cover of episode The Secret to Gift-Giving

The Secret to Gift-Giving

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Jeff Galak
Shankar Vedantam
@Shankar Vedantam :本期节目探讨了送礼的意义和挑战,通过奥亨利小说《麦琪的礼物》引出送礼的传统和现代心理学对送礼行为的研究。节目中采访了卡内基梅隆大学的@Jeff Galak 教授,探讨了送礼中存在的误区和如何成为更好的送礼者。 Jeff Galak:通过分享自己童年收到的糟糕礼物的经历,以及对相关研究的解读,Jeff Galak教授指出送礼者和收礼者对礼物的关注点存在差异。送礼者更注重礼物交换的瞬间和惊喜感,而收礼者更看重礼物的长期实用性和带来的体验。他还指出,送礼者往往会高估礼物的成本对收礼者幸福感的影响,并且会因为社会压力而选择一些并非收礼者真正需要的礼物。此外,他还谈到送礼者有时会以利己的方式进行送礼,例如避免送比自己拥有的更好的礼物。 Jeff Galak还分享了自己和妻子使用共享Google Docs文档来记录彼此想要的礼物的方法,这种方法既能满足送礼者的需求,又能让收礼者收到自己真正想要的礼物。他建议送礼者应该直接询问收礼者的喜好,而不是猜测。他还强调了体验式礼物相对于物质礼物的优势,以及在非特殊场合送礼的价值。最后,他还分享了自己参与Reddit匿名送礼活动的经历,以及对奥亨利小说《麦琪的礼物》的解读,进一步阐述了送礼的真谛在于用心和理解。 Jeff Galak: 通过大量的研究和数据分析,Jeff Galak教授对送礼行为进行了深入的探讨。他指出,送礼者和收礼者对礼物的价值判断存在差异,送礼者往往关注礼物的瞬间效果和惊喜感,而收礼者则更看重礼物的长期价值和实用性。这种差异导致送礼者常常选择一些华而不实、缺乏实用性的礼物,反而达不到预期的效果。 此外,他还分析了社会规范对送礼行为的影响。社会规范往往要求人们对收到的礼物表示感谢,即使礼物并不符合他们的喜好。这种规范使得送礼者难以获得真实的反馈,从而难以改进送礼技巧。为了解决这个问题,Jeff Galak教授建议送礼者应该直接询问收礼者的喜好,而不是猜测。他还强调了体验式礼物相对于物质礼物的优势,以及在非特殊场合送礼的价值。 在节目中,Jeff Galak教授还分享了自己和妻子使用共享Google Docs文档来记录彼此想要的礼物的方法,以及自己参与Reddit匿名送礼活动的经历,这些都体现了他对送礼行为的深入思考和实践。他认为,送礼的真谛在于用心和理解,而不是一味追求物质上的满足。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do holiday and birthday gifts often miss their mark?

Gift givers and receivers focus on different time frames; givers prioritize the moment of exchange, while receivers value the long-term utility of the gift.

What does research say about the surprise factor in gift-giving?

Givers believe surprise enhances a gift's value, but recipients often prefer predictable gifts that align with their known preferences.

How do recipients perceive expensive gifts compared to givers?

Recipients do not attach as much importance to the cost or prestige of a gift as givers do; the emotional and practical value is more significant.

Why do givers often avoid giving sentimental gifts?

Givers tend to be risk-averse and prefer low-risk, high-certainty gifts that they know the recipient will like, often overlooking sentimental gifts that could be more meaningful.

What is the economic impact of bad gifts according to Joel Waldfogel's research?

Waldfogel's research suggests that holiday gift-giving destroys between 10% and a third of the value of gifts due to mismatched preferences between givers and receivers.

How can givers become better at understanding recipients' preferences?

The best approach is to communicate directly with the recipient to understand their preferences, rather than relying on assumptions or trying to be overly creative.

What are the benefits of giving gifts on non-occasions?

Gifts given on random days, without any occasion, create higher emotional value for recipients because they have no expectations, making the gesture more impactful.

How do experiential gifts compare to material gifts in terms of recipient satisfaction?

Experiential gifts tend to bring more joy to recipients as they create lasting memories and stronger emotional connections, despite givers often preferring to give material possessions.

Why do givers prioritize their own needs in gift-giving?

Givers often prioritize their own needs to signal creativity, status, and social approval, sometimes at the expense of the recipient's actual preferences.

What role do social norms play in the ineffectiveness of gift-giving feedback?

Social norms discourage honest feedback about gifts, leading to a cycle where givers do not learn from their mistakes and continue to give suboptimal gifts.

The episode starts by referencing O. Henry's story 'The Gift of the Magi,' highlighting the age-old human practice of gift-giving and its complexities. It then introduces Jeff Galak and his research into why gifts often miss the mark and how to improve gift-giving.
  • Gift-giving is an ancient human practice with varied motivations.
  • Research explores the reasons why gifts often fail to meet expectations.

Shownotes Transcript

With the holidays fast approaching, many of us are hunting for that special something for the special someones in our lives. It’s how we show we care about them. So why is it so hard to find the right gift? This week, we revisit a favorite 2022 conversation with researcher Jeff Galak. We'll discuss why the presents we give for holidays and birthdays often miss their mark, and how to become a better gift-giver. 

Looking for a holiday gift for a fellow Hidden Brain fan? You can now give a gift subscription to Hidden Brain+! Or if material gifts are more your style, go to to find Hidden Brain t-shirts, mugs, stickers and more.