cover of episode You 2.0: Fighting Despair

You 2.0: Fighting Despair

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Hidden Brain

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jamil Zaki
Shankar Vedantam
Shankar Vedantam:现代科技让人们减少面对面交流,便利性与联系性之间的权衡影响着我们对世界的感知。人们在成长过程中会逐渐对世界产生防御心理,减少与陌生人的接触,并逐渐封闭自我。 Jamil Zaki:通过日本艺术家渡边敦史的故事,说明了社会孤立对个人心理健康的影响以及克服孤立的可能性。信任和互助在应对灾难中至关重要,除了物质基础设施外,心理基础设施(社会信任和共同目标感)对于社会稳定和发展也至关重要。犬儒主义是一种日益增长的世界观,它认为人们普遍贪婪、不诚实且不可信赖,这种世界观会导致不幸福、不健康以及社会参与度低。父母在教育孩子时灌输世界危险的观念,可能会导致孩子缺乏信任感。即使是研究同理心的研究人员,也可能陷入犬儒主义的陷阱,并对自身和他人造成伤害。犬儒主义会对教育和心理健康产生负面影响,犬儒主义者往往难以与他人建立联系,从而加剧他们的心理健康问题。“愤世嫉俗的天才错觉”认为犬儒主义者更擅长分析和识破谎言,但研究表明事实并非如此。新闻媒体对负面新闻的过度关注可能会加剧人们的犬儒主义。我们生活在一个日益功利的社会中,人们越来越倾向于量化和交易人际关系,这可能会导致犬儒主义的产生。犬儒主义和孤独之间存在相互作用,犬儒主义会导致人们疏远他人,而孤独又会加剧犬儒主义。犬儒主义不仅会损害我们的身心健康,还会阻碍我们解决棘手的问题。 Jamil Zaki:犬儒主义和悲观主义不同,希望不是盲目乐观,而是相信事情可以变得更好,并激励我们去挑战现状。怀抱希望的怀疑论是一种平衡现实主义和希望的方法,它鼓励我们挑战自身假设,并关注生活中积极的方面。日常生活中小小的善举能够改善我们的身心健康,但前提是出于同情和真诚的联系,而不是功利的目的。通过已故神经科学家Emile Bruneau的故事,说明了希望是一种选择,即使面对困境,我们也可以选择积极乐观的生活态度。

Deep Dive

Atsushi Watanabe, a Japanese artist, isolated himself in his room for months due to disillusionment with the art world and strained family relationships. After an intervention by his mother, he reconnected with the world and turned his experience into art, raising awareness about social isolation.
  • Social isolation can lead to a distorted view of the world.
  • Reconnecting with others can be a catalyst for healing and positive change.
  • Personal experiences can be transformed into powerful art that resonates with others.

Shownotes Transcript

Every morning, you wake up and face the world. What does it look like to you? Do you see a paradise of endless opportunities, where people are friendly and helpful? Or a world filled with injustice, where people cannot be trusted? In the final installment of this year's You 2.0 series, we talk with psychologist Jamil Zaki) about how we become disillusioned and distrustful of the world, and how to balance realism with hope.

Did you miss any of the other episodes in the You 2.0 series? Make sure to give them a listen here or on our website: 

And if you like today's conversation with Jamil Zaki, be sure to check out our earlier conversation with him, "The Empathy Gym)."