
As you get worse atoms as you get older, if you're accounting in ty eight percent industries, you get Better, you get older. I would imagine this adult film stars brand is gonna in. And if you're good, what you do and you have a strong social footprint and you keep about IT and this what happened me now if you do a search, you know um scope out with the australian football player comes up way, way, way down the list because nothing.
Build your brand like excEllence and continuing to do good work now turns of practically what you might want to do on your social media handles is maybe even jokingly say your name and an open plan, not the food fetish woman or not, not the adult star, or always make sure, you know, like, add something. I say proof. G so people know i'm a professor.
Professor is really nice, really nice connotations to IT. And at the end of the day, I think of myself as a teacher, so IT fits well. It's easy to say if you were to go through the hassle, the name change, which I don't recommend what you want to, something that is easy to spell, and that there aren't that many other people with the same name and those two aren't contradiction with each other.
Again though, the key to anything is just having doing good work constantly that over the long term that builds brands anyway. Uh, interesting question. We have one quick break for our final question.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back. Question number three.
either property, this is glen calling from beautiful broker in new york. I recently turned thirty nine and decide to create a three forty bucket list as a way to chAllenge, inspire myself heading into middle age. I'm a senior suffrance near and musician, have a decent financial plan for emotion and am unmarried, although I lovely partner and neither us are interested in having children.
My question for you, scot, is have you ever created bucket list either for specific milestone like age or specific before death? And do you have any advice for someone like me to set myself up for happiness after forty that isn't just work and play hard? Love the odds. And thank you for taking my question.
This is glad I merely started searching for something more profound. And the reality is my only buck list was really just to be like rich and awesome in that order. When I was your age, I grew up now with the Thomas stress, because I don't.
I was never on poverty, but my mom, I was raised by a single immigrant ther who lived in dia secretary. And money was a real issue for us. We were never hungry or anything like that bad wishes.
I, I, I, just from a very early age, I connected the dots in a capable economy. So my only girl, I Frank, was the our economic security. I did have a goal around meeting somebody I wanted.
I was hard to be a really good boyfriend and I was Younger. I didn't have a lot of experience with women. Um I cut up fast after um I was a kind of a late bloomer sexually romantically but I I was with bad scan.
I didn't get a lot of opportunity and then my scan cleared up by john crew. I got ripped to start making some money. And I wow this this whole mating singer at least pressing the matters a lot of fun.
And I really enjoy that to my twins, but I never really had a really solid relationship like you have until I was older. This is kind of an existential question that I think you want to talk to some your friends about. If you have economic security and you're with a family or you have a good partner, then the question becomes more of A R.
I. Time is going to go really fast and i'm gonna be, you're gonna be at the end sooner than you think. And I just had a big birthday. Uh, I just turned fifty, sixty, and I was your age. I felt forty to sixty just flies by.
And the question is, what will you have want to do, accomplish what you want, a set of experiences, uh, that are extraordinary? Will you want to have establish domain expertise around something? Will you want to have helped others? Will you want to be the best in the world? Is something will you want to have at that point? Your parents will probably be older towards the end, have a Better relationship with them.
Do you really want to explore having a very deeper, meaningful relationship with your spouse, your partner? Do you want to get back? I just try to sit down and they work backward.
But IT sounds to me like you're tracking mean, i'm just i'm trying to squeak the shit out of this line called life. And for me, getting to a certain level of economic security I saw is paramount. That and that's probably a bit an overstatement.
You can saw have an exceptional life without having a crazy amount of money, but you do need a certain level economic security. And IT feels like it's there. And then the thing I love and is a finally kicked in for me, I didn't til later in life, but something I get tremendous tivo from is planning trees, the shade of which I will never sit under.
And that is getting involved in on profits and trying to help and provide time treasured talent to affect, change and improve the lives of people who I will never meet that makes me feel very strong. These are deeply personal issues I work through um and I try to limit to two or three things because when you get beyond two or three things, you know you forget the first one and also may be even work with somebody around this stuff. But my brother, this is the mother of all good problems, the fact they are thinking this way, ninety nine percent of the world's population trying to figure out how to keep the lights the around, make sure their kids are safe, have decent health care, put food on the table.
So just take stock of your blessings. As indicated by that, this is a great, really, really good problem. Glad I appreciate the question that's off the episode. If you d like to admit a question, please give me a voice recording to office hours about immediate I com. Again, that's office hours, a proto mediate outcome.
This episode is produced by gender sanchez and Caroline chagrin, and jubes is our technical director. Thank you for listening to the proof pot in the box media product network. We will catch on saturday for no more small mouse as by George on, and please follow our property markets pod, whether you get your pods for new episodes every monday and thursday.