cover of episode Quiet Amnesty & Emhoff’s Ex Breaks Silence | Afternoon Update | 10.24.24

Quiet Amnesty & Emhoff’s Ex Breaks Silence | Afternoon Update | 10.24.24

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Amanda Prestigiacomo
Mariel Garza
Tim Pierce
Tim Rice
Tim Pierce: 众议院司法委员会的一份报告显示,近百万非法移民在美国无限期滞留,拜登政府利用程序策略让许多移民避免被驱逐出境。报告详细说明了拜登政府利用程序策略,使许多移民能够避免被驱逐出境。这引发了关于政府移民政策的争议,批评者认为这是一种“静默大赦”,破坏了移民法,并鼓励进一步的非法移民。 John Bickley & Georgia Howe: 拜登政府的移民政策导致移民法庭积压了数百万未决案件,这导致对高风险个人的优先处理,使数十万人陷入困境。政府声称边境遭遇减少和驱逐人数增加,但批评者认为这是一种“静默大赦”,破坏了移民法,并鼓励进一步的非法移民。 Tim Rice: 北卡罗来纳州的选民将对一项修正案进行投票,该修正案旨在明确只有美国公民才有资格在州选举中投票。支持者认为,这项修正案对于增强对选举的信心是必要的,尤其是在对移民问题的担忧日益加剧的情况下。批评者认为这项修正案是不必要的,可能会边缘化移民社区。 John Bickley & Georgia Howe: 副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯在CNN的市政厅活动中再次强调特朗普是法西斯主义者,并对国家构成威胁。她还指责特朗普想要类似于阿道夫·希特勒的军队效忠。前特朗普幕僚长约翰·凯利也对特朗普的稳定性和胜任能力提出了质疑。特朗普反驳了这些说法,批评人士认为这种言论导致了对特朗普生命的两次袭击企图。 Amanda Prestigiacomo: 副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯丈夫的前女友声称他在2012年戛纳电影节上打了她,并提供了更多细节。她还表示,埃姆霍夫告诉她他让孩子的保姆怀孕了,这导致了他之前的离婚。埃姆霍夫的发言人否认了这些说法,哈里斯竞选团队尚未回应。 Mariel Garza: 洛杉矶时报社论委员会主席因该报拒绝支持哈里斯的总统竞选而辞职,她表示自己对该报的沉默感到不满。 John Bickley & Georgia Howe: 近百万非法移民在美国无限期滞留,拜登政府的移民政策被批评为“静默大赦”,破坏了移民法,并鼓励进一步的非法移民。北卡罗来纳州的选民将决定一项修正案,该修正案旨在澄清只有美国公民才有资格在州选举中投票。副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯在CNN的市政厅活动中再次强调特朗普是法西斯主义者,并对国家构成威胁,并指责特朗普想要类似于阿道夫·希特勒的军队效忠。特朗普反驳了这些说法,批评人士认为这种言论导致了对特朗普生命的两次袭击企图。副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯丈夫的前女友声称他在2012年戛纳电影节上打了她,并提供了更多细节。埃姆霍夫的发言人否认了这些说法,哈里斯竞选团队尚未回应。洛杉矶时报社论委员会主席因该报拒绝支持哈里斯的总统竞选而辞职。

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This episode is brought to you by Balance of Nature. Go to and use promo code WIRE for 35% off your first order as a preferred customer, plus get a free bottle of fiber and spice. That's, promo code WIRE. I'm Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief John Bickley with Georgia Howe. It's Thursday, October 24th, and this is your Morning Wire Afternoon Update. ♪

A new report from the House Judiciary Committee reveals that nearly one million illegal immigrants are staying in the U.S. indefinitely. Daily Wire reporter Tim Pierce explains. According to the report, the cases for about a million illegal immigrants were dismissed or closed by the Department of Justice and Homeland Security. The report details the Biden administration's use of procedural tactics to allow many immigrants to avoid deportation.

The backlog in immigration courts with millions of unresolved cases has led to a prioritization of high-risk individuals, leaving hundreds of thousands of others in limbo. The Biden administration has defended its approach, claiming a drop in border encounters and increased removals. Critics have called this quiet amnesty that undermines immigration law and encourages further illegal immigration.

North Carolina voters will decide on an amendment to clarify that only U.S. citizens are eligible to vote in state elections. Daily Wire deputy managing editor Tim Rice has more. House Bill 1074, known as the citizen-only voting amendment, would update the state constitution to specify that only a citizen can vote. Critics argue that the amendment is unnecessary and could marginalize immigrant communities.

While non-citizens are already prohibited from voting, supporters believe the amendment is necessary to strengthen confidence in elections, especially amid concerns about immigration. Early voting is already underway in the state.

Vice President Kamala Harris joined CNN last night for a town hall event during which she doubled down on her claims that Trump is a fascist and a threat to the country. Do you think Donald Trump is a fascist? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. She also accused him of wanting military loyalty similar to Adolf Hitler's. Citing former Trump chief of staff John Kelly, Harris alleged that Trump is unstable and unfit to serve.

Trump has fired back on social media, dismissing Kelly's claims as nonsense and politically motivated. Other critics have blasted Harris and Kelly's comments, saying this type of rhetoric is what led to two attempts on Trump's life. This episode is brought to you by Birch Gold Group. Birch Gold makes it easy and cost-free to convert your existing IRA or 401k into gold. Just text the word WIRE to 989898 and get a free info kit on gold today. That's the word WIRE to 989898 today.

The ex-girlfriend of Vice President Kamala Harris' husband, who says he slapped her at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival, has come forward with more details. Daily Wire reporter Amanda Prestigiacomo has more. The woman a New York attorney referred to as Jane told that Doug Emhoff hit her so hard that she spun around. She also said that Emhoff told her about impregnating the nanny of his child and that it led to his previous divorce.

She says she decided to speak out after Emhoff denied the accusation, citing his fabricated persona as a feminist.

Emhoff's spokesperson has dismissed the claims as untrue. The Harris campaign has yet to respond. And the head of the Los Angeles Times editorial board quit after the paper declined to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris's presidential campaign. Editorial editor Mariel Garza says she resigned in protest yesterday, claiming that she was blocked by the paper's ownership from endorsing Harris. The paper had endorsed every Democratic presidential candidate since 2008.

She said, quote, I am resigning because I want to make it clear that I'm not okay with us being silent. The paper has not elaborated on how the decision was made to not endorse a candidate. All right, there's your drive home updates this afternoon. To learn more about these stories, go to And for more in-depth reporting on the biggest stories of the day, tune into our full episode of Morning Wire every morning.