Andrea Dunlop
Beatrice Yorker
Bill Weyburn
Detective Mike Weber
Leah McGowan
Susan Ryle
未知: 国家介入儿童保护案件时,政府并非最佳监护人,其采取的措施未必符合儿童最佳利益。 Andrea Dunlop: 在医疗儿童虐待案件中,儿童在调查期间的安置地点会对案件产生重大影响。 Detective Mike Weber: 在医疗儿童虐待案件中,详细记录儿童的饮食、活动等信息至关重要,这有助于发现潜在的虐待行为;母亲试图通过各种手段(例如,给女儿的玩具喷洒古龙水,操纵照片)来诱发女儿的疾病症状,以支持她关于女儿患有疾病的说法;母亲在探视期间违反规定,多次带入不应允许的物品,导致女儿和养母出现过敏反应。 Bill Weyburn: 母亲在探视期间违反规定,多次带入不应允许的物品,导致女儿和养母出现过敏反应;探视对孩子造成负面影响,孩子表现出焦虑和行为改变,并未表现出与母亲的积极联结;在律师的帮助下,成功终止了母亲的探视权;尽管儿童保护服务机构结案,但母亲的监护权并未被终止,韦伯恩夫妇需要通过法律途径终止母亲的权利;母亲并未积极配合儿童保护服务机构的要求,这使得终止其监护权成为可能;母亲选择不回应法律程序中的问题,避免在刑事案件中自证其罪;在律师的帮助下,制定了终止母亲探视权的计划;尽管案件最终得到解决,但整个过程中的不公正之处依然存在。 Leah McGowan: 由于正当程序的限制,在证明儿童受虐待之前,法院无法采取保护措施,这使得在医疗儿童虐待案件中保护儿童变得困难。 Susan Ryle: 德克萨斯州缺乏针对医疗虐待的明确分类,这使得在调查和起诉此类案件时面临挑战。 Beatrice Yorker: 在对施虐者进行心理评估时,很难通过短期评估来判断其是否为虐待儿童者;家庭和依赖法院系统对代理型孟乔森综合症缺乏了解,常常依赖心理评估,而心理评估在检测说谎方面并不可靠;即使是经验丰富的专业人士,也可能被施虐者的伪装所欺骗。

Deep Dive

Alyssa's time in foster care was marked by attempts from her mother, Brittany, to manipulate her through gifts and visits, highlighting the complexities of medical child abuse cases and the challenges faced by the foster care system.

Shownotes Transcript

The Waybourns face the daunting task of safeguarding Alyssa against Brittany's relentless attempts to pull her back into her web. We hear more about Alyssa’s turbulent journey to become a Waybourn, as the family fights through a system that doesn’t know how to deal with medical child abuse.  

Beatrice Yorker, a child and adolescent psychiatric nurse, law professor and MBP expert, reveals the disturbing extent to which this crime is overlooked in our society. We also speak to a family law attorney who helps illuminate the complexities of these cases. 

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