cover of episode No Mercy / No Malice: Doing the Minimum

No Mercy / No Malice: Doing the Minimum

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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway

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Scott Galloway
Scott Galloway认为,提高最低工资是解决美国贫富差距和青年困境最有效的方法。他指出,美国总统候选人特朗普和哈里斯都没有提及这一简单有效的措施。他批评了取消小费联邦所得税的提议,认为这只是个毫无意义的民粹主义策略。他指出,过去40年来,几乎所有税法改革都将财富从年轻人和中产阶级转移到了企业和超级富豪手中。联邦最低工资自2009年以来没有上涨,甚至没有跟上通货膨胀或生产力增长的步伐,这反映了政客们更关心企业利益的现状。如果根据通货膨胀和生产力进行调整,现在的最低工资应该约为每小时25美元。提高最低工资到每小时25美元,可以改善34%年收入低于5万美元的美国家庭的生活状况。最低工资主要影响年轻人,而年轻人投票率低,在国会中代表性不足,这导致最低工资长期未调整。美国年轻人中存在抑郁症、焦虑症、高血压、无家可归、肥胖和贫困等问题,而提高最低工资是解决这些问题的有效途径。一份公平薪酬的工作是解决年轻人困境的最有效方法,它能提供激励,并为财富创造和经济安全铺平道路。低廉的最低工资有利于监狱、快餐、服务、医院和制药等营利性行业,这些行业从社会结构中获取巨额利润。解决贫困问题的最有效方法是直接向需要的人提供资金,这比昂贵且低效的政府项目更有效。关于提高最低工资会导致企业转嫁成本或裁员的论点被夸大了,提高最低工资对经济总体上是有利的。中产阶级不是一个自我修复的机制,需要持续的投资来维持。即使提高最低工资导致商品价格上涨,这仍然是值得的,因为低收入人群会将大部分或全部收入用于消费,从而产生强大的乘数效应。大量经验证据表明,提高最低工资对经济总体是有利的,因为低收入和中等收入人群会将大部分或全部收入用于消费,从而产生强大的乘数效应。研究表明,将联邦最低工资提高到每小时15美元,可以使90万人摆脱贫困。几十年来,资本一直在压榨劳工,联邦政府需要带头提高工资。工会已经不再有效,联邦政府应该成为所有工人的工会。传统的工会模式已经过时,工会内部的派系斗争和腐败削弱了其效力。好莱坞编剧罢工对编剧协会来说是一场灾难,罢工期间成员收入为零,最终只换来了微薄的让步。低薪工作,特别是第一份工作,往往很糟糕,但这也很正常,因为大多数成功人士都是从低薪工作开始的。第一份工作对于年轻人的社会化和学习非常重要,可以帮助他们学习团队合作、人际交往和销售技巧等重要技能。第一份工作可以帮助年轻人发展社交资本,并将工作、才能与金钱联系起来,最终获得更好的生活。第一份工资可以增强年轻人的自尊心、目标感和对社会的归属感。对年轻人的财富掠夺是有意的,这与历史上最大的国家财富增长同时发生。年轻人面临的困境是财富转移的结果,而大幅提高最低工资是扭转这一局面的有效方法。大幅提高最低工资虽然代价高昂,但这是值得的。

Deep Dive

Scott Galloway argues that raising the minimum wage is the most effective way to reduce poverty and inequality, citing its positive impact on young people and the economy. He criticizes politicians for prioritizing corporations over the well-being of low-wage workers.
  • Raising the minimum wage is a simple yet powerful tool to combat poverty and inequality.
  • The current federal minimum wage has not kept pace with inflation or productivity gains.
  • Politicians often prioritize corporate interests over raising the minimum wage.
  • A higher minimum wage would benefit young people, who are disproportionately affected by low wages.
  • A good job at a fair wage can improve young people's mental and physical health.

Shownotes Transcript


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We could all use more time. Amazon Business offers smart business buying solutions so you can spend more time growing your business and less time doing the admin. I can see why they call it smart. Learn more about smart business buying at I'm Scott Galloway, and this is No Mercy, No Malice. Neither Trump nor Harris are talking about the most powerful weapon in our arsenal to reduce poverty and inequality.

During Tuesday night's debate, Trump and Harris discussed the economy, but neither referenced the simplest available move to reduce poverty and inequality. Raise the minimum wage.

On the campaign trail, they've both jumped on an idea to eliminate the federal income tax on tips. This is populist bullshit that would accomplish nothing. Workers who depend on tips comprise just 2.5% of the workforce, and most don't make enough to pay income tax.

Meanwhile, one can imagine private equity firms and real estate brokers finding law firms to restructure their carried interest fees and commissions as tips.

By the way, nearly every change to the tax code over the past 40 years has transferred wealth from the young and middle class to corporations and the uber-wealthy, who are enjoying their lowest tax burden since 1939 and paying single-digit tax rates. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.

Harris has said she supports raising it, but hasn't said by how much. Trump, who's been stiffing employees and vendors his entire life, has flip-flopped on the issue. There is an economic war between the old and rich and the young, and it's been a slaughter. The federal minimum wage is Exhibit A. It was created by Congress in 1938 to serve as a floor for state minimum wages, which vary widely.

A number of states have recently raised theirs. The federal minimum, though, hasn't gone up since 2009. It's not even been adjusted to keep pace with inflation or gains in productivity. Its buying power peaked in 1968. A federal minimum wage adjusted for inflation and productivity would be about $25 an hour.

The reason it hasn't kept pace and is instead 40% lower than in 1970? A. Politicians from both parties believe their core constituency is corporations, and they've served them well, protecting the profit margins of companies whose business model is based on paying sub-poverty wages. In 2021, when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress,

Eight Democrats joined with the GOP to kill a measure to raise the minimum wage to $15. All this bitching and barking about tearing down the 756 U.S. billionaires versus lifting up the 34% of American households that make less than $50,000 annual income if we raise the minimum wage to $25 an hour.

Another reason the minimum wage hasn't kept pace is that it mostly affects young people. Young people are less likely to vote than seniors and have little representation or empathy from a Congress that's become a cross between the Golden Girls and the Walking Dead. Average age, 62, versus 38 for all Americans.

Two-thirds of the people getting paid the minimum wage or less are 34 or younger, and nearly half are 24 or younger. We have epidemics in the U.S. Depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, homelessness, obesity, and poverty among young people, particularly men, though it's worth noting here that the majority of people making the minimum wage in the U.S. are women.

The most powerful means of addressing these ills and the deaths of despair that follow is a good job at a fair wage that acknowledges the nobility of work. In addition, a good job creates incentives and illuminates a path to wealth creation and economic security. We're not talking about making busboys and home health aides millionaires.

But creating an incentive structure that vaccinates young people from the virus that is the largest preventable cause of death in the U.S., poverty, and less poverty, has an added benefit. It would reduce the need for expensive and inefficient government programs. Who loves sub-poverty minimum wages? A. The for-profit industrial prison, fast food, service, hospital, pharmaceutical sector.

These corporations have figured out a way to clip a staggering commission from a social construct. It's not unlike health care, which generates more private, corporate income from treating diseases versus preventing them. To prevent the disease of poverty, we need to just get the money to people who need it. The most efficient food stamps, mental health, obesity, diabetes, child poverty program is money.

We've traded dignity at a lower cost for corporate profits that weigh on society. The most compelling argument against raising the minimum wage is that employers would either pass the higher costs on to consumers or cut jobs rather than raise salaries. There is no free lunch, but the downsides have been consistently exaggerated by business lobbyists.

Minimum wage is Latin for, I'd pay you less if I could. But we need to bury the myth that the middle class is a self-healing organism the market shapes organically. It isn't. The greatest innovation in history, the U.S. middle class, requires a consistent investment that matches the rhetoric.

Any CEO or politician who drones on about heroes, the middle class, and Jesus is usually underpaying their employees, cutting food stamps, and soliciting oral sex in airport bathrooms. There have been headlines lately about $15 Big Macs, and in California, some fast food chains have closed since the minimum wage went up. They say this like it's a bad thing.

If we were to foot taxes to the externalities, which is what government is supposed to do, we'd have beef and gas at $20 a pound and $10 a gallon. Yes, fast food restaurants and many retail, hospital network, and prison system stocks would decline, and it would be worth it.

Some restaurant, hospitality and retail companies would fail, but most would be able to pass on the costs to customers without damaging demand. Most empirical economic data shows raising the minimum wage is broadly good for the economy because poor and middle-income people spend most or all of their money, creating a robust multiplier effect.

UC Berkeley economist Michael Reich and University of Victoria economist Justin Wiltshire recently wrote, quote, "...outside the theoretical world, economists have conducted hundreds of studies on the actual effects of minimum wage. They repeatedly find that increasing the minimum wage raises the pay of low-wage workers without leading to even minor job losses."

Prices increase by minimal amounts that are too small to deter anyone from buying a burger or taco, unquote. An April 2024 study by University of Michigan and Carnegie Mellon economists found much the same thing. Co-author Nirupama Rao said, quote,

Our results show clearly that minimum wages do little harm to independent firms and even benefit some owners, while meaningfully increasing both the earnings and employment of young and low-earning workers. Of course, these gains to workers and owners are financed by consumers who appear fairly inelastic in their overall demand for the goods and services furnished by independent businesses affected by minimum wage policies.

According to a 2021 study by the Congressional Budget Office, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025 would lift 900,000 people out of poverty.

and a 2019 study by the Economic Policy Institute, a Washington think tank, estimated that raising the minimum wage to $15 could lead to an annual increase in consumer spending of $22 billion. There is constant, inescapable tension between labor and capital. For decades now, however, capital has been kicking the shit out of labor.

That's why the federal government needs to take the lead on raising wages. Businesses won't do it, and unions can't. Unions are not only ineffective, their membership over the past 30 years has fallen by half. But they also help support the illusion that middle-class workers have robust representation and don't need large-scale programs. They don't, and they do, respectively.

There needs to be one union for all workers: the federal government. The traditional union construct has outlived its usefulness. Union membership in the U.S. peaked at around 33% in the 1950s and stands at 10% today. The labor movement has been crippled since its inception by infighting and corruption.

Sean Fain seems like an honest man, especially in contrast to the past two UAW presidents who are in prison. Other unions are simply ineffective. For all the hype about unionizing Starbucks locations, the baristas union has yet to win a collective bargaining agreement or negotiate a national contract.

Last year's Hollywood writer's strike was a disaster for the WGA, with its members taking a 100% pay cut for the five months they were on the picket line in exchange for modest concessions from the studios. And it was the catalyst for a downsizing that curbed production in Los Angeles 60% year over year. Low-paying jobs, particularly first jobs, tend to be shitty.

That is, as it should be. Almost everybody with a great job now started out doing something tedious and hard for not much money. How do you make a lot of money? A. By starting to make money. Any money. For young people, though, an early job is as much about socialization as it is about cash.

Somebody working on the front lines in service or retail can't help but learn a lot about themselves and the rest of humanity. Pro tip, the biggest tippers are people who've worked in service jobs and now have money. You learn how to work on a team, how to deal with coworkers and managers and customers who can be jerks.

You learn how to get people to buy something from you, which is the key skill in a capitalist society, i.e. the U.S. and anywhere else you'd want to live. In short, you learn how to develop and deploy social capital and begin connecting work and talent with money, and money with a better life. It sounds obvious, but many never make the connection. They want success but aren't willing to sacrifice for it.

Few things build a young person's self-respect, sense of purpose, and willingness to buy into society more than their first paycheck. I didn't enjoy being a kid. Being an unremarkable boy with a single mom, little money, and no access to public transportation meant the wonder years in West LA were mundane. However, at the same time,

Shows like Dynasty, Dallas, The Love Boat, and Fantasy Island outlined my escape route. Money. And the way you got money was work. Note, it still is. By nine years old, I had a paper route and walked three dogs. I bought packs of bubble yum for 15 cents and sold individual pieces to classmates for a nickel. My senior year in high school, I graduated to box boy.

I'd leave university high at noon to work in the mailroom at Southwestern University of Law and, by early evening, bomb to the Westwood Chart House where I was a barback. The summer before college, I shrink-wrapped software boxes for a firm run by Scientologists. They were nice and strange.

In college, I was a trainer at LA Fitness, an usher at the Avco Cinemas, and changed and cleaned beer taps in bars in downtown LA. Walking into bars in Compton at 11:00 AM midweek was an illuminating experience. By this point, I had access to the UCLA Athletes' Job Board.

Every weekend, I'd put on white shorts, K-Swisses, and a white polo and head to the Mondrian where I was a pool boy. Twice a week, for $30 in cash, I'd put on a suit and venture to a posh home in the flats of Beverly Hills. I'd go upstairs where an elderly woman would be dressed to the nines, lying in bed. I'd scoop her up and carry her downstairs and into the backseat of a Rolls Royce.

Her driver would transport us to Scandia, a fancy restaurant in L.A., where I'd again carry my client into the restaurant and seat her at a table with six to eight friends and admirers. The woman in my arms was Lillian Hellman. Ask your parents. I sold commemorative gold coins over the phone. I was a sperm donor. Forty dollars a shot.

So I have somewhere between 2 and 2,000 kids, but that's another post. This kaleidoscope of work paid me enough with $5,000 in student loans and Pell Grants to get through UCLA with little to no help from anybody.

My first job out of UCLA and business school enabled me and my girlfriend, who worked at Arthur Anderson, to buy a home in Potrero Hill in San Francisco for $285,000 at the age of 28. Imagine any young person being able today to get through college and buy a home in San Francisco with their own earnings.

The assault on the prosperity of the young is especially mendacious, as it's taken place in concert with the greatest increase in national wealth registered in history. Be clear, this has been purposeful. Americans over the age of 70 are 72% wealthier than 40 years ago, and people under the age of 40 are 24% poorer.

Money is the transfer of time and work. To give someone or something money is to love them, and America loved me, connecting my effort with prosperity. At an early age, I understood the assignment. Our youth now are depressed, anxious, obese, and broke. It's not globalization, network effects, or some other bullshit narrative fomented by the incumbents.

It's the wealth transfer and, like I said, it's been purposeful. And the most elegant, effective means of reversing this lack of care, regard, and love for the young in America would be a massive increase in the minimum wage. It would be costly and worth it. Life is so rich.

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