Mr. Ballen
夏威夷沸腾锅:讲述了Jolie Reiswig在沸腾锅漂流时遭遇山洪,最终失踪的故事。沸腾锅水流湍急,水下有深洞和隧道,山洪导致水流更加凶猛,Jolie被卷入隧道中,数月后遗体才被发现。这个故事强调了无视警告标志进入危险区域的严重后果。 印尼棕榈园:讲述了印尼农民Akbar Sulabiro在深夜收割棕榈果时被一条巨蟒袭击并吞食的故事。Akbar在偏僻的丛林中工作,夜间环境危险,最终成为蟒蛇的猎物。这个故事突出了在危险环境中独自工作,忽视安全风险的致命后果。 肯塔基州Pope Lick Trestle桥:讲述了Raquel Bain和David Nee在Pope Lick Trestle桥上寻找传说中的怪物时,被火车撞击的故事。这对情侣无视警告标志进入私人区域,最终Raquel被火车撞死。这个故事说明了忽视安全警告和冒险行为的危险性,以及对当地环境和潜在危险缺乏了解的后果。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

There are some places we just aren't meant to go, and today we have 3 stories that each give us a stark reminder to just "stay away." The audio from all three stories has been pulled from our main YouTube channel, which is just called "MrBallen," and has been remastered for today's podcast.

Story names, previews & links to original YouTube videos:

For 100s more stories like these, check out our main YouTube channel just called "MrBallen" --

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