主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员:1996年秋天,图森一家高档乡村俱乐部发生爆炸,年轻警探甘伯调查此案,历时13年,跨越美国和欧洲。案发现场惨烈,受害者加里·特里亚诺被炸死在自己的林肯轿车内。此案涉及复杂的线索,包括黑帮、财务纠纷和个人恩怨。 播音员:调查初期,甘伯警探从受害者的女友、前女友罗宾以及前妻入手调查,但线索不多。罗宾曾威胁加里,但否认参与谋杀。加里的前妻们也表示与加里关系良好,并提供不在场证明。 播音员:案件一度陷入僵局,直到科罗拉多州一名调查员提供线索,指向罗恩·杨。罗恩·杨涉嫌诈骗,并在加州遗弃了一辆面包车,车内发现地图、姓名等线索,其中包括加里·特里亚诺的名字。 播音员:经过多年追捕,罗恩·杨最终被捕。然而,他否认参与谋杀。经过进一步调查,警方发现加里的第二任妻子帕梅拉·菲利普斯才是幕后主使。帕梅拉为了获得加里的巨额保险金,雇佣罗恩·杨制造并放置了炸弹。 播音员:帕梅拉利用加里女友计划的惊喜派对,选择在加里打高尔夫球后、前往另一家酒吧之前的时间段作案,因为加里习惯不锁车门,方便罗恩·杨放置炸弹。最终,罗恩·杨和帕梅拉·菲利普斯均被判犯有谋杀和共谋罪,分别被判处无期徒刑和无期徒刑加25年。甘伯警探在破获此案后退休。 加里的女友:我当时非常震惊,完全不知道发生了什么。加里总是把车门敞开着,他相信人性本善。我记得罗宾曾经威胁过加里,说他会付出代价。 罗宾:我承认我曾经袭击过加里,因为当时我怀孕了,他怀疑孩子不是他的,抛弃了我。但后来我们关系缓和了,他承认错误,并承诺会照顾孩子。我并没有参与谋杀。 警探甘伯:这是一起复杂的案件,涉及多个机构和多个国家。我们从受害者的亲友入手调查,但线索有限。罗恩·杨的出现是案件的转折点,最终我们找到了幕后主使帕梅拉·菲利普斯。这是一个漫长而艰辛的调查过程,但我们最终将凶手绳之以法。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Pamela Phillips want Gary Triano dead?

Pamela wanted Gary dead to access a $2 million life insurance policy she was a beneficiary of, without having to wait for their children to turn 18.

How did Ron Young and Pamela Phillips plan to execute Gary Triano's murder?

They planned to use a homemade bomb, placing it in Gary's unlocked car while he was at the La Paloma Country Club, and detonating it remotely.

What was the turning point in the investigation that led to Ron Young's arrest?

A chiropractor in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, recognized Ron Young from an episode of America's Most Wanted and called the tip line.

Why did Detective Gamber initially struggle to find Ron Young?

Ron Young was extremely elusive, with no known contacts or whereabouts, making him difficult to track down.

How did Pamela Phillips eventually get caught?

Austrian Federal Police found her staying at a high-end hotel in Vienna and arrested her, leading to her extradition back to the United States.

What was Gary Triano's financial situation at the time of his death?

Gary was struggling financially, having spread himself too thin with high-risk investments, leading to significant losses and bankruptcy.

How did the surprise party planned by Gary's girlfriend play into the murder plot?

The party's timing and location provided Pamela and Ron with the perfect opportunity to plant the bomb without raising suspicion.

What was the role of the Pima County Sheriff's Department in the investigation?

The department coordinated with the FBI and ATF but primarily focused on personal motives and suspects, including Gary's romantic partners and family members.

A young detective investigates an explosion at a country club, unaware it will become a 13-year-long case. The story introduces Gary Triano, a well-known real estate investor, and his eventful day leading up to the explosion.
  • Gary Triano was a prominent real estate investor in Tucson, Arizona.
  • He was known for his loud and impulsive personality, especially on the golf course.
  • Gary's girlfriend had planned a surprise party for him, unaware of the impending tragedy.

Shownotes Transcript

On a fall evening in 1996, a young detective sped through the streets of Tucson, Arizona towards an upscale country club. All he knew was that someone had reported an explosion in the area, but he didn’t know what had caused it. Minutes later, the detective pulled into the country club parking lot and as he got out of his car, it almost felt like he had stepped into a war zone. Car alarms were blaring, shattered glass covered the ground, and nearby he saw a car with its roof completely ripped off. The young detective quickly got to work searching the scene – having no idea that he would spend the next 13 years of his life trying to close this case – which would span across the United States and all the way to Europe.

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