cover of episode 4 Ways to Connect to God More Deeply at Church

4 Ways to Connect to God More Deeply at Church

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Stories of Hope in Hard Times

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There are times when going to church is hard. So why do we do it? Listen as I share 4 reasons I feel a deeper connection to God when I attend church.

Going to Church Bible Verse

In Ephesians 4:12 we learn a great reason to go to church, “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the **edifying **of the body of Christ.”  

4 Reasons I Feel a Deeper Connection with God at Church

  • Go to Worship God

  • Christ is the head of the church. In Ephesians 5: 23 we learn,

  • “Christ is the head of the church and he is the Savior of the body."

  • increase connection by renewing our promises to God at church by taking communion or the Sacrament—this shows God you are willing to be His disciple.

  • Perhaps you will feel God teaching you how you can become more “perfected” by repenting or acting differently.

  • Psalm 150: 1, “Praise ye the LORD. Praise Good in his sanctuary.”

  1. Listen with your heart
  • Tell God you are going to Church and hope to hear what He needs you to hear/learn
  • watch for the fruits of the Holy Spirit as taught in Galatians, “love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness and faith."
  • Pay attention to how you feel
  • Listen to the music, sermons, thoughts you have and notice how God speaks to you.
  • Often when I go to church I feel strengthened and empowered as I hear the testimonies of others
  1. Take Notes and Take Action
  • When you get thoughts, write them down.
  • Write it on your phone, email yourself, write it in your journal
  • Then act when you get home. Make sure you put the thoughts on your “to do” list.
  1. Ask Who Needs Help
  • Matthew 18:20 “Where 2 or 3 are gather in my name, there i am with them.”
  • Maybe you feel like "I don’t know anyone/no one talked to me/offended"
  • Maybe you feel like need a friend—so go and chat with people before or after the meetings
  • Be brave and follow impressions to meet someone new.

If you physically can’t go to church right now, remember God knows you and the desires of your heart and will help you.


Go to church this week with a listening heart.

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You can find the transcription of today's episode here: