cover of episode Campaign Trail’s Final Leg & Swing State Dark Money | 10.25.24

Campaign Trail’s Final Leg & Swing State Dark Money | 10.25.24

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Cabot Phillips
Mairead Elordi
Megan Basham
John Bickley和Georgia Howe:2024年美国总统大选选情胶着,特朗普和哈里斯都面临各种指控,特朗普在集会上强调信仰投票,一个左翼秘密资金组织被指控利用漏洞将外国资金输送进美国选举。 Cabot Phillips:全国范围内,哈里斯的领先优势微弱,特朗普在所有七个战场州均领先,但优势微弱,选情非常胶着;哈里斯在CNN的市政厅会议上就边境墙、经济计划和特朗普的政治立场发表了言论,并称特朗普为法西斯主义者;特朗普面临新的指控,包括其前幕僚长关于其赞扬纳粹将领的指控和一位前模特关于其性侵犯的指控;哈里斯的丈夫道格·埃姆霍夫也面临新的性侵指控。 Megan Basham:特朗普在格鲁吉亚的集会上向基督徒选民呼吁投票,并在集会前与宗教领袖举行了祈祷会;集会上,演讲者强调了基督教的重要性,并呼吁基督徒选民投票;哈里斯表示不支持基于宗教信仰的堕胎豁免,这可能会疏远基督教选民。 Mairead Elordi:一个名为“1630基金”的左翼秘密资金组织利用漏洞将外国亿万富翁的资金输送进美国选举,用于推动关键州的投票率;该组织资助了许多与堕胎相关的倡议,以此来激励民主党选民投票;俄亥俄州是第一个禁止外国资金直接或间接资助州级公投的州。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the race between Trump and Harris so tight?

Nationally, Harris's lead is 0.2%, and Trump is ahead in all seven battlegrounds by an average of 0.9%.

Why did Kamala Harris call Donald Trump a fascist?

Harris made the assertion during a CNN town hall, directly responding to a question.

Why is a left-wing dark money group accused of funneling foreign cash into U.S. elections?

The 1630 Fund exploits a loophole allowing foreign billionaires to fund state ballot initiatives, driving liberal turnout.

Why did Trump hold a private prayer summit with faith leaders?

Trump asked faith leaders to pray for him, emphasizing their access to real power in a challenging time for the country.

Why are some Christian voters being urged to participate in the election?

Speakers at a Trump rally highlighted the importance of faith and urged Christians not to sit out the election, citing 32 million churchgoers potentially staying home.

Why did a former model come forward with allegations against Trump now?

The model felt compelled to speak after Trump vehemently denied the allegations, which she claims occurred in 1993.

Why did a former chief of staff accuse Trump of praising Nazi generals?

John Kelly claimed Trump had praised Nazi generals during his time in the White House, suggesting he prefers a dictator approach to government.

Why did Harris pledge to continue building the border wall?

Harris agreed to a bipartisan bill to earmark $650 million for the wall, pledging to strengthen and secure the border.

The race between Trump and Harris is extremely close, with recent polls showing a minimal lead for Harris. The candidates face dueling allegations and high-stakes town halls.
  • Harris's lead in the RealClear polling average is 0.2%.
  • Trump is technically ahead in all seven battlegrounds, with an average lead of 0.9%.
  • Harris called Trump a fascist during a CNN town hall.

Shownotes Transcript

The race for President gets even closer as it enters its final leg, Trump embraces the faith vote, and a foreign dark money group stands accused of funneling money into swing states. Get the facts first on Morning Wire.

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