cover of episode Tom Nichols: The Cat Was in the Basement

Tom Nichols: The Cat Was in the Basement

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The Bulwark Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Tim Miller
Tom Nichols
Tim Miller:JD Vance利用一起宠物失踪案来煽动针对海地移民的仇恨,这反映了他和特朗普利用虚假信息来激化社会矛盾的策略。他们肆无忌惮地散布未经证实的谣言,其目的并非关心事实真相,而是为了达到政治目的,最终损害了自身支持者的利益。Vance和特朗普的目标不仅仅是制造恐慌和压制言论,而是加剧社会分裂,以利于自身的政治利益。他们试图通过将批评等同于谋杀威胁来压制异见,阻止人们说出真相,实际上是在倡导一种“暗杀否决权”,即禁止任何对其不利言论,因为这可能会引发暴力。在集会上谈论暗杀的言论,进一步加剧了社会紧张局势,并为暴力行为埋下了伏笔。特朗普从未为1月6日的事件负责,这表明他可能再次煽动暴力。他们的行为幼稚且不负责任,Vance曾发表过对共和党不利的言论,并在之后试图删除这些言论,这体现了他虚伪和缺乏原则的政治作风。Vance对自己的行为后果漠不关心,体现了他极端的利己主义和缺乏道德责任感。他将周围的人视为实现自身目标的工具,而漠视他们的利益和感受。他利用“他们”这个概念来指代任何他们想要攻击的目标群体,试图煽动民众的愤怒和仇恨,加剧社会动荡。 Tom Nichols:Vance和特朗普的行为属于制造道德恐慌,目的是操纵选民情绪,而非理性思考。他们通过制造道德恐慌,破坏选民的理性思维能力。与特朗普相比,Vance更危险,因为他清醒地意识到自己的行为会伤害到他声称要保护的人群。批评特朗普的政策和行为并非犯罪,而是美国公民的权利。Vance试图制造另一种道德恐慌,即美国充斥着随时可能因为杂志评论而杀害总统的疯子,以此来压制言论自由。特朗普在演讲中的某些言语暗示了他内心的焦虑和压力,其演讲风格混乱且缺乏逻辑,但他本人却认为这是天才的表现。特朗普的回应缺乏逻辑性,并且其行为模式是通过重复和强调来回应批评。他具有明显的对抗性违抗障碍,这使得他更容易被操纵。特朗普对基本经济学原理的无知令人震惊,其思维方式混乱且缺乏逻辑,他的想法如同在弹珠机中随机碰撞一样。特朗普的愚蠢是其核心问题之一。

Deep Dive

J.D. Vance uses a police report about a missing cat to fuel his Haitian migrant conspiracy theory. The cat was later found safe, but Vance's actions highlight a larger pattern of using moral panic to motivate voters.
  • A resident filed a police report suspecting her Haitian neighbors of stealing her cat.
  • The cat was later found in the resident's basement.
  • Vance's campaign provided the unverified report to the Wall Street Journal.
  • The resident apologized to her neighbors.

Shownotes Transcript

JD Vance thought he had confirmation of his Haitian migrant conspiracy when a Springfield, OH resident filed a police report about her missing cat. But Miss Sassy was just in the basement, safe and sound. More seriously, Vance and Trump want everyone who's not on their team to shut up, so they can rile up their supporters and prime people for violence. Meanwhile, has the MAGA duo become such losers that even Joe Rogan and the bro-sphere have had enough? 

**Tom Nichols **joins Tim Miller.

*show notes: * Tom on Trump using an assassination attempt to inflame politics )