cover of episode Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Comments & NYT Targets Conservatives | 10.30.24

Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Comments & NYT Targets Conservatives | 10.30.24

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Morning Wire

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Amanda Prestigiacomo
Tim Pearce
Tim Rice
劳克林镇镇长Mark Mason
John Bickley和Georgia Howe:报道了拜登称特朗普支持者为“垃圾”的事件,以及卡马拉·哈里斯在华盛顿特区的竞选集会,并简述了特朗普打击非法移民犯罪的计划以及《纽约时报》被指控试图压制保守派声音的事件。 Tim Rice:详细分析了卡马拉·哈里斯在华盛顿特区的集会,指出其演讲时间较短且较为温和,并描述了集会期间出现的反以抗议活动。同时,他还详细描述了拜登的争议言论及其引发的后果,包括来自特朗普和宾夕法尼亚州州长的回应,以及白宫的危机公关。 Tim Pearce:报道了特朗普宣布的新政策,即没收贩毒集团的资产以赔偿非法移民犯罪受害者家属,并分析了哈里斯竞选团队在移民问题上的信息混乱以及该问题在本次选举中的影响。他引用了俄亥俄州劳克林镇的例子,说明非法移民涌入对当地社区造成的负面影响。 Amanda Prestigiacomo:报道了本·沙皮罗和其他保守派人士指责《纽约时报》与“媒体事务”组织合作,试图在选举前一周压制YouTube上的保守派声音,并分析了这一事件的背景和影响,以及YouTube作为重要新闻平台的作用。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did President Biden's comments about Trump supporters spark backlash?

Biden called Trump supporters 'garbage,' which was seen as a derogatory remark.

What did Trump propose as new punishments for illegal immigrant crime?

Trump called for the death penalty for migrants who kill American citizens or law enforcement.

Why are conservatives accusing the New York Times of trying to silence them?

The Times is reportedly using Media Matters' research to pressure YouTube to demonetize conservative voices.

What was Kamala Harris's message at her D.C. rally?

Harris called for unity and turning the page on conflict and division.

How did Trump respond to Biden's 'garbage' comment?

Trump compared Biden's remark to Hillary Clinton's 'deplorables' comment, calling it worse.

What did Trump announce regarding cartels and gangs at the border?

Trump proposed seizing assets of cartels and gangs to compensate victims of migrant crime.

How did the Harris campaign respond to Trump's immigration policy?

The campaign's messaging on immigration was described as confused, balancing between moderates and progressives.

What was the reaction to Biden's comments from Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro?

Shapiro disavowed Biden's comments, stating he would never insult any Americans, even Trump supporters.

What was the issue in Laughlin, Ohio, regarding immigration?

Laughlin took in many African immigrants, causing stress on local services and prompting residents to move out.

How did Ben Shapiro describe the New York Times' actions?

Shapiro called it an egregious example of legacy outlets trying to censor conservative voices to influence an election.

President Biden's controversial remarks about Trump supporters and Kamala Harris' rally in D.C. are discussed, highlighting the potential impact on Harris' campaign.
  • Biden called Trump supporters 'garbage,' sparking backlash.
  • Harris held a rally in D.C. but faced disruptions and mixed reactions.
  • The White House attempted damage control, but the comments could harm Harris' campaign.

Shownotes Transcript


Kamala Harris holds a rally in D.C. to give her closing message to voters, while President Biden's comments about Trump supporters sparked severe blowback. Just moments ago, Joe Biden stated that our supporters are garbage. We are patriots who love America. Thank you for running. I'm Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief John Bickley with Georgia Howe. It's Wednesday, October 30th, and this is Morning Wire.

Trump promises to crack down on illegal immigrant crime, laying out his harshest punishments to date, including for cartels across the border. We're asking for the death penalty for any migrant who comes into our country and kills an American citizen or a police officer.

or law enforcement person. And the New York Times is accused of trying to silence conservatives on YouTube. They are overtly attempting to just shut down all conservative dissemination of information on the biggest video platform in existence one week in advance of an election. If that's not an attempt to rig an election, I don't know what is. Thanks for waking up with Morning Wire. Stay tuned. We have the news you need to know.

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Vice President Kamala Harris held a rally in Washington, D.C. Tuesday that drew thousands of supporters. But while the Democrat candidate was making her closing pitch to voters, her former running mate was sparking intense backlash over his controversial comments about Trump supporters. Here to discuss this, Daily Wire Deputy Managing Editor Tim Rice. Hey, Tim, so we'll get to Biden's garbage remarks in a sec. But first, tell us about this D.C. rally.

Well, we should first note that her big speech was just under 30 minutes long, so not quite what many were anticipating for the much-hyped event. And of course, nothing like one of Trump's standard rallies.

As usual, she stayed pretty tightly on the teleprompter, but in a notable shift from her rhetoric over the past few days, Harris took a break from calling Trump a fascist long enough to appeal to the better angels of Americans' nature. Of course, she chose to deliver her speech from the site of the January 6th rally, a clear sign to her supporters that, while she may not be actively smearing Trump, he was still at the top of her mind. Here's Harris speaking from the Ellipse. It is time to stop pushing

pointing fingers. We have to stop pointing fingers and start locking arms. It is time to turn the page on the drama and the conflict, the fear and division. It is time for a new generation of leadership in America.

And I am ready to offer that leadership as the next president of the United States of America. But right from the start, it was clear that Harris's kumbaya moment was in trouble. The Daily Wire's Spencer Lindquist was on the ground of the speech, and what he saw from attendees was hardly what Harris was hoping for when she called on Americans to stop pointing fingers and start locking arms.

Anti-Israel protesters banged pots and pans and jeered killer Kamala as she took the stage, with one protester crossing a police line to wave a Palestinian flag in front of the screen playing Harris' speech. One protester carried a sign with a photo of Trump in a Hitler mustache next to the words, say howdy to Hitler. Definitely not helping Harris' last minute calls for unity. And then there was Biden's comments, which went immediately viral. Tell us about that.

Yeah, that's right. You know, they say Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Well, let's just say that Harris laughed while President Biden set fire to her campaign. As Harris was holding her event, Biden held a campaign call from the White House during which he criticized the comedian who called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage during Trump's Sunday rally at Madison Square Garden.

As reported by NBC News' senior White House correspondent Gabe Gutierrez, Biden began by saying, quote, Donald Trump has no character. He doesn't give a damn about the Latino community. Then he went all in about his supporters. The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters. His demonization of the scene is unconscionable.

Biden immediately came under fire for his comments, including from Trump, who heard about the comments live on stage in Allentown, Pennsylvania, from Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Here's how Trump responded to Biden's comments as the crowd broke into chants of USA. That's terrible. So you have, remember Hillary, she said deplorable, and then she said irredeemable, right? But she said deplorable, that didn't work out. Garbage, I think, is worse, right? But he doesn't know, you have to please forgive him.

Please forgive him for he not knoweth what he said. Trump there referencing the infamous moment where Hillary Clinton said most of Trump supporters fit into baskets of deplorables. That was seen as one of the mistakes that really doomed her campaign. How serious is the damage here?

It probably won't help Harris. Even Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, a major Harris surrogate, seemed to disavow Biden's comments on CNN. Give a listen. I'm kind of giving you my fresh reaction to it. I would never insult the good people of Pennsylvania or any Americans, even if they chose to support a candidate that I didn't support.

Now, the White House has already gone into damage control mode, releasing a transcript of Biden's remarks, which it claims show the president was saying that Trump's supporters' comments were garbage, not the supporters themselves. But as you can hear from the clip, Biden's emphasis was pretty clear, so it's going to be hard for the White House and the Harris campaign to walk this back. Probably not the kind of help with the closing pitch the Harris campaign was hoping to get in these crucial final days. Probably not. Tim, thanks for reporting. Anytime.

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Take the next step in improving your health today. Go to slash wire to get 15% off your Lumen. That's L-U-M-E-N dot M-E slash wire for 15% off your purchase. Former President Donald Trump held a presser Tuesday to announce his administration's approach to fighting organized crime south of the border. If elected, Trump said his administration will seize the assets of drug cartels and gangs to reimburse families of victims of illegal aliens.

Daily Wire reporter Tim Pearce is here to talk about Trump's latest rollout and the role immigration's playing in the election. Hey, Tim. So with a week left in the presidential race, Trump announced a new policy to fight cartels. What can you tell us about this? Yeah, Trump laid out the plan in that press conference yesterday and also rolled out a new emotional ad on illegal alien crime. First, here's Trump on the new policy.

So today, I'm announcing that for the first time under my administration, we will be seizing the assets of the criminal gangs and drug cartels. And we will use those assets to create a

compensation fund to provide restitution for the victims of migrant crime. Now, the new ad features the case of Jocelyn Nungere. Jocelyn was a 12-year-old girl who was raped and strangled to death in Houston in June. The two men charged in the case are in the country illegally and are being investigated for potential ties to the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua. Here's some of that really emotional ad.

I see yellow tape and immediately my heart drops and sinks to the bottom of my stomach. My daughter's hands and ankles were both bound. She was strangled to death, left with no pants.

And I know in my heart, she fought incredibly hard. She was not going down without a fight. Kamala Harris was in charge of immigration and our borders. If we had better border policies and not open borders and not these catch and release policies, I truly believe this all could have been prevented.

Truly heart-wrenching testimonial there. Have we seen any message from the Harris campaign to try to counter this? The Harris campaign's messaging on this issue has been pretty confused in general this election. The vice president politically is between two competing factions on the immigration issue. On the one hand, moderates in her party and independents favor action to curb immigration at the border.

On the other, the progressive wing of her party wants to expand avenues for migrants into the country. Throughout the campaign, she sort of walked a line between being tough on the border without repudiating her previous support for mass amnesty in 2019. That has led to some awkward answers such as the one she gave earlier this month at a CNN town hall where she wouldn't commit to a border wall but said she did want stronger border protection. Right.

Now, we're just days away from the big decision here. How is the issue of immigration playing out for voters at this stage?

Well, Americans have consistently said they trust Republicans or Trump on immigration more than Harris, and that remains true. Much of that can probably be attributed to stories like this one from Laughlin, Ohio. Laughlin is a town of about 3,000 residents that has been forced to take in about the same number of African immigrants. Here's how Laughlin's mayor, Mark Mason, described the situation on Fox News.

Fire repair and medics services have been stressed since they've moved into these apartment complexes. A lot of the longtime residents have moved out because of multiple fires. It's been caused by their not understanding how to cook on stoves and they use high levels of grease in their cooking, which has caused multiple fires.

We have all this documented via 911 calls. So a lot of people don't want to subject their families to unsafe conditions in these apartment complexes. So therefore, they moved out the working residents and they have moved in. Most don't have jobs. They don't contribute to society. They don't contribute to their earnings tax base. And it's a real concern.

So with less than a week left, Trump seems to want to hammer Harris on the immigration issue that has defined him since he entered politics in 2016 and that he has a real advantage in this election cycle. Especially after stories like Laughlin's have dominated headlines this year. Tim, thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me.

Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro and other prominent conservatives are calling out the New York Times for colluding with far-left activist group Media Matters in what they say is an attempt to silence conservative voices on YouTube just one week from the election. Here to discuss is Daily Wire reporter Amanda Prestigiacomo. So Amanda, Shapiro late on Monday night released screenshots of text messages from a New York Times reporter named Nico Grant. What are the claims there?

Hey, Georgia. So the messages say that the Times is writing a story about how commentators talk about the election on YouTube based on analysis conducted by Media Matters. That's a Democrat-funded activist group that was created with the express purpose to silence conservative voices. The Times reporter Grant suggests Shapiro is spreading election misinformation and specifically asks about how he's monetized on YouTube.

These messages were also sent to other prominent conservatives like Tucker Carlson, Andrew Cleven, Benny Johnson, just to name a few. Shapiro said on X and his podcast yesterday that this is an egregious example of powerful legacy outlets trying to censor conservative voices to influence an election. The New York Times is overtly, clearly admitting to using Media Matters research in order to pressure YouTube to demonetize people on the right.

to destroy them, because when you are demonetized, that also limits your reach, to destroy their dissemination of information one week prior to an election. That's what's going on here. It turns out the October surprise from our media is an overt attempt, along with Media Matters, to silence dissent one week out from an election. YouTube in particular is a really important platform during election time. Polling shows that one in four U.S. adults consume news from YouTube. Now, what specific examples did they give of Ben giving election misinformation?

So they cited one example, and they said that Shapiro in June said that Democrats rigged many of the voting rules in advance of the 2020 election in order to ensure an extraordinary number of mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting. But, you know, the rules were changed and ballot harvesting is permitted in numerous states. Shapiro backed that up by citing reporting from, you know, none other than the New York Times.

So how effective do conservatives like Ben think this tactic from The Times is going to be? Well, it is important to note that YouTube, which would presumably be pressured in this case to censor, that's owned by Google. And Google is the Democrats' number one donor out of Silicon Valley. So the interest does align. And we've also seen coordinated censorship in media and tech before. During the 2020 election, Twitter and

and other platforms censored the right-leaning New York Post scoop on the Hunter Biden laptop. Here's Shapiro on that. In 2020, the late-breaking media interference came in the form of shutting down the Hunter Biden laptop story. The New York Post had the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the social media bros were pressured into taking down that story by both the press and by members of the federal intelligence agencies. They shut it down. They throttled it. They prevented dissemination of the story.

Polling shows that 47% of those who were surveyed said that if they had known the laptop contents were real, they would have changed their voting decision. That could have changed the outcome of the election. It's also significant that the New York Times is relying on Media Matters of all places for their research.

Joe Concha, who comments on media behaviors, he had this to say on Fox News Airwaves. There is not a more corrupt, more radical media organization out there than Media Matters. And the New York Times, which has vast resources and personnel, instead of doing its own research, has now outsourced media.

Now, the team up of Media Matters does seem to expose the Times intentions here. Last question. The Times did reach out for official comment from Shapiro and others. What did they say?

Well, I probably can't directly quote Shapiro's exact answer on the show, but let's just say he told them to go pound sand. They're getting similar responses, too, from other conservatives they've targeted. Well, a lot of alarm bells going off just a week before the election about this. Amanda, thanks for reporting. You're welcome. Thank you for waking up with us. We'll be back this afternoon with more news you need to know.