直到两个月前,我们在成都结识了王婷。她所供职的《四川烹饪》是一本有着 41 年历史的行业杂志,深受美食爱好者和研究者、厨师、以及普通读者的喜爱。这本杂志收录的菜谱等内容,也记录下这四十年,川菜行业和大众饮食生活的变迁。在王婷的工作之余,她和我一样,热爱着饮食书写,她还有一个记录阅读这些作品感受的账号 @边读边吃)(小红书和公众号同名),推荐大家关注!
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《四川烹饪》杂志 1983 年创刊号目录
The route to the recipe is made by tongues. (找到菜谱的途径是靠舌头。)***The recipe is a method for responding to things. ***(菜谱是一种对事物做出反应的方法。)The recipe is a text that can produce spattering because it was spattering before it was language. Language is only a holding pattern for the recipe – not its origin, nor its terminus.(语言只是菜谱的一种现成模式——不是它的起源,也不是它的终点。)Each time I encounter the same thing, the same ingredient, I find that it’s different again, again, different again, so the recipe is always a method for seeking.(每次我遇到同样的东西、同样的配料,我都会发现它一次又一次地不同,所以菜谱永远是一种寻找的方法。)The recipe is a method of navigation, a method for seeing or seeking what is beyond me.(菜谱是一种导航方法,一种观察或寻找超出我能力范围的事物的方法。)The recipe introduces me to principles of touch, knife work, heat and time.(菜谱让我了解了触觉、刀工、热量和时间的原理。)
摘自:The Recipe _ Rebecca May Johnson )