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Megan Rapinoe & Sue Bird

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Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

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Dax Shepard
Megan Rapinoe
Sue Bird
Dax Shepard:对加州雷丁地区的社会文化进行了解读,认为该地区既有蓝领文化,也有进步的、甚至无政府主义的文化,这使得该地区呈现出一种独特的社会景象。 Sue Bird:描述了她父母在雷丁的生活和工作,母亲是服务员,父亲从事建筑行业,这反映了雷丁地区典型的蓝领文化。 Megan Rapinoe:分享了她对雷丁的看法,认为该地区既有保守的一面,也有进步的一面,这体现了雷丁地区社会文化的复杂性和多样性。 Sue Bird:认为父母不应该总是让孩子在游戏中获胜,而应该让孩子通过自己的努力获得胜利的体验,这样才能让他们真正体会到成功的喜悦和价值。 Megan Rapinoe:同意Sue Bird的观点,认为让孩子自己赢得胜利,才能让他们真正体会到成功的喜悦和价值。 Dax Shepard:就如何平衡让孩子体验胜利和避免让他们养成依赖性提出了疑问,并分享了他与女儿们一起玩耍的经验。 Sue Bird:认为孩子是否适合从事体育运动,应该由孩子自己决定,而不是父母强加于他们。如果孩子对体育运动感兴趣并愿意付出努力,父母应该给予支持和帮助。 Megan Rapinoe:同意Sue Bird的观点,并分享了她父母在她从事体育运动方面的支持和帮助。 Dax Shepard:就父母在孩子从事体育运动方面的角色和责任提出了疑问。 Sue Bird:讲述了她和双胞胎姐姐在大学期间都遭遇了严重的伤病,这给她们带来了很多挑战,并分享了她们是如何克服这些挑战的。 Megan Rapinoe:讲述了她和双胞胎姐姐在大学期间都遭遇了严重的伤病,这给她们带来了很多挑战,并分享了她们是如何克服这些挑战的。 Dax Shepard:就运动员伤病对身心健康的影响提出了疑问。 Megan Rapinoe:讲述了她向母亲坦白了自己的性取向,并同时向母亲坦白了双胞胎姐姐的性取向,以及母亲对此的反应。 Sue Bird:分享了她对作为双胞胎的共同经历和身份认同的看法,以及这给她带来的挑战和机遇。 Dax Shepard:就运动员公开性取向对个人和社会的影响提出了疑问。 Dax Shepard:探讨了职业运动员退役后生活节奏的巨大变化以及对心理健康的影响。 Sue Bird:分享了她对运动员退役后生活变化的感受,以及她如何适应这些变化。 Megan Rapinoe:分享了她对运动员退役后生活变化的感受,以及她如何适应这些变化。 Megan Rapinoe:认为运动员的伤病不仅会对他们的身体造成影响,还会对他们的心理健康造成严重打击。 Sue Bird:分享了她对运动员伤病的看法,以及她如何克服伤病带来的心理挑战。 Dax Shepard:就运动员如何克服伤病带来的心理挑战提出了疑问。 Megan Rapinoe:认为大学期间的两次膝伤让她认识到自己并非掌控一切,并学会了接受现实,这让她在面对未来的挑战时更加从容和自信。 Sue Bird:分享了她对大学期间ACL撕裂的看法,认为这次受伤让她重新审视了自己的职业态度,并促使她更加努力地训练。 Dax Shepard:就运动员如何从伤病中恢复并变得更强大提出了疑问。 Dax Shepard:探讨了运动员职业生涯中不同阶段的胜利和荣誉,其意义和感受各有不同。 Megan Rapinoe:分享了她对2012年奥运会夺冠和2019年世界杯夺冠的感受,认为这两次胜利都具有特殊的意义。 Sue Bird:分享了她对奥运会夺冠的感受,认为奥运会夺冠是她职业生涯的巅峰。 Megan Rapinoe:分享了她对代表美国参加奥运会的感受,认为她为代表美国参加奥运会感到自豪,并认为这其中也包含了对美国多元文化的认同。 Sue Bird:分享了她对代表美国参加奥运会的感受,认为她为代表美国参加奥运会感到自豪。 Dax Shepard:就运动员如何看待代表国家参赛的意义和责任提出了疑问。 Sue Bird:认为一些源于男子体育运动的训练方法和理念并不适用于女子体育运动,女子体育运动应该有自己独特的训练方法和理念。 Megan Rapinoe:认为WNBA曾经照搬NBA的劳资协议,这并不适合WNBA的实际情况,并分享了她对女子体育运动教练和运动员之间关系的看法。 Dax Shepard:就女子体育运动如何借鉴男子体育运动的经验,同时保持自身特色提出了疑问。 Megan Rapinoe:认为女子体育运动的观众体验应该更加多元化和包容性,并分享了她对纽约自由队吉祥物Ellie the Elephant的看法。 Sue Bird:分享了她对女子体育运动观众体验的看法,并认为女子体育运动应该创造更具吸引力的观众体验。 Dax Shepard:就女子体育运动如何提升观众体验提出了疑问。 Megan Rapinoe:认为女子体育运动需要更多高质量的叙事和报道,以提升其在公众中的影响力。 Sue Bird:同意Megan Rapinoe的观点,并分享了她对女子体育运动叙事和报道的看法。 Dax Shepard:就女子体育运动如何提升其在公众中的影响力提出了疑问。 Megan Rapinoe:认为体育运动是具有强大叙事性的活动,其比赛过程本身就具有很强的吸引力。 Sue Bird:同意Megan Rapinoe的观点,并分享了她对体育运动叙事和报道的看法。 Dax Shepard:就体育运动如何提升其在公众中的影响力提出了疑问。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did tearing the ACL in Sue Bird's freshman year turn out to be beneficial for her career?

It served as a wake-up call, making her realize the need to work harder and focus on her craft, ultimately putting her on a more disciplined and focused track.

How does Megan Rapinoe view the impact of her injuries on her career?

She sees injuries as part of the sport and a way to reset and adapt, teaching her to surrender control and focus on what she can control, which has been a valuable perspective throughout her career.

What is Sue Bird's opinion on the importance of storytelling in sports, particularly women's sports?

She believes storytelling is crucial for engaging fans and bringing more people into women's sports, as it provides context and history that make the sports more relatable and interesting.

Why does Sue Bird think men often feel emasculated when comparing themselves to women's basketball players?

Men who play basketball often feel they could compete with women's basketball players, leading to a sense of overconfidence and dismissal of the women's game, which they perceive as less valuable because they believe they could do it themselves.

How do Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe view the role of emotions in sports, particularly in women's sports?

They believe that women's sports have historically been judged by male standards that undervalue emotional expression and collaboration, but there is a growing recognition of the importance of emotional intelligence and different ways of leading in sports.

What does Megan Rapinoe identify as a key difference in the spectator experience between men's and women's sports?

Women's sports are often more inclusive and safe for diverse groups, including queer and black individuals, creating a more welcoming environment that emphasizes enjoyment and community over hyper-masculine aggression and exclusivity.

Why does Megan Rapinoe think there is a growing interest in women's sports?

She attributes the rise in interest to better storytelling and representation, which are drawing in casual fans who may not have been interested before, as well as the intrinsic appeal of watching athletes perform at their highest level.

How do Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe plan to approach their post-retirement careers?

They aim to leverage their expertise and experiences to tell stories in the sports world, particularly focusing on women's sports, to bring more attention and understanding to the narratives and history that have been underrepresented.

Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe discuss their meeting at the 2016 Rio Olympics and their initial interactions.
  • They met at the Nike house during the Olympics.
  • Both were playing for teams in Seattle and realized they should be friends.
  • Sue was engaged at the time, and Megan was dating someone, complicating their initial friendship.

Shownotes Transcript

Sue Bird is a former WNBA basketball player and a five-time Olympic gold medalist. Megan Rapinoe is a former soccer player and an Olympic gold medalist. Sue and Megan join the Armchair Expert to discuss growing up in different socioeconomic cultures, whether or not parents should let their kids win against them, and the relationships between athletes on professional sports team. Sue, Megan, and Dax talk about how impactful their injuries were to their mental games, why sports are so addicting, and how much pride they had representing America in the Olympics. Sue and Megan explain what makes a win rewarding to them, how showing emotion is viewed in athletics, and how important storytelling is to growing a fanbase. 

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