cover of episode Emotions 2.0: The Feeling that Moves Us Forward

Emotions 2.0: The Feeling that Moves Us Forward

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#psychological healing#personal growth and self-discovery#biotechnology and neuroscience#society&culture People
Jessica Tracy
Shankar Vedantam
@Shankar Vedantam : 本节目探讨了自豪感的双刃剑,以及它如何导致灾难性的后果(例如,@Stockton Rush 的泰坦号事件),也如何成为创造力、利他主义和成就的驱动力。节目采访了心理学家@Jessica Tracy ,探讨了自豪感的两种类型:真实的自豪感和自负的自豪感。 Jessica Tracy:自豪感并非单一情绪,它分为两种:真实的自豪感和自负的自豪感。真实的自豪感来自于为重要目标的努力和成就,它带来成就感和自我价值感,是人们努力追求目标的动力。自负的自豪感则表现为自大、自我中心和自以为是,这种情绪并不利于社会适应,会导致偏见、缺乏同理心、攻击性和欺骗行为。两种自豪感在性格和行为上都有显著差异。拥有真实自豪感的人通常具有积极的性格特质,而拥有自负自豪感的人则通常具有消极的性格特质。 真实的自豪感和自负的自豪感都是内心体验,但自负的自豪感更倾向于通过炫耀来寻求外部认可,而真实的自豪感则更容易转化为自负的自豪感。在表达自豪感时,需要根据具体的文化和社会背景来调整,避免过度炫耀而造成负面影响。 通过@Dean Karnazes 和Lance Armstrong的例子,Jessica Tracy说明了真实的自豪感和自负的自豪感之间的区别。Dean Karnazes的例子说明了真实的自豪感来自于为重要目标的努力和成就,而不是社会定义的成功。而Lance Armstrong的例子则说明了,当对赞扬和关注的渴望超过了对自身价值的追求时,就会导致作弊等不道德行为。 节目还探讨了如何利用真实的自豪感来激励自己,并如何避免自负的自豪感带来的负面影响。例如,将自豪感集中在不威胁他人的领域,例如,Jessica Tracy本人就对自己的停车技术感到自豪。 Stockton Rush: Stockton Rush渴望成为探险家,而不是太空游客,并为此打破常规设计了泰坦号潜水器。他为了创新而打破了潜艇建造的常规规则,使用了碳纤维材料。他对安全担忧置之不理,并夸耀自己对泰坦号的了解超过任何人。他的行为最终导致了悲剧的发生,体现了自负的自豪感带来的负面后果。 Dean Karnazes: Dean Karnazes的故事说明,真正的自豪感来自于为重要目标的努力和成就,而不是社会定义的成功。他通过长跑挑战自我,最终获得了巨大的成就和认可,这体现了真实的自豪感的力量。 @James Cameron : James Cameron在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上自称“世界之王”,体现了自负的自豪感。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Stockton Rush turn his attention to submersibles instead of space exploration?

His eyesight prevented him from becoming an astronaut, so he pursued ocean exploration.

What was unique about the Titan submersible's design?

It used carbon fiber instead of titanium for the hull, breaking industry conventions.

Why did Stockton Rush dismiss safety concerns about the Titan?

He believed his design provided unprecedented knowledge about the vessel's safety.

What happened to the Titan during its deep-sea dive?

It imploded, resulting in the deaths of Stockton Rush and four passengers.

Why does Jessica Tracy argue against viewing pride solely as a negative emotion?

It can drive creativity, altruism, and accomplishment.

The chapter explores the motivations and risks associated with innovation, exemplified by the story of Stockton Rush and his Titan submersible.
  • Stockton Rush's childhood dream of exploration led him to innovate in the field of submersibles.
  • Rush's decision to use carbon fiber instead of titanium in the Titan submersible was a bold move that raised safety concerns.
  • The tragic implosion of the Titan highlights the dangers of hubris in innovation.

Shownotes Transcript

For centuries, philosophers and theologians have warned about the dangers of pride and hubris. It’s an emotion that can make us arrogant, egotistical, and reckless. But psychologist Jessica Tracy suggests this caution is too broad. She argues that when we see pride only as a negative emotion, we miss out on all the powerful ways it can also be a driver of creativity, altruism, and accomplishment. 

Did you catch last week's conversation about collective emotions? It's the episode in this feed called "Emotions 2.0: When I Feel What You Feel."