cover of episode George Will: Democracy Rests on Persuasion

George Will: Democracy Rests on Persuasion

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The Bulwark Podcast

George Will
Tim Miller
George Will: 威尔认为,美国总统拥有国会赋予的巨大权力,这导致了总统权力的膨胀,需要重新思考总统权力本身。他希望共和党和民主党都能重新思考总统权力,恢复权力制衡的平衡。他认为国会是政府的首要机构,总统的权力在国内事务中主要在于执行法律,总统应服从国会。如果国会不对总统权力进行制衡,总统可能会通过全面加征关税来破坏贸易体系和供应链,从而引发经济衰退。他还批评了新内阁成员的构成,认为其中一些人缺乏经验或能力。威尔认为,美国领导的国际秩序尚未彻底崩溃,但特朗普的行动可能会促使欧洲加强自身国防。他认为美国面临着来自伊朗、朝鲜、中国和俄罗斯的重大挑战,这可能预示着第三次世界大战的早期阶段。他还指出,美国公众对国际承诺的关注度不高,这可能会影响美国的国际伙伴关系。威尔认为,美国公众在对外政策方面普遍希望尽可能少地参与国际事务,但政治领导层可以通过强调经济繁荣来争取美国公众对国际承诺的支持。他认为贸易保护主义实际上会提高国内物价,损害美国经济繁荣。威尔认为,美国政治存在一种平衡,民主党和共和党都有学习和调整的能力。特朗普的出现改变了美国的政治氛围,但未来可能出现一位能够恢复政治平衡的候选人。他认为大多数美国人并没有被政治激怒,他们渴望平静的公共生活。他还认为贸易保护主义行不通,民主党和共和党都将从错误中吸取教训,美国人通过试错学习,最终会从错误中吸取教训。在尼克松和特朗普时期,他都敢于直言不讳地批评总统,因为他认为这是政治作家的职责。他认为政治作家的最重要品质是对公众舆论的漠视。他还认为小政府时代已经结束,美国人已经接受了大政府的模式,保守主义的目标是使大政府与强大的地方社区、联邦制和州一级实验相协调。如果要消除政府中最愚蠢的规定,他建议废除琼斯法案、美国制造条款,简化税法,并推广学校选择权。他还认为教师工会是美国社会中最邪恶的力量之一,推广学校选择权是改善美国教育的最佳途径。他认为政治并非幸福的主要因素,幸福的关键在于家庭、朋友、工作和积极乐观的心态。虽然大多数美国人不关注时事评论,但少数人的观点仍然可以推动历史发展。民主依赖于说服,而说服意味着改变意见,鼓励人们积极参与政治。他引用麦迪逊的观点,认为一个广泛的共和国能够通过各种派别的竞争来防止暴政。 Tim Miller: 米勒就如何处理与政治观点不同的家庭成员,特别是那些支持特朗普的人,提出了建议。他认为,在特朗普时代,人们对政治的看法更加道德化,导致人们对持有不同政治观点的人的评价更加负面。人们对政治观点不同的亲友的负面评价,源于将政治观点与道德品质混为一谈。面对与自己政治观点不同的亲友,应该尝试理解他们的观点,而不是简单地否定他们的人格。应该尝试理解和包容与自己政治观点不同的亲友,而不是与他们断绝关系。建议在感恩节等家庭聚会上,尝试避免谈论政治,或者选择其他话题。如果不得不谈论政治,可以进行短暂的争论,但要避免说一些会让自己后悔的话。即使无法避免政治分歧,也要尽量保持与亲友之间的联系,避免让自己后悔。如果家庭聚会气氛紧张,建议少喝酒。他还建议人们在关注政治的同时,也要注意保持心理健康,避免过度消费政治信息。建议人们通过阅读报纸、新闻网站或订阅新闻简报等方式获取政治信息,避免过度依赖社交媒体。建议人们选择自己喜欢的新闻节目观看,避免观看那些充满争吵和煽动性内容的节目。建议人们关注正在发生的事情,而不是那些可能发生的事情或威胁。建议人们选择可靠的新闻来源,避免那些会激怒自己的信息。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did George Will choose to be a columnist rather than continue in politics?

He wanted the freedom to express his thoughts without restraint, which he couldn't achieve as a political staffer.

What does George Will believe is the most wicked force in American life?

The teachers' unions, which he thinks should be challenged by promoting universal school choice.

How does George Will view the era of small government in the U.S.?

He believes it ended in 1965 with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid, marking the beginning of a large ethic of common provision.

What does George Will recommend as a solution to the current political divide?

He suggests a 'deep breath candidate' who can calm the nation and remind people that they are not enemies but friends.

What does George Will think about the American public's view on international commitments?

He believes most Americans prefer as little foreign policy involvement as possible, viewing themselves as safe due to geographical isolation.

What does George Will consider the foundation of his optimism about the U.S. political system?

He believes in the capacity of the American people and political parties to learn from their mistakes and adjust their approaches.

What does George Will think about protectionism in the U.S.?

He views protectionism as morally wrong and economically harmful, likening it to a nation blockading its own ports.

What advice does George Will give to those struggling with political differences within their families?

He recommends finding other topics to discuss, reminiscing, and focusing on non-political aspects of life to maintain family harmony.

What does George Will recommend for developing a healthy media diet?

He suggests supplementing daily news consumption with newspapers, avoiding passive consumption of news, and focusing on things that are actually happening rather than potential threats.

What does George Will think about the role of Congress in the current political landscape?

He believes Congress has failed by conferring excessive powers on the presidency, and he hopes for a revival of Congress to restore the Madisonian equilibrium.

George Will discusses the potential economic and political consequences of the new president-elect's proposed tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and China, emphasizing the risks of protectionism and the need for a rethinking of executive powers.
  • Tariffs could lead to a recession and disrupt international trade.
  • Congress needs to reclaim its constitutional powers to regulate trade.
  • The presidency has accumulated excessive powers due to congressional inaction.

Shownotes Transcript

For those living under a gray cloud because of what the American electorate has done, it's time to get to work on changing opinions. People who follow the news and read op-eds may be in a minority, but salient minorities have propelled history. On the 50th anniversary of George Will's tenure at The Washington Post, George joins Tim to discuss the power of criticizing presidents and saying what you think. Plus, Tim reads from the mailbag and serves up some advice for dealing with Trump-supporting relatives at the Thanksgiving table.

George Will joins Tim Miller

*show notes * George on his first 50 years as a columnist ) George's first column for The Post ) An appreciation of the Iron Man of America's oped pages ) Mona's tribute to George  )