cover of episode Wellness 2.0: When It's All Too Much

Wellness 2.0: When It's All Too Much

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Hidden Brain

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Sarah Jaquette Ray
Shankar Vedantam
@Shankar Vedantam : 本期节目探讨了人们在面对气候变化等大型问题时产生的无力感和绝望情绪,以及如何重新找回效能感和目标感。我们采访了研究人员@Sarah Jaquette Ray 和作家@Pico Iyer ,探讨了应对这些挑战的策略。 Sarah Jaquette Ray: 我的研究关注人们对气候变化威胁的反应。许多学生虽然关心环境,但却因大量负面信息而感到不堪重负,甚至出现严重的负面情绪,如内疚、绝望,甚至有学生走向极端。这与信息呈现方式和个人主义文化有关。单纯的恐吓并不能激发行动,反而可能导致无力感和麻木。我们需要培养集体效能感,让人们意识到自己并非孤军奋战。此外,我们应该关注积极情绪,利用大脑的奖赏机制,让人们在参与环保行动中获得快乐和满足感,而不是一味强调牺牲和责任。 Pico Iyer: 在面对生活困境时,我发现寻求宁静和独处能够帮助我重新获得平衡。在远离喧嚣的环境中,我能够更好地思考问题,理清思绪,并重新找到前进的方向。这并非逃避,而是为了更好地应对挑战。 Shankar Vedantam: 节目中还探讨了如何将大型问题分解成更小的、可控的部分,以及如何在行动中找到意义和价值,从而克服无力感和绝望情绪,最终实现可持续的积极参与。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

It’s no exaggeration to say that the world in 2025 can be ... a lot. Sometimes it may seem that tuning it all out is our only option. This week on Hidden Brain, we talk with researcher Sarah Jaquette Ray about how we can reclaim our sense of efficacy and purpose in the face of big, systemic problems like climate change. Then, we bring you an audio essay from writer Pico Iyer, who shares his thoughts on how we can regain our footing when life is overwhelming. 

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