cover of episode Dopamine Nation and the Age of Digital Drugs — with Dr. Anna Lembke

Dopamine Nation and the Age of Digital Drugs — with Dr. Anna Lembke

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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#digital addiction#addiction in everyday life#neuroscience#biotechnology and neuroscience#education#social media and online interaction#personal growth and self-discovery#educational People
Anna Lembke
Scott Galloway
@Anna Lembke : 近年来,数字成瘾问题日益严重,尤其是在青少年群体中。这主要是因为数字媒体提供了便捷、强烈且持续的刺激,重塑了大脑的奖赏机制,导致人们难以控制对数字媒体的消费。不同类型的成瘾(如酒精、毒品、色情、游戏等)对个人的影响因人而异,取决于个人的基因、环境和所沉迷的事物。虽然人们对酒精危害的认识有所提高,但设计师毒品和网络成瘾的兴起也带来了新的挑战。此外,人们容易沉迷于来自陌生人的肯定,因为互联网和社交媒体放大了这种肯定的效力,使其成为一种强效的“毒品”。成瘾往往导致孤独,而非孤独导致成瘾;成瘾会让人用药物或行为替代人际关系。近年来,数字媒体成瘾(包括视频游戏、社交媒体、网络赌博等)呈上升趋势,网络赌博对男性造成的危害可能比网络色情更严重。赌博成瘾是一种严重的脑部疾病,可能危及生命。广泛存在的低水平成瘾行为(如回避社交、沉迷于数字媒体)可能比传统意义上的成瘾更具破坏性。为了预防成瘾,需要创造既能获得健康快乐,又能提供足够挑战的环境。判断青少年是否成瘾,应关注其行为是否失控、强迫性、渴望以及后果,但需注意,青少年可能善于隐藏成瘾行为。GLP-1药物在治疗成瘾方面具有潜力,但并非对所有人都有效。 @Scott Galloway : 我观察到,许多年轻人用摇头丸、氯胺酮等替代酒精,这反映了人们对物质危害的认知偏差。此外,我关注到网络赌博对年轻男性造成的严重危害,其隐蔽性和高自杀率令人担忧。我提出了一种应对成瘾的策略,即鼓励年轻人积极参与社交活动,面对拒绝,并从中学习和成长。不断尝试,面对拒绝是走向成功的关键,因为拒绝是通往成功的必经之路。

Deep Dive

Dr. Lembke discusses the acceleration of addiction problems in the digital age, highlighting increased awareness and concern about digital media consumption, particularly among teenagers. She emphasizes the constant rewiring of our brains and the potential negative consequences of excessive online time, while remaining optimistic about self and other regulation.
  • Acceleration of addiction problems in the digital age
  • Increased awareness and concern about digital media consumption
  • Constant rewiring of brains due to excessive online time
  • Potential negative consequences for individuals and society
  • Optimism about self and other regulation

Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Anna Lembke, Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University and author of the bestselling book, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence, joins Scott to discuss the rise of addiction in the digital age – from drugs to social media – and why our brains are wired to crave more.

Plus, Dr. Lembke shares practical solutions to help build a healthier relationship with pleasure.

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