Andrea Dunlop
Dr. Carol Jenny
Mike Weber
Andrea Dunlop: 本集节目讨论了Andrea Dunlop的姐姐Megan Carter的医疗儿童虐待案件。由于媒体报道失实且法院判决存在缺陷,Andrea Dunlop公开其姐姐Megan Carter的医疗虐待儿童案件细节,以保护外甥和外甥女。她认为司法系统未能充分应对医疗儿童虐待的现实,导致她的外甥和外甥女处于危险之中。她还详细描述了她姐姐的一系列行为模式,这些模式与医疗儿童虐待的特征相符,包括早产、孩子发育迟缓、反复住院等。她公开姐姐的故事并非出于报复,而是出于对侄子女的担忧,并希望通过公开这些信息来保护其他孩子免受类似的伤害。 Mike Weber: Mike Weber作为医疗儿童虐待调查方面的专家,提供了专业的视角。他强调了监控录像在医疗儿童虐待案件调查中的重要性,以及将孩子交给相信虐待者无罪的亲属进行监护的危险性。他还解释了医生、执法部门和儿童保护服务部门在医疗儿童虐待案件调查中扮演着不同的角色,以及民事法庭的裁决不应妨碍刑事诉讼。他指出,医生应该在怀疑虐待时就进行举报,而不是等到有确凿证据时才举报。 Dr. Carol Jenny: Dr. Carol Jenny 否认她在证词中指控Megan Carter的父母虐待儿童,并解释了她证词的背景以及法官报告中对她的证词的误解。她强调,她的角色只是审查孩子的医疗记录,而不是调查虐待者的历史。她认为法官的报告中存在事实错误,并建议人们阅读她完整的报告,以了解案件的全部证据。

Deep Dive

Andrea Dunlop discusses the details of the second investigation into her sister, Megan Carter, for medical child abuse of her younger daughter. Despite evidence and expert testimony, the juvenile court judge returned custody of the children.

Shownotes Transcript

In the wake of obtaining shocking public records about her sister’s case, host Andrea Dunlop decides to divulge the details of the second investigation into her sister, Megan Carter. Seated alongside Detective Mike Webber, Andrea delves into the extensive documentation, and together the two unpack the devastating information about what reportedly happened to her niece. Despite video evidence, a successful separation test, and expert testimony from one of the most well-respected experts in the country, the juvenile court judge who reviewed the case returned custody of Megan’s two children. Andrea remains deeply concerned that her niece and nephew are victims of a flawed system incapable of addressing the horrifying reality of medical child abuse and makes public the evidence against her sister as a last resort to protect them. 

During their discussion, Andrea and Mike also examine an irresponsible and misleading article about Megan’s case published by NBC in collaboration with King 5, a local Seattle news outlet. In what has become a distressing pattern in media coverage of medical child abuse cases, this article attacks the doctor who reported the abuse and neglects to mention the evidence that made her do so. 

Meanwhile the judge’s order that returned custody of the two children—and on which the media’s reporting appears to have relied—contains shocking mistakes and untruths. Andrea talks to someone close to the case to set the record straight.

The reporting in this episode is based on information in the public record. We have collected the relevant documents at the link below:

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