cover of episode What Really Happened to Chelsea Poorman? Found Abandoned on Mansion Porch

What Really Happened to Chelsea Poorman? Found Abandoned on Mansion Porch

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True Crime with Kendall Rae

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Kendall Rae
Kendall Rae: 本播客详细讲述了Chelsea Poorman的失踪和死亡案,该案暴露出加拿大警方对原住民女性失踪案件的漠视和调查不足。从失踪案的初期处理到遗体发现后的调查结论,都存在诸多疑点和争议,引发了公众对警方执法公正性的质疑,以及对原住民女性权利的关注。播主呼吁公众关注此类案件,并敦促警方进行更彻底的调查。 Sheila Poorman: 作为Chelsea Poorman的母亲,Sheila Poorman一直积极寻找女儿的下落,并对警方在案件调查中的不作为表示强烈不满。她认为警方没有认真对待女儿的失踪,调查不力,并且在发现遗体后也未及时通知家人,这给她带来了巨大的痛苦和精神打击。她呼吁公众关注此案,并要求警方给出合理的解释和说法。 Mike Kiernan: 作为Chelsea Poorman的父亲,Mike Kiernan亲自前往温哥华参与寻找女儿的下落,并对警方声称进行的调查表示质疑。他发现警方并没有像他们所说的那样进行详尽的调查,例如没有查看监控录像等。他认为警方的行为是对女儿生命的漠视,并呼吁公众关注此案,要求警方对案件进行重新调查。 Paige Poorman: 作为Chelsea Poorman的姐姐,Paige Poorman与警方和媒体进行了沟通,并积极参与了寻找妹妹下落的行动。她对警方处理案件的方式表示失望,并认为警方没有尽到应尽的责任。她与母亲一起呼吁公众关注此案,并要求警方给出合理的解释。 Sergeant Steve Addison: 温哥华警方的发言人Sergeant Steve Addison在新闻发布会上宣布Chelsea Poorman的死因被认为“非可疑”,并表示由于尸体严重腐烂,无法确定死因。他鼓励任何知情者提供信息,但并未对警方的调查过程进行详细解释,这引发了公众的质疑和不满。 Doug White: Doug White是一位原住民律师,他认为此案的处理方式反映了警方对原住民女性失踪案件的漠视和偏见,这与历史上警方对类似案件的处理方式如出一辙。他呼吁警方对案件进行重新调查,并向Poorman家人道歉。

Deep Dive

Chelsea Poorman was a 24-year-old Indigenous woman from Canada who faced numerous challenges including foster care, a severe accident, and addiction. Despite these hardships, she had dreams of becoming a fashion designer or musician and was making strides to overcome her addiction.

Shownotes Transcript

Chelsea Poorman was a 24-year-old Indigenous woman from Canada who went missing for two years before her body was discovered outside an empty mansion in Vancouver. Her family was left without answers, and looking over the way this case was handled, many say the police failed to treat the disappearance as seriously as was needed.

If you have information about Chelsea’s case, please contact: Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-8411 Investigation Team: 604-717-3500

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