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BONUS: Unabridged Interview with Jade Miller

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Nobody Should Believe Me

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jade Miller
Jade Miller: 我是多重人格,童年经历了极度虐待,直到20多岁才开始回忆起这些创伤记忆。我的经历表明,许多患有解离性障碍的人在寻求专业帮助时没有获得有效的支持,这可能是由于成本、创伤性经历以及治疗师缺乏相关知识等原因造成的。我致力于为多重人格提供支持,因为这个领域缺乏有用的知识,学术知识并不能转化为对极度创伤幸存者的有效支持。多重人格是指一个身体内存在多个独立的自我,这通常是极度和长期创伤的结果。然而,并非所有自认为有多重人格的人都认为创伤是其多重人格的原因,这在社区内部引发了很多争论。即使不是多重人格,许多人都能体会到内在小孩的概念,而对内在小孩进行“养育”对于那些没有获得健康教养的人来说至关重要。公开讲述自身经历的原因:为了帮助其他人,打破对多重人格的刻板印象,并促进对多重人格的理解和接纳。媒体对多重人格的错误描述:将多重人格与危险联系起来,夸大身份转换的戏剧性。多重人格身份转换的典型表现:能量或情绪的转变,而非戏剧性的、引人注目的变化。严重解离的经历:在一段时间内完全失去意识,对这段时间内发生的事情毫无记忆。治疗师在治疗多重人格患者时可能存在的不足:强加目标、只与“核心人格”沟通、缺乏对解离的理解等。我的康复历程:认识到内在所有部分的善意,在内部各部分之间建立联系,并处理由此产生的悲伤。对多重人格整合的重新思考:整合不应意味着消除某些人格,而应是所有人格的共同存在和合作。对多重人格患者而言,“令人着迷”之类的说法是贬低和不尊重其经历的。多重人格可能比人们认为的更普遍,尤其是在弱势群体和自闭症群体中。解离和多重人格的区别:多重人格是一种解离的极端形式,其特征是存在多个独立的、互不记忆的自我。如何支持患有多重人格的人:询问他们的需求,尊重他们的感受,并理解他们可能存在的孤独感。我的书籍《亲爱的孩子们》系列,旨在帮助内在小孩理解和处理创伤。 Andrea: 作为一名创伤治疗师,我与许多创伤幸存者进行了交流,他们的经历与Jade Miller的经历有很多相似之处,例如记忆空白、后期顿悟等。我与Jade Miller的谈话让我对多重人格有了更深入的了解,也让我意识到这种经历的普遍性以及媒体对其刻板印象的误导性。我认同Jade Miller关于整合的观点,即整合不应意味着消除某些人格,而应是所有人格的共同存在和合作。我也意识到,对多重人格患者而言,一些看似无害的评论,例如“令人着迷”,实际上是贬低和不尊重其经历的。通过与Jade Miller的谈话,我希望能够帮助更多的人理解和支持患有多重人格的人。

Deep Dive

Jade Miller, a peer support worker for trauma survivors with dissociative disorders, shares her personal journey with DID. She discusses her early struggles with mental health and the later realization of being a multiple. Her experience with a lack of helpful resources motivated her to provide peer support.
  • Jade Miller is a peer support worker for trauma survivors, especially those with dissociative disorders.
  • She started experiencing flashbacks of ritual abuse in her early 20s, which is considered young for this type of trauma.
  • Jade also realized she was a multiple, meaning she experiences multiple selves sharing one body.
  • She has been on a healing journey since 2005 and found a lack of helpful resources, leading her to become a peer support worker.

Shownotes Transcript

This week, we are bringing you our full interview with Jade Miller, founder of Peer Support for Multiples and a multiple herself. This incredibly informative and demystifying conversation, goes into Jade’s journey to becoming a peer support mentor and the limitations of therapy for those with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Andrea and Jade also dive into practical ways to support those with DID, the spectrum of dissociation to multiples, and the realities of being a Multiple.


Check out Jade’s peer support platform and books:

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