cover of episode Mary Katherine Higdon – Murder or Self-Defense?

Mary Katherine Higdon – Murder or Self-Defense?

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True Crime with Kendall Rae

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kendall Ray
Kendall Ray: 本播客详细讲述了Mary Katherine Higdon和Steven Freeman的案件,探讨了案件的争议点,并分析了双方提供的证据和证词。播客主持人对案件的细节进行了梳理,包括案发经过、双方关系、证人证言、法医证据等,并最终呈现了案件的判决结果以及各方对此的反应。 播客主持人客观地呈现了案件的各种信息,并提出了自己的疑问,例如案发现场的证据是否充分,Mary Katherine Higdon的证词可信度如何,以及警方的办案流程是否规范等。 播客主持人还讨论了家庭暴力和虐待的社会问题,以及在类似案件中如何寻求正义和保护受害者。 Mary Katherine Higdon: Higdon坚称自己是被Steven Freeman长期虐待的受害者,案发当晚Steven Freeman对她进行肢体和言语暴力,甚至强奸了她。她拿起枪是为了自卫,在Steven Freeman向她扑来时,枪支走火。她承认自己最初向警方撒谎是因为羞愧和害怕。她提供了Steven Freeman充满威胁和侮辱的短信记录作为证据,证明了Steven Freeman的暴力倾向。她还强调了Steven Freeman有吸毒酗酒问题,这加剧了他的暴力行为。 Steven Freeman: (已故) 通过朋友和母亲的证词,我们可以了解到Steven Freeman的性格开朗乐观,热爱户外活动,与家人和朋友关系良好。然而,他与Mary Katherine Higdon的关系并不稳定,经常发生争吵。他的朋友们证实Mary Katherine Higdon对Steven Freeman进行过言语和肢体虐待,并多次用枪指着Steven Freeman。Steven Freeman曾多次向朋友倾诉对Mary Katherine Higdon的恐惧,并曾计划离开Mary Katherine Higdon。 Steven的朋友们: Steven的朋友们一致认为Mary Katherine Higdon具有占有欲和不稳定性,对Steven Freeman实施了言语和肢体虐待。他们描述了Mary Katherine Higdon经常对Steven Freeman大喊大叫,并通过电话和短信不断骚扰他。他们还证实Mary Katherine Higdon曾多次用枪指着Steven Freeman,Steven Freeman因此感到害怕。他们认为Mary Katherine Higdon对Steven Freeman的死亡负有责任。 Jennifer Freeman(Steven的母亲): Jennifer Freeman对判决结果感到非常失望和愤怒,她认为自己的儿子没有得到应有的正义。她对警方的办案流程和证据处理表示不满,尤其是供词录音的损坏让她无法接受。她坚信Mary Katherine Higdon对Steven Freeman的死亡负有责任,并致力于提高人们对家庭暴力的认识。

Deep Dive

This chapter introduces Steven Freeman and Mary Katherine Higdon, detailing their backgrounds, personalities, and relationship dynamics.

Shownotes Transcript

On August 1, 2018, Mary Katherine Higdon was at home with her boyfriend Steven Freeman. Higdon says she was simply handing her boyfriend one of their guns, when it went off in her hands, shooting him. She also alleges that she didn’t know there was a bullet in the chamber. Evidence at the crime scene makes it look more like some sort of fight was going on at the house right before the shooting. Eventually, Higdon confessed to the crime, but the recording taken at the police station had corrupted, and was unusable.

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