cover of episode Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Comments & NYT Targets Conservatives | 10.30.24

Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Comments & NYT Targets Conservatives | 10.30.24

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Amanda Prestigiacomo
Tim Pearce
Tim Rice
劳克林镇镇长Mark Mason
John Bickley和Georgia Howe:报道了拜登称特朗普支持者为“垃圾”的事件,以及卡马拉·哈里斯在华盛顿特区的竞选集会,并简述了特朗普打击非法移民犯罪的计划以及《纽约时报》被指控试图压制保守派声音的事件。 Tim Rice:详细分析了卡马拉·哈里斯在华盛顿特区的集会,指出其演讲时间较短且较为温和,并描述了集会期间出现的反以抗议活动。同时,他还详细描述了拜登的争议言论及其引发的后果,包括来自特朗普和宾夕法尼亚州州长的回应,以及白宫的危机公关。 Tim Pearce:报道了特朗普宣布的新政策,即没收贩毒集团的资产以赔偿非法移民犯罪受害者家属,并分析了哈里斯竞选团队在移民问题上的信息混乱以及该问题在本次选举中的影响。他引用了俄亥俄州劳克林镇的例子,说明非法移民涌入对当地社区造成的负面影响。 Amanda Prestigiacomo:报道了本·沙皮罗和其他保守派人士指责《纽约时报》与“媒体事务”组织合作,试图在选举前一周压制YouTube上的保守派声音,并分析了这一事件的背景和影响,以及YouTube作为重要新闻平台的作用。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did President Biden's comments about Trump supporters spark backlash?

Biden called Trump supporters 'garbage,' which was seen as a derogatory remark.

What did Trump propose as new punishments for illegal immigrant crime?

Trump called for the death penalty for migrants who kill American citizens or law enforcement.

Why are conservatives accusing the New York Times of trying to silence them?

The Times is reportedly using Media Matters' research to pressure YouTube to demonetize conservative voices.

What was Kamala Harris's message at her D.C. rally?

Harris called for unity and turning the page on conflict and division.

How did Trump respond to Biden's 'garbage' comment?

Trump compared Biden's remark to Hillary Clinton's 'deplorables' comment, calling it worse.

What did Trump announce regarding cartels and gangs at the border?

Trump proposed seizing assets of cartels and gangs to compensate victims of migrant crime.

How did the Harris campaign respond to Trump's immigration policy?

The campaign's messaging on immigration was described as confused, balancing between moderates and progressives.

What was the reaction to Biden's comments from Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro?

Shapiro disavowed Biden's comments, stating he would never insult any Americans, even Trump supporters.

What was the issue in Laughlin, Ohio, regarding immigration?

Laughlin took in many African immigrants, causing stress on local services and prompting residents to move out.

How did Ben Shapiro describe the New York Times' actions?

Shapiro called it an egregious example of legacy outlets trying to censor conservative voices to influence an election.

President Biden's controversial remarks about Trump supporters and Kamala Harris' rally in D.C. are discussed, highlighting the potential impact on Harris' campaign.
  • Biden called Trump supporters 'garbage,' sparking backlash.
  • Harris held a rally in D.C. but faced disruptions and mixed reactions.
  • The White House attempted damage control, but the comments could harm Harris' campaign.

Shownotes Transcript

President Biden calls Trump supporters garbage while Kamala Harris holds rally in DC, Trump lays out new punishments for illegal immigrant crime, and the New York Times targets conservative voices. Get the facts first with Morning Wire.

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