cover of episode Creating Films that Challenge Narratives: From ‘What Is A Woman?’ to ‘Am I Racist’ | 10.27.24

Creating Films that Challenge Narratives: From ‘What Is A Woman?’ to ‘Am I Racist’ | 10.27.24

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Justin Folk
Justin Folk: 本片票房突破1200万美元,创下十年来纪录片票房最高纪录。影片采用喜剧纪录片形式,通过让马特·沃尔什扮演反种族主义骗子,揭露种族议程背后的意识形态。影片获得广泛好评,观众反响积极,打破了对特定受众的预期。主流媒体评论家最初回避评论,但一些非主流评论家给予积极评价。在影院发行存在风险,但Daily Wire团队克服了诸多障碍,最终取得成功。保守派需要在主流平台上表达观点,影院是重要传播渠道。影院上映有助于提高流媒体平台的影片观看量。制作这部电影的经验让他对美国人对种族问题的看法有了新的认识,并发现大多数人并不认同种族分裂。他计划继续与马特·沃尔什和Daily Wire团队合作。 John Bickley 和 Georgia Howe: 引导访谈,提出问题,并对Justin Folk的回答进行回应。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Justin Folk decide to take 'Am I Racist' to theaters?

To reach a broader audience and challenge the left's dominance in entertainment.

What was the box office success of 'Am I Racist'?

It surpassed $12 million, making it the top documentary of the decade.

How did the film's approach differ from 'What Is A Woman'?

It was more comedic and aimed to ridicule divisive race agendas.

Why did some critics initially avoid reviewing 'Am I Racist'?

They feared giving Matt Walsh a platform and facing backlash.

What did Justin Folk learn about the audience's view on race issues?

Most people don't support racial division and are rational about the topic.

How did the theatrical release benefit 'Am I Racist'?

It served as a marketing campaign, raising awareness and driving viewers to Daily Wire Plus.

What is next for Justin Folk in terms of projects?

He is working on new projects, potentially continuing collaborations with Matt Walsh.

Director Justin Folk discusses the unprecedented success of 'Am I Racist' at the box office, despite significant industry pushback.
  • The film has grossed over $12 million at the box office.
  • It is the top documentary of the decade.
  • The success was achieved despite major headwinds from legacy media and Hollywood.

Shownotes Transcript

Director Justin Folk discusses the success and challenges of bringing the conservative comedy ‘Am I Racist’ starring Matt Walsh to theaters, where it’s shattered records despite industry pushback. Get the facts first on Morning Wire.