cover of episode Wellness 2.0: Who Do You Want To Be?

Wellness 2.0: Who Do You Want To Be?

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Ken Sheldon
Shankar Vedant
@Shankar Vedant : 本期节目探讨心理学如何帮助我们选择有意义的人生道路。许多人感到迷茫,因为他们追求的目标与自身核心价值观和偏好不符。人生各个阶段,我们都在被问同一个问题:你想做什么?找到答案并非易事,许多人尝试不同的道路,却始终找不到方向。自我怀疑也源于对人生选择的掌控感,感到害怕和不足。 人们常常向外部世界寻求人生方向的答案,但社会通过各种方式暗示金钱、权力和地位是成功的衡量标准,而父母的期望也可能影响我们的选择,即使这些期望并非真正符合我们的幸福。研究发现,人们常常选择错误的目标,因为他们不清楚什么才能使自己快乐。 在法律专业领域,激烈的竞争和压力可能导致学生选择高薪工作而非真正喜欢的工作。最初的理想主义动机也可能被成功所腐蚀,转向以自我为中心的动机。许多年轻人都会经历迷茫期,尝试不同的事情,找不到方向。 @Ken Sheldon : 我研究如何设定目标,使目标实现后能带来快乐。我的研究发现,人们常常选择错误的目标,因为他们不清楚什么才能使自己快乐。外在奖励可能会破坏内在动机,而内在动机是指因为喜欢而做某事,外在动机是指为了获得奖励而做某事。 我的研究发现,律师的幸福感更多地取决于内在动机而非外在因素,例如收入和地位。获得奖学金的运动员比非奖学金运动员对运动的长期兴趣更低,因为外在奖励会让人感到被控制,从而破坏内在动机。 要了解自己,需要关注内在的倾向和喜好,并避免外界干扰。我们难以完全了解自己,因为我们只能看到意识的一部分。潜意识包含习惯性倾向、直觉和动机,需要学习连接意识和潜意识。自我和谐是指将目标与意识和潜意识的倾向和喜好相匹配。追求与自我和谐不符的目标会导致难以察觉潜意识的信号。 发现自我目标的过程类似于创造性过程,包括准备、顿悟和验证三个阶段。有意识地思考问题可以帮助我们与潜意识沟通,而验证阶段是为了检验顿悟是否有效。我们需要更好地关注被压抑的细微想法和感受,正念冥想可以帮助我们更好地倾听内心的声音。做出选择后,我们的思维会倾向于寻找理由证明选择的正确性,这会阻碍我们客观地评估选择。即使找到真正想做的事情,生活也并非一帆风顺。当内在动机减弱时,认同动机可以帮助人们继续前进。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do many people feel stuck despite having access to abundant advice?

Many people feel stuck because they pursue goals misaligned with their deepest values and preferences. External advice often focuses on skills like planning and perseverance but fails to address whether the goals themselves resonate with an individual's true desires.

What is the main challenge in setting meaningful life goals according to Ken Sheldon?

The main challenge is figuring out where you want to go, not just how to get there. People often set goals based on external influences like societal expectations or parental pressure, rather than aligning them with their intrinsic values and desires.

How does intrinsic motivation differ from extrinsic motivation?

Intrinsic motivation involves doing something because it is inherently rewarding or enjoyable, while extrinsic motivation is driven by external rewards like money, status, or approval. Intrinsic motivation is more sustainable and fulfilling, whereas extrinsic motivation can undermine long-term interest and satisfaction.

What did Ken Sheldon's study on law students reveal about their well-being?

The study found that law students' well-being plummeted dramatically over their three-year career, with depression levels rising significantly. High-performing students initially motivated by idealism often shifted toward self-centered motivations like status and grades, leading to dissatisfaction.

What is the concept of self-concordance in Ken Sheldon's research?

Self-concordance refers to aligning one's goals with both conscious and non-conscious inclinations and values. It involves pursuing goals that resonate deeply with one's true self, rather than following external pressures or societal expectations.

How does mindfulness meditation help in discovering what one truly wants?

Mindfulness meditation helps by allowing individuals to notice subtle signals from their non-conscious mind. By staying present and observing thoughts without judgment, people can uncover deeper desires and values that may have been suppressed or overlooked.

What is the role of identified motivation when intrinsic motivation wanes?

Identified motivation replaces intrinsic motivation when an activity becomes less enjoyable but remains meaningful. It involves continuing an activity because it aligns with one's values and sense of purpose, even if it is no longer inherently fun or interesting.

What did Ken Sheldon's study on varsity athletes reveal about external incentives?

The study found that varsity athletes, who received external incentives like scholarships, were less interested in their sport decades later compared to walk-ons who played for fun. External rewards undermined their intrinsic motivation, making them feel controlled and less connected to the activity.

What is the four-stage process of creativity that Ken Sheldon applies to discovering personal goals?

The four stages are preparation (asking questions), incubation (letting the non-conscious mind work), illumination (aha moments), and verification (testing the idea). This process helps individuals uncover deeper desires by engaging both conscious and non-conscious aspects of the mind.

How does societal pressure influence the goals people pursue?

Societal pressure often pushes people toward goals like wealth, status, and power, which are culturally valued but may not align with their intrinsic desires. This can lead to dissatisfaction, as individuals prioritize external rewards over personal fulfillment.

Many people feel stuck pursuing goals misaligned with their values. The podcast explores how psychology can help in choosing a meaningful life path. The example of the author's band failing highlights this misalignment and the difficulty of pursuing goals that don't align with one's true self.
  • Many sources of advice exist, yet many feel stuck.
  • Goals misaligned with values lead to dissatisfaction.
  • The author's experience with a band illustrates the challenges of pursuing misaligned goals.

Shownotes Transcript

We all have to make certain choices in life, such as where to live and how to earn a living. Parents and peers influence our major life choices, but they can also steer us in directions that leave us deeply unsatisfied. This week: a favorite conversation with psychologist Ken Sheldon about the science of figuring out what you want. He says there are things we can do to make sure our choices align with our deepest values.

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