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Robert Draper: The Prosecutor

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The Bulwark Podcast

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Robert Draper
Tim Miller
Robert Draper: 本文深入探讨了卡玛拉·哈里斯的个人背景、政治理念和竞选策略。哈里斯的成长经历、职业生涯以及她与拜登政府的关系都对她的政治形象和竞选策略产生了深远的影响。她是一个遵守规则、相信法律和秩序的检察官,同时也是一个中间偏左的加州式政治人物。她的政治理念更侧重于包容性和多元化,而非大政府和大型政府项目。她并非一个天生的政治家,不喜欢政治竞赛,这在一定程度上影响了她的政治策略。在拜登政府中,她的贡献往往被忽视,但她从未抱怨,并始终保持忠诚。她与父亲的关系疏远,这与她对母亲的忠诚以及她父亲的个性有关。 Draper认为,哈里斯的谨慎态度部分源于她作为黑人女性在全国政治舞台上的身份认知,她意识到自己的一言一行都会受到特别的审视。她的一些政治策略,例如从未与拜登划清界限,也从未将自己定位为民粹主义者,体现了她作为一位制度主义者的原则性。她的一些看似错失的机会,实际上是基于她自身的性格和政治理念。 Draper还分析了哈里斯在竞选中的表现,认为她在非正式场合的表现比在政策性访谈中更自然,她可能更适合在像乔·罗根的节目这样的非正式平台上展现自己。他认为,哈里斯周围的人对她的胜选充满信心,但她本人并非一个天生的政治家,也不喜欢政治竞赛,这在一定程度上影响了她的政治策略。 Tim Miller: Miller与Draper讨论了特朗普的政治生涯和演变,以及美国民众对特朗普行为的容忍度。他认为,媒体对特朗普的过激言论的报道次数有限,无法持续保持公众的愤怒情绪。特朗普对波多黎各的侮辱性言论与其长期以来将美国比作垃圾桶的言论本质上并无不同。 Miller还讨论了卡玛拉·哈里斯的政治形象和竞选策略。他认为,许多共和党人认为哈里斯智商低、不认真,但这与她在旧金山和加州担任检察官期间的实际表现不符。他认为,哈里斯的谨慎态度可能导致错过机会,但与特朗普相比,她的风险在于她的谨慎态度可能导致错过机会。他认为,拜登政府低估了哈里斯的工作量和贡献,为了凸显拜登的成就,有意淡化了她的作用。 Miller还对哈里斯的家庭背景和个人经历进行了讨论,并分析了她与父亲关系疏远的原因。他认为,哈里斯在非正式场合的表现比在政策性访谈中更自然,她可能更适合在像乔·罗根的节目这样的非正式平台上展现自己。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Kamala Harris see the world divided between rule followers and rule breakers?

She believes injustice requires action, not just complaining.

Why did Kamala Harris move to Montreal as a child?

Her mother, facing discrimination at UC Berkeley, accepted a better job offer at McGill University.

Why did Kamala Harris choose to attend Howard University instead of a UC school?

Her friends were going to HBCUs, and she was eager to return to the Bay Area for college.

Why does Kamala Harris maintain a level of inscrutability?

She is wary of being judged through the prism of being a black woman, a perception reinforced by past experiences like Michelle Obama's portrayal.

Why did Kamala Harris hesitate to take a dominant role after Roe v. Wade was overturned?

She feared her efforts would be undercut by a half-hearted approach from President Biden, who is culturally conservative on abortion.

Why does Kamala Harris not have a long-term political advisor?

She has had multiple advisors with whom she split due to honest disagreements or her own preference for change.

Why is there tension between Kamala Harris and her father, Donald Harris?

The estrangement began after her parents' divorce when she was five, and her loyalty to her mother has kept them distant.

Why might Kamala Harris perform well in an informal interview setting like Joe Rogan's?

She has fared well in less formal settings, showing her capability and charisma, which she proved in San Francisco's political world.

Robert Draper discusses how Donald Trump's perception of his role as a potential president evolved from his initial campaign days to his current stance on governance.
  • Trump initially saw the presidency as a transactional dealmaking opportunity.
  • He became increasingly aware of the complexities and responsibilities of the office.
  • Trump's reliance on loyalists and disdain for experts has solidified his governance style.

Shownotes Transcript

Kamala Harris sees the world as divided between those who follow the rules and those who break them—and that injustice requires action, not whining. And behind the story of a child of two high-achieving immigrants is a woman who remains loyal, reveres law and order, shows up prepared, and approaches challenges with a 'just the facts' linear style of thinking. Yet, she also maintains a level of inscrutability.

Robert Draper joins Tim Miller. *show notes: * Draper's profile of Kamala )