cover of episode You CAN Break the Cycle of Debt Holding You Back

You CAN Break the Cycle of Debt Holding You Back

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The Ramsey Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dave Ramsey
Jade Warshaw
从专业歌手到财务专家,Jade Warshaw 的故事激励众多人实现财务自由。
John Deloney
Chase夫妇面临40.5万美元的债务,其中包括30万美元的房贷。Dave Ramsey建议他们专注于偿还除房贷外的7.6万美元债务,并按照《完全理财改造》中的婴儿步骤进行操作,即先建立1000美元的紧急基金,然后按从小到大的顺序偿还债务。他还建议他们可能需要兼职来加快还款速度。Jade Warshaw补充说,重要的是要保持积极的态度,并坚持按照步骤操作,因为这是积累财富的最快方式。 Dave Ramsey强调了制定预算和控制支出以偿还债务的重要性。他还建议Chase夫妇暂时忽略房贷,专注于偿还其他债务。他认为,通过严格的预算和控制支出,他们可以在一年或两年内还清除房贷外的债务。他还建议他们可以出售一些资产,例如汽车,以加快还款速度。

Deep Dive

Chase and his wife are $405,000 in debt, including a mortgage, and are seeking advice on how to manage and reduce their debt.

Shownotes Transcript

Dave Ramsey & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss:

  • "I'm $400k in debt...what do I do next?"

  • "How can I avoid student loans?"

  • "How can I encourage others to get out of debt?"

  • "I'm worried that my help has been a waste,"

  • "How can I buy a car while paying off debt?"

  • "Starting over after a divorce,"

  • "Do I need life insurance if I have no income?"

  • "Should I move out on my own?"

  • "Should I sell my business?"

  • "Paying off debt while in college,"

  • "How should we set up our estate plan?"

  • "Should I quit my job to be a stay-at-home mom?"

  • "I don't know how to move forward financially,"

Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET

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