Conan O'Brien: 讲述了他父亲试图在他们家狭小的侧院种植带根球的活圣诞树的失败尝试,以及这个故事如何成为一个持续的家庭笑话。他还分享了他对真圣诞树的热爱,并认为假树是不够理想的替代品。他详细描述了小时候与家人一起挑选和种植圣诞树的经历,以及这些树最终的命运。他还谈到了他成年后雇佣别人来为他挑选和装饰圣诞树的经历,有时还会请一位演员帮忙,并分享了他对《One Tree Hill》的迷恋以及他办公室里的一张大型海报。最后,他还谈到了他储物间里收藏的各种各样的纪念品,包括粉丝送的用浴室秤做的吉他。
Sona Movsesian: 她分享了她对 Altadena 圣诞树巷的喜爱,并讲述了她童年种植圣诞树的回忆。她与 Conan 就真假圣诞树展开了辩论,并表达了她对假树的偏好。她还分享了她对圣诞节的看法,以及她对亚美尼亚作为最古老的基督教国家之一的观点。
Matt Gourley: 他参与了关于“根球”这个词是否常见的讨论,并与其他两位主持人就真假圣诞树的优缺点进行了讨论。
Conan reminisces about his childhood Christmas tradition of planting live Christmas trees with his dad, hoping to create a forest in their small side yard. Despite their efforts, the trees struggled to thrive, leaving behind a few Charlie Brown-esque remnants. This sparks a discussion about real versus artificial Christmas trees, with Sona admitting to having a fake tree, much to Conan's dismay.
Conan's family tried planting live Christmas trees for several years.
The trees didn't thrive and ended up looking like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree.
Sona has a fake Christmas tree, which Conan disapproves of.