cover of episode Wellness 2.0: The Art of the Unknown

Wellness 2.0: The Art of the Unknown

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Hidden Brain

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#embracing chaos#personal growth and resilience#life philosophy#psychological resilience#free will#infinite game theory#serendipity People
Brian Klaas
Shankar Vedantam
@Shankar Vedantam : 我从一个在希腊海域遇险并被一个漂流的球意外救起的男子故事开始,引出了对生活中偶然性作用的探讨。这个故事以及其他例子,例如长崎原子弹轰炸事件,都表明我们常常低估了偶然性对生活和历史事件的影响。我们倾向于寻找简单的解释来解释重大事件,而忽略了偶然性在其中扮演的角色。 @Brian Klaas : 我通过研究赞比亚未遂政变和二战期间对日本城市的选择,进一步说明了偶然性在历史事件中的作用。看似微不足道的细节,例如士兵的裤子是否容易滑落,或者战争部长在几十年前的旅行经历,都可能对最终结果产生重大影响。我们的大脑倾向于寻找大型事件的重大原因,这是一种认知偏差,导致我们忽略了小事件的影响。 我个人经历也说明了这一点,我的存在依赖于一个多年前发生的悲剧。这说明生活中看似无关的事件之间存在着联系,而我们往往无法预料。爱德华·洛伦兹的混沌理论也证明了微小的变化可能会导致巨大的差异。 现代社会的高度互联性使得我们更容易受到偶然事件的影响,而我们对效率的追求又减少了我们应对这些事件的缓冲空间。这导致了世界的不稳定性,并使得我们对未来的预测更加困难。 Brian Klaas: 我们应该关注韧性而不是控制。现代社会日益互联,对效率的追求减少了缓冲空间,使得我们更容易受到偶然事件的影响。我们应该接受这种不确定性,并培养应对意外事件的能力。这包括在个人层面,专注于内在动机,培养对自身兴趣的热情,以及在社会层面,设计更具韧性的系统,例如分散的电力网络,以应对不可预测的事件。 我个人也从这种心态转变中受益匪浅,我变得更快乐,更能享受生活中的意外惊喜。这并不意味着我们应该放弃努力,而是要认识到努力的结果也受到偶然性的影响,并学会接受这种不确定性。

Deep Dive

A lost beach ball unexpectedly saves a swimmer's life after floating 80 miles across the ocean. This highlights the role of chance in our lives.
  • A man named Ivan was saved from drowning by a beach ball.
  • The ball had floated 80 miles after being lost by children.
  • The incident highlights the unpredictable nature of life and the role of chance.

Shownotes Transcript

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." It's been 45 years since John Lennon sang that line, yet it's an idea that continues to speak to an uncomfortable truth. While we all like to think we have some measure of control over how our lives will unfold, our plans are often upended by unknown events and curveballs we couldn't have predicted. This week, we conclude our Wellness 2.0 series by talking with political scientist Brian Klaas. He studies how we respond to the random events that shape our lives, and how we can turn them to our advantage.

If you enjoy this episode, be sure to check out "Wellness 2.0: Engineering Luck," our companion conversation with Brian Klass for Hidden Brain+ subscribers. We'll talk about the unexpected benefits of embracing the role of randomness and chance in our lives. If you're not yet a member of Hidden Brain+, this is a particularly good time to give our podcast subscription a try. We’re extending our standard seven-day trial period for listeners on Apple Podcasts. Sign up in January and you’ll get 30 free days to try it out. If you're listening in Apple Podcasts, just go to the Hidden Brain show page and click "try free." Or you can go to and click "try free.” Thanks for listening and supporting the show — we really appreciate it.