Mr. Ballen
本期节目讲述一起发生在台湾的离奇失踪案,出租车司机Leo Shui Chung杀害了日本游客Mariko Eguchi。案情离奇之处在于,凶手Leo在作案后,声称被受害人的鬼魂(其实是Mariko的断头)缠身,并因此表现出异常行为,最终导致警方破案。 目击者王描述了Leo在案发前后的异常行为:抱着佛像狂奔,并在出租车内摆放佛像和符咒,行为举止怪异,这引起了警方的注意。 Leo在警方的追捕下,最终承认杀害了Mariko Eguchi,并详细描述了作案过程以及被Mariko鬼魂(其实是Mariko的断头)纠缠的经历。 Mariko Eguchi是日本游客,在台湾旅游期间失踪。警方调查过程中,Leo成为嫌疑人之一,但由于证据不足,案件一度陷入僵局。 侦探Lin Xiaoji带领警方对Leo进行跟踪调查,最终发现Leo的异常行为,并将其逮捕。Leo在被捕后,讲述了其被Mariko鬼魂(其实是Mariko的断头)缠身的经历,并供出了埋尸地点。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Leo Shui Chung start acting strangely and aggressively?

Leo's behavior changed due to his belief that the spirit of Mariko Eguchi, a woman he murdered, was haunting him. He became paranoid and aggressive, fearing her vengeful spirit.

What was the significance of the golden Buddha statues and Fulus in Leo's cab?

Leo placed these items in his cab to ward off evil spirits, believing they would protect him from Mariko's haunting spirit.

Why did the police decide to reinvestigate Leo in the Mariko Eguchi case?

The police reinvestigated Leo after receiving reports of his erratic behavior, which included running across a parking lot with a golden Buddha statue and acting paranoid. This behavior made them suspect he might be involved in Mariko's disappearance.

What did the police find when they searched Leo's apartment?

The police found no evidence that anyone else had been living in Leo's apartment. There were no signs of a break-in or any indication that Mariko had been there.

How did Leo Shui Chung eventually confess to murdering Mariko Eguchi?

After four days of intense questioning, Leo confessed to murdering Mariko. He revealed that he had shot her four times with a crossbow and cut off her head, burying her body. He believed her spirit was haunting him, which led to his confession.

What happened to Mariko Eguchi's head after Leo buried her body?

When the police dug up Mariko's body, they found only her lower half. Her head was missing, adding to the mystery and the belief that her spirit was involved in the case.

Why do some people in Taiwan believe Mariko Eguchi's spirit played a role in solving her murder?

Many in Taiwan believe Mariko's spirit haunted Leo, driving him to act erratically and eventually confess. They also attribute the strange phone calls and sightings to her spirit, suggesting she was trying to keep the case alive.

The podcast starts by describing the unusual behavior of a taxi driver, Leo Shui Chung, in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. He is seen sprinting across a parking lot clutching a Buddha statue, then acting strangely in his taxi cab. His colleagues notice a change in his behavior, from antisocial to menacing, and his taxi cab becomes filled with Buddha statues and Fulu charms.
  • Leo Shui Chung's erratic behavior, including sprinting with a Buddha statue and filling his cab with religious items
  • His transformation from antisocial to menacing
  • Colleagues' observations and concerns but reluctance to intervene

Shownotes Transcript

Today’s story is a good old fashioned spooky story. It’s about a missing person in Taiwan, and it takes a totally bizarre turn, and I will say most of you will probably get the most thrill out of the “apartment scene.” You’ll know that scene when you get to it, and that’s towards the end of this podcast. So, make sure you stick around if you enjoy being spooked.

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