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What Is Normal?

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Hidden Brain

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Margaret Mead
Shankar Vedantam
Tom Pearson
Shankar Vedantam: 本节目探讨了对唐氏综合征的社会认知演变,以及一个家庭面对唐氏综合征孩子时的体验和反思。从20世纪中期人类学对残疾的刻板印象,到现代社会对包容性的呼吁,节目展现了观念的转变。 Margaret Mead: 早期人类学研究中存在对不同人群的刻板印象和等级划分,将非西方群体视为“原始”和“低等”。然而,Mead本人也曾建议将患有唐氏综合征的婴儿送往机构,这与她倡导的文化相对主义观点存在矛盾。这反映了当时社会对残疾的认知和态度。 Tom Pearson: 作者的女儿被诊断出患有唐氏综合征,这引发了他对社会偏见、自身期望以及人类学领域长期争论的反思。他经历了悲伤、恐惧和自我怀疑,但最终选择接纳女儿,并积极倡导包容。他认为,唐氏综合征既是差异也是残疾,社会因素在残疾的形成中起着重要作用。 Tom Pearson: 作者详细讲述了女儿被诊断出唐氏综合征后,他和妻子经历的复杂情感和心理变化。从最初的悲伤和恐惧,到逐渐接受和理解,再到积极地参与社会倡导,作者的经历展现了个人成长和社会观念转变的过程。他反思了自身对“正常”和“异常”的刻板印象,以及这些观念如何受到社会偏见的影响。 Shankar Vedantam: 节目主持人与Tom Pearson探讨了“差异”和“残疾”的界限问题。他们认为,残疾的定义受到社会环境和文化背景的影响,一些被视为残疾的特征,在不同的社会环境中,其影响程度可能大相径庭。 Margaret Mead: 节目中引用了Margaret Mead的观点,她认为人类心理具有统一性,文化差异而非能力差异导致了不同文化间的差异。她晚年也开始倡导残疾人权利,这与她早年的一些做法形成对比,反映了社会观念的演变。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Anthropologist Tom Pearson) was devastated after his daughter Michaela was diagnosed with Down syndrome. When he began to examine that emotional response, he found himself wrestling with questions that have roiled his field for decades. Early anthropologists would often compare people of different backgrounds and abilities, asking questions like: How is one group different from another? Which one is stronger or smarter? And how do we understand people who don’t fit our expectations? This week, we talk with Pearson about his family’s story, and the evolution of our thinking on disability and difference.

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